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Hong River Pass, Pingshan splits a ridge from the west side of the Mountain of Serenity mountain range, extending from east to west, and at the position where it reaches the Great Plains and then folds to the south, a flat like a horseshoe is broken Out of the gap.

The gap of the water of the rushing Hong River flows out and merges into the rolling Dawn River to the west.

Sixty years ago, the soldiers and different Gods of the Blood Sun Ancient Country who were resurrected from a long sleep tried to kill Eastern Court Protectorate’s territory from here.

Since the First World War, Eastern Court Protectorate has built a large number of stone fortresses here, and it has continued from the vicinity of the pass to the shore of Dawn River 2 in the rear. There are 60 main troops stationed here all year round.

Over the past 60 years, a military town has been formed behind the pass, and multiple docks and forts have been built along the way to facilitate the supply of goods and goods to the front of the pass at any time.

Even if the God of Plagues raged in the past few years, the river leading to the pass remained open.

Dou Chang stands above the arc-top fortress, looks at the camp on the wasteland to the north, where the Divine Army station is located, and comes to the Divine Army army inspector in the north, where 2 people are currently.

His mission is to stare at Low Army Inspector Qi Dian of Divine Army.

This battle strength is very outstanding, second only to High Army Inspector Zhu Que, Profound Mansion Now those who are coming, except him, no one has any chance of winning this alone.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of a rumbling skin drum coming from across the pass, and then a group of frightened birds flew out. He turned his head to look, but at the end there was nothing to see but the lush vegetation.

Silhouette flashed, Qi Wu came to his side and said, “senior brother, the movement across is getting bigger and bigger.”

Dou Chang said: “This is a demonstration to us. It has always been there, don’t pay attention.”

Qi Wu said: “But senior brother, I just inquired a little bit, and there were some blood-painted natives at the pass, looking like Mad God Bukinak believers in Blood Sun Ancient Country.”

Dou Chang looked awkward and turned halfway: “Are you sure?”

Qi Wu nodded, said: “It is the news inside the Commandant army, it should be right.”

Dou Chang frowned, squeezed his fist, and said, “It’s another trouble.”

Mad God Bukinak is one of only three different Gods that survived after the death of Blood Sun Ancient Country again. Its strength is very strong, and it is unreasonable. It has always been do as one pleases. It has successively invaded Protectorate with a large number of believers and tribes.

And the most troublesome thing is that the strength of this Different God is suddenly high and low, which is very unpredictable. One time, even relying on the High Army Inspector Zhu Que personally shot it back.

And its believers are now here, which means that the different God is tossing there again.

Outside the town, Qi Dian was sitting on a large tree stump, chewing on a huge deer leg.

He looks only 20 years old on the surface, with a strong temperament, neat and white teeth, and his hair is very stiff, it looks uncombed, like the grass of the same stubble, but there is no trace of stains on it, but it is dark and black Bizarre gloss.

As a Divine Army army inspector known for his strong attacks and hard hits, his body does not look thick at all, but he is long and flexible, with long and beautiful muscle lines, and looks at as healthy as a leopard.

As he focused on dealing with the food in his hands, a young man with a gentle look from 16-17 years old came over in the distance. He came over and showed a very sunny smile, saying hello: “big brother Qi, you are here Here. “

Qi Dian glanced at him, nods to him, after thinking for a while, he picked up the deer legs and shook, saying, “Would you like some more?”

The young man showed surprise and walked up several steps. Sorry said: “Really? Then I’m welcome, just because I haven’t eaten yet.”

Qi Dian’s expression couldn’t help but stagnate, and his movements stopped.

The young man suddenly walked slowly after he came up for several steps, blinked at him, and said, “big brother Qi, eat it by yourself, I suddenly feel not hungry again.”

Qi Dian glared at him angrily, seeming to be afraid that he would change his mind. He swallowed the deer leg in 3 bites and 2 bites, swallowed the bones together, and then took a wine bag, and gu gu swallowed 2 .

The young man looked at him and said, “Does big brother Qi feel bored?”

Qi Dian crossed his arms and wiped his mouth, admitting: “It’s a bit boring. I can’t find a good opponent. I feel uncomfortable.”

The young man wondered: “The people of Profound Mansion are right next to each other. Why don’t big brother Qi ask them to discuss with them?”

Qi Dian directly denied: “I am not interested in the people of Profound Mansion. Except for one Dou Chang, it is passable, and the rest are not worthy of my attention.”

The young man wondered: “Isn’t Dou Chang a suitable opponent?”

Qi Dian shook his head and said: “We are fighting with impossible life and death. Instead of looking for him, it is better to find the opposite Gods.”

The young man smiled and said, “Different God’s words, the big brother Qi may have a chance to move his muscles soon.”

Qi Dian tightened the metal bracer in his hand and said, “Yeah, I’m looking forward to it.” He stood up from the stump. At this time, he can see that he is 2 heads taller than the young man.

After stretching his body in place, he turned and walked into the city, waved his back to the young man, and said, “Go back.”

The young man watched him leave.

At this time, a Divine Army squad leader approached him and bowed to him, saying: “Army Inspector Pang, Army Inspector He is returning from the north, and will probably be back to the camp tomorrow morning.”

The young man looked like sighed in relief and said, “Hey, he is finally back, not far away from the Profound Mansion, surrounded by the big brother who can’t lift him, and the opposite is Mad God, the burden is all on me. It really crushed me. “

The squad leader looked at the appearance of in great spirits and resisted the desire to speak.

The young man looks at a distance and says, “Where do you say Squad Leader Lin is now?”

The squad leader thought for a while and said, “It should be deep into the hinterland of Mountain of Serenity.”

The young man gave a double hug and embraced, saying, “This time, the three of us are here with great fanfare, and that is what attracted the attention of those native and different Gods to the narrow pass. I hope they can seize this opportunity. Let us try in vain. “

After returning to the academy residence, Zhang Yu spent a day rechecking the secret scroll, roughly correcting several errors of Study Supervisor Shang, but there are still a few details that need to be considered 2.

During the inspection, he can tell through the comparison between the manuscript and the ink color. This translated secret scroll is roughly divided into two stages.

The first stage is to read paragraph by paragraph, the content is more broken, but after the first stage, the content is more coherent.

This undoubtedly shows that Study Supervisor Shang at first not at all can see the complete secret scroll, but it is translated and read in batches.

And he thinks that the secret scroll should be translated by more than Study Supervisor Shang, because he can see that there are some contents that are not in the style of Study Supervisor Shang’s translation.

He thought about it, excerpted a few paragraphs from it, stuffed it into an envelope, and called Li Qinghe, saying: “You send this to the young man Zhan and let him know if he can recognize which translator. of.”

He has little contact with scholar of ancient natural history of other academics. On the contrary, young man Zhan is a son of Zhan Gong and a student of Study Supervisor Qiu. He has had many dealings with these people.

Li Qinghe took it over and said, “Sir, Qinghe will go now.”

After Zhang Yu ordered it, he continued to check the rest of the unfinished part.

After about one Xia hour, Li Qinghe turned back and handed a letter saying, “Sir, young man Zhan has a reply.”

Zhang Yu took it, opened it, and saw that young man Zhan was very sure that the translations he copied should be the handwriting of the teacher Study Supervisor Qiu.

The letter also said that when he was a Study Supervisor Qiu student, he always followed his people. At that time, most of the documents were handled by him, so he was confident that the relationship between master and disciple of at least 2 people had not broken down. Previously, Study Supervisor Qiu had never been exposed to similar things.

After reading Zhang Yu, looking thoughtful.

At this time, he thought of a problem. The Divine Army ’s translations seem to have been translated within these months, but it has been four years since the Literary Institution fire. If Yan Xulun took the secret scroll, why? Wait until today to start reading?

He inferred that the problem might be that the secret scroll was only half of it, so the person had no action, or that the action could not be carried out.

From the secret scroll obtained by Study Supervisor Shang, although there are some problems with the sorting, the content is undoubtedly very complete and there is no sense of fragmentation.

This shows that it is very likely that Yan Xulun only got the other half of the secret scroll in the near future.

If this is the case, no matter where the other half of the secret scroll is from Yan Xulun, now the content held by both parties should be almost equal.

He guessed that at this time, Divine Army might have secretly dispatched people to set off to find the place, but if it is not a person at the level of the army inspector, then do n’t worry too much. Because the interior of the Mountain of Serenity is full of various dangers, the strength does not reach a certain level, and it can cope with it.

So Xiang Chun’s strategy is also good, just need to watch a few army inspectors, that basically won’t matter.

Of course, the premise is to be able to watch.

At this time, he does n’t have to be swayed by the opponent ’s rhythm, just do his thing step by step, especially this time because he needs to go deeper inland. He feels that he needs to improve himself before officially leaving. .



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