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When Zhang Yu came all the way, in order to avoid touching the spirit of different God, he converged all the heart lakes he used to let go, but he only relied on intuition to detect the crisis.

At the moment when he saw the white clothed daoist, his own spirituality was issuing a warning sign to remind him to stay away from this person as much as possible, and Xia Sword was also trembling there in his hand.

White clothed daoist stopped his slightly swaying feet, eyes opened, and slowly looked at him, but his two eyes were empty, only a ray of black smoke circling inside.

Zhang Yu looked a little bit cold at the sight of his people.

He knew what the other party was.

chaos monster!

Although I have seen a lot of records about these kinds of things in dao book, but this is the first time he sees it personally.

As far as he knows, if Chaotic Chapter cultivator is infested by Grand Chaos during the cultivation process, then it will completely abandon the human side and become this thing. This person looks at a cultivator dress, would it ever be a chaotic cultivator?

But he observed again, but he was a little uncertain. The chaos monster was the reflection of the original owner before the spirituality change, and the temperament of the other party was closer to the old cultivator.

Because of his teacher, he is particularly familiar with this dusty and elegant temperament, and the jade flute held by the opponent is a magical item. Regardless of the found cultivator chaotic cultivator, most people do not use magical item.

Wrong … magical item!

His eyes moved slightly, the chaos monster almost abandoned the physical aspect, and it can be called a pure spirituality monster. Physical attacks almost didn’t work on it, only the same spirituality could be used to drive it away, so it was impossible to bring it. magical item.

If so, it is likely that this chaos monster is the magical item item spirit of this jade flute, not the white clothed daoist itself.

So the explanation is clear.

The item spirit not at all of the magical item is not wisdom, nor is it a separate creature, but it is the spirit and consciousness of the host ’s spirituality, so that it can better resonate with the host when it is used.

But after leaving the master, if the spirituality in it is not lost and retained under unique circumstances, it is likely to become another spirituality consciousness, and will inherit a certain emotion of the original owner.

Zhang Yu guessed that the white clothed daoist might have attacked a certain person in the lost land 60 years ago, but he might be killed somewhere in the end, and his magical item was left here, and he did n’t know what happened. The impact has become what it is today.

In this way, the other party is not a pure chaos monster, it can only be said to be a half chaos change, otherwise it will completely abandon its attachment to physical properties.

If this is the case, it will be slightly better.

While thinking about it, he saw that the monster was slightly moving after watching him for a while, and he seemed to have a tendency to stand up. After considering it, he stepped back the several steps.

The other party moved slightly paused, looked at him with empty eyes for a while, turned his head back, and leaned back on the vine.

Zhang Yu sees this and already knows. Obviously, because this monster is now staring at Talu Giant Tree, the latter ’s spirituality wants to be swallowed, so as to strengthen itself, so he is not interested in him.

But this is only temporary. In addition to the Different God, this monster will instinctively be interested in all creatures with strong spirituality around you. The higher the spirituality, the more attractive this thing will be. After the giant tree spirituality is swallowed, then Will take the initiative to find him.

Of course, if he walks fast enough, this thing may not catch up. But after all, it is a trouble. The chaos monster is best solved when it is the weakest. When it grows, it will be more difficult to deal with, and may even be used by different God.

He thought about it. To deal with this thing, he must first understand the power level of this thing. However, if he uses Heart Light to directly contact him, this is not the correct way. .

So he sent a request to Talu Giant Tree, and after a while, a branch hung down, and he reached out and grabbed it.

At the moment he caught him, his mind shook slightly, and then he saw a huge group of azure spirituality rays of light. The light was calm and warm, and the scope was huge, covering the place where he stood.

At this moment, a mass of black that seems to be able to engulf everything is constantly eroding the rays of light, and gradually expanding himself. Through this stick, he can feel the one after another gloomy and chaotic.

Seeing this scene, he understands why Talu Giant Tree has no way to deal with this monster. Despite its huge spirituality, the methods and techniques used are almost non-existent. When encountering those spiritual creatures and different God, they can still rely on the huge spirituality to exert coercion, but it does not work to put it on the chaos monster. Taru ’s spirituality is like a weak mist in front of it, although They are everywhere, but they are not condensed, and they blow away.

Zhang Yu himself said that from the perspective of spirituality, he is no better than this chaos monster.

But fortunately, this thing does not have any wisdom, but acts by instinct, and he is not alone now, and the main pressure has been borne by Talu Giant Tree.

His gaze fell on that jade flute, as long as he could break the jade flute, this thing lost its attachment, only the pure spirituality, then it became the passive water, there is no need to defeat it below, just wait for its spirituality Exhausted, then it can be eliminated.

At this point, he communicated with Talu Giant Tree with his own spirituality, asking him to try to draw the attention of this monster as soon as possible, so that he has a chance to shoot.

After the communication was over, he let go of the branches, and the scene before him disappeared.

He looked at the jade flute. If this thing was once an old cultivator magical item, then the tenacious level might be completely beyond his imagination. To destroy it, you must do your best.

He took a slow breath, reached out, grasped the hilt, slowly pulled Xia Sword out of the scabbard, lifted it to his eyes, and then focused his spiritual aura on it.

After a while, the blade vibrated slightly, and then a stream of light floated out of him and flowed into it.

Gradually, the blade lighted up a little bit, became brilliant and could not be looked directly, and in the past was a few breaths, but the rays of light converged inwards, and no longer radiated outwards, it was just a glimmer of condensate.

At this moment, he feels that his spirit willpower has become very condensed, as if completely invested in the sword body, the sword and the mind seem to have completely merged together, and no longer separate each other.

He seemed to be able to feel that the sword was cheering excitedly, and it seemed that one step further would be a kind of transformation.

The white clothed daoist suddenly turned his head, the black smoke in his eyes shrank, and the whole person sat up, seemingly aware of the threat and going to shoot him.

But at this time, all the branches and leaves of Talu Giant Tree waved, and a loud noise oh la la, the jungle seemed to usher in a hurricane, the huge spirituality of its original contraction burst out like a wave Pressed down!

The white clothed daoist body flickered violently. In an instant, if it disappeared, it appeared again, just like an unreal phantom.

Zhang Yu then moved Xia Sword away from the front, stared at the front, and then stepped towards the monster. At first, he walked very slowly, but as he gradually approached it, his speed also gradually became faster. The last step is a little lighter, the sword is lifted up, and the one is slashed!

white clothed daoist is unable to move at the moment, but it doesn’t mean to dodge, Zhang Yu’s blow didn’t come against his body, but a very precise sword was pointed on that jade flute!


Zhang Yu was slightly lost, and found himself standing on the side of a torrential river, countless waves tumbling in it, peach blossoms on the other side, clouds surge and fog spreads, not far away, white clothed daoist standing in a Under the Willow Tree, Yu Xiao is blowing, Xiao Sheng is nostalgic, and the mood is far away.

After a while, he put down the jade flute and asked with regret: “Dao, where is Dao? Fellow daoist know?”

Zhang Yu stepped up to him and looked at the picturesque beauty in front of him, saying, “Yu is also seeking.”

The white clothed daoist smiled and lifted up the jade flute. His eyes were full of tenderness and said: “This is my 18 years old when I was introduced to cultivate. A woman gave me over 100 years of cultivation, she to never leave each other, my heart Cong Gaoyuan, sailing far with the boat, to teach all living beings for Celestial Xia, to open the way in the wild, she said that when I go back, I should get off, but now I ca n’t keep my promise. Daoist, you will send it back for me. “

Zhang Yu extended the hand, only to feel a sink in his hand, catching the jade flute.

The white clothed daoist looked into the distance, his clothes fluttered endlessly, and sighed: “I want to take another look at Celestial Xia.”


Like a mirror broken, the scene in front of me spread out.

Zhang Yu still maintained the stance shot by a sword, and then heard a clear and subtle sound, the crack spreading on the top of the Yu Xiao, and then the pieces shattered and fell to the ground.

He looked up, and the white clothed daoist stood there, his eyes clear, his expression warm and peaceful, he smiled slightly at him, and then went away with a breeze.

He sheathed his sword, glanced at the ground, extended the hand, and picked up the piece of jade flute with the word “Xiao Hansheng” printed on it. Then, he also picked up a red knot on the back of Yu Xiao, wrapped it around, and put it in his pocket.

Talu Giant Tree passed on to him a burst of joy, and several entangled branches fell down together,

Zhang Yu walked up, and as the branches were twitched, his eyes also slowly raised. After a long time, he came to the canopy, stepped out, and stood in the thick crown.

The dense fog slowly spread out in front, and a huge lake appeared in the eyes.

That’s the last place before going to the lost land. When you get there, you can use the spirit of the secret scroll master to find the way to the lost land.

It was only at this moment that he thought of the white clothed daoist, but he could n’t help but think that the Senior who went to suppress and kill different God had fallen on this foreign land and never returned, but they also wanted to go back to Celestial Xia in their hearts. Yes.

He looked into the distance, and Xia Sword made a soft chirp in his hand.

Do not worry.

I will take you back.



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