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Fan Lan looks at the change in the expression of everyone, saying: “I want to come to the junior brothers, but the Six Uprights seal can show you the general principles of the found principles, but if you want to find it out, you still need to continue to read the seal. Several of you are excellent among your peers. According to the practice of Profound Mansion, I will first teach you a seal. “

As soon as this sentence came out, the students sitting here all showed joy.

Zhang Yu thought more about it, thinking: “In this way, Profound Mansion teaches methods, at least on the surface, it follows certain regulations, but it is not yet known what exactly is here.”

He used to try to figure out the local customs and regulations every time he went to a place.

There are not only the habits brought by previous life, but also the purpose of protecting yourself, so that you can better integrate yourself into the group. But Profound Mansion does not seem to be ready to explain this to them, so he can only observe and explore step by step in the future.

Fan Lan’s face was right now, saying: “Junior brothers don’t be anxious to be happy, read any seal, you need spirit essence. Yesterday senior brother Xiang explained to you clearly, before I touched the ray of proven principles, When you read each Dao Chapter, there are a number of spirit essences. Use a little to remove a little, so after seal is given, use it or not. You need to carefully consider it yourself. “

With this reminder from him, several students calmed down a little bit and hesitated.

Fan Lan called an assistant and gave a few orders. The latter soon came up with a jade plate, which contained pen, ink and paper inkstones, and a flat bamboo stick with a width of 2 fingers.

He said: “Several junior brothers, you can write on your own identified name on it, Profound Mansion will grant the corresponding seal accordingly.”

Bai Qingqing glanced at Zhang Yu, first got up, took a step and walked up, but with his back to everyone, he raised a pen to write a word on the bamboo stick.

In this way, he didn’t want people to see which seal he felt first.

However, everyone present is good at calligraphy. If he deliberately observes, he can still see what he wrote from his subtle movements, so this is a gentleman and not a villain.

After Bai Qingqing finished writing, he threw down the pen, moved towards Fan Lan, and walked down.

The remaining 3 students are all looking towards Zhang Yu at this time. Among the people, only he and Bai Qingqing could see the 3 seals when they came up, so he did n’t step forward, and others did n’t dare to go up first.

Zhang Yu’s thoughts turned slightly, stood up and walked up. After receiving the pen and paper, he wrote down a word. After putting the pen down, he faced Fan Lan joins palms and bows and returned to his original seat.

The three students came to each and everyone and wrote down their impressions.

Fan Lan took it and looked at it again, and also took a pen. On each bamboo stick, he wrote his own name, and then he personally put all the bamboo sticks in silk sets and sealed them in different wooden boxes Among them, finally sealed with a seal, and asked the assistant to put a wax mark.

He said with a smile: “The junior brothers can go back and wait, before noon I will submit the sealing box, and there will be results at the latest tomorrow.”

When all disciples heard it, they all stood up and said goodbye.

Fan Lan seemed to remember something at this moment, and said: “Yes, junior brother Zhang, you stay here, I have a few words to tell you.”

Several students couldn’t help but envy expression, Bai Qingqing was slightly paused at the foot, but did not look back, but accelerated the pace of going out again.

After Fan Lan left everyone, he greeted Zhang Yu with a smile: “junior brother Zhang, come, come and sit on my side.”

Zhang Yu came to the pavilion and sat across from him, saying, “Do you have anything to tell me about senior brother Fan?”

Fan Lan said with a smile: “It’s nothing, junior brother Zhang, after the next sunrise, if you see junior sister Xin Yao, give her my regards.”

“Teacher Xin?”

Zhang Yu heard this and said in secret: “It seems that Teacher Xin is indeed the person of Profound Mansion.”

But he found that Fan Lan seemed to have misunderstood something, so he said: “senior brother Fan, I am not familiar with Teacher Xin, but if I can see her, I will definitely bring the words to me.

Fan Lan was surprised and looked at his both eyes. When he saw that he was very calm and calm, he laughed and said: “The admission letter of junior brother Zhang was submitted by junior sister Xin Yao. I thought you should be familiar, but now it seems It ’s me thinking too much. The junior sister Xin Yao recommended a talent to Profound Mansion this time. “

Zhang Yu was slightly surprised that the original admission letter was sent by Xin Yao to Profound Mansion? No wonder it was handed over within 2 days. He bowed his hand and said, “I don’t know about it, many thanks senior brother Fan tells.”

Fan Lan waved his hand and said, “Hey, don’t thank me, you will know about this sooner or later.” He covered his mouth with a fist and coughed, “When I see junior sister Xin Yao, don’t say it’s what I said , She is a person who does n’t like people taking her ideas for her. “

Zhang Yu thoughts stirred, suddenly, nodded and said: “I understand.” He stood up, cups the hands and says: “senior brother Fan if nothing else, then Yu will withdraw.”

“Okay, junior brother walk slowly.”

Fan Lan also stood up and delivered gifts.

After Zhang Yu left, he turned sideways and looked at a delicate camellia next to him. He smiled in the corner of his mouth and hummed the song gently. He seemed to be in a good mood.

At this time an assistant came over and whispered: “Teacher Fan, Bai Qingqing begs to see.”

Fan Lan was not surprised at all, saying: “Let him come.”

The assistant went down to say hello. After a while, Bai Qingqing walked in from the outside, and in front of the pavilion, joined palms and bows, saying: “senior brother Fan.”

Fan Lan stood in the pavilion with his hand, said with a smile: “Junior brother Bai, is there anything else to find me?”

Bai Qingqing said: “I went back and implemented, and I felt that the seal that was just written seemed inappropriate, so I came back and asked the senior brother Fan, I wonder if it can be changed?”

Fan Lan gave him a serious look and said, “Of course. It can be changed before I hand it in, but I can tell you that all of you are gentlemen and nobody peeping at you The trend of the pen, and if you want the name of seal, I will write down the matter together and submit it. So, do you insist on changing it? “

Bai Qingqing without the slightest hesitation said: “To!”

Fan Lan is also refreshing, and immediately asked the assistant to bring the pen and ink bamboo sticks and let them change.

Bai Qingqing took the pen, his wrist flicked, and the ink fell on it instantly. When the ink was dry, he put his hands up and handed it up.

Fan Lan didn’t take a closer look, but still sealed it in order of order, and the wooden box with the bamboo sticks was not returned to Bai Qingqing, and was still there.

After Bai Qingqing cups the hands politely, he stepped back.

Fan Lan pondered: “This Bai Qingqing does not believe in people. He knows to look for omissions from the existing rules. Once he has made a decision, he will never change it. It is indeed a personal talent.”

Although Bai Qingqing has deep thoughts, there are some shortcomings of quick success, but in his view this is not a bad thing. It is precisely because of the existence of obsession on the cultivate road that he will be more focused. And as far as he knows, such people are actually more appreciated by his senior brothers.

He waited for a while, and when no one was here, he said to the assistant: “Take things and follow me into the hall.”

After Zhang Yu went back, he saw all the students closed the door. Obviously, they were all fighting to save some spirit essence. He also went straight into his home. After closing the door, he rinsed a little, took a few Origin Essence Pills, sat on the couch, and broke up.

What he used was not the breathing technique taught by Fan Lan, but his breathing technique.

This method can not only boost the spirit and replace sleep, but also gather spirit essence. The key is years of uninterrupted cultivation, which has almost become the instinct of the body. If you use other breathing techniques, you may not be able to adapt.

This day, I spent the day in the silent cultivation of the crowd, and it was only at the time of the day that someone came to touch the door of Zhang Yu and the others and said Fan Lan asked.

Zhang Yu sorted it out, pushed it out, and walked out of the pavilion, just to see Bai Qingqing walking out of it with a jade box in his hand. The person nodded to him and took a big step away.

The assistant made a gesture under the hall level and said: “Gentleman Zhang, Teacher Fan please enter.”

Zhang Yu stepped into the hall, saw Fan Lan standing in the hall, and came up to pay respect with him.

Fan Lan smiled and said, “Junior Brother Zhang, the bamboo stick you filled in stated that the seal that best fits with you is the ‘body seal’, so Profound Mansion gave this seal to you.”

When he waved his hand, the assistant brought a tray with a slender wooden box and a book.

“Junior brother Zhang, the seal is inside the wooden box. After you read the register book, if you have no objections, please leave a seal on it. These are to be stored in the Profound Mansion catalogue for verification. . “

Zhang Yu picked up the book and turned it over. Seeing the name of Seal given by Profound Mansion, the following is the specific date of the seal, and the name and seal of the person who passed the seal.

After he saw it, he took a pen from the assistant, brushed his name on it, and took out his private seal. After doing this, he took the wooden box and put it in his sleeve.

Fan Lan said with a smile: “junior brother Zhang, if you have nothing to do, you can leave the house today.”

Zhang Yu looked up and said, “Oh? Is it possible to leave the house?”

Fan Lan nodded and said: “Now you should have been taught, we can cultivate as long as the spirit essence is enough, you do n’t have to sit and polish all day, and you do n’t have to think about deep truth. Of course, if you will give it to you The seal read is through. You can come to Fuchu at any time. Profound Mansion will look at your specific progress and decide whether to pass on your new seal. “

Zhang Yu thought about it and said, “In other words, if I need to read a new seal, I have to ask Profound Mansion every time? Is there anything special about it?”

Fan Lan said with a smile: “Since this is the case, there is no Profound Mansion to teach, where can I get a seal read?” He paused, “Profound Mansion sometimes let you do something, if well done, do not hesitate to give The seal is only for you to get started. Now, even if it is given to you, you do n’t have enough spirit essence to read, so there is no need to think too much, just consolidate the foundation first. ”

Zhang Yu nodded, joins palms and bows, said: “Many thanks senior brother Fan mention something, in the future, Yu can’t say There is also a place to ask senior brother for help, so I will leave today.”

Fan Lan said: “It’s easy to say, easy to talk about.” He joined hands to give the gift.

Zhang Yu turned around and walked out of the palace, when he looked back, he saw that Golden Crow was falling westward, and the Cabernet Sauvignon was half over the cornice.

He withdrew his gaze and returned to the Abode first. After saying hello to Zheng Yu, he left Profound Mansion. It was only after passing through the ancient statue for a while, absorbing a little source energy underneath, and then walking back, returning to the original residence before nightfall.

He bathed and washed, put on a wide comforting robe, sat on the futon, breathed for a moment, and when his mind calmed down, he picked up the wooden box given by Profound Mansion and opened it.



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