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Zhang Yu thought about it and thought that to beat Lin Chu at the moment, he had to start from Xia Sword.

If Xia Sword is sharp enough, then when the sword is cut, it may not be as simple as splitting Lin Chu’s half shoulder, but can cut it into 2 segments, and the victory and defeat have already been separated.

He knows in his heart that the upper limit of this sword can not be fully played.

Before encountering the chaos monster, in order to cut off that jade flute, he put the heart force that he can put into this sword, then he felt that there was a spirit of spirituality above the sword. It seems that if you go one step further, there will be some kind of transformation, but after all, you cannot break through the barrier.

He believes that there are both his own problems and Xia Sword’s own problems.

This is the magical item built by his teacher, and then it was given to him. It is also this kind of sword that he can kill young salamander, and after reaching Protectorate, he has to fight against many opponents.

In the past, this may not be a problem, but now, with the gradual improvement of his cultivation base, there are some problems.

It is because this sword was not built by his own hands, so it is not his own sword. Although he and Xia Sword are closely connected, there is always a gap. The result of this is that Xia Sword cannot withstand all of his heart force.

In fact, the upper limit of such a sword is far more than that. If it can be used, with the heart force he has right now, killed Lin Chu is not a problem.

So there is only one way.

That is to try to break this barrier.

Only here is a question of “sword obeys man” or “man obeys the sword”.

If it is man obeys the sword, then it is very simple, just take the sword first and let go of yourself, then naturally you can break the barriers and use the sword without hindrance, but from now on, the sword is the main, and he is second.

However, if there is another ruler in Heart Light, instead of blessing oneself, then the self dao heart will not be saved, and he will not be able to continue on the path firmly.

So he will definitely not make this choice.

Then the only thing left is “order the sword to obey man”.

Just to achieve this step, it is very difficult not to say, there is no way to go back, accidentally, it may destroy this sword, and even he may be involved.

The key is still in battle at this moment. If the sword is damaged, he will no longer have the means to restrain the opponent, and the opponent is undoubtedly above him at the power level, and may be destined for his own life.

However, sometimes, it is necessary to take all on one throw and put it to death, and only then can the resonance of man and sword be brought to the extreme.

Moreover, if people and swords can really become one, then the breakthrough of the sword, is it not their own breakthrough?

Determined, he was ready to take action immediately.

Although he kept thinking about it in his mind, the battle in the field did not stop, and the two sides were still in constant collision. It was only because he was already familiar with Lin Chu ’s strength and technique, so he dealt with it more calmly. all.

He sees clearly that Lin Chu inherits only the power of divine robe, and at most has some knowledge of dealing with different God, but no matter which one, it takes a long time to hone to integrate with himself, and his people wear divine Robe was not a long time, too late to digest these. The only thing you can rely on at the moment is overwhelming power.

And the way people exert their power is nothing more than the fist and giant hand that’s all that is out of the strength of spirituality.

In fact, the spiritual rays of light of intelligent creatures change completely at will. When the mind moves, it will change accordingly, and even produce many strange mutations. Lin Chu completely turned spirituality rays of light into real arms, because he was cognizant of spirituality in a way that he knew his body.

He is a human being, and he has been used to fighting with his hands for more than 20 years. This cannot be changed overnight, so it is the smoothest and most reasonable for him to play with the strength of spirituality in this way. If he suddenly changes his way, it must be There is a process that does not adapt.

In fact, this is left out, his knowledge system is not enough to support him to make other changes.

Lin Chu felt a suffocation and weakness at the moment, he obviously had a military force, obviously he had been attacking, obviously his strength was stronger, but he could not knock down his opponent, but instead had to cautiously defend to prevent Was suddenly attacked by the opponent.

He also had to admit that he could defeat Zhang Yu through a positive fight. Perhaps he could win the latter through attrition. At least this has the hope of winning. Therefore, the goal in his mind has changed from killing Zhang Yu unconsciously at the beginning. Cheng Yu died or expelled Zhang Yu.

Since both of them have their own plans, although the fight still looks constant, the momentum is huge, but in fact it is far less dangerous and fierce than before.

Zhang Yu slowly took a deep breath at this time, injecting Heart Light into the sword body a little bit, and he changed the fighting method, no longer aimed at the opponent’s body, but directly hit the blade with the blade. Spirituality power from the other party’s attack.

Lin Chu immediately noticed the changes here, he felt a little strange, but he had suffered a few losses just now, which made him very suspicious that this was a trap, and the only battle told him not to try anything casually, so although begin to stir , But still tolerated, decided to look at the situation first.

In order not to let opponents notice too much, Zhang Yu deliberately accelerated the pace at this moment and became the active attacker.

As the fighting process intensified, Xia Sword continuously collided with the opponent’s spirituality power, and then saw a little light rising above the blade, first starting at the bottom of the blade, and then during the battle, rays of light It is also slowly increasing upward.

It’s like he used his Heart Light and sword blade as an anvil, and then took the punch of Lin Chu’s spirituality as a hammer, re-forged the sword, and squeezed out the part that did not match his own mind and spirit. Go out and finally make it completely your own.

As Heart Light gradually infused, the formidable power on his sword became larger and larger, and even once he cut off the arm transformed by the spirituality power, and bullied Lin Chu in front of him, leaving a shallow light on his face Sword marks.

Lin Chu was also terribly frightened at that moment, and felt the real threat of death.

Under this circumstance, he was also forced to use his power desperately, and the potential inside the body was constantly being squeezed out. At this time, the red and yellow 2-colored spirituality rays of light on his body gradually appeared. Signs of fusion.

This is exactly what Zhang Yu needs. He needs to use his opponent’s power to help him sharpen his blade, and the more he ends up, the more power and strength he needs.

And at this moment, success or defeat, he has been impossible and stopped again, he must go all out to complete the last step.

After a long battle, he has already put all the Heart Light he can put on the blade, and there is only a thin layer of fluorescence on his body. That is because as long as he still exists, he will impossible to put all Heart Light. Appropriate on foreign object.

Similarly, if this can be done, it proves that the sword is no longer a “foreign object”, but really belongs to him.

He could feel that it was only a little bit worse now. Now the entire sword body is almost stained with a layer of condensed light, leaving only the word tip peak a little bit as it is, keeping the original appearance, unable to figure it out.

As he kept hacking his blade, the whole sword buzzed and trembled.

Lin Chu is also trembling in fear at this moment, under the threat of Zhang Yu’s sharp and fierce sword momentum, it can only be spare no effort, and groups of spiritual rays of light are inspired from the body and turned into fists and Zhang Yu Yeah.

Zhang Yu’s robe fluttered, and the sword shadow flew over to maintain the offensive. However, the last step was too slow to go over. He knew this was because he still had a retreat, and his heart and mind could not fully implement it.

Thinking of this, he resolutely discarded all his worries and stood still, holding the hilt in both hands and slowly raising it.

Lin Chu happened to strike out the hands of spirituality’s strength at the moment. Seeing that he didn’t shirk, he didn’t feel overjoyed. Before Zhang Yu faced his attack, he basically dodged, even if he cut off the strength of spirituality. He also avoided the positive, so he certainly would not miss this opportunity, and immediately roared loudly, and increased his strength.

Zhang Yu can see that the giants of rays of light quickly became as high as he was, and before he arrived, Heart Light was swaying in his body. As soon as he inhaled, the sword lifted forward.

Suddenly, a sharp sword glow suddenly appeared above the sword tip, colliding with the spirituality light punch, a violent air wave was set off in the field, and countless dust flew up at once.

After the rays of light dust dissipated, there was nothing in the field.

Lin Chu startled, at this time he seemed to be aware of it, looked up and saw Zhang Yu’s silhouette appeared on a high platform in a distance in the distance, he did not feel a little surprised.

At this time, there was a crisp crack in the field.

He gazed at the past, and saw that the Xia Sword sword tip in Zhang Yu’s hand shattered and fell to the ground. Immediately afterwards, the blade was also broken and cut off.

He stunned for a moment, and was very pleasantly surprised, saying, “The sword is broken? Your sword is broken! Good, haha!” He couldn’t help laughing.

Zhang Yu glanced at him, and then looked at the heart shadow sword shadow on top of the Blood Sun temple in the distance, and said, “The sword exists in the heart, why must it maintain its form.”

He looks at the broken sword in the palm of the hand into a powder sword handle. As the top layer is blown away by the wind, a scorching light appears below, saying: “It exists in the heart, exists in the mind, but the sword also exists here! “

Lin Chu has been enduring. When he saw that his sword was broken, he could bear it everywhere. He roared, leaped hard, and rose directly from the ground into the sky. The spiritual rays of light on his body skyrocketed. , A huge line of orange rays of light condensed on the back of the arm appears visibly, and then condescended, striking towards the place where Zhang Yu is located.

Zhang Yu looked up. He stood at the top of the temple without moving, but slowly raised his hand, and then gently released his 5 fingers. Suddenly, a lightning that seemed to split the sky was ejected from his finger gap and from Lin Chu. The body was pierced, in an instant, half of the black sky dome was illuminated, and a moment later, a thunderbolt-like loud noise came from the entire divine city!

Lin Chu’s body shook violently, his eyes fluttered for a while, his whole body of rays of light flashed twice, and then disappeared. Then he was planted from the top of the sky, hitting the empty space before the temple with a loud sound.

Zhang Yu stretched his hand and flashed light. The light was back in his hand. He raised his arm and raised his second hand with his 2 fingers, pointing above the light, as his fingers slowly Moving outward, a condensed light extended from the inside. After his fingers reached the end, his arms opened and his sleeves fluttered. The rays of light were scattered, and the blade underneath appeared. A Xia Sword actually returned to its original appearance!

He lifted his sword for a closer look, and the word “Song of Cicadas” appeared above the sword’s body near the jaw.

His pupil light moved, slightly nodded. Sword blade broken, Heart Light rebuilt, just like cicada casting off its old shape, resurrected, so it should be called “Song of Cicadas”, and Xia Sword has its own name, which means that from now on, this sword Really agreed with him.

He gently stroked the sword ridge, and after a while, he swayed his robe sleeve and held the sword in his back, and walked down from above.



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