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He Jiang, Pang Gong and Qi Dian were walking with more than 3 Divine Army army soldiers on a path leading to the depths of the Mountain of Serenity.

Unlike Lin Chu and the others before, the huge spiritual rays of light on them made most of the creatures in the jungle avoid in advance.

Except for some Tuva half gods with brain problems.

Qiao Zhan was also following the team at the moment. He looked at the dark jungle above his eyes, and several things like monkeys were rushing away. After thinking for a while, he asked a close friend of Pang Gong: “Squad Leader Gu, where are we going?”

Squad Leader Gu looked around and whispered: “Don’t ask so much, just follow, when the time comes understood.”

Qiao Zhan showed a clear look, but when he turned back, his brows were tightly wrinkled.

After walking for a long time, the entire group arrived in front of a broken altar.

The whole team stopped.

There was a surge of rustling above the ground, and then something of each and everyone got out from under the ground.

These things are only half a person tall, with rickets on their backs, a sarcoma on their backs, cheeks on their cheeks, tentacles on their foreheads, hanging down like long vines, they are all around but not at all up, just Far away at them, there was a whisper of whispering, like the leaves rubbing lightly.

Everyone in the Divine Army showed a vigilant look. A squad leader scolded: “what the hell things, I will kill them.”

He Jiang shouted at him, saying: “Don’t be nervous, just a group of vine persons with no threats.”

Qiao Zhan looks at the vine person, this is the first time I have seen this humanoid creature. This thing battle strength is very weak and can only assume the role of a detective sentry. In the battle of 60 years ago, there were a large number of people under the Blood Sun Ancient Country. vine person, and now in the Blood Sun remnant, the Demon Vine Priest Qianasuma is a vine person.

He Jiang turned back to Pang Gong and Qi Dian 2 and said: “Army Inspector Pang, Army Inspector Qi, you are all waiting here.”

Pang Gong laughed, Qi Dian sat down with his arms folded.

He Jiang walked alone to the altar under the attention of everyone. After standing there, he untied a pre-prepared leather bag from the belt, and then grabbed one leg and twisted it. The giant spider, placed on the altar.

The spider crawled quickly as soon as it was free, but before it went far, a knife fell from above and nailed it firmly to the altar.

The spider shuddered a few times, and after a while, a cloud of smoke drifted away.

The surrounding leaves began to shake oh la la, and then an echo resounded like a distant ancient jungle: “Eastern Court gods, you are late.”

He Jiang said: “It’s just a little late, and it doesn’t depend on us, it depends on when your crazy god appears on the Hong River Pass.”

There was a disgusted tone in that voice, “Is that crazy man good for you?”

He Jiang said: “It’s very easy to use, where he is now attracted.”

The voice said: “Can it be solved?”

He Jiang said: “The person with Profound Mansion is there, as long as its strength is not too high, it can still be solved, even if it can’t be solved, we will find a way,” he paused, “You can rest assured that we will never Let it hinder our business. “

The voice said: “I hope you can do it.”

He Jiang said: “We are here now and have proved our sincerity. Then Spider God Yapei, where are you? There are some things we need to talk to you face-to-face, and some things we need to hand over to you face-to-face.”

The voice was silent for a while before saying: “Follow those vine persons, they will take you to my territory, and you will get the answers you want there.”

In the rear, Qiao Zhan tried his best to cover up the surprise on his face and said, “We are … this is working with different God?”

The Squad Leader Gu around him didn’t care: “So what? Now Protectorate doesn’t trust us, we have to find these different Gods.”

Qiao Zhan listened to his words and felt a sudden panic, thinking of many things in an instant.

A hand was heavily slapped on his shoulder, and he turned his head to see Squad Leader Gu ’s playful looks at him, saying: “Relax, as long as you follow a few army inspectors, the Protectorate will soon be said by us Forget it. “

At this time, there was a urge to say that they were asked to keep up, and Squad Leader Gu pats him again, saying: “Go, there is a section of the road to go, but it should not be far away.”

When Qiao Zhan saw him walk away, his fingers moved slightly imperceptibly, and in a place where no one could see, he scattered some black powder.

Long after he left, several insects that were so delicate that they didn’t look like living creatures flew over, turned around these powders, and flew away again quickly.

Hong River Pass is full of ruins and ruins. The fortresses on the west bank have been largely destroyed during the fierce fighting. There are huge holes in the ground for each and everyone, and the nearby terrain seems to have been plowed again.

Dou Chang’s robe has become very tattered. He panted and stood alone in front of Mad God.

He had to stand here, because apart from him, Profound Mansion did not have the ability to positively hinder this different God, and could not even do much harm to this different God.

Behind him, tens of thousands of troops are standing in line, as the last defense line of the pass is there, ready to meet the impact from the enemy at any time, while on the other side, countless native and Blood-winged Soldier are waiting Here is the winner.

As soon as he fell, these Blood Sun remnants could scramble up and invade Protectorate’s territory.

Mad God stared at him, the worm-like feet shaking on his body, and then lowered his head, a rumble sounded, but hit him with his huge body.

In the face of the impact of such huge monsters, frontal blocking is actually not a good way, but Dou Chang ca n’t take a step back. He loudly shouts, lowers his body, leans forward slightly, his hands meet, and banging, blocking the body that rushed However, in the next moment, he sank, his whole body sank into the mud, and was immediately trampled by the monster from the top of his head.

It was only Mad God that ran shortly afterwards, his body suddenly stagnate, but its tail section was dragged by Dou Chang, who was soaked in rays of light, the other hand grabbed it, and then loudly roared, double With his arm raised upwards, he saw that his small body actually dragged Mad God off the ground, and flung away in the direction of the direction.

With a bang, Mad God fell heavily on the ground on the banks of the Hong River.

The Heart Light on Dou Chang flickered violently, panting violently. Until now, he has been at the forefront, and he has not stopped for a moment, but only a moment later, he crawled out of the deep mud , Straightened up on the ground again.

The native priests on the other side were shocked. They looked at this Eastern Court god fight with their god. Now, for a whole day, they did not take the initiative to take a step back.

At this moment the silhouette flashed and Qi Wu came beside him, cups the hands and says: “senior brother.”

Dou Chang looked at him sideways and said, “Have you found it?”

Qi Wu said: “Junior brother Fan is still looking for. He asked me to come and support senior brother first.”

Dou Chang looked towards: “You are useless here, go back and continue searching. I will try to delay it here.”

He discovered that the reason why Mad God has been trying to strike in the direction of the fortress group is not to attack here, but to find something.

This is probably the reason why it ignored all attacks, so as long as you find out things, you should be able to attract them. But no one knows what it is, and can only guess that it is related to spirituality, so he sent all those who can see spirituality to scatter.

As they spoke, a huge and mad breath spread out in the smoke in front of them, and spiritual rays of light bloomed in circles.

Dou Chang expression changed, saying: “Not good!”

Obviously, after a long time of entanglement, this Mad God has been completely engulfed in complete madness. Know that the strength of this Different God will rise due to emotional riots, and even reach Qi Bi and Zhu Que to block the level.

Dou Chang looked serious and said, “It seems that only one seal is used.”

Qi Wu was shocked, anxiously said: “senior brother, so you may not survive.”

Dou Chang said solemnly: “I can’t control that much. Senior Brother Xiang’s rescue has at least 2 days to get here. If I don’t stop it at this time, everyone here will die!”

He shattered his robe, looked at the huge body roaring insanely, took a few deep breaths, about to rush forward, and suddenly his eyes were dark, a black flame dropping from the sky, and then a fist wrapped around him With boundless tremendous force, it was just blasting on Mad God’s head. The powerful force penetrated from his neck, chest, waist and abdomen without hindrance, and finally blasted directly under the ground.


The ground at the pass seemed to usher in another earthquake, and countless people on the 2nd shore felt that their feet were shaking.

It took a while for the billowing smoke in front to disperse.

Dou Chang lowered his covered arm. He looked up and saw that there was only the body of Mad God broken on the ground. At the moment, there were bursts of scorching, and in the distance, Ying Zhuan stood on the wall of a broken fortress, leaving the sea Underneath were scarlet eyes, and his gown was smoky like a fire like in the wind, while his hand was holding Mad God’s half head.

Qi Wu cry out in surprise: “senior brother Ying!”

Ying Zhuan’s eyes moved towards the head of Mad God, still struggling, with 5 fingers, and Ka-cha, the head suddenly shattered, exposing a goose egg-sized, crystal-clear transparent gemstone.

He glanced at the army and Profound Mansion below, and the black robe turned and was about to leave.

Qi Wu stepped forward and shouted excitedly: “senior brother Ying, why are you helping us?”

Ying Zhuan figure stopped, facing away from them, his face sideways: “I just came over to get what I needed, it didn’t matter to you.” As his words fell, a group of black fire lifted out of thin air, soaring into the sky, As soon as the light flashed, he disappeared.



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