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Zhang Yu shook his sleeves and stood up from the top of the mountain. He found that his body radiated light constantly at the moment, and the light shone like a rainbow, reflecting around the body.

This is actually after he read the third chapter, his body is further mystical change, this process is not in one go, the longer the change time, the greater the improvement.

There is no explanation in the ray of thought conveyed by this matter, which is purely felt by himself.

He thinks this is because the average cultivator can complete mystical change in between, even if the foundation is a little thicker, it will not be too long, so the conscious master feels unnecessary to mention it deliberately.

But he is full of 6 seals, but the situation is very unique. Under his self-examination, he found that it would take at least 7-8 days to complete this process.

This can be considered a shortcoming of either too big nor too small.

Because his strength gradually improved over time, if there were enemies to deal with him during the period, he could not face it in the best condition.

On the contrary, those ordinary cultivators can reach Peak almost as soon as they step into the Third Dao Chapter, which can be regarded as a matter of course, and each has its own gains and losses.

At this time, he glanced outside the divine city, and vaguely saw that there seemed to be a huge change, so he considered it and decided to wait until mystical change was completed before going out.

So he settled down and closed his eyes and meditated.

8 days passed.

When he opened his eyes again, the overflowing rays of light outside him were almost gone, but there was still a very thin layer of light surrounding him, similar to when he sacrificed Heart Light has several points of .

He tried to turn the Heart Light, and immediately noticed the difference. My own heart force is no longer scattered, but changes randomly, gathers randomly, and enforces it more than I do.

However, despite entering the Third Dao Chapter, the seal behind him is temporarily absent. If he faces an enemy of the same level, he may not be able to overpower the other party, so he decided to continue to try to continue to improve the 6 seals in order to occupy More advantages.

But after entering the Truth Clarifying Chapter, the most important point is that the cultivator already has a more powerful ability to change the foreign object.

He glanced down at his feet and was urged by the heart force. After a while, he saw a green branch bud and burst out of the soil. Two green tender leaves swayed in the wind.

He extended the hand, pulled it out, and you can see that there was some dirt on the beard, and at such a short distance, you could smell the faint herb fragrance on it.

Then he tried to withdraw the heart force again. The green branch withered and decayed almost instantaneously, turned into decayed soil, and flowed through the fingers, and there was no trace left.

This is because he is using his spirituality to interfere with physical properties, but it does not last for a long time. Under the envelope of Heart Light, everything he sees can be called true, but if Heart Light goes, then the truth will not exist.

However, at this time, he also felt faintly. It seems that there is a way to make a trick inside, and the conditions here are limited, so it is necessary to slowly verify it after going back.

He looked up towards the divine city in front of him. This is because of the divinity power, but it seems to be much more powerful than his Heart Light.

Although divine power can also be summarized in spirituality power, it is different in some places. Divine city is created by dozens of Gods. There is a unique method of gods, which is a completely different way from cultivator. .

At this time, he glanced in the direction of the divine symbol again. He was considering whether to try to destroy this divine symbol completely. Just doing so would make the whole divine city collapse. I do n’t know if he could escape in time before this. Go out.

One more thought, since idol was destroyed by himself, the gods here impossible resurrected in a short time, or wait until they are fully prepared to deal with the matter.

Thinking that this must be done, he drifted down from the top of the mountain. Divine city was now more and more powerless to suppress him. At this time, it was not difficult to fly here, but in a blink of an eye, he reached the foot of the mountain.

Squad Leader Mo ushered in at this moment, cups the hands and says: “Mr.” At this moment her face is full of awe, she can feel the majestic heart force on Zhang Yu who has not fully converged, the oppression force is more than Lin Chu brought her even stronger.

Zhang Yu looked at Squad Leader Mo and he could clearly feel that there was no rebellion in his mind at all, so he was nodded and said, “I have waited here long enough to go out.”

Squad Leader Mo felt excited for a while, she was afraid to kill Zhang Yu here or simply throw it here, so she has always been obediently and honestly, and did not dare to violate Zhang Yu ’s command. Now it seems that doing so Sure enough, it is correct.

Zhang Yu looked towards the barrier above the divine city, this time he did n’t use Song of Cicadas Sword, extend the hand, just a light press, the rays of light outside him twisted and waved, and an empty portal appeared In front of him, he said: “Come with me.” Swinging the robe sleeve, he stepped out.

Squad Leader Mo backed the dress on her back and walked out, but when she stepped outside, she only felt her feet sink and found herself standing on the thick layer of lime soil.

She looked up and saw that heaven and earth were full of gray and white, the smoke of half black and half white fluttered in the sky, the jungle that had arrived before had completely disappeared, and there was only a gray piece in front of her. To another place.

Seeing this scene, she was surprised: “What’s wrong with this?”

Zhang Yu pondered. He reached out and grabbed a handful of ash-gray dust into his hands. He fiddled with his fingers, all of which were finer than sand.

There is no doubt that this is not a natural change, but should be caused by some mighty means, but it is not clear what exactly is.

He let go of his hand and let the dust fall, saying: “You wait for me a moment.”

He moved his mind, an escaping light wrapped around him, and suddenly went to the sky, standing at a high place, he tried to look down, but he saw that there was still a illusion of illusion in front of him.

Even after experiencing such a large amount of damage, Chaos Tide could not be weakened by half. He still could not distinguish the surrounding scenes in the sky at the moment.

This is also normal. Even if Chaos Tide started from the beginning, when the founders of Profound Mansion and Divine Army were still able to fly, they could not find the right direction above this jungle.

After watching for a moment, he fell from the sky, looks at the heaven and earth in front of the white sky, and said: “It seems that we need to find a way to go back again.”

Auspicious Light City North, in the Divine Army camp, Army Lord Deng Mingqing is sitting alone in the open space in front of the house. He is holding a cup of tea and is slowly sipping.

The tea in the cup is not a good tea, but the inferior tea foam, it tastes bitter, but he tastes it, but it seems endless.

At this time footsteps were heard in the distance, but stopped at the edge of the open space and did not come over.

He put down the teacup and said, “Something comes to talk, you don’t have to stand there.”

The paternity attendant came over and bowed, saying, “Army Lord, Army Inspector Zhu has sent the appointment to Profound Mansion.”

Deng Mingqing un’ed, said: “When is the date set?”

The patriarch said: “After 2 days.”

Deng Mingqing said: “I am understood.”

A close servant said: “Army Lord, Army Inspector Zhu has placed the arranged fight outside Profound Mansion. Shouldn’t 10000 Qi Bi be?”

Deng Mingqing took the teacup and took a sip slowly, calmly saying: “He will agree, otherwise he is not Qi Bi.”

Within the Mountain of Initiation Cave Mansion, Qi Bi looks at places on the table, a war book, pondering.

Chen Song first said: “Teacher, this is Zhu Que who saw that all three of his army inspectors were dead, so he had to take the lead, why should the teacher take care of him?”

After thinking for a long time, Qi Bi said, “I have to respond to this battle.”

Chen Song puzzled: “Teacher, why is this?”

Qi Bi said solemnly: “As long as Zhu Que is present, the Divine Army is still a threat. This time it is just 3 army inspectors colluding with different God. If it is Zhu Que who does this kind of thing? What will be the consequences? He sent Coming to war is to prove that I am still not giving up, then I must come forward to solve this matter. “

Chen Song thought about it, and then persuaded: “But teacher, disciple said a word that should not be said, Divine Army is only because of fear of you, you can only recruit elsewhere, if the teacher does not cherish yourself, 10000 what is there, Divine Army can really be carefree. “

Qi Bi shook his head and said: “You don’t have to think about this, even though I can’t win this battle, I will never lose.” He reached into his sleeves, took out his found jade and put it on the case, said: ” This main jade will be placed with you for the time being. If I do n’t go back, Profound Mansion will leave it to you. “

Chen Song was shocked and said, “teacher, Profound Mansion and senior brother Xiang, this …”

Qi Bi shook his head and said: “He is not suitable.” He looks at Chen Song and said: “Hold it.”

Chen Song hesitated for a moment, then walked up and took the found jade into his hands. Then he stepped back two steps, face straight, and gave Qi Bi a solemn salute.

Qi Bi also raised his hand for a ceremony, warned repeatedly: “Remember, look at the man, don’t let him come out, and don’t let anyone touch him.”

Chen Song said: “Remember the disciple.”



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