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Victory Viewing Peak, here is the second tallest peak in the Mountain of Serenity mountain range. Although the height is less than half of Goddess Peak, it can also be called imposing and towering.

Qi Bi stood on top of the ridge and looked at the city enveloped by rays of light in the distance.

This is the second time in his life that he stood here overlooking Auspicious Light City. The first time he followed the first commander to climb the Mountain of Serenity and entered the depths of the mountain range to hunt down an escaped spiritual creature. He stayed here for a while.

After more than 70 years of dazzling, heaven and earth is still the same piece of heaven and earth, but people are not the same as before.

His eyes crossed Auspicious Light City. After that, it was the endless sea. He was born in this land, but unfortunately, he never went back to the mainland, but he heard a lot about Celestial Xia from his elder teachers. The rumors, the long-cherished longing has now become an emotion and sustenance, but perhaps he never had the opportunity to go there and take a look at it personally.

In order to enter the Third Dao Chapter, he had to read Chaotic Chapter of the Grand Dao. Up to now, he has shaped a total of 3 mystical organs, and for each additional mystical organ, it must be closer to Grand Chaos, and even use it. Heart force will speed up this process, and at the end, it will leave the body and become an outright monster.

But he didn’t regret his choice. Although he didn’t do well enough, Profound Mansion still stood in Eastern Court for 60 years.

As long as Profound Mansion remains, Protectorate’s people will not forget Celestial Xia.

At this time, a silhouette appeared in the sight. It flew from a very far place, and when it came close, it circled in the sky like an eagle bird, and then fell on the snow peak.

This is a man with short hair, more than 40 years old, with eyes in color, full of spirit, his pupil is slightly golden, with obvious traces of serenese, clear facial contours, thin lips, light lips, and chin on the lips azure stubble,

He didn’t wear the Victorious-edge Attire of Divine Army, but a tight robe leather hiring hunter, a lizard behind him, long boots under his feet, plus a short black hair, the whole person looked neat and capable.

He raised his hand and said, “Profound Leader Qi is polite.”

Qi Bi raised his hand with another ceremony, saying: “Army Inspector Zhu is courteous.”

After he lowered his hand, he glanced far away again. On another hill about 2-3 li away, there was a person who looked exactly like Zhu Que standing there. When he saw him, he rushed He smiled slightly and raised his hand.

Zhu Que said with a smile: “Profound Leader Qi, you have no chance.”

Qi Bi indifferent expression.

Divine robe in the Divine Army is partly brought by local refining, and partly made by the different God on this land.

Zhu Que’s divine robe is from this land, but it is very special, from a God of Twins.

According to legend, the God of Twins is a pair of brothers. Two people take turns to enjoy divine power. The elder brother is a god during the day and a human at night. The younger brother is a human during the day and a god at night. people.

Similarly, this divine robe also needs to be inherited by a pair of brothers. Zhu Que is just an external name. The two brothers who wore the divine robe are Zhu Que, and the other is just a mortal.

Qi Bi is very clear that to kill such an enemy, it is useless to kill only one of them, because when two brothers were standing within a certain range, even if one person died, the other person would inherit the power of divine robe , So the best way is to kill one of them and then deal with the other.

On the surface, the mortal without divine robe’s power seems to be very easy to deal with, but the trouble is that the 2 brother’s divine power can be converted between each other, and the conversion can be described as extremely fast, sometimes even 2 people can play against the enemy , So basically no such weak spot.

Zhu Que just said that he had no chance, which is what it meant.

Qi Bi glanced around and said: “Let’s go below, we will definitely destroy this place when we meet, I still like this mountain.”

Zhu Que said cheerfully: “Yes.”

Two people floated down from the top of the mountain at the same time, and after falling further away from here, they fell down on the uncovered plain.

2 people look at their opponents, only the wind echoes on the vast ground.

Qi Bi said at this time: “Army Inspector Zhu, do you remember the oath you made when you joined the Divine Army?”

Zhu Que said with an expression of ease: “I know you want to say the rules of Celestial Xia. I only know that when I was starving to death, it was Army Lord who adopted me, and he let me eat enough to keep me warm. The clothes also gave me a place to live. My life is his. He will do whatever I want, and I ca n’t control it, and I do n’t want to control it. “

Qi Bi nodded said, “Then let’s get started.”

Zhu Que said: “Okay!”

As soon as his voice fell, the imposing manner immediately changed, and he punched him very cleanly, without any slight drag.

He was clearly still far away, but appeared in front of Qi Bi in an instant, and his blow had no momentum. There was only a halo of light above his fist, because he put all the strength, spirituality All condensed together, there will not be a slight leak.

Qi Bi stood there without any movement, just at this time, a faint mist appeared outside his body, showing a large translucent monster with a head like a bird, a thick and pointed beak, and a strong piggyback, Shaped like a giant tortoise, epigenetic snake tail, slender and scaly.

Zhu Que came and punched directly on the monster’s body. In an instant, the ground around the two people continued to burst and burst, and a circle of air waves hit and went away in the distance, and there was also a rumbling sound in the clouds.

Qi Bi stood there, expressionless, and you can see that within the envelope of the monster’s body, there is still a good surface.

After the cultivator reaches Chapter 3, Heart Light can change the false to true, but this must be centered around a core, in order to play the most formidable power, so in the Celestial Xia local, in order to help cultivator cultivation and improve battle strength, will pass down A visualization picture.

Although there are a lot of visualization pictures left in Profound Mansion, most of the visualization picture cultivation conditions are more demanding, not only have various prerequisite requirements, but also need to correspond to various secret chapter orders and seal during the cultivation process.

What he visualizes is the Spinning Turtle Picture in the “Profound and Strange Chapter”. The advantage of this visualization picture is that there is no clear condition. As long as you have mystical organs, the more mystical organs, the more divine ability, so the theory Anyone can cultivate, and once cultivated, even if there is no matching secret seal, it can also play a good may.

Only what he showed is “Wall of the Spinning Turtle”, which can disperse all the transfer of the other party’s highly agglomerated power, but he does not have to suffer a bit.

Zhu Que failed to return with a single blow, and his expression did not change at all. His 2nd Strike soon came again, followed by the 3rd punch, the 4th punch … He began to change positions constantly, and the silhouette moved around like Xunying. , Trying to find a weak spot from various positions.

In just a few breaths, he kept a certain rhythm and blasted hundreds of punches. The power of the dispersal caused the surrounding ground to be broken. The two of them were gradually sinking, and there was an edge. The huge shallow pits distributed in a circle, and the rumbling sounds are connected together, like the endless thunder in the sky.

However, no matter how he punched, Zhu Que could not shake this side of the Wall of the Spinning Turtle. At this time, a silhouette suddenly appeared on his body. The two people jumped in different directions and launched an impact on the Wall of the Spinning Turtle.

As a God of Twins, he is not only as simple as a brother. After blending divine robe, he can also differentiate a shadow of almost the same strength in fighting and fight with himself.

He soon discovered that even if he was attacking from different directions, Qi Bi could still smoothly disperse the force that hit his surface without any effect.

Since this method was useless, he immediately changed the method, and the silhouette suddenly returned to his body, and at the same time stood in shape and punched out, this was not to recover the shadow, but the two sides were together, and doubled power!


As if a meteorite hit the ground, billowing smoke rolled up on the plain, accompanied by bursts of earthquake.

After the smoke and dust were dispersed, the two separated again, but a deep pit appeared on the surface, and only the part of the boundary where Qi Bi stood was raised alone.

Zhu Que ’s expression changed for the first time. Even if he tried his best, he still did not reach the upper limit of the opponent ’s defend. He looked at the huge Spinning Turtle phantom, and he was amazed. He praised: “Great.”

Qi Bi’s expression accepted this compliment quite frankly, and even felt as it should be by rights.

Profound Mansion’s inheritance, there may be many flaws in Chapters 2 and 3, but that is only the foundation. After Chapter 1, it is already a systemic force, even if he only got a little, it is countless. The summary of the previous experience can not be surpassed only by individual innate talent.

Zhu Que smiled at the moment, and turned, “How long can you last?”

Qi Bi’s eyes narrowed and he didn’t speak.

Zhu Que fell, and his figure rushed again. At this time, he and his silhouette continued to attack and attack, successively putting pressure on the Wall of the Spinning Turtle, the offensive was like Swift Wind Rainstorm, there was no moment of rest, and it seemed Prepare to continue this way.

At this moment, another Zhu Que squatted in the distance and carefully looked at Zhu Que’s breath.

He is not nothing to do, he is now playing the role of an observer, he always analyzes and observes Qi Bi’s weaknesses and weak spots.

Sometimes, bystanders see more clearly than those in the game. If two identities are added at the same time, this advantage will be greater.

He can see that Qi Bi’s Shadow of the Spinning Turtle should still have a strong counterattack, but it has not been used yet, and it should be waiting for the opportunity.

This is like the simplest spear and shield, but this is precisely the least easy to deal with, because this method has neither obvious advantages nor obvious shortcomings, and wants to defeat Qi Bi, in addition to facing him hard Grinding, or overwhelming him with pure power, there are hardly any other methods.

Qi Bi saw the intention, this is to want to exhaust his Heart Light power, generally speaking, same level Divine Army and proven cultivator. If the comparison, the spirit power of the two sides is not necessarily better than anyone.

But don’t forget that Zhu Que is actually 2 people. After one person exhausts the strength of spiritality, another person can inherit the power of divine robe, which is equivalent to Zhu Que in a full state.

But he still has a weakness, that is, after cultivating Chaotic Chapter, he must maintain a certain heart force to suppress his desires, otherwise he will unconsciously use the power of Grand Chaos, then he may become chaos monster .

Just as the Profound Leader of Profound Mansion, considering the reputation of Profound Mansion and the reputation of all found cultivator, he must not leave this stain.

He looks at Zhu Que, and after a long defend, his habit of Zhu Que has become clear, and he said: “Look at the blow later, if it is useless, then only use that The way … “

He silently waited for the opportunity.

After a long time, he glanced at the sky. The fighting of two people started in the morning, and unconsciously continued until about noon. At this time, a ray of sunlight moved to the top of their heads.

Zhu Que’s split shadow happened to be in one place with himself at the moment, and at the same moment, the snake tail of Shadow of the Spinning Turtle suddenly flew and shot over!

The snake’s tail is just a mind and intention, not a real entity, so where does the mind go, where does the force go, there is no need for any stagnation transition, and it is not constrained by the slightest physical properties, so the speed is fast, even for people at their level Can’t react.

Zhu Que was being bombarded impartially, and even penetrated in the past. When he came back, the snake tail had been retracted, but after a moment, he landed steadily, and his chest was unharmed. .

Qi Bi saw this scene, didn’t feel the head, and sighed, “It’s a pity.”

Zhu Que nodded agreed: “Yeah, it’s a pity.”

What the outsider does not know is that he can transfer the damage he has suffered to the “shadow body” at the cost of only a few days.

Qi Bi closed his eyes, and after a while, then opened, his eyes suddenly became dark, saying, “So, this method can only be used.”

At this moment, Zhu Que suddenly had a sense of have one’s hair stand on end.

If he can see the change in spirituality of Qi Bi at the moment, then he can find that the physical side of his body is disappearing quickly, while the side that represents spirituality is madly rising, and at the same time, a certain mystical organ in his body Changes are from unreal to real, that thing looks like a torn mouth with teeth in it.

But all this was done in just a moment. After Qi Bi’s eyes opened, the whole person suddenly disappeared.

Zhu Que’s induction was warning him madly. An extremely dangerous feeling appeared in his heart, but before he could react, all his consciousness disappeared in the dark.

Above the Great Plains, where Zhu Que brother and Qi Bi originally stood, within a 5 mile radius, a huge bottomless hole appeared, as if this piece had been swallowed by something.

After a long time, a long leather boots stepped on the edge of the pothole, Zhu Que stood here, he looked down and regretted: “Profound Leader Qi, if there is no blessing of antiquity divine power, our 2 brothers The distance between them can be kept far enough, maybe we are all dead, just a little bit, really, just a little bit. “

From the fight at first. His 2 brothers didn’t appear in the same place, one was fighting Qi Bi, and the other was watching from another hill 10 li away.

As for the one who has been standing nearby, it was just a substitute for the soul that was changed by special means, and it was deliberately seen by Qi Bi.

In this battle, on the surface, Zhu Que was fighting Qi Bi alone, but behind him, there was actually the help of God Restoration Group.

In the past, the 2 brothers had to be within 2 miles to maintain the exchange of power, but because of the blessing of antiquity divine power, the mutual sensing range of each other’s spirituality was greatly expanded.

He looked at the deep hole for a long time without saying a word.

Originally, the brother 2 of them died, even if there was only one residual limb, as long as the other person was still alive, he could be rescued like a god by the priest, but he could feel that with the huge After hollowing out, he lost his brother forever, leaving him alone.

He took the hat behind his back into his hand, threw it into the pothole, and turned away.



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