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Zhang Yu now only needs a chance to get ready to shoot. If it is done by himself, this is not an easy task. It is necessary to find opportunities slowly, but if someone is on the side, it is relatively simple.

He stepped back a little, raised the Song of Cicadas Sword in his hand again, and the heart force was poured into it, but for a moment, the sword buzzed and trembling, and the rays of light flashed on it.

When Tao Dingfu and Ying Zhuan 2 saw this scene, they didn’t need verbal communication at all. Just by looking at the direction of his Heart Light’s surging, they understood the purpose.

So the 2 people fell down immediately, and when they were near Serenity God / calm the mind, they used different means to bombard them. The attack of the two people was momentum is big, power is deep, and most of the time Is to greet his face.

This is not to cause any harm to it, and it can be seen from the attack that it is also difficult to do, so now it is only disturbing the judgment and shaking its body to create opportunities for Zhang Yu to take action.

After a period of incubation, Zhang Yu’s sword has turned into a pure rays of light, and within the 3-foot space around the sword body, it seems to have formed a hollow, like a cut light, gas, sound, etc. It was disappeared, and in the outer periphery, the light became fine thorns, like it was difficult to count the drizzle and the water surface collided every moment.

And he grabbed the hilt’s hand, and even took a part of his body near him, as if disappearing together without a trace, in the sky, it seemed that there was only a glimmer of light.

Suddenly there was a deep sense of depression in the atmosphere. Ying Zhuan and Tao Dingfu also felt the same. They understood that this was his approach, and they also accelerated their efforts.

Serenity God / calm the mind Suddenly once again raised his hand over his head, this is because he felt the threat again, so he instinctively chose to cover it.

However, although the offensive of Tao Dingfu and Ying Zhuan cannot break his body, it is not difficult to shake his huge figure and limb a bit under the clever transportation method, which forced his involuntarily to reveal some cover Unstoppable gaps come.

After Zhang Yu poured the heart force to its limit, the Song of Cicadas Sword suddenly disappeared and flew away. This time, he did not deliberately use it, nor did he indulge arbitrarily, but this sword was full of breath At the extreme, the explosion after can’t advance.

The sword flew a little bit in the midst of the search, but just passed through the fingers of Serenity God / calm the mind before flashing, and sank into it from above his forehead.

Serenity God / calm the mind The head tilted back slightly, and a shallow, almost invisible vertical mark appeared in the eyebrows, but this mark only appeared for a short moment, and then slowly closed up. , But its condensation is there motionless.

At this moment, Tao Dingfu and Ying Zhuan seemed to feel something, they both stopped their hands, and the scene became quiet.

Zhang Yu floated in the air, staring closely at Serenity God / calm the mind, as if this blow not at all ended.

His mind is still in the sword!

After a long time, a burst of rays of light suddenly burst out of Serenity God / calm the mind ’s eyes, his head swelled up sharply, and one after another spider-like light marks appeared on it, and it became more and more dense. Brighter and brighter, when the entire rays of light almost drowned his head, a sword light stunned the sword and broke into the sky!

This sword light hovered above the sky dome, and it flashed again. He returned to Zhang Yu in the blink of an eye. He stretched his hand to take it, and stroked it with his other hand. He said: “If you live up to this cultivation, you have to take ten thousand li Qingping! “

As his words fell, the huge body of Serenity God / calm the mind seemed to lose its support, and it slowly fell forward, and finally banged and fell heavily on the ground.

Tao Dingfu looks at this scene. After a while, he suddenly smiled and threw the sword, allowing it to return to the scabbard behind his back.

Ying Zhuan looks below, staring at the huge body of Serenity God / calm the mind below, suddenly said, “He is not dead yet.”

Zhang Yu said: “Yes.” He looked up and looked at the violently surging clouds above the sky. He said: “It’s not over yet.”

Jun Island, this is the farthest and largest island on the Rising Sea from Auspicious Light City. It is similar to the island of idol discovered by Zhang Yu before, and looks like a great stage above the sea Approximately 50000 Celestial Xia people live here.

Honorable Gentleman Kuang among Xia Scholars lives here forever.

At this time, the old man was standing under a tower on the island, facing the sea breeze of assaults the senses, allowing the turban and gown to be rolled up, his eyes narrowed, as if looking at something.

A Profound Mansion daoist was standing on top of the tower and looking at the distant sky. His eyes were blinking. After a while, he suddenly fell from the height and hurried over.

Honorable Gentleman Kuang asked: “Profound cultivator Hu, what’s going on?”

The profound cultivator Hu face was horrified and said, “Tsunami, it is a tsunami, it is very big, it is almost connected to the sea, and it is coming to Jun Island.”

Honorable Gentleman Kuang asked, “How long will it be before I get here?”

Profound cultivator Hu figured it out and looked up: “There is at most one hour.”

Honorable Gentleman Kuang expression immediately, looked after the attendant at his side, and said: “Hurry, hurry to pass the order, Jun Jun, and let everyone hide in the white ship!”

Each white ship can hold several thousand people. This ship is shaped like a big whale, can sink into the sea, and can withstand the impact of tsunami and icebergs.

This kind of boat at first was carried by Protectorate on the big boat when he came to Eastern Court. This thing can normally be connected with the island by a bridge, and it is generally used as a place for people to stay on the land outside the island.

Therefore, in the subsequent several decades, a batch was successively shipped.

Today, every island inhabited by Celestial Xia people is equipped with such ships. There are as many as 22 ships on Jun Island, enough to accommodate everyone on the island.

However, the look of Honorable Gentleman Kuang is still not easy, which can only be preserved for a while, because they not at all have enough water to keep everyone alive. Now we can only hope that Celestial Xia’s ancestors will bless them and help them survive this disaster.

At this moment, not only the tsunami seen on Jun Island, but the volcanoes on many uninhabited islands above the Rising Sea turbulent, and the billows of smoke were washed up above the sky dome.

In Auspicious Light City, Zhang Yu could feel that the earthquake here was not at all because Serenity God / calm the mind fell down and disappeared, but it became more and more intense.

This is because Serenity God / calm the mind is coming out of the forbidden beam. Because of the confusion of consciousness, the huge spirituality possessed by itself loses the binding and comes out far away, and this is not because of its being Knocked down and disappeared.

If it is left unattended, after the release of these spiritualities is completed, what will be left is a broken Protectorate, and I do n’t know how many people will die in this accident, so what we have to do now is to try to put it together.

He confessed to Tao Dingfu, he turned around, turned away, and suddenly came to the Administrative Office lobby, standing in front of the huge brain, you can see that the original dim-blue rays of light has been It became extremely weak, almost immobile.

Serenity God / calm the mind has not really died yet, but he has killed the main consciousness occupying his body, and he has also been hit hard, so at this moment, he is still in nothingness and has fallen into the sleep of the past.

Now, he has to try to re-direct his consciousness, take the initiative to bring back the strength of spiritality, and he can eliminate this coming disaster.

The only difficulty is that to instill such a thing is not as simple as instilling a consciousness, but it requires continuous action.

This is likely to compete with Serenity God / calm the mind.

But at this time, only his cultivation base is the highest here, so he is the only one who does this.

He reached into his sleeves, took out the two “Yang Pivot”, put them on the brain respectively, and then took off the gloves.

He took a deep breath and concentrated his mind. After a few moments, he opened his eyes and lifted his hands up to take it. His palm suddenly grabbed the two “Yang Pivot”.


At the moment when the consciousness blended, there were a lot of broken pictures rushing into his mind like the tide of the sea, seeming to drown his consciousness, but he kept his mind, standing like a reef in the sea. , Firmly maintain that point of spiritual light immortal.

After the impact of the tide, he saw a distorted and chaotic consciousness, as if he had come to the dream of a manic mania, surrounded by a storm that seemed to tear him apart, but this consciousness Now 1000 sores and 100 holes, so he carefully avoided those fierce turbulent tides, entered the gap, and entered the deepest of these consciousness.

There is a completely silent island here, and when he arrives here, he slowly sinks his consciousness into it and begins to guide slowly.

At the same time, the huge spirituality forces wandering in heaven and earth are also beginning to be consolidated in an orderly manner. They are no longer as frantic as before, like a wrinkled piece of paper being smoothed again, those who are guided Under this pacification, the outgoing force gradually quieted down.

On Jun Island, the monstrous tsunami suddenly collapsed when it was still 100 miles away from the island, and then turned into a downpour and poured onto the sea. The aftermath seemed to be pressed by an invisible force, not at all. It came out, but it was released bit by bit.

The smoke above the volcanoes on the islands spewed for a while, and then fell into silence again, but there was still a slight turbulence that stirred the surrounding sea waves from time to time.

After a long time, Song of Cicadas Sword suddenly let out a pleasant whisper, Zhang Yu woke up, he immediately released his hand, and backed up the several steps.

At this time he reached out and rubbed his eyebrows.

When Fang Cai came into contact with the consciousness of Serenity God / calm the mind, he saw many things, some of which were still clearly preserved, but some of them could not be remembered now.

He is very clear that this should be actively rejected by him, because some things may have exceeded his own tolerance, and it is not easy to accept now.

But among those things I remember, some of them are actually very useful for him. This can be considered an unexpected harvest.

It’s just that the risk of this harvest is too high, and he really doesn’t want to do it again.

At this moment he was exhaled for a long time. Even after him, after a confrontation and use on the level of consciousness, the mind also felt a moment of fatigue, and the originally expanded spirituality also shrank into the body.

He looked up towards the open top of the hall, above the ten thousand li cloudless sky. The clear and clear blue sky seemed to have undergone a scrubbing, which made people feel transparent for a while, and could not help but feel a sense of comfort and tranquility.

He turned his head to look at the water leak in the hall and found that it had been 3 days before he entered here.

He stretched out his hands, took off his hat, and went outside.

He walked alone along the hallway, his footsteps echoed in the empty corridor, letting the mind lazily sink there, enjoying the relaxation after the war as much as possible.

He kept coming to the front office of the Administrative Office. When the door was closed, he reached out and pushed.

With the two doors rumbling outwards, the rays of light projected from the outside, but when he stepped out, he accidentally discovered that the square of the Administrative Office was now full of people, it seemed Waiting for him there.

He looked at the past. Among these people were Administrative Office officials, Peaceful Sun Academy teachers, and Profound Mansion ’s found cultivator, and even more ordinary people in Auspicious Light City.

Among these people, there are those whom he knows and those who do not.

But everyone has an identity.

Celestial Xia people!

But when he saw him coming out of Administrative Office, everyone in the square raised his hands together, his arms folded, left one covering the top of the right one, his body leaned forward, deeply He snapped.

There was no noise at this time, but 1000 100 people were carried out with the ceremony, but it was extremely solemn.

Zhang Yu raised his head slightly, looked at everyone, took a deep breath slightly, raised his arms, straightened his spine, stretched his big sleeves, and then folded his palms together.



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