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Zhang Yu walked through the circular steps in the inner wall of Xia Gazing Stage, step by step to the top of the beacon.

It was only after he came back yesterday that he knew that there was a layer of protection on the surface of the beacon. Before that, Que Que and the others could not break the defend here, which called out Serenity God / calm the mind in advance.

But when he came here with his palm on the wall, he didn’t feel any repulsive force at all.

Not only him, when Liu Fengquan hid the Commander Yang Jue in a comatose into the back room here, he was also not hindered.

He thought that Yang Jue had communicated mentally before pressing the jade plate. Perhaps it was then that the enemy and the enemy were defined. I am afraid that only people who believe that they are friendly can move around here.

Before long, he reached the top of the beacon.

The view here is very wide, almost all the sights of Auspicious Light City can be captured, but what I see now is only half a broken city.

He glanced at the middle of the beacon tower, where a tall and beautiful disc-shaped machine building stood, the whole was slightly tilted, and the inside was composed of dozens of metal spheres of different sizes, and the surface was moving with fine and tiny The lines are closely connected with each other, and there are strips of bright silver metal hoops on it. It looks similar to the metal used on “Yang Pivot”.

He glanced at one of the turntables, walked up to hold the edge, and flicked a little. As the sound of metal friction sounded, several spheres turned hard, and the top light column slowly shifted accordingly A few points.

But he was thinking at this moment, why should this kind of steering be placed on the beacon?

Is every beacon built in this way, or is it just because of the presence of Goddess Peak in Eastern Court Protectorate?

He thought about the huge energy contained in the beacon tower, slightly nodded. Perhaps this beacon tower is not just used to ignite the beacon.

Although the thought was turning in his mind, his movements were not slow. During the turn of the turntable, the beam of light quickly fell and fell, and slowly moved to Krigris Peak in his fine adjustment.

When the beam of rays of light hit the isolated peak there, the whole mountain suddenly became transparent and bright, it seemed to be a huge torch in a flash, and outward in a flash Endless light and heat were released, and a beam of light brighter than before was shot into Tianyu!

The beacon ignited again.

At the moment, everyone standing at the bottom of Xia Gazing Stage looks at Goddess Peak, and they are all showing excitement, and the guards of Protectorate all around can’t help but cheer.

Zhang Yu walked two steps ahead and looked at the distant sky. The light on Goddess Peak not only rose upwards, but also partly spurted outwards, smearing the entire sky dome with a layer of dazzling golden.

The Mountain of Serenity mountain range that runs through the north and south is also reflected in this layer of rays of light, and the Protectorate land west of the Mountain of Serenity is like a golden place for legendary.

After thinking for a while, he took out the picture book and colored pencils from his pocket, and outlined the extraordinary scene of this scene on the Xia Gazing Stage with a pen.

After a long time, he collected things and walked down from under Xia Gazing Stage, but found Chief Commander Yang Jue standing there, as if waiting for him, and said, “Chief Commander, but what’s the matter?”

Yang Jue said: “Mr. Zhang, can I worship you as a teacher?”

Zhang Yu looked at him and said, “Is Chief Commander having any trouble?”

Yang Jue dropped his head and said, “I don’t really want to do Chief Commander.”

He has been signing the submitted documents these days, which is no different from what he did before.

His Chief Commander is only nominal, usually can not do anything, just a person responsible for the last step stamp.

In fact, if it wasn’t for the explanation of the former Chief Commander Yang Xuan, and the requirements of the elders of the Yang family, he didn’t want to sit in this position at all.

Zhang Yu understood his thoughts. He gestured at Krigris Peak in the distance and said, “Chief Commander, wait a little longer, maybe everything will be different.”

Yang Jue was very clever and immediately understood what he meant. His eyes lit up and he was glad to say, “Yes, sir.”

After saying goodbye to Zhang Yu and Yang Jue, he greeted people outside Xia Gazing Stage and stepped out of Commandery.

Now that the beacon tower is lit, he should go to the north and take those Senior’s dresses back, so he looked up, and immediately turned into a rainbow mansion, escaped into the sky dome, when the sound of the atmosphere burst, rays of light was already the first Take a step towards Mountain of Serenity and escape.

Somewhere in the mountain plateau of Mountain of Serenity, Squad Leader Mo is trekking here. She was out of jungle as early as 2 days ago.

But not long after this. She discovered that divine robe was automatically separated from her body, and could no longer be used by herself.

And she also changed from the original stout figure back to the ordinary young woman’s appearance.

In order to reduce the burden, she also had to endure the heavy covered armor and her axe.

Fortunately, she still has 2 Tuva half gods controlled by sanity, and then she walks on top of the Mountain of Serenity without any risk.

But the mortal body is obviously not suitable for long-term expectation in this kind of mountain plateau. If she and Zhang Yu gave a few pills on the way, they would have been unable to support it.

After a long walk of section of the road, she had to find a big stone to sit and rest, but at this time the 2 Tuva half god and the native priest suddenly knelt down.

She suddenly realized something, stood up, looked up, and saw a silhouette of a robe floating in the rays of light standing there.

She happily said: “Sir?”

She seemed to have thought of something, and took the dress on her back to the front, saying, “Sir, everything is here, and there is nothing missing.”

Zhang Yu nodded, said: “Squad Leader Mo, you are doing well, then let me go back to Protectorate.” As soon as his voice fell, Squad Leader Mo felt himself floating, and then wrapped in a rays of light, just Follow a rainbow light ahead to the distant sky all the way.

Half a day after Zhang Yu escaped, he returned to Protectorate. After putting down the Squad Leader Mo, he gave it a few words and let him go. He took those former clothes back to his residence.

He rinsed a few times and came to the study. When he saw that today’s newspaper had been placed on the table, he picked it up and turned it over.

Most of the above is a tribute to him. He glanced at it and skipped it.

After removing the content related to him, the most important news here is that with the involvement of Profound Mansion, Protectorate South Xinjiang has been resettled, and the body of God of Balance is already killed.

However, he knew that this deity is a little special, and there are many believers among the natives, that is, there are many people who secretly believe in him in the Protectorate, so it does not necessarily die.

It is conceivable that there will be a lot of trouble after Protectorate.

After reading the newspaper, he returned to the quiet room and meditated.

He didn’t get out of the seat until the next morning, walks from inside.

But at this time, if he was aware of it, he glanced somewhere and came to the platform. He saw Tao Dingfu carrying a long sword, standing here with his back to him, and said: “senior brother, go, But what did you find? “

Tao Dingfu turned around and said, “It does have some gains.” Next, he briefly said what he asked.

Zhang Yu thought for a while and said, “If this is the case, Deng Mingqing should be the person’s pawn. He wants to invite the righteous purity to come out to clear up the situation after the subversion of Profound Mansion. Let Protectorate change into their eyes. Good land? “

Tao Dingfu nodded and said: “This is very possible. You know, junior brother, we true cultivator usually avoids the involvement of the found cultivator. This is actually the rules set by Celestial Xia in the early years, especially some radical people. It was even asked to make an oath, if a place has Profound Mansion present, then his disciples must avoid it, and no one should be allowed to enter. The Righteous Purity door should be blocked by the oath and cannot be shot in person, so Deng Mingqing was used. “

Zhang Yu said: “Is this one still on this land?”

Tao Dingfu said: “This is hard to say.”

Zhang Yu’s heart turned to the thought, Ceremony Initiating Jade, which should have been in the hands of Divine Army Army Lord Yue Shu before, and how it was lost, is now unknown.

But if the whole thing is connected in series, Deng Mingqing very likely received this person’s direct or indirect assistance.

If the person under Righteous Purity did this before Chaos Tide, then the person might be already not in here, and if it was done afterwards, then he might still hide in the coveted Protectorate.

But as long as his people are still bound by vows, as long as Profound Mansion doesn’t make trouble, there won’t be too many problems.

It’s just that Eastern Court Profound Mansion has to face not only this one, but also an enemy, God Restoration Group, also hiding in the dark. This organization hasn’t completely surfaced so far.

But God Restoration Group’s strength should not be very strong, otherwise, when trying to build a divine country before, it would not go to join different God and Divine Army.

He thought about it carefully, and it seemed that it was time to return the seal from the main jade to Profound Mansion.



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