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After Zhang Yu got out of the library, he returned to his residence in the Academy. He called Wondrous Pills Lord, teased for a while, and took out the gem left by Goddess Yaqu and placed it there.

When Wondrous Pills Lord saw the gem, he fiddled with it with his claws, and then lay down on his 4 limbs, trying to touch it with the tip of his nose. Pieces of fused together,

Zhang Yu slightly nodded, he has seen clearly before, this gem contains the survival skills of the leopard cat.

The hunting and fighting skills of young leopard cats also need to be taught by parents, but as a spiritual creature, it does not require adult leopard cats to teach, just need to pass the spirituality to know these things, and in the process of growth and fighting Gradually digest and become familiar.

He rubbed Wondrous Pills Lord’s head again, and left Guest Hall. He came to heavenly station.

Tao Dingfu is standing here with his back to him, leisurely looks at distant objects.

Zhang Yu knew that he had come here. After the long case, he sat down and poured 2 cups of tea with a teapot. He said, “What’s the matter with senior brother?”

Tao Dingfu snorted and turned around, saying: “I want to go to the local area too, but I have no status in Protectorate, and I don’t want to wait any longer. Naturally I will discuss a register book with the junior brother.”

Now Eastern Court Protectorate’s many people want to go to the local area with flying boat, but to do this, then they need a post that can prove their identity. Without this thing, Bright Blaze Battalion will not let you Get on the flying boat.

However, there are currently only 4 people in the Protectorate who can approve.

Zhang Yu is one of Acting Profound Leader. There is also the highest Commander Chief Commander Yang Jue in the name of Protectorate, Duke of the Administrative Office Liu Fengquan, and Proctor Chi of Peaceful Sun Academy

However, Chief Commander is too young to manage, so it falls into specific matters. Actually, Zhang Yu, Liu Fengquan and Proctor Chi can approve.

Anyone with extraordinary powers must go through Zhang Yu’s verification and permission, and there are not many places.

Fortunately, Protectorate is after all establishing contact with his native land, so this batch can’t go, you can also wait for the next batch, as more and more exchanges between the two sides will naturally not be so strict now.

Zhang Yu said: “The senior brother is at ease, I have arranged it for you.”

Tao Dingfu bowed his hand and said with a smile: “Then many thanks junior brother, but there is a person fellow daoist would like to trouble you too.”

Zhang Yu looked to the side and saw a black fire flying, Ying Zhuan appeared in the air, but he did not step on the platform, but floated there at a distance.

“Profound Leader Zhang, I need a notice, I owe you a favor.”

Zhang Yu pondered, said: “Yes.” He said again: “Since it’s here, sit down and have a drink together.”

Ying Zhuan looked at him, came to the platform, and sat down before the case.

Somewhere in the Western District, Yu Mingyang returned to his home. Although he now has a ministry and a lot of salaries, he is nostalgic, so he did not move away from his original residence and still lives here.

When he arrived, he saw a middle-aged man sitting there, happily said: “Brother, are you back?”

The middle-aged man was nodded, he asked: “Mingyang, I have heard recently that many people are delivering statements, and want to go to the Celestial Xia homeland, but did you submit the statement?”

Yu Mingyang replied: “Not yet.” After a while, he took a deep breath and looked up: “Brother, I’m not going to go home.”

Middle-aged man said solemnly: “Why?”

Yu Mingyang Zhengrong said: “Protectorate has now restored contact with the local area, then it will no longer be guarding a corner of land as usual. With local support, it will definitely try to explore deep into the jungle. There will be many natives during the period. Barbarian is waiting for people to teach, there must be a shortage of manpower here, not to mention that when I was studying, the academy waived my tuition and I could n’t just leave. ”

The middle-aged man said to him: “When you go to the local area, you can learn more, and the future is far greater than nesting in Eastern Court.”

Yu Mingyang seriously said: “Brother, if it comes to building meritorious service, I think Eastern Court is more suitable for me. Moreover, when Eastern Court is connected to Celestial Xia, when will you go back to the local area? It is not difficult to think about it.”

The middle-aged man remained silent for a long time before saying: “You grew up, your path should be chosen by yourself.

Yu Mingyang wanted to say something. Then a shout came out of the door: “Mingyang, come out soon, and you will be lacking.”

The middle-aged man said to him: “Go.”

Yu Mingyang said: “Brother, I’m going first.” He shouted to the outside and said: “Come.”

When I went outside, I saw Duan Neng, Wang Bo and Zheng Yu waiting for him there. After saying hello, 3 people came to a well-known restaurant in Beifang City, Western District. In the meantime, a good table was called up.

Duan Neng sneaked out a bottle gourd from his sleeve, places on the table, proudly said: “I came from my father, Yulanxiang, drink less, don’t get drunk and go back.”

Wang Bo swiped the fan in his hand and opened it with said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter if we get drunk, I’m afraid that Brother Duan will be drunk too, then all three of us can’t lift it.”

Both Yu Mingyang and Zheng Yu laughed.

Wang Bo knocked the fan on the table and asked, “Oh, are you all going to Celestial Xia this time?”

Zheng Yu said: “I went back to see mother. She said that I would go to Celestial Xia to study. The day before yesterday I handed the statement. Profound Mansion was also accurate. It said that I went to Azure Sun Profound Mansion to study. It takes about 2 years to come back. “

Wang Bo happily said: “Okay, let’s go by the way, I also want to go back to Celestial Xia. You don’t know, my great-grandfather was over 90 years old, His-Senior came here by boat when he was a teenager, so let His-Senior asked me to go back to visit his relatives on his behalf. When Chaos Tide retires in the future, it will be convenient to communicate with the local people. His-Senior will also go back and see for himself. “

Duan Neng scratched his head and said, “My dad also asked me to go to the local school to study. It is said that the local armament now exceeds the Protectorate too much. If I learn it, I will come back and say that this quota is used by the boss , Let me not waste it. “

At this time, the 3 people all looked towards Yu Mingyang.

Wang Bo said: “You are left, Mingyang, how about you? You go with us. With the credit of Hard Claw Tribe, the Protectorate won’t stop you?”

Yu Mingyang shook the head, said: “I want to stay.”


3 people are puzzled.

Wang Bo gave a voice and said, “We are always together. No, you have to go with us. We can’t leave you here alone.”

Duan Neng has been nodded again and again.

Zheng Yu whispered: “Xu Xu, Xing Mingyang also has his own ideas.”

Wang Bo said: “What ideas? Can the ideas be changed, Mingyang, what do you think?”

Yu Mingyang repeated what he and his brother said, and finally apologized: “I’m sorry, I have something to do here, so I can’t go with everyone. I will punish myself.”

With that said, he poured a glass of wine and drank it.

3 people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Wang Bo saw him as solemn, knowing that he would not be able to persuade him, and mumbled, “Say, you have to be separated from us.”

Zheng Yu said: “Well, I think Mingyang’s idea is also very good.”

But Yu Mingyang laughed and said, “Whereever I am waiting, aren’t they all on Celestial Xia’s land?”

Duan Neng was very serious and patted the case and said, “Yes, if you go out, can you come back again? It’s not that you don’t meet again, it’s all a real man, what is hypocritical, come, eat, I tell you, it’s here Locally, I want to eat the food of Celestial Xia! “

With that, I twitched a sauced pig’s trotters and chewed it up.

“Hey, stop it for me, then all my favorite foods are robbed by you!”

“Hands are fast, hands are slow, ah, that’s my hand …”

After all, they are 15-16 years old young people. Between the fights, they quickly forget the sadness of leaving, and they have more good expectations for the future.

In a house in the south of Auspicious Light City, under a straight and tall great pine, Qin Wu sat on a nanmu chair, and the long sword and hand gun he carried were placed on the case at hand.

In front of him is a dozen close disciplines.

A young swordsman standing at the front said: “Master, you mean, are you going to Celestial Xia?”

Qin Wu nodded and said: “Yes, the statement is down. I want to see how the swordsman there is now, how to cultivate it.”

There is a recipe: “But Master is gone, what shall we do?”

Someone shouted, “Where we go, Master, we will go.”

Qin Wu shook his head and said, “I have taught the people who should teach, and you should go on your way down.”

The expressions of the disciples are a bit bleak. Many of them grew up with Qin Wu from an early age. They treated him like a father and a mother. Now they suddenly say they want to be separated.

Qin Wu said to the young swordsman: “In Little Zhan, in the numerical disciples, you can learn the finest and most talented. You should take care of the follow apprentices. But do n’t follow them, let go when you let go. , If there are violations of the rules, you can send me directly to the Minister of Justice Yamen, 10000000 don’t be soft. “

Little Zhan said resolutely: “Yes, Master.”

Qin Wu waved his hand and said, “There are so many words, let it go, um, Little Zhan, you stay, I still have something to tell you.”

The disciples are helpless and can only cup one fist in the other hand.

Qin Wu shouted Little Zhan into the house when everyone was gone, and handed him a divine general jade statue in the style of Celestial Xia. He said, “You take this jade idol to Profound Leader Zhang’s house Going on, I said I thank him, and I do n’t have anything valuable in my body. I heard that he likes to collect antiques, so I will give him this for me.



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