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There is a pattern printed on the last page of the booklet, which seems to be connected by countless lines. At first glance, it looks very messy, but when you look deeper, you can see that this is actually very orderly.

According to the postscript, this pattern is passed on by Profound Court. People with mystical ability only need to visualize this picture to distinguish whether they are parasitic by foreign object. This is not limited to Nightmare Demon.

Zhang Yu focused on it, and quickly reflected the pattern into his mind, but just a moment later, he felt like he was sinking, and everything around him was retreating away.

He clearly felt that he had sunk deep into his consciousness and could clearly feel everything around him.

Looking at the statement in the postscript, if you see 5 colorful spots here, then you have to be careful. Most likely it is Nightmare Demon ’s eyeing, which requires expulsion as soon as possible, or simply shut yourself down, do not contact with anyone, wait The right people come to the rescue.

Now he glanced down and saw that his consciousness was empty and empty.

This shows that he was not at all affected by any Nightmare Demon.

This is not surprising. He arrived at Azure Sun Superior Continent in just one day, and it was almost a flying boat. He was sent here by cold river insect with Wen Yi. If it is not too coincidental, I am afraid it is too late to be this thing Stare at.

He alone is not in the way, but then, we need to check Wondrous Pills Lord’s consciousness again.

As for how to test others, there is also a description in the booklet. Just visualize this pattern, and then use Heart Light to shine into their consciousness.

He summoned Wondrous Pills Lord in front of him, then stretched his hand against his head, Heart Light instantly turned around in his consciousness, and also found no problem.

He pondered, in fact, this verification method is more convenient and simple, although the pattern is complicated, it can be no difficult thing for the found cultivator that condenses Heart Light or the true cultivator that breaks the physical limit.

But there is a problem here.

He can only prove himself, but there is no way to prove that he has already proved himself.

In other words, he has no means to prove to others that he is no problem.

The method given by Chauzhong is the Correctness Examining Division to verify. The physical aspect is blood collection verification, because the consciousness parasite does not guarantee that there will be no problem in the physical aspect, and there are also two situations that occur at the same time.

In terms of consciousness, the creation of Heavenly Secrets Division is used to test, because Profound Mansion may be parasitized up and down, plus a large number of people have died in the past, so this thing is in the hands of Correctness Examining Division.

But Zhang Yu himself, as a cultivator, knows that there is no cultivator willing to let outsiders look at his conscious mind, and such verification is probably not a one-time one, because no one can guarantee that this time is okay, and the next time will be okay,

So it is conceivable that as long as you have this right, if the Correctness Examining Division is staring at a certain person, you can even come over and verify again and again.

As a Xia Scholar, he can justifiably reject the other party, but the general found cultivator, in this case, it is really a bit difficult.

Correctness Examining Division If it ’s an enemy, it ’s easy to handle, just draw a sword and fight, but the same Celestial Xia people, obviously impossible violence is relatively, and the other party has to use the rules of Celestial Xia to press you, there is no way to resist.

He thought about it for a while, and didn’t know what attitude Azure Azure Profound Mansion took towards this matter.

But if Profound Mansion does nothing, then Su Qian will not let him come out earlier, because it is meaningless, so he judges that Azure Sun Profound Mansion should stand on the stand of blessing the cultivator.

How to do it, only wait to go to Azure Sun Profound Mansion to understand the situation and then talk about it.

He took out a handful of pre-prepared pill powder, fed it to Wondrous Pills Lord, and went to meditate.

As the skylights of households outside went out, Luliang Town gradually fell into silence. Only a team of loyal patrols still patrolled the town inside and outside.

A night passed.

After Zhang Yu rinsed and fed Wondrous Pills Lord, he started the morning session again.

After a short time, I heard the noise from outside and the crying of the 2 children of Gong family.

He opened his eyes, stood up, Song of Cicadas Sword suddenly fell into his hands, then pushed open the door and walked down from above.

Coming to the outer room, a group of people surrounded the Gong family’s stable, and three of them were wearing the Black Suit of Minister of Justice, all with serious faces at the moment.

Gong Yi stood in front of the stable with open hands. He wept, and shouted to a tall old man standing in front of the crowd: “Uncle Yang, old Qiu has been in our house for more than 50 years. It was taken by my grandfather home. Yes, it is my family, my elders, I beg you, do n’t take it away. “

Uncle Yang looks at him: “Gong family young man, I know that old Qiu is a horse with spirituality, but it still has spirituality strength, what if it attracts Nightmare Demon? I want to be a person in town Think about it. “

Gong Yi wiped a tear, and said, “Then we will move out, and it won’t hurt everyone.”

Uncle Yang shook his head and said: “It’s not just this problem now.”

He looked a little more serious and said, “We Luliang Town people are people, people in other places are also people, even if you go outside, it is also on the territory of Celestial Xia. The local people are involved, and in order to eradicate the problem, old Qiu must deal with it today. “

Gong Yi loudly said: “Then I will go outside without harming the head office? I beg you to let old Qiu go.”

Yesterday ’s Yang Ming patrol was also in the crowd at the moment, he scolded: “Gong family young man, what nonsense? Can you go, how about your younger brother younger sister ?, are you worthy of your Dad ’s entrust?

Besides, where can you go? Outside of Azure Sun Superior Continent, man-eating gods and monsters are everywhere. Is that where you can go? Even if you go, you can’t survive a day! “

Gong Yi was still a teenager, and he didn’t know what to do at this time, sobbing: “Dear elder uncle, do you have to kill old Qiu? Is there no other way?”

His 2 younger brother younger sister was also crying while pulling his clothes, and said at the same time: “We do n’t want old Qiu to die, do n’t old Qiu to die …”

They look so unbearable.

Someone said: “If not, let’s just force the child like this.”

“That is, the big brother Gong is not here, when the time comes, I’m afraid I don’t think we’ll work together to bully his child.”

Uncle Yang hesitated, and said to a leader in the Minister of Justice: “Yamen Lord Kang, can you see if this can be done? After all, old Qiu has been in town for more than 50 years.”

Then Yamen Lord Kang said solemnly: “Mayor Yang, there is no room for accommodation. When you came, you said that it is up to you to solve this matter. If you can’t do it, then let us do it.”

Uncle Yang fiercely heart, stomping his feet, said: “This wicked person is still me!” He looked up, looks at Gong Yi, said: “Gong family young man, you want to blame, blame me later. Who calls me the town Long, I must be responsible for the safety of the people in the town! “

He gestured, and there were 2 strong guards who stepped forward, hugging Gong Yi who was crying and struggling, and 2 children, and another person who stepped forward cautiously stepped forward and took the reins of old Qiu, afraid of this The old horse with the strength of spirituality rose up to resist.

The old horse’s eyes were filled with tears, but it did not struggle with any resistance, but rather obediently followed the person who led him out.

Zhang Yu has only been aware of all the sound and emotional changes around him since he started, and then integrated to distinguish it, he straightened out the matter.

Gong Yi often took this old horse out for delivery recently, just 3 days ago.

Due to an accident, in the vicinity of Mo County, I collided with another carriage on the way, but at the time, old Qiu not only steadily pulled the truck, but also stopped the 2 horse biocreation, but he was a bit Nothing happened, so people who saw this scene suspected that the old horse possessed spirituality power.

This is usually not allowed in Azure Sun Superior Continent, because it is very easy to attract Nightmare Demon.

Therefore, the suspected person immediately reported it, so the Minister of Justice’s Office of Mo Xianzhong immediately sent someone to verify it. Last night, he followed the clue to find the town and handled the matter today.

He was pondered, came out from the crowd, and walked to old Qiu in the eyes of everyone’s surprise.

Patroller Yang saw him, and said nervously: “Mr. Zhang?”

Zhang Yu said: “Nothing.”

Yamen Lord Kang looked at Zhang Yu and was a little surprised. He questioned: “Who is this?”

Patroller Yang said: “This is a gentleman who passed by here yesterday and stayed at the Gong family young man.”

Yamen Lord Kang didn’t say anything, just took a closer look at Zhang Yu’s clothing.

Zhang Yu reached out at the moment to pats on the neck of old Qiu, visualize the pattern in his mind, and lifted Heart Light into old Qiu’s consciousness.

This old horse is indeed very spirituality, aware of his goodwill, did not resist at all.

Zhang Yu’s Heart Light turned around in the old horse’s consciousness and then retreated. He looked up and said: “Mayor Chen, Patroller Yang, and this one, I can confirm that this old horse has not been parasitic.”

Everyone looked at each other, and Yamen Lord Kang said: “How do you make sure? Are you from the Correctness Examining Division?”

Zhang Yu lifted the robe sleeve and took out an azure jade seal with a cicada button out of it, showing his name first, and then put it on his palm, and the object emitted a burst of azure light under the sun. , He said: “Is this enough?”

Yamen Lord Kang glanced at it, and looked towards Zhang Yu’s eyes immediately went wrong. He said in awe: “Xia Scholar?”

There was a cry of exclamation around the place. Xia Scholar is the one who owns the Duke, but this is only the second. People, even all gentlemen in Zhouzhong should treat each other with courtesy.

Yamen Lord Kang raised his hand at this time, solemnly pressed, said: “I have seen Scholar.” The surrounding townspeople, including Mayor Yang, also followed quickly.

Zhang Yu raised his hand for another ceremony and said, “I have seen this old horse before. He has not been parasitized. I can also wipe out his spirituality, so that hidden dangers can be eliminated and it will not be infected in the future. Now. “

Patroller Yang loudly said: “I believe in Scholar Zhang!”

“Yes, we believe too!”

“I believe Xia Scholar!”

The townspeople around made noises, expressing their willingness to trust him.

Zhang Yu knew in his heart that everyone did not simply trust him, but trust the group of Xia Scholar, so he also reminded himself that when walking in this name, he must also maintain the reputation of this group.

Yamen Lord Kang thought about it for a while, cups the hands and says: “Since there is Scholar Zhang guarantee, then we also believe it, then we do n’t have to be blind here, say goodbye.” He said goodbye to Mayor Yang again , And took two of the Minister of Justice and turned away.

As I walked on the road, a Minister of Justice squad soldier asked: “Head, how can we have a Xia Scholar here? And this person looks so young, will it be fake?”

Yamen Lord Kang shook his head and said: “The jade seal is true, and this seal is carved with sapphires. Only when I have been around for a long time, and my heart and name are together, will the rays of light bloom.” Speaking of this, he reminded Two men, “Remember, don’t talk too much after you go back, as long as you report this matter as usual, if you don’t ask, you should not have seen it.”

Seeing him look serious, the two squad soldiers responded with awe.



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