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Putting a cultivator to Zhang Yu a cup one fist in the other hand, self-registered surname: “Hui Yuanwu.”

Zhang Yu raised his sleeves and said, “Zhang Yu.”

Hui Yuanwu looked very serious and said, “Since the fellow daoist has invited me to confirm, then I will not keep my hand.”

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “Fellow daoist despite the shot, I should be a brilliant.”

He just wanted to take a look at what the strength of Azure Sun profound cultivator now is. What is the difference from the proven cultivator he has seen before, and fighting with people, it is for simple understanding.

Hui Yuanwu said: “Fellow daoist is careful.” As he spoke, the rays of light suddenly brightened.

Zhang Yu’s senses are very sharp. At this moment, he saw the glory of nearly 100 seal flashing in the past. In the great hall, there seemed to be a light man wrapped in lava. He radiated agitated light and heat. At the same time, a very dangerous breath emanated from the other party, which was like the moment before the volcano and tsunami erupted.

But even if you read the cultivator in Chapter 3, it has nearly 100 seals and can be used at the same time, which is too exaggerated.

But no matter how the other party did it, it will surely be a hit by heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

At this moment, the Quick Thinking Seal turned naturally, everything around him slowed down, he could tell from the opponent’s body and the direction of the Heart Light’s transfer, the next action of this person must be to punch him.

Switching to another found cultivator that does not understand the situation, even if the other party’s movements are understood at this moment, it is useless because the other party’s speed is too fast, even if the thinking can keep up, the body can’t keep up.

But his foundation is very deep, just when the mind is turning, Heart Light and the body also move together, but even so, he also judged that he was impossible to avoid this fist completely.

At this moment, he did 3 things, used Heart Light to exclude all foreign things that were harmful to him, and turned the Circulating Seal, while saying: “敕 ……”

Hui Yuanwu’s punch had hit his Heart Light, but it was precisely because his body was deviated a bit, not at all fell on his front torso, but wiped directly from his chest, but The person’s second punch is follow closely from behind, the next is the third punch, the fourth punch …

At this moment, counted 100 punches were blasted out, every time strikes above his Heart Light, but every time he turned with his body, it was a little off, plus Heart Light is enough tenacious, so that not at all is broken under the strength of the continuous accumulation.

……town! “

It was not until this time that the second word was spoken by Zhang Yu.

in a flash, the power of the flashing Heart Light on Hui Yuanwu’s body was pushed back to the depths of his mind, and his rays of light also subsided, just like the hot red rocks were thrown into the ice spring at once, although it only took a moment. , He can regain his strength, but he knows that he has lost.

His Heart Light is not only used for offense, but also used to protect himself. Now he suddenly loses it. Even if the opponent does not shoot, the aftermath of the attack is enough to tear his body.

Although there is magical item protection in the Technical Discussion Great Hall, there is no need to fear the danger of life, but this is only the case. In the past, it was not the one who did not destroy the Dao Foundation.

But at this time, a hand pressed lightly on his shoulder, and a burst of Heart Light rushed in to protect him all over his body.

Hui Yuanwu only felt a slight shock, and then he stood firm. He lifted the head with palpitations, looked at Zhang Yu, raised his hand for a salute, very seriously said: “fellow daoist Zhang, many thanks!”

Hong long long ……

The aftermath of the 2 players only reverberates in the great hall, surrounded by a whirlwind of air.

Hui Yuanwu’s attack was concentrated and condensed. Under the effect of certain seals, all the forces on and off the body, including the outside, were moved towards the enemy, and there was no trace of waste.

These were all led by Zhang Yu’s Circulating Seal.

Circulating Seal can send back part of the enemy’s strength, but he considers that there is a great probability that this seal will also exist in Azure Sun Profound Mansion, then it is likely to be targeted by the other party, so he would rather guide it to other places .

He looked at Hui Yuanwu and said, “fellow daoist Hui, if I see it well, you just used nearly 100 seal?”

Hui Yuanwu laughed, saying: “Fellow daoist should have come here soon?”

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “It is true.”

Hui Yuanwu looks at Zhang Yu’s eyes reveal admiration, saying: “fellow daoist can beat me with old seals, it is really good. Well, I know that the fellow daoist must have a lot of doubts, just thanks to the fellow daoist for helping me, I promise you this Human relations, what the fellow daoist has despite me, Hui Yuanwu knows everything. “

Zhang Yu did have some questions to ask the other party, so he invited Hui Yuanwu to sit on the side of the seat and talk, and the latter was also willing to comply.

After sitting down, he thought for a while and said, “I only came to Azure Sun Profound Mansion a few days ago. Only then did the fellow daoist Ming Shan lead me to observe the found pillar outside, saying that it was just for viewing. The fellow daoist knew that Profound Mansion is now Why did you do this? “

Hui Yuanwu said with a curse: “Those things are useless. Profound Mansion won’t let go and no one will practice.” He added: “I advise fellow daoist not to read the seal above, now Azure Sun Profound Mansion’s profound cultivator, and few will follow this cultivation. “

Zhang Yu asked, “Oh? Why is this?”

Hui Yuanwu thought for a while and said, “So let’s say that the seals were originally ‘great seal’, so now we profound cultivator is using ‘little seal’.”

Zhang Yu cannot help but be interested. He also knew that he had asked the key points, so he asked: “What is a ‘little seal’?”

Hui Yuanwu said: “This needs to be said slowly.” Next, he explained in detail what he knew.

Zhang Yu listened, and only then understood the difference.

According to Hui Yuanwu, after the Chaos Tide broke out 60 years ago, many unprecedented enemies poured out. In the process of fighting it, the found cultivator found that the seal he had had had many defects.

The first is that there is almost no cooperation between seal and seal. Even if multiple seals are used at the same time, there is no superposition effect, so they are relatively independent of each other.

It’s like a military formation. When encountering an enemy, each army soldier is fighting alone, and the power cannot be concentrated.

Secondly, in the past, the concept of found cultivator cultivate, every time Seal pursued the idea of ​​complete read, which led to the promotion of Heart Light. It was also bloated and inefficient when used in fighting.

Although the found cultivator can also reconcile the usefulness of the seal use, except for those who have outstanding talents, few people can take into account such elaboration in fierce fighting, and it can be very good to promptly call seal to help.

As a result of the battle with the enemy, a new way of thinking emerged, that is, “all deficiencies can be filled”, that is, many little seals are used to form a great seal.

We do n’t have to pursue the perfection of each seal, as long as we understand a lot of basic little seals, and then use each other, we can often explode the power that is no less than or even greater than the original great seal, and can also change the combination between each other, thus evolved Different great seals come.

Of course, these little seals are also differentiated downwards on the basis of the original great seal. They are not built in the air. It can be said that there is a little seal without a great seal.

It’s like the found techniques cultivation always carries the shadow of some true cultivator, because the found techniques evolved from the true technique, the principle here is the same, every relatively mature system has a context, there are The source is traceable and cannot be fabricated out of thin air.

Hui Yuanwu did not know exactly when this change occurred, but he felt as if it had appeared in an instant.

Zhang Yu has a judgment in mind. In general, it should be that after 100 years of accumulation of proven techniques, under the spur of a certain opportunity, a big blowout has finally appeared.

I am afraid that there are both the influence from foreign enemies and the promotion of many discovered cultivator mighty figures, which are the result of the joint action of all parties.

Hui Yuanwu said that there are 240 basic little seals he knows, all subordinate to body and mind two upright seals.

However, for each little seal of the read, only 10% of the original spirit essence is needed, or even lower, so as long as you read about 20 spirit seals of the great seal, you can complete all the little seals.

He changed through a certain chapter order combination, and now can exert the power equivalent to the original 3 or 40 seals, so his battle strength has not weakened at all, but has been greatly strengthened.

Not only that, he said that there are still many secret chapter orders not knowing, otherwise the strength can be further improved, and the potential is still tapped.

Zhang Yu was also amazed when he heard this. Didn’t expect the local proven techniques have seen this big change in these several decades, but he also found a problem here.

Most of the profound cultivator can’t master the changes of the original great seal. How can so many little seals be reconciled and used effectively?

After he raised the question, Hui Yuanwu laughed and said, “Fellow daoist is accurate. I rely on it, but it actually comes from 2 things. The proven cultivator that is good at induction can read ‘Foresight Seal’. Although I don’t understand, it is said that this seal can ‘Understand Yin and Yang, and look at the enemy’s opportunities’, and what I rely on … is this thing! “

When the words fell, a silhouette of flame clouds appeared next to him. He said: “This thing is a kind of creation. It is called” observer “in military, which can help the master to observe the enemy and propose reasonable fighting advice. “

He nodded his own head, “Because this thing is refining with my own blood essence, it is one with me and has the same thoughts, it sees what I see, he feels what I see, through it, I do n’t have to pay Any effort can understand how to distribute and reconcile one’s own power in battle. “

Zhang Yu nodded, he had heard of such things at Su Qian, he said: “I heard that this is the creation of Heavenly Secrets Division, only military soldier can use it?”

Hui Yuanwu showed a contemptuous look, with double bracelets on his chest, and said: “Yes, Heavenly Secrets Division, how can those people give us these things kindly, but those who have a way, please be good at true cultivator of refining magical item. Refining This thing, although the refined things are somewhat different from the Heavenly Secrets Division, but it is more suitable for our cultivator. “

Zhang Yu nodded, in fact, he knew that the earliest idea of ​​”observer” should come from the found cultivator.

In the early years of the found cultivator, two people cooperated with each other, one was the main, the other was the second, one was responsible for fighting, and the other was responsible for observing the enemy. Later, it was used by the Heavenly Secrets Division as a reference, thus creating an “observer” In this way, the military’s strength is greatly improved, and the skill of Heavenly Secrets Division is inseparable from the true cultivator.

So who can learn who is who, it has long been unclear.



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