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At the Mizar Academy, it was noticed at this moment that Zhang Yu and Tang Chi were about to fight not only those students, but also several found cultivators, including Wu Chang, who were deans, and also immediately noticed the changes in Yubi.

Wu Chang was sitting in the dwelling at this time, and a silhouette appeared on the jade walls of both sides, all in a costume of cultivator, one of them said: “fellow daoist Wu, fellow daoist Li, what do you think of this World War I? “

Another shook his head and said: “That fellow daoist Zhang should not agree to this battle.”

Wu Chang did not speak.

Although they don’t like Tang Chi, who has always been on their heads, or even wish him to die, they don’t think Tang Chi will lose. After all, their impression of overseas cultivators is that mystical power is acceptable, but fighting means is lacking.

Tang Chi is their old rivals, they know how hard this person is.

Wu Chang suddenly said at this moment: “It’s started.”

At the moment where Zhang Yu and Tang Chi 2 stood, there were sudden dull vibrations at the gold and jade square stage around them, and then the blocks sank to the ground, leaving 2 people free for 6 miles Come in a clear space.

In fact, for their found cultivator at this level, such a space is completely insufficient, only one flying can leave this range, but they also understand that this is already the maximum given by the Academy.

Tang Chi is full of smiles and his expression looks quite relaxed. In fact, from the moment he saw Zhang Yu, he released “Jin Ming” and observed Zhang Yu there while he was talking.

Whether he is fighting or not, he will try to understand his opponent.

However, after Zhang Yu released the Heart Light, his face changed slightly, and there was a burst of warning sign from Jin Ming, which showed that the mystical power that Zhang Yu had exploded in a moment was already above him.

He didn’t dare to carelessly, and his heart called, and suddenly a vague and huge silhouette appeared.

This is a half human half snake thing, but a long bifurcated tongue grows on his mouth and drags directly to his chest, where it shakes endlessly.

This is the most suitable visualization for him from Chaotic Chapter cultivator, called “Forked Tongue”.

This monster unites all the little seals on his body, conforms to his own will and temperament, and can perfectly exert his power.

“Forked Tongue” fights through the two mystical organs “mouth seal” and “idea seal”, and its divine ability lies in its ability to “bull the bully”.

Generally speaking, as long as he tells himself what he can do through Forked Tongue, he can do it if the level is not quite different.

He told himself at the moment that his Heart Light strength would be stronger than his opponent, but “Forked Tongue” soon told him that he couldn’t do it, and he immediately stepped down and told him again that his heart force would be equal to the opponent, but still Encountered a failure.

So he continued to lower the demand, thinking that his heart force would only second to the opponent.

This is a very vague boundary.

So this time, he succeeded.

His heart force rose to a new level in a flash.

On the Zhang Yu side, although he does not have an observer similar to “Jin Ming”, he has extraordinary senses and also has his own way of observing.

He saw that Tang Chi at first was far away from him, and his willingness to take the initiative was not strong. He guessed that if he was not a good at ranged attacks, he would be someone who likes to control the battle in his own hands.

For such a person, his general choice is to do it quickly, so he urged him, and the Song of Cicadas Sword in his hand became like an electric thunderbolt, and directly blasted out.

Tang Chi had seen Zhang Yu carrying a long sword before, and inferred that it was probably a magical item. Although there are not many found cultivators that use magical items, they are not without it, so they have done some precautions.

But when he really saw the sword light, he narrowed his eyes and found that he still underestimated his opponent.

If the sword is shocked, it will suddenly kill!

At this moment, even without Jin Ming’s notification, he knew that this sword could not be avoided at all.

Fortunately, the heart force only improved, and he immediately told himself that he had the power to resist this sword.

This time the response was also successful.

The communication between consciousness is extremely fast. When the flying sword is about to blast in front of him, the Heart Light has responded in time, turning into a stream of light in a moment, blocking the front.


The forces of 2 different sources collided violently, and instantly ignited a light spreading across the horizon, followed by a thunderous thunder.

Those newly admitted students look at the jaw-dropping white glow reflected on the jade bi. He heard the rumble and turbulence coming from a distance, his face was pale, is this the power of the cultivator?

In fact, not only them, but also some students who have been in the Academy for a few years and have armored qualifications, are equally astonished by the power shown by 2 people at the moment.

Tang Chi started to infer the various actions that Zhang Yu might take next through “Jin Ming” as soon as he caught the word light, and made various countermeasures against countermeasures in his heart.

But all of this is based on his own past combat experience and known seal. “Jin Ming” can only be judged based on these. If it is beyond what he knows, it cannot be included.

However, he felt that Zhang Yu had just returned from the sea. Even if he knew some great seals, there wouldn’t be much. He would be able to respond in time.

However, in the next moment, what waits for him is not a divine ability change, but a sword light strikes like strong wind and swift rain.

In just an instant, the Heart Light of 2 people hit each other as many as 100 times.

Above the Mizar Academy, there was a reverberating dull sound.

Zhang Yu was very impressed by the quick and violent attack when he was fighting with Hui Yuanwu before.

Although in the Eastern Court, both Goddess Yaqu and Zhu Que could have such an offensive, but in terms of strength and efficiency, it was far inferior to Hui Yuanwu, and each of his punches was extremely accurate and both There is a purpose, not just a vent of power.

He appreciates this way. Since the first sword has already tried out Tang Chi’s Heart Light, which is inferior to itself, it is natural to give full play to its own advantages and not give the opponent a chance to move.

At this time, the found cultivators who watched the battle through Jade Bi all exposed their look of shock. Such pure Heart Light collisions are very rare. Cultivator fighting is rarely used in this way, usually through divine ability. Change wins is the battle of wisdom and experience, rather than relying on brute force.

But Tang Chi is forced into such a dilemma right now. On the surface, his Heart Light is obviously not as good as Zhang Yu’s.

surnamed Li cultivator said: “If you go on like this, maybe you can win?”

Wu Chang stared at Yu Bi and said, “It’s not that simple. Tang Chi is different from us. His fundamental is never the change of divine ability. As long as he can’t kill him with one blow, the ending is hard to say.”

He considered for a while and said: “If the fellow daoist Zhang only has these methods in front of him, then with the delay of the battle, his winning will become smaller and smaller.”

At the moment, Tang Chi faced the word light strikes, he not at all stood in place, but flying in the field kept trying to dodge, but the word light was always able to keep up with it in time.

He is also helpless at the moment, as long as this sword light attacks constantly, then he can only be in passive defense and forced to compete with the opponent in heart force.

Although as a defender, his heart force consumption is less than that of his opponent, but Jin Ming tells him that the opponent ’s heart force is strong, whether it is the continuation of fighting or the strength of power, it is far more than his, so if not try Distorting the situation, it is likely that he will be killed first.

So he quickly adjusted the plan against the enemy, discarded all the original changes, and returned to the most fundamental old road.

At this moment, he began to tell himself through “Forked Tongue” that his strength was stronger than the other party.

Forked Tongue mainly uses two ways to fight the enemy. One is to simply bully oneself, that is, to simply improve the strength of a certain part of oneself.

And the other is to keep telling himself during fighting that he is strong and weak, then his strength will increase a little bit, so as long as he has survived the battle, then as the fighting time continues, he will also Will become more and more powerful, and even reach the point of truly surpassing the opponent.

After each fight, “Forked Tongue” will remember the power limit of each time. When he fights with people next time, he can directly send his strength to this height, and can continue to advance on this basis. .

So every opponent is not only his opponent, but also his supply of strength.

He estimated through “Jin Ming” that before his Heart Light was exhausted, he was enough to raise his power to a higher height and surpass Zhang Yu.

Of course, this is not without cost. If you exceed your own commitment too much, then after fighting, his mystical strength and mystical organs will decline.

Fortunately, this is not a permanent loss. It can be returned in a certain period of cultivation. The price is to pay more spirit essence. This can be considered to use overdraft in the future to achieve the present.

Because this method is unfavorable to path, he generally would not do so if he had a choice.

But if he can defeat the enemy in this way when he meets a strong enemy, he will not have any hesitation, because only by grasping the present can he talk about the future.

Although Zhang Yu fought there remotely, he was still observing the changes of his opponent. He found that Tang Chi’s heart force not only did not weaken, but seemed to be gradually increasing.

Although I don’t know how the other party did it, it is undoubtedly a divine ability change.

If such a change can be maintained in this way, then after a period of time, it will reach a height that exceeds the limit, and even exceeding him is not impossible.

Since the other party’s means only stop here, he is not prepared to wait any longer, looking up towards Tang Chi, saying: “敕 …… inhibit!”



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