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Among the golden stage, Zhang Yu got a message from academy, knowing that it was time to set off, he left Li Qinghe in his residence, took Qing Shu and Qing Xi 2 out, and went directly through the underground road boat mooring heavenly station is coming.

When reaching the boundary, dozens of people have been waiting here.

The dean of this trip is headed by him. In addition to him, there are 2 other deans, a surnamed Zhou and a surname Chang, all of whom are middle position cultivator. Each of them is followed by 2 or 4 young disciple And many attendants.

However, although these two people are the middle position with Zhang Yu, but the dao faction of their origin is relatively small, the things they learn are not precise enough, and the battle strength is weak, so their status is far from comparable to Tang Chi, Wu Chang and the others.

But these two people have been in academy for 30 years and their experience is very rich. This time they will take a flying boat with Zhang Yu and take charge of protection together.

Zhou and Chang are very clear about where they are, and have kept awe of Zhang Yu who defeated Tang Chi. At this time, seeing him coming, they all took the initiative to saluted.

Zhang Yu also had a gift, and the back gown sleeves were swayed, along the heavenly station extension to the flying boat, Qing Shu and Qing Xi 2 followed.

Zhou and Chang took the discipline attendant to board the boat one after another.

At the same time, the newly-entered students of academy and the accompanying teachers and soldiers also began to board the boat one after another under the rays of light.

After about 2 minutes, everyone was on the flying boat. After checking the directory, there was a burst of light on each of the two flying boats, and then they took off and flew toward Northwest.

The cabin of the flying boat where Zhang Yu is located is relatively large. Each dean has a separate chair and couch, as well as a table bookshelf for writing books, and a single cabin for recreation.

After Zhou and Chang sat down, he talked with 2 people.

The two cultivators answered carefully, but after chatting for two sentences, they saw that he was peaceful and treated with courtesy, and he gradually relaxed in his heart. Both sides also answered questions.

Through these remarks, Zhang Yu didn’t realize much. The two people exchanged many times with the outer territory and were familiar with the situation of the outer territory. Most of the things in it were never recorded on the dossier.

Flying boat After flying for more than an hour, the surnamed Zhou cultivator looked outside and opened the mouth and said: “The flying boat should be out of Ping State, and after a while, Azure Azure Superior Continent’s territory will be left. By the way, when you come down, it will speed up. You should be able to rush to the first camp established in the outer territory after noon. “

Zhang Yu raised his hand at this time, and the top wall of the cabin of the flying boat faded like a melt, exposing the scenery outside.

The sky dome is still blue and clear, but the ground below, the original green is gradually replaced by the gravel of Crimson and the exposed rocks.

Above the earth, densely packed, huge holes one after another, and you can see the broken limb shells buried inside by sand storm and skeleton debris of some kind of creature.

Surnamed Zhou cultivator explained: “This is the scar left after the arrival of Chaos Tide, when my Azure Sun Superior Continent battled the enemies. Here, after being contaminated by repeated strikes and dirty spirit of the discovered weapon, this life was cut off, barren It gradually became like this in front of you, but now it can be regarded as the outermost protective barrier around Azure Sun. “

At this time, everyone saw that a huge blue star suddenly appeared in the eyes. From the huge figure, it seemed to be close to the side of the earth.

A young disciple could not help but wonder: “teacher, what is this?”

Surnamed Zhou cultivator explained: “This is the legendary Moon of Spirituality. Some natives claim that they are the source of spirituality. In the outer territory, this thing can be seen from February to March every year.”

The surnamed Chang cultivator said with a trace of disdain: “These natives are all blamed on God when they involve power. They are unwilling to accept the saying that power comes from themselves, and blindly put their hopes outside.”

This topic should not be discussed in depth, especially now that it is still on the military’s flying boat, so the surnamed Zhou cultivator is just laughed 2 times, not at all to answer the call.

Then the young disciple asked again: “The teacher, with such a large moon, why didn’t I wait to see it in the continent?”

Surnamed Zhou cultivator said: “Because this Xingyue does have some mystical, long-term observation, the mind is easily affected, which is not good for my Celestial Xia people, so under the shadow of great azure banyan, this thing shadowing shadow is isolated, And you see this thing now … “He was paused,” That means we have gone out of the sphere of great azure banyan’s asylum, and it is up to us to come down. “

At the moment, on another flying boat, Mo Ruohua, Little Yao, surnamed Ying girls, the entire group, and the rest of the students are in a group of ten, a total of ten groups of more than 2 men and women are sitting together in the spacious flying boat cabin.

As a new student, they are not as relaxed as Zhang Yu’s side. Since they set off, they are not allowed to whisper, to drink, to stand up and walk, to do anything, they need to raise their hands to report .

So it’s silent all the way, but even so, many people’s faces are unstoppable colors of excitement.

Above the aisle, several female soldiers walked back and forth here, and each of them hung a foggy silhouette that no outsiders could see.

Through this observer, she is looking at the emotions and performance of every student here at this moment, which will be brought back to be included in everyone’s review.

After flying the boat for another period of time, a female soldier suddenly felt something, and walked quickly to the main cabin. After a while, she came out again and said seriously: “It’s almost noon, you have one hour to eat and talk , Remember, no loud noises, offenders deprived of experience qualifications, repatriated academy, and included in the review! “

After she finished speaking, she looked around sternly before going out.

“hu ……”

The students put out a long breath, and if they didn’t talk for so long, they could hold them back, but they also remembered the words just now, and many people pointed their fingers to the lips and let out a boo.

This caused some people to look embarrassed and stood up in a hurry, walked to the back cabin with their legs crossed. Many people saw Pu chi, and covered his mouth and laughed lightly.

At this time, the two sides of the bulkhead are also slowly melting, exposing the unforgettable sight outside, most people are dull looks below the devastated land.

“what is that?”

A dejected cry came, and a student pointed out with a shocked expression.

Everyone looked at him for a while, and he was shocked for a while. I saw a very large body. Something like an ocean fish floated through the sky. It had no eyes, only countless tentacles.

“This thing is called” Life Abandoning Demon Fish “, it is regarded as a group of Taibo Gods and Monsters. It usually likes to stay in the land abandoned by gods of the previous era. As long as it does not actively provoke it, it will not attack. our.”

A short hair female Soldier sitting in the corner explained aloud.

Some students puzzled: “Are Taibo Gods and Monsters not with me hostile? Why do you ignore it?”

The short-haired female Soldier said: “Taibo Gods and Monsters are not completely integrated,” Life Abandoning Demon Fish “is not mentally low, and likes to feed on the same family with spirituality, so it is usually not killed, it will be driven out It is also because of this that we did not clear them, but let them be here. “

She looked towards the people and said, “This time, one of the experience assessments for each of you is to hunt a low-end Taibo Gods and Monsters by hand. The relevant description will be sent to you in a booklet later, you Take a look if you have time. “

Bold students whispered whispered: “Why not give it to us earlier, but prepare more …”

Short hair female hasn’t given any explaination, this time The experience of these new students is mainly based on the test, if everything is prepared in advance, how to test out everyone’s success?

At this time, suddenly a light and shadow flew from a distance. After a few laps around the flying boat, the ground was divided into ten streams of light into each flying boat.

As soon as they entered Mo Ruohua, the rays of light of their flying boat entered the cabin, which caused the students around to scream out.

Mo Ruohua saw this thing, her eyes narrowed, and her rays of light involuntarily let go, but then she quickly converged again.

The two female soldiers who were on the side lit up, and they looked at each other, nodded.

After the rays of light came in, it slowly fell to the ground. At this time, all the people clearly saw a talisman paper. As the talisman paper ignited without fire, a spiritual light shot out, which showed a silhouette of a cultivator. He looks at It was very miserable, the shirt was broken, and the hair worn in a bun was scattered.

He clutched his injured chest and said hard: “I was ordered to go out to kill gods and monsters with more than a dozen fellow citizens, but I was ambushed by accident and fought hard. Now I am trapped in a ruins in ancient times. Seeing the robe, I hope to be able to come … “

He hadn’t spoken yet. At this time, the talisman paper was burning to the end. His silhouette disappeared with the spiritual light, and suddenly disappeared.

After seeing the short-haired female Soldier, the expression said seriously: “You are not allowed to walk around here.” After that, she went to the main cabin quickly, leaving only many students there discussing spiritedly.

On the other side, Zhang Yu looks at the talisman paper burn to ashes under his feet. His pupil light is very calm and he can’t see any fluctuations.

Zhou and Chang are sitting there silently.

A young disciple saw that there was no one talking at all, and was anxious, stood up, and saluted the surnamed Zhou cultivator, saying, “teacher, shall we go and save this fellow?”

The surnamed Zhou cultivator reprimanded: “Sit down! Travel this time, headed by Dean Zhang, it’s your turn to come up with an idea!”

Although the young disciple was dissatisfied, he dared not to obey his orders and had to sit down obediently.

Surnamed Chang cultivator looked towards Zhang Yu at this point and said, “Dean Zhang, what do you say?”

Zhang Yu lightly said: “Don’t worry about it.”

surnamed Chang cultivator nodded, and asked again: “Wait academy, if you have any questions about this …”

Zhang Yu waved his sleeve lightly and flicked the ashes, saying: “As I said, this time we mainly focus on protection all students, and the rest of the matter is nothing to ask.”



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