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cultivators Zhou and Chang See Zhang Yu. People will be drove out directly in the future, all stunned.

The surnamed Zhou cultivator inevitably looked a little apprehensive, saying: “Here, the fellow daoist Zhang just drove the fellow daoist out like that? The one who owns Essence Soul Shining Shadow, obviously the cultivation base is tyrannical, 10000 is found …”

With the cultivator of Essence Soul Shining Shadow, you can transcendence the middle position in just one step. Offending such a character is definitely not a good thing.

The surnamed Chang cultivator was unwilling to lose face in front of the discipline, saying: “If you are afraid of something, you will be rushed when you rush. If that person comes, we will deal with Dean Zhang. Besides, there are many heavenly boats and armored soldiers, This person has not dared to come. “

Zhang Yu was calm, saying, “2 people, I don’t know much about true cultivator, but I also know that the cultivator made into Essence Soul Shining Shadow, and the shining shadow also have a part of what they can do. Will it be easily expelled by me like this? Moreover, this person does not even report the name and surname from beginning to end, this kind of people who hide their heads and tails, obviously have their own guilty conscience, no need to ignore it. “

In fact, he suspected this person from the very beginning, because the cultivator with that cultivation base didn’t need to ask them for help at all.

The young disciple said in surprise: “Dean Zhang, is this time fake? Is it possible that is the academic again?”

surnamed Chang cultivator shook his head and said: “It doesn’t seem to be what academy is doing …” As a cultivator himself, he didn’t at all see any weak spots from that person. Academy has no such ability.

Zhang Yu glanced to the outside and said, “If there is no accident, this person should have borrowed some special magical item.”

The surnamed Zhou cultivator asked carefully: “Then Dean Zhang … Is this going to be reported to academy?”

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “Naturally it is necessary. After all, I will wait as the dean. This trip is for the protection of all students. Any unknown matters must be managed.”

Among the cultivator, there are not people who are not mindless and evil, and do tricky things. Even in the past 100 years, people who have surrendered to the enemy in order to achieve their goals also exist.

He felt that the path of Fang Cai ’s man was a bit wrong. If only they were alone, there are still many students here. When encountering this kind of thing, they ca n’t just think of using cultivator to solve it. When something happens, it is better to have a precaution in advance.

Surnamed Zhou cultivator glanced out at the moment and said, “President, it’s almost time.”

Zhang Yu turned his eyes and saw a lone mountain standing there above the ground in front, but the regular shape of the mountain itself can be seen, which is also made of artificial piles.

This is the guard camp they will stay for a while.

There are still many places in the outer territory of this camp, but this time, if there are no special circumstances, these new students will only stay here, and will not go further.

But he also felt at this time, although the outside world is still relatively clear, but his reaction at this moment has been hindered to a certain extent, which is obviously the reason for Chaos Tide.

Although Chaos Tide here is not as thick as it was before crossing the sea, it can be said to be thin, but it is also everywhere.

At this moment, a huge opening suddenly opened above the mountain, and then one after another light beam came, guiding the 2 1 flying boat into the mountain one after another, and successively landed on the boat mooring heavenly station inside.

After the cabin door was opened, a crowd of academics waited out, and the camp leader who had been waiting here came with a group of people to welcome him.

This Battalion Head surnamed Tang is completely soldier style, with a serious expression, reserved, and no extra words. After greeting everyone, he began to arrange the accommodation of all students and everyone in accordance with the usual practice.

Zhang Yu instructed Qing Xi and Qing Shu 2 people to let them arrange the matter instead of themselves, they directly found the Feng Supervisor who was responsible for the experience this time, and talked about the things encountered on the flying boat. Again.

Study Supervisor Feng also took this issue seriously, and he said: “many thanks Dean Zhang informed this matter.” Then he said earnestly: “Next, I am afraid that there will be more troublesome people.”

Zhang Yu nodded.

He also knows that after getting out of the great azure banyan range, it is not so simple to want to communicate with the rear. Although the camp ’s defend strength is also very strong, if the cultivator with harboring malicious intentions is watching, the student needs to go out and experience Be careful.

After coming out of Study Supervisor Feng, he first turned around in the camp and talked with the Soldier here. After roughly understanding the situation here, he turned back to his accommodation. He saw it already. Arranged properly, he took his in and out of jade talisman and walked directly along the metal corridor.

After coming to the end of Yongdao, I saw a row of cold river insects stopping here.

Now, as the dean, during all students experience, he was allowed to travel in this kind of creation.

Although he can fly by himself, it needs to consume Heart Light. In this strange land, he should try to maintain his own battle strength. So he was not polite, put jade talisman into the groove beside the wall.

At this time, the rays of light flashed over a cold river insect in front, and the back’s shell also separated.

Zhang Yu took back the spring jade talisman and walked in. After sitting down, the carapace closed slowly. He stretched his hand and pressed the jade official. The metal door on the top suddenly unscrewed to 2 sides and sprayed a white mist. As soon as he was urged, the cold river insect shook its wings and rushed out of the white mist and flew towards the sky.

He had read the map before he came out. There is an ancient ruin near here. To be precise, I don’t know which era destroyed the ancient city in the era, so I decided to go there and explore it.

After more than half an hour in the line, he saw a broken ancient city outline in his eyes. Knowing that he had reached the ground, he found a relatively flat platform and stopped, a white gas spewed out, cold The river insect carapace was also opened.

He walks from inside, a ray of late afternoon sun shines on his body, dyeing half of his cheeks and body to golden.

He stretched out his hand and put on the hat. The sword came to the edge of the platform and looked down.

This is really coming to the outer territory. The terrain is no longer as flat as before, but it is covered with wind-eroded yellow-brown rock formations, standing one by one on the vast ground.

However, unlike the area where there was no sign of life when he came over, there can be a lot of creatures in the underground.

He was toe point a little, his body slowly rose, and he was about to go to the ruins.

At this time, if he was aware of it, he turned his head and looked back, and he saw that 2 small black spots were moving from far to near, but 2 cold river insects flew to it, and the one not far from him Everywhere fell.

As the carapace separates, a small old man with semi-bald hair comes out from inside. His exposed skin is covered with wrinkles. The face of the man is wearing a mask. This woman is followed by a woman wearing a slim slender armor , Hair is set behind the head, and it seems to be full of essence, qi and spirit.

In the other cold river insect, there were several hired soldiers with expressions. Everyone carried all kinds of bows, swords and spears, and when they came outside, each and everyone were alert to look at all around, but after seeing Zhang After Yu, the expression changed slightly.

Zhang Yu glanced at the jade inscriptions worn by these people, engraved with the guard camp’s camp number. Obviously this pedestrian also came from there, but it was obviously not a person of Mizar Academy.

This is also normal. After all, guard camp is not unique to Mizar Academy. As long as it is approved by military and Mizar Academy, and there are valid reasons, it can be settled in.

The old man is also surprised that there is already a person here, and it seems to be a cultivator, but he has no intention of coming up to say hello, but to Zhang Yu nodded, he took the person to the other side.

“Old Lu, is this place?”

“Take a look here first, if you can’t find it, then go to ruins to search elsewhere.”

“That man can fly, should be a middle position cultivator, will it affect us?”

“Don’t worry, there are a lot of students from Mizar Academy today. That person should have been with the academy. It has nothing to do with us.”

Zhang Yu heard that there was nothing unusual about the conversations and mood swings of these people, so he stopped going to multi-channel. As soon as his rays of light rose, he hurried away to the ancient city ruins ahead.

Among wasteland, a daoist dressed in black robe is sit cross-legged on a large rock.

Behind him is a huge black burrow, bottomless, while in the burrow all around, one after another talisman composed of black and red shimmer floats there.

Suddenly, Ka-cha heard a slight noise.

He face changed, reached into his sleeves, took out a copper mirror, but saw a crack on it.

He stretched out his hand and stroked it, his eyes showed regret, and nourishing for a long time, he still failed to keep the magical item.

Relying on this magical item, he really deceived a lot of people on this wasteland. Even if someone had doubts about him, at most it was only a refusal, and it was the first time he dared to do it directly.

At this time he also scolded secretly, and now in this world, even Essence Soul Shining Shadow can’t fool people.

He was annoyed: “This person ruined my magical item, can’t just forget it, I must let him pay the price, only then there is at least 3 middle position cultivator, and heavenly boat armored soldier, now my cultivation is not successful, right They do n’t have the upper hand, let ’s try it elsewhere. ”

He took another jade ruler and looked at it. Most of the ruler surface was infested with ink. Only a trace of fat white remained at the front end. These introductions are back, if you can cheat one or two people into the library … “

He waved his sleeve, the surrounding scene suddenly changed without a trace, then took a compass shaped magical item out of the sleeve, gently flicked it, and saw the hanging needle shake a few times above, and finally pointed In a certain direction,

There was a look of joy on his face, and he said, “There are strangers.” He forms a mudra, his feet suddenly swirled out of a purple-red light mist, wrapped his body, and suddenly flew into the cloud.



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