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After the daoist showed up, he looked at Zhang Yu, and he was somewhat surprised, “Is it you?”

Zhang Yu pupil light moved a little, he didn’t know the other person, but he heard this person’s words, and he thought about it immediately. This person should have been trying to deceive them with “Essence Soul Shining Shadow” before. That man, he said: “It turns out to be Zunjia.”

Silan felt a little desperate when he heard the two people talking, so these two people really know each other!

But she soon found out that the two of them knew each other, but they seemed to have a hostile relationship with each other. She looked at the front and the back, carefully moving her body back to the side road.

The Daoist didn’t have time to pay attention to her, but focused on Zhang Yu.

He was hesitating whether to start now.

Although he had thought about paying the price for those who destroyed his magical treasure before, he hoped that he would do it after he was stronger.

Because he didn’t know his opponent, this encountering fight was something he had always tried to avoid.

But Zhang Yu could feel that this daoist’s breath is very impure, and he can feel a cruel air, which means that the magical power vital essence of the other person’s body is not all cultivated by himself, but absorbed. Into the spirit of others, even live person sacrificial refinement.

Before combining this person tried to deceive them to follow, this is very obvious is an evil cultivator, and there are a lot of lives in his hands.

This kind of character is very evil, and since he saw it, he couldn’t let it go, so he walked forward slowly.

The daoist was keen on the change of internal qi. Zhang Yu’s hostility was revealed immediately and he felt it immediately. He also responded quickly. His sleeve flicked and an incense burner flew out. In a flash, there was a white Radiance sprinkled and covered him inside.

Zhang Yu had tried to learn from several same sects before worshiping under the teacher, but at that time he did n鈥檛 even have Heart Light, and it was only a contest of mortal skills that 鈥檚 all, so this is his first time. Play against true cultivator.

But when he saw the other person 鈥檚 immediately used body protection magical item, he had a familiar feeling, because he usually saw the same fight between the same sect, except that Tao Dingfu used nothing but a sword. .

He didn’t care about the other party, his thoughts were urged, and the word light flashed instantly, bursting like a thunderbolt, and shot away, directly hitting the other party’s body protection rays of light.

The layer of white light on the daoist suddenly shook violently a few times. He was also complexion changed. He copied the incense burner in his arms and flashed the mist under his feet. He wrapped himself and walked away.

He secretly cursed in his heart, “What kind of world, any casual cultivator is a sword cultivator!”

He is very clear that in this cave with no room for sway, and a heart and sword unite sword cultivator fighting, that is courting death, even if there are no more magical items on his body.

It 鈥檚 no wonder that he was careless. Although I saw Zhang Yu holding a sword before, the found cultivator usually rarely uses magical items. At most, some Heavenly Secrets Division creations are used. Where can I think that Zhang Yu can actually reword the word? To this point.

However, although his escape speed is not slow, but he is not as fast as the flying sword, the sword light not only catches up at the moment, but also cuts dozens of times in a flash on his protection rays of light.

The incense burner buzzed in his arms, and the outer layer of rays of light was also trembling. There was only a thin layer left in the blink of an eye, and he was about to see shatter.

Fortunately, at this time, the front was wide, and a relatively wide cave appeared. His eyes lit up, and he rushed into it. Once he fell, he stood firmly under his feet, and he offered the incense burner again, and at the same time urged magic power, the body protection white light is swelled and thickened again.

At this point, he felt that he had room to move, and he could let go and fight the enemy.

Zhang Yu also entered here later, if he can kill the enemy by remote sword, then he will definitely do it, but the farther the flying sword goes, the less the heart force is attached, and the greater the consumption, to deal with such magical item protection The enemy still needs to shoot within a certain range.

The Daoist took advantage of the protection rays of light from the outside, shaking his sleeves, and suddenly the sand of purple red rolled out, instantly dispersed, and poured into the surrounding channels.

This is a bit of “Heavenly Weight Cloud Sand” that he cultivated. This thing can be heavy and light, and can be far and near, all urged by his will, and because he is in line with his magical power, he can move freely in the sand, Foreign objects will be blocked everywhere and become stagnant, so that the flying sword can be contained to the greatest extent.

At the other side of the moment, Silan saw two people leaving the escaping light one after another, sighed in relief in her heart, but she relaxed not very long, and saw a group of purple red sand rushing from the depths of the corridor.

She quickly dodged outside, but was caught off guard by accident, still a little bit accidentally, the action suddenly slowed down, as the sand and mist gradually came up, she felt like she was being crushed by 10000 things, tall metal The body swayed several times, and one-knee kneels slammed down. At this time, even the ground carrying her was sinking down unconsciously.

She panicked: “Pure White, what’s going on?”

Pure White said: “Yes, this should be a combination of physical properties and spirituality. Use your spirituality power to temporarily resist the spirituality side, and then use the outer armor to give you the strength to break free.”

Silan did it immediately, and there was a spiritality rays of light rising up on her body, consciously pushing the smoke away, and sure enough she could stand up again, she made the force go out step by step, not very long, just from the sand Came out in the fog.

She let out a long breath and said: “Pure White, this time you are finally a bit useful, otherwise I will explain.”

Pure White said: “After all, you are just affected, and the cultivator’s attention is not on you, it is not difficult to break free.”

Silan said ill-humoredly: “Don’t talk so straightforwardly in the future, you will have no friends.”

Pure White said: “My ability needs to be improved urgently and requires you to develop your knowledge and increase your knowledge.”

Silan had nodded pain and said, “Is there a faster way?”

Pure White said: “If anyone wants, I can communicate with his observer, so that it can improve quickly.”

Silan said distressedly: “This is a bit difficult to deal with. Forget about it later. Old Lu was taken away by the mercenaries. I should be out of danger now. I will go back and ask His-Senior what I think.

Pure White said: “Don’t you go now?”

Silan glanced deep inside the Yong Dao Road and said, “No matter what, the cultivator saved me, although I am unable to help him, but I can’t just leave it like that, at least I have to confirm the result and talk about it.”

Zhang Yu saw the plume of purple smoke coming out at this moment, and felt that this thing would have some effect on Song of Cicadas Sword. He set his mind and turned his sword to the sky while moving forward Take a step and say: “Come back!”

When he fell in a word, the purple red smoke seemed to be swept by a huge gust of wind and retreated towards the rear, exposing the daoist’s figure again.

At this time, the Song of Cicadas Sword, which was suspended from a high place, collapsed from the top at the same time, but it was just a blow. The daoist protection rays of light were almost broken.

Zhang Yu is one step further at this moment, saying: “Prohibited!”

The incense burner floating above shook violently, the spiritual light disappeared, and fell from the sky.

The daoist lost his screen and appeared horrified, and was about to fly away.

Zhang Yu stepped out of the Third Step at the same time and said: “Enclose it!”

The daoist was shocked, only to feel that his magical power was banned, although it was only a very short moment, but the flying sword outside did not miss the opportunity, and suddenly a ray of sword light just turned around his neck, then The head is already sliding down.

The daoist body was standing still, and then a group of divine souls stained with filthy evil manas escaped from it, and ran away in the distance. The sword light behind flashed, chased up, and stirred in the air. After hearing a scream, the divine soul would disappear.

Zhang Yu reached out and grabbed the sword light and returned it to the sheath. The daoist headless body shook at this time and eventually fell to the ground.

And the swaying purple red smoke lost its magical power and turned into a tiny grain of sand, which was spilled by the crawler.

At this time, he heard a sound, something seemed to be falling together, turned around, and saw that it was a fragment of many bottles and cans, and fell near the daoist.

He was pondered, it seems that the other party should have adopted some means to condense these things within his purple sand mist, and now when a person dies, these things will be exposed.

It was only at this moment that he felt a faint heat flow. He moved his heart and walked over. After a glance, he took a hand and took something into the hand.

This is one jade idol, just ferocious-looking, three heads and six arms, very evil, so looks, certain can be considered a demon idol, but it looks like a Celestial Xia style, not native different God flow.

The statue is well protected. From the perspective of gloss and residual breath, it is obvious that the owner often wiped it, not the dust.

He looks at this idol, and immediately thinks about the idol that Qin Wu gave to himself when he was in Eastern Court.

He couldn’t help but fall into thought, so it seems that some people are indeed worshipping these things, but what is their purpose? That daoist is obviously a cultivator, but why should he carry an idol with him?

After deciding to go back, he decided to find someone and ask him if he could find a similar clue.

He glanced down, and then scanned those bits and pieces again. It was nothing more than some pill ointment, and a few pieces of magical items that were left behind. These things are hidden by evil qi, and there is a bloody nose. Air, he will not use it.

So he waved his sleeves, turned the layers of dirt, buried those things and the body of the daoist together, and after a little induction, came in the direction of Silan.



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