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Zhang Yu followed the one after another strict examination with the soldier, and finally came to a creation building that combines metal and flesh deep in the mountain’s belly.

This is the main camp of this guard camp. From the outside, it looks like an enlarged carp carp with a smooth and tight metal carapace.

The soldier stepped forward to make an announcement, and he was invited in.

When he got inside, he glanced and saw that there were many people in the large inner hall. In addition to Battalion Head Tang, the Study Supervisor Feng who was in charge of the academic experience, and more than a dozen military soldiers who came with him this time At this moment, all are sitting here, there is no doubt that something unexpected must have happened.

After meeting with everyone, he also sat down in the seat.

Battalion Head Tang said: “Since everyone is here, let me talk about the situation.”

He took out a document and placed it on the case in front of him, saying: “Two days ago, the guard camp at the farthest end of the northwest came to me, saying that it was suspected that a small group of unknown enemies came to me and waited here. The intention is to enter Azure Sun Superior Continent.

We suspect that this is Taibo Gods and Monsters, because every once in the past, these gods and monsters will try to bypass the northern battlefield, sending teams to detour from the northwest, we have dealt with them very often, but this time is somewhat different . “

He gestured to his deputy, and stood up later: “This time the situation is a bit serious. The people who were sent out to intercept and investigate in the first three camps are all gone.”

He walked to the front, where he drew a line with a Zhu pen on the large public map hanging there. When everyone looked at it, it was obvious that the other party moved from the northwest to the south-east direction.

Battalion Head Tang is also standing up at this time, with a pen at the hard end of the route a little bit, said abruptly: “We are in this position, we are also the last camp stationed here, if we can not stop them here, then They may break into the continent. “

Most of the people present here are serious. Although there is great azure banyan protection in Azure Sun Superior Continent, the main defense is Chaos Tide and some high-level forces. For relatively low-level creatures, they need to come by themselves. solved.

With the power of these gods and monsters, even if it is only one, it is enough to cause huge damage in the rear. What is more troublesome is that it may leave some deeper hidden dangers.

Battalion Head Tang looked at Zhang Yu, and then at Study Supervisor Feng, and said: “Within 2 days, there were 3 or 8 elite armored soldiers missing from the first three camps. The enemies who arrived this time are very tricky. We The strength of the camp is not much stronger than the previous guard camps. Even if we send people out, I am afraid the same result, so we think about it. This time, we can only rely on the few found cultivators of your academy. “

Study Supervisor Feng considered for a moment, looked towards Zhang Yu, and said, “Dean Zhang, I don’t know what you mean?”

Zhang Yu thought about it and said, “When did the last news arrive?”

deputy replied: “It was a message sent by the shining wall light transmission along the way before the hour, when the visitor should have passed through the guarding area of ​​the camp just in front. If their speed is unchanged, then this morning or It is possible to pass our camp at noon. “

Zhang Yu said: “Are there any more detailed judgments about these enemies before?”

Since the previous camps have been in contact and engaged with the enemies, even if the Soldier is missing, there is no clue about the impossible.

Battalion Head Tang said: “From the battle traces left, the coming person should also be a small team, no more than 3 people, and should belong to higher gods and monsters, but it does not rule out the existence of different God in it.”

Study Supervisor Feng said something strange: “Will Taibo Gods and Monsters cooperate with different God?”

Although different God and Taibo Gods and Monsters are enemies of Azure Sun Superior Continent, they are not the same way, and their interests are also different. Even the two are in serious conflict.

Deputy said: “Although I haven’t seen anything similar before, but this possibility is not ruled out, especially the divinity power remains at the scene.” He looked towards Zhang Yu again, “Sorry, found cultivator Zhang, shiny wall light transmission What can be expressed is limited, and all we know now is this. “

Zhang Yu looked towards everyone, saying: “I will handle this matter.”

Azure Sun Superior Continent is now in war with Taibo Gods and Monsters. Although the interior of the continent is relatively peaceful, the fighting in the north has never stopped. If necessary, every Profound Mansion cultivator is likely to be recruited to the battlefield. Above, and he is Xia Scholar, this matter is also blameless.

He stood up, and after raising his hand for a while, walked out.

Battalion Head Tang said at this time: “Dean Zhang, soon after I heard that I joined the Academy, is there no ‘observer’ yet?”

Zhang Yu said: “So.”

Battalion Head Tang seriously said: “Although I know that your cultivator does not necessarily need that thing, I still have to remind you that 10000000 should be careful. From now on, the camp will fully cooperate with you. What do you need to be with me at any time Say.”

Zhang Yu nodded, walked out under the lead of the former soldier.

After he left, a soldier in the seat clasped his hands and placed on the table, opened the mouth and said: “I don’t know if Dean Zhang can stop this Taibo Gods and Monsters this time.”

Study Supervisor Feng said calmly: “From a small fight, the cultivator is undoubtedly better than the armored soldier. Although Dean Zhang hasn’t been in the Academy for a long time, he is of great strength, and he has deans Zhou and Chang to help. Should be able to fight against the enemy, if they ca n’t stop it, then they have to invite those dao factions to try to block the enemy from the continent, and I will arrange it later. “

Most of the people present here are nodded. It is not that they do not trust Zhang Yu, but that when it comes to the life and safety of the people in the continent, there must be a backup plan for everything.

Battalion Head Tang considered for a moment and said, “You can wait a minute, I believe the news will be sent back soon.”

Everyone looked at each other, they were all nodded, and they never left, and they all sat here, silently waiting for the result.

The changes in the camp also attracted the attention of some students, especially the daily hunt was cancelled directly, and the accompanying military soldier was also missing. This is obviously something wrong.

But after a month of tempering, they were no longer the way they were at the beginning, and they also learned to be patient and obey orders. Everyone stayed in the place regularly, and did not come out to ask.

When Zhang Yu returned to the hostel, he immediately called Zhou and Chang and told them about the matter.

surnamed Chang cultivator Hey, he said, “It’s not up to us yet.”

surnamed Zhou cultivator said cautiously: “Dean Zhang, I don’t know what we should do?”

Zhang Yu said: “I will arrange it later, but there is one thing I want to remind 2 people. Although Battalion Head Tang and the others think it may be Taibo Gods and Monsters, they ca n’t be sure of themselves. The enemy may be imitating Taibo Gods and Monsters, which makes us produce some kind of misjudgment, so we can’t carelessly. “

Zhou and Chang are both nodded.

Zhang Yu said again: “The speed of these arrivals before coming to the enemy may not be the real speed. In this last section of the road, it is likely to explode with full force, so 2 people go back and prepare, we will set off later.”

As soon as Zhou and Chang arched his hands, he went down to prepare.

Half a minute later, Zhang Yu and the three of them each took a cold river insect to leave the camp. This was done to save heart force and to prevent the enemy from distinguishing their true identity.

After arriving in the outer space, Zhang Yu took care of Zhou and Chang, each of which was responsible for an airspace, and told them that if they encounter an enemy, they will immediately send a message, do not fight hard, and try to wait for others to come.

2 After being ordered, they acted separately.

Zhang Yu controls the cold river from high above, and is responsible for defending this airspace. He looked towards Endless Wasteland in the front. Under the influence of Chaos Tide, he could not see too far away, otherwise he would be able to rely on him alone. Monitor this land boundary.

As for whether the other party will take a detour, it basically does not need to be considered.

Why did the enemy have to take this route at the risk of being found in the camp? This is not without reason. There are all kinds of dangerous creatures in the wilderness, and many of them are very powerful. For example, the “Life Abandoning Demon Fish” that I have seen before is one type. Will bump into one head.

Even though there are these things on the route of the campsite, the Soldier will conduct proper cleaning every time, so it is the safest and fastest way to go here.

As long as you are optimistic about this area, you are holding the road.

At this time, there are 2 rapid rays of light flying rapidly above the wasteland in the distance.

These are 2 humanoid giants, all of them are covered with crystal jade-like objects, and the faces are also a pair of crimson crystal eyes.

An icy voice suddenly came out of a crystal jade giant, and it could be clearly conveyed to the senses of the companion even at high speed: “The last camp is in front, if you encounter Azure Sun ’s armored soldier, it is the same as the previous few times. , Directly kill, try not to stay as much as possible, it is safe to enter the ring guard, there are almost no army soldiers stationed there. “

At this moment, a cold river insect suddenly appeared in front of the two people. The crystal jade giant’s eyes flashed and said: “Attention, it is Azure Sun’s creation, destroy it.”

Between the words, his body suddenly became ill, and turned into a ray of 7-color crystals of light directly rushing up, slamming, the whole cold river insect was crashed into pieces, countless pieces of metal and metal scattered from the air Down.

However, to the surprise of the crystal jade giant, the silhouette was not seen in the cold river insect.

The surnamed Zhou cultivator is standing at the moment, he is wrapped in a coiled snake shadow, and the whole person is completely submerged into the atmosphere. He looks at the crystal jade giant, but he is surprised by 10000 points.

“This is … profound armor?”

At this moment, the eyes of the crystal jade giant’s crimson were swept away, and suddenly turned to stare at him.

The surnamed Zhou cultivator was suddenly horrified. He had tried it before in dao faction. Almost no one could find himself when he was enveloped by the visualization picture, and the other party … could he see him?



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