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Battalion Head Tang soon saw the captive bound by a fixed chain. Judging from the results of the inspection, this was a Celestial Xia person, but he was still unconscious at the moment.

He asked deputy: “He used to wear something like a found armor before?”

deputy said: “Yes, only those remnants have been turned into charcoal, and nothing remains.”

Battalion Head Tang frowned and looked at this person for a few times. The other party was not Taibo Gods and Monsters who made him somewhat surprised, and the Celestial Xia of the outer territory … This could not help but remind him of a past, he cared: “Look at him, Don’t let him die. “

Due to the lack of conditions in the camp, in order to ensure that the captive had not been dropped by special means, he not at all tried to wake up this person, but waited for another 2 days, and invited a Mi who was good at the inspection from the rear Surname found cultivator.

Mi profound cultivator, after checking, retracted his hand from the man ’s forehead, saying: “His brain should be integrated with the outer armor, the outer armor was destroyed, and his brain was also damaged, I see Nothing useful, you are too heavy to start with. “

Battalion Head Tang said: “At that time there were 2 people, one was decisive on the spot, and it was not easy to catch one.”

Mi founded cultivator indifferently said: “That is because you are useless to the right method.”

Battalion Head Tang did not argue with him and asked, “Is there no other way?”

Mi found cultivator said: “At least he still has a body, we can find out where he lived through his diet and water intake, provided he is a person in this land.”

Battalion Head Tang said: “This person is a Celestial Xia.”

Mi found cultivator said: “Not necessarily.”

Battalion Head Tang said: “What do you mean?”

Mi profound cultivator said: “Although he looks like us, he realizes that his body has signs of transformation. Even if he can speak Celestial Xia as you said, he is no longer a Celestial Xia person. He can barely say It ’s a humanoid. “

Battalion Head Tang responded quickly, expression changed, and said, “Nightmare Demon?”

Mi found cultivator said: “Yes. Who caught this person back, I hope to check it together, not to be contaminated by Nightmare Demon.”

Battalion Head Tang immediately refused: “The camp has its own method of inspection.”

Mi found cultivator said: “Your camp usually only checks parasitic insects in your body, but it is difficult to guard against consciousness. Sometimes the hidden Nightmare Demon may not be able to really find out.”

Battalion Head Tang said very firmly: “I believe there is no problem with the inspection method in our camp.”

Mi found cultivator lightly said: “I just mention that’s all, Battalion Head Tang If I insist, then I will not be too much trouble, but if there are any problems in the future, you need to bear Battalion Head Tang.”

Battalion Head Tang said: “This is not to worry about the found cultivator, as long as we do what we need you to do.”

Mi found cultivator said: “I still want to see the few found cultivators who have contacted this person. Rest assured, I am not going to check them. I just want to understand the situation at that time and see if I can find some useful clues.”

Battalion Head Tang frowned, saying: “Yes, but Mi profound cultivator, pay attention to your words, no one here is your prisoner.”

Mi found cultivator did not speak anymore.

Under the arrangement of Battalion Head Tang, soon, Zhang Yu and Zhou and Chang were invited together. Battalion Head Tang was very polite, saying that only the found cultivator just wanted to understand the situation at that time, so as to easily verify the identity of the person.

Mi found cultivator at first is to roughly ask if they were in contact with the person at that time. Occasionally, his eyes will stay on the broken arm of surnamed Zhou cultivator for a while, but after a few more normal questions are asked, he suddenly stares at Zhang Yu, said: ‘Dean Zhang, I just asked. You came back from the sea and haven’t worked in Mizar Academy for a long time. So I would like to ask, have you personally gone through the Correctness Examining Division? ‘

Battalion Head Tang knocked on the table at this time and raised his voice: “Mi profound cultivator, your question has nothing to do with this matter. Since you have finished asking, then please go out.”

Mi found cultivator glanced at him and Zhang Yu again. He got up and walked out. When he got to the door, he said, “Battalion Head Tang, I hope you won’t regret it.” After he finished, he went out.

Battalion Head Tang apologized to Zhang Yu and the others: “Several rest assured, I will send this away later, as long as it is in my camp, no one will be allowed to do anything.”

Seeing that everything was fine, Zhang Yu resigned, and on the way back to the boarding house, he said: “Do the two fellow daoists know this profound cultivator?”

surnamed Chang cultivator said with a sneer: “That man’s name is Mi He, and he was cast into the door of the Correctness Examining Division early, and now it is a school of Correctness Examining Division. , Few people are willing to ignore him. “

surnamed Zhou cultivator said: “But he does have several points of ability, I heard that there were several cultivators infected by Nightmare Demon that he checked out.”

Surnamed Chang cultivator snorted, said: “Who knows what is found is true or false? Isn’t it up to them to say what we can’t prove themselves, can they prove they are right?”

Surnamed Zhou cultivator said: “This is not enough, continent government military will not allow them to come in chaos.”

Surnamed Chang cultivator is very disdainful about this, saying: “We are the found cultivator of Profound Mansion, military and continent government do not take care of us so much.”

Zhang Yu asked about related matters again. At this time, when he was almost approaching his barracks, he said goodbye to the two and returned to the accommodation, then walked into the inner room and closed his eyes to adjust the interest rate.

Because of the invasion of these foreign enemies, all students did not go out in the next few days, so he also changed to night cultivation and went out to search for ruins that may have source energy accumulation.

The guard camp has transferred a lot of people from the back, and there are also many found cultivator, which gradually strengthened the camp guard.

Almost half a month later, Study Supervisor Feng came to him and told him that Battalion Head Tang was up for his request recognition for merit.

These achievements are recorded in the personal roster, and now look at is useless, but when the sage, promotion, deliberation, etc., the upper layer is completely complete when dealing with those who have merit and those who have no merit. different.

Nothing happened since then, all students were allowed to go out to experience again, and after staying for 1 month later, everyone got on the flying boat and returned to the academy.

Only half a day later, ten or two flying boats were moored above heavenly station under the light of academy.

The academy teacher also understands the principle of tightness and appropriateness, so this time does not emphasize any rules, let all students with a trace of exhaustion and excitement that has not yet completely subsided, talked and laughed from the heavenly station.

Zhang Yu also brought Qing Shu and Qing Xi 2 back to his golden stage. Li Qinghe came up and said, “Mr. is back.”

Zhang Yu seemed to feel something at this moment, glancing up and saying, “Wondrous Pills Lord?”

Li Qinghe said: “Wondrous Pills Lord began to sleep after the husband went out, and has been sleeping for 2 months. The situation is somewhat similar to the last time.”

Zhang Yu nodded, he let Qing Shu and Qing Xi 2 go to rest on their own, he took a shower, went to the quiet room to adjust the breath for a while, and came to the top of the golden stage.

There are a lot of flowers and trees planted here, and it looks like a narrow garden, and the top is a glazed dome. The sunlight shines from above and sprinkles on the green leaf beautiful woman, which changes rich and colorful colors.

On a sturdy tree, a large basket was hung. This was the basket Wondrous Pills Lord originally slept in Peaceful Sun Academy. Now he was brought together, and Wondrous Pills Lord was sleeping in it.

But he could see that there was a golden shadow of the leopard cat leaping vigorously along with a fat ball. This shadow seemed illusory and disappeared from time to time, because it was the concentration of pure spirituality.

The next time he thought about it, the last time Wondrous Pills Lord slept because of the growth of his body. This time seems to have digested the memory of his ancestors and began the growth of spirituality, so this natural phenomenon will appear.

Such growth is best left to it, without disturbing it.

He walked forward several steps and looked towards the outside Mizar Academy through the glazed cover.

The aerial roots that look like heaven and earth are standing there, bringing vitality, regular and staggered gold and jade square stage gleaming in the sun, flying rainbow-like arched bridge on 4 sides , Located just above 4 directions, it seems to have a particularly symmetrical beauty.

After thinking for a while, he walked over the jade official and sent his thoughts in. After a while, he heard a rumbling sound, and the entire golden stage began to rise slowly.

Each golden stage here can be increased or decreased with the owner’s wishes, but there are certain restrictions. As a Study Supervisor, he is enough to raise the golden stage to the height of the entire academic panorama.

He took a huge easel in front of him, then took out the paintbrush and began to trace what he saw in front of him.

After a few hours, the sky was gradually bleak, he wiped the last stroke, and then put down the brush, and withdrew the several steps. When he was conceited to detail the painting, Li Qinghe walked up and gave him a shout, “Mr. Someone came here to inquire, saying that as the dean, Mr. Heavenly Secrets Division Master in academy can create an “observer” for Mr. Ask him if he needs it? “

Zhang Yu said: “Who will ask?”

Li Qinghe said: “It is a Study Supervisor in charge of Manufacturing Institution with the surname Wei.”

Zhang Yu said: “Did he say what conditions are needed?”

Li Qinghe said: “The Study Supervisor said that because this observation creation is integrated with the cultivator, a drop of blood essence from the cultivator is needed, but they will do all kinds of precautions and never fall into the hands of others.”

Zhang Yu calmly said: “Then help me reject them.”

Li Qinghe said yes, cups the hands and bows, and quit.

Zhang Yu turned to the edge of heavenly station, looked towards the golden stage with uneven heights. No matter whether the academy can keep his word or not, he will not hand over his blood essence, although the existence of “observer” It does bring a lot of convenience to the cultivator, but this is not the only way. He still remembers Hui Yuanwu said that there is also a “Foresight Seal” that can play the same role.

At this point, he also thought of the letter sent by Hui Yuanwu, which said there was something important to discuss with him.

This time, after returning from the flying boat, he had a holiday period of about ten days. After thinking about it, he decided to take the time to meet with this person, and then ask about the “Foresight Seal” incidentally.



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