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After Zheng Jiu said his thoughts, Zhang Yu was not surprised. When the other party at first was willing to sit down and talk with him, he had almost guessed the other party’s intention.

The reason for finding him in this matter is also very simple.

Before his battle with Tang Chi, he not only established his position in the Academy, gained a certain reputation, but also revealed his own strength.

More importantly, Tang Chi, as the junior brother of Hong Mountain Dao Faction Faction Lord Zhong Lie, even if someone can beat him, he often fears this person’s background and does not dare to offend, but he does not care about it.

In addition to this, he is also a found cultivator returned from Overseas Protectorate, and has no involvement with all the dao factions of Azure Sun, which is undoubtedly a good candidate for cooperation.

He thought for a while before looking towards Zheng Jiu, saying: “Division Inspector Zheng, if you want me to cooperate with your Correctness Examining Division, then I need to get something.”

Zheng Jiu showed his face, saying: “Scholar Zhang, our Correctness Examining Division is only responsible for pulling out those contaminated by Nightmare Demon. We are not interested in anything we get in this process, nor will we go to ask. “

This is actually a hint that in the inspection, no matter what you get from those cultivators or dao faction, you can take it away. They used to rely on these conditions to win the cultivator.

Zhang Yu shook his head and said: “I am not saying this, what I need is a jurisprudence, or a name.”

Zheng Jiu thought for a while and said: “Yes, this is not too difficult to do. Scholar Zhang and Xia Scholar have the right to participate in the government. Whether it is ‘continent government’ or ‘military’, I can substitute You report a referral to get you a suitable identity. “

Zhang Yu lightly said: “No, as a Profound Mansion profound cultivator, neither military nor continent government is enough to give me this jurisprudence.”

Zheng Jiu didn’t seem to understand when he looked up, but after a while, his eyes narrowed slightly and said, “Scholar Zhang refers to … Profound Court?”

Zhang Yu looks at him: “Yes, I remember the establishment of the Correctness Examining Division should have been approved by Profound Court, so if you want to cooperate with me, then I also need to be approved by Profound Court.”

Zheng Jiu sat there for a while before opened the mouth and said: “Okay! I can try it.” He stood up, facing Zhang Yu a cup one fist in the other hand, “There is news, I will send me People come to Scholar again. “

Zhang Yu also got up and there was a ceremony.

Zheng Jiu instructed his men to tidy up the place, and once nodded to Zhang Yu, he took his own person away.

Zhang Yu looks at that centipede shaped flying boat away, and my thoughts are turning around. The problem of dao faction is actually the problem of Profound Mansion. If Profound Mansion is sorted out internally, there will be no dao faction.

If this time, if he can get Profound Court’s permission, then he not only possesses the jurisprudence, but also can occupy a big righteous position. He can open and aboveboard to interfere with those dao factions. The Correctness Examining Division is at the top, but it is up to him to lead the matter, and the Correctness Examining Division to coordinate his actions.

Zheng Jiu must be able to recognize this later, even if he can’t see it, the people behind him should be able to understand it.

However, if the other party is still awake, then it should be clear that in the current situation, the cultivator’s problem can only be solved by the cultivator. This is not only legally tenable, but also does not worry about what will happen.

After Zheng Jiu got on the flying boat, he kept silent.

deputy asked at this time: “division inspector, so many people, why should I look for this one?” They also have a lot of cultivators who have come to rely on them, and some of these people can be regarded as acceptable.

Zheng Jiu said: “Because they are not trustworthy, chiefs have used them before, but they still haven’t solved the problem for more than ten years. Instead of using them, I might as well use the batch of cultivators returned from overseas.”

deputy said: “It’s just that their strength is a little worse.”

Zheng Jiu said: “So it’s rare to see someone with the right strength and identity. We need someone who breaks the game. In the situation before us, we can only choose him.”

At the moment above the ground, the middle-aged man looks at Zheng Jiu entire group in the distance left, and ordered the guards behind him to let them stay in place, walked up on their own, and said to Zhang Yu: ” Under Di Chong. “

Zhang Yu raised his hand in return and said, “Zhang Yu.”

Di Chong laughed and admired: “We just saw Mr. Zhang’s paintings outside, and we gather the spirits, and there is a sense of spirit in it. It really gives birth to a feeling that the view is not as good as the view.”

He has a very high opinion of the painting. Zhang Yu is not humble about it. As a cultivator, it is normal to be able to make such a painting. This is because he put his heart into it, and he will The most wonderful part of the scenery was extracted, and it was placed in front of people’s eyes, and ordinary people looked at it, and it was not surprising to feel this way.

Di Chong talked with him for a while, only to realize that he came out to visit the scenery and scenery this time, said with a smile: “I am from Wang State, Wang State has beautiful mountains and rivers, and is unique among the states. If Mr. Zhang will come later Wang State comes to play, but you can find me in Sheng Prefecture Difu. “

He was very well-controlled, and he chatted for a while, leaving a famous sting, and then left politely.

Zhang Yu looked at the famous thorn in his hand and saw that it was a ‘Di’ character written by the ancient Celestial Xia, looking thoughtful, and put it in his sleeve.

He not at all affected his mood because of the arrival of Zheng Jiu, and went to the side of Half Tile Lake for a lap. In the evening, he only took the carriage when he came back.

In the next few days, he took Qing Shu and Qing Xi 2 people to visit Shengjing in each state. Every time he went to a place, he would leave a painting. Qing Xi would help him to pack it carefully every time, ready to go back to mount stand up.

On the eighth day, he came outside of Jade Annulus Dragon Springs in Han State.

The spring of this spring is located on the top of the mountain. Every night, under the shining of the star light, the mountain wall will become very transparent, and the silhouette of the whole spring water swimming inside will be reflected.

From a distance, it looks like a long dragon composed of star light is dancing there, which is extraordinarily magnificent and magnificent, and when the day and night change, the spring is foggy and soars up, like this long dragon trapped in the mountain finally broken Out of bounds, traveling through the sky, it looks even more dreamlike.

Standing in the distance, Zhang Yu looked at the strange landscape of this scene for a long time.

Qing Xi asked Qing Shu curiously, “Why don’t you paint this time?”

Qing Shu thought for a while and said, “Mr. said that when he paints, his state of mind needs to echo the scenery. If he doesn’t paint this time, maybe his state of mind hasn’t arrived yet?”

Qing Xi seems to understand.

Zhang Yu turned around and said, “Qing Xi, where did you arrange next?”

Qing Xi heard this, and immediately responded with joy: “Sir, next time we go to Steam Cloud Mountain, by the way to taste pine nut cake and steamed meat, and then go to Embroidered Heaven Bridge high Dragon Sect to drink fish head soup, If you are happy, you can still fish there for half a day, and then take a flying boat set off at night. If it goes well, we can return to Mizar Academy before dawn. “

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “Just arrange what you say.”

At this time, he steps pause and looked in the sky, and saw a cold river insect moved towards them. They flew over here, and when they were close, they stopped slowly in front of 3 people. Robe, a very capable young man.

Zhang Yu recognized at a glance that this was the delegation that followed Zheng Jiu that day, and the latter came over and gave him a cup one fist in the other hand, saying: “Scholar Zhang is courteous, next Yu Chao, we should meet last time Ever. “

Zhang Yu had another gift and said, “Deputy Yu.”

Deputy Yu put down his hand and said, “Scholar Zhang, Division Inspector Zheng, let me tell you, he has reported the matter of Scholar, and he has also agreed to the request of Scholar, but to report it, we have Scholar Zhang your carried jade is needed. “

Zhang Yu nodded, took a fine jade from his sleeve and handed it to the opponent.

This kind of carried jade is generally only in the hands of Profound Leader. When he left Eastern Court, he specially brought out a few pieces. What was printed inside was actually his past comments and records when he was in Eastern Court Profound Mansion.

Of course, as the Former Acting Profound Leader, his comments were mainly recorded by his successor, Xiang Chun, and they were all written truthfully, and there is nothing exaggerated.

There is Profound Leader Intuo when he was the Profound Leader in this thing. Unless he is higher than his status in Profound Mansion, he cannot see the content, but it does not involve his specific cultivation information, so Don’t be afraid to reveal anything.

Deputy Yu reached out his hands, took it carefully, put it in a jade box prepared in advance, and then faced Zhang Yu and then a cup one fist in the other hand, and then flew on the cold river insect again. Too.

Zhang Yu thoughts stirred, Zheng Jiu moved quickly, and it seems that the people behind it are also reluctant to wait any longer. If they can really get the approval of Profound Court, it is undoubtedly good news for him.

After Deputy Yu left with something, he drove back, and only then went out of Han State, but suddenly there was a ray of light, and he could not see anything clearly in front of him, he expressed changed.

The cold river insect shook a few times, and finally stopped on a gravel beach, Deputy Yu walks from inside, his ugly looks at a blue robe daoist standing in front, low shouted: “Are you crazy? “

The daoist glanced at him and said, “What are you doing in Han State?”

Deputy Yu snorted, said: “It has nothing to do with you.”

That daoist leisurely said: “It has nothing to do with me, but I want to remind you, remember your identity, if there is any matter then as soon as possible report to us.”

Deputy Yu’s face changed a little, clenching his fists and said, “I don’t need you to talk, I know what to do.”

The daoist said: “That’s good.” The rays of light on his body disappeared in a flash.

Deputy Yu returned to the cold river insect, but at this time, the anger, gnashing teeth, and regrets on his face all converged, and there was a trace of disdain and ridicule in his eyes. He reached out and pressed jade official, cold The river insect flew up again, and soon fell into the sky.



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