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Half a day later, the flying boat stopped in Wei County, Zhang Yu was flying alone, and it didn’t take long to enter Peaceful Longevity City and floated down before the Azure Sun Profound Mansion in the center of the lake.

Daoist Ming Shan has been waiting here early, he looks at the silhouette from the sky, he is very emotional. He still remembered not long ago that he recorded the name on the register.

But didn’t expect, only a few months passed, and the other party went to the door again as the Profound Corrector of Yizhou.

When Zhang Yu settled on the ground, he took the initiative to step forward and said, “Ming Shan has seen Profound Corrector.”

Zhang Yu also gave a gift, saying: “Fellow daoist Ming Shan, I am here today, I want to meet with Profound Leader.”

Daoist Ming Shan said: “Profound Leader is known to have Profound Corrector coming and is waiting in Crane Hall. Please ask Profound Corrector to follow me.”

He was attracted in the front and brought Zhang Yu to the great hall of the atrium. Daoist Ming Shan stood at this time and reached up with his finger, saying: “The Profound Leader is above the Crane Hall, the extraordinary cultivator. Enter, please forgive Ming Shan for being unable to accompany him. “

Zhang Yu looked up and saw that this is a place shaped like a long tower. On the 4th wall, there is a ring corridor, leaving a large hollow in the middle, which leads straight to the top.

As you can see, there is a ball of light there.

As soon as he was nodded, his figure floated out of the sky and went up the hole. After passing through the light, he finally found himself on a large platform with no downfall.

A man in a robe is standing here alone, he can’t see the specific age, his eyes are very vicissitudes, when standing there, it is like a silhouette embedded in heaven and earth.

Zhang Yu raised his sleeves and covered his palm with a salute, saying, “Profound Leader Zhu.”

Profound Leader Zhu nodded returned the salute. He gestured towards 4 and said, “What do you think of this place?”

Zhang Yu glanced out and said, “lonely at the top.”

Profound Leader Zhu commented: “It’s also appropriate.”

He came over, sat on a futon, gestured to the futon in front, and said, “Sit down.”

Zhang Yu raised his hand again, and stepped forward to sit down on the futon opposite him.

Profound Leader Zhu said: “I thought you would never come.”

Zhang Yu says earnestly: “Although I have been granted Azure Sun Superior Continent Profound Corrector by Profound Court, I have the right to inspect various cultivators, but Profound Leader is the lord of this mansion. How can I not come to see it before I act? “

Profound Leader Zhu slightly nodded, said: “Then you have seen me now, what do you do when you come down?”

Zhang Yu threw a hand in the seat and said, “I came here today, and besides meeting Profound Leader, there is one more thing I want to ask Profound Leader.”

Profound Leader Zhu said: “Let’s listen.”

Zhang Yu said: “The method of Correctness Examining Division is based on blood sampling. If I think about myself, I am unwilling at home. How can those cultivators be willing to accept? So I asked Profound Leader for a safe method to eliminate those dao. Nightmare Demon’s cultivator in faction? “

Profound Leader Zhu was not polite to see what he asked, laughingly says: “You are Profound Corrector, you come to ask me?”

Zhang Yu replied: “Jun is a Profound Leader, so ask yourself.”

Zhu Yisheng looked at him and said, “Why do you think I have this method?”

Zhang Yu said: “The Profound Leader has been guarding Azure Sun Superior Continent for more than 50 years. During the period, I do not know how many foreign enemies have been blocked. It is fair to say that 4 twelve years ago, a Profound Mansion cultivator was invaded and slaughtered by Nightmare Demon. Leader won’t see the harm.

But for the next few decades, Profound Leader seemed to ignore the matter of Nightmare Demon, which is very different from Profound Leader’s past behavior, so I boldly speculate that Profound Leader must have a way to clean up the situation, and it has not moved. , That might be waiting for a certain moment. “

He managed to understand this person’s behavior before. Before Chaos Tide arrived, his person was one of the high position cultivators who guarded Azure Sun Superior Continent. After Chaos Tide arrived, he stayed here alone for more than 50 years. There have been changes, to say that this person is indifferent to the harm of Nightmare Demon, then he does not need to stay in Azure Sun Superior Continent anymore.

So either this one has a deeper consideration, or what he is waiting for.

If there is such a method, then it must have been pondering for a long time, it must be more stable and long-term than he thought, and it is more in line with the actual situation inside Azure Sun Superior Continent. Would n鈥檛 it be better to use it directly?

Profound Leader Zhu said in silence for a moment, before saying, “Although there are some deviations in what you just said, you are roughly speaking. You may know that before you get the Prophet’s evangelism, I was planning to let my discipline take my order to Go to various factions and check this generation with the Correctness Examining Division. “

Zhang Yu’s next thought was already reflected, saying: “Profound Leader wants to use this to support the discipline?” He paused, and said: “Profound Leader intends to take over the position of Profound Leader?”

Profound Leader Zhu didn’t cover up at all, saying: “Yes, but your appearance has disrupted this step invisible.”

Zhang Yu pondered, said: “Why not continue to do it?”

Profound Leader Zhu looked towards him: “Oh? What do you mean?”

Zhang Yu said: “If Profound Leader Zhu thinks it is possible, let the nobles go with me, and the prestige can be attributed to the nobles, and what I ask for is nothing more than solving this matter that’s all, and the Profound Leader wishes There is no conflict. “

Profound Leader Zhu looked at him, and the expression eased a little, saying: “Profound Court really chose the right person.”

He thought about it for a moment, “My student Yun Chen is now refining a magical item. After he achieves success, I can make him associate with you. What should I do? I have already explained to him. If you have any questions, ask him can.”

Zhang Yu raised his hand and said, “Many thanks Profound Leader Zhu.”

Profound Leader Zhu admitted frankly: “You don’t have to thank me, I am also for my discipline to succeed in my place.”

Zhang Yu asked at this time, “Profound Leader Zhu, why do you want your discipline to succeed this position?”

He worked as Acting Profound Leader and knew that the surface of Profound Leader was never so good. Things are complicated and not to mention. He also needs to take care of all parties and is kept in one place all year round.

Profound Leader Zhu 鈥檚 discipline is also a true cultivator, true cultivator cultivation is about being at ease, most people are unavoidable for common affairs, but this one has to let his discipline do Profound Leader, which is Somewhat strange.

Profound Leader Zhu pondered for a moment and said, “You are Profound Corrector, and you don’t need to hide this from you. Soon, I will abdicate him.

And after I left, there was no suitable person in Chauzhong to guard Profound Mansion. Fortunately, Azure Sun Profound Mansion had a magical treasure called ‘Azure Sun Wheel’. He controlled this treasure and got help from Qingrong. When he could defend a continent, But because this treasure’s might is too great, I don’t worry about entrusting outsiders, only to pass on to my own discipline. “

Zhang Yu said: “Has Profound Leader ever considered in-house cultivator?”

Profound Leader Zhu shook his head and said: “The next generation is untrustworthy.”

Zhang Yu asked: “Why does Profound Leader Zhu say so, just because they are your own discipline?”

Profound Leader Zhu didn’t give much explanation, but said: “You are Profound Corrector. There is no need for me to speak here, you can go and see for yourself.”

Zhang Yu pupil light moves slightly, looking thoughtful.

Profound Leader Zhu said at this time: “Profound Corrector Zhang, in your opinion, how has my Profound Leader done?

Zhang Yu thought, “Profound Leader has been under the control of an enemy for more than 50 years. The inner continent has never been invaded by a major enemy. Today, 100000000 million 10000 people can enjoy peace and security. Profound Leader has great contributions. At least Profound Leader is competent. “

Profound Leader Zhu said: “But now under Profound Mansion dao faction stand in great numbers, isn’t it my fault?”

Zhang Yu said unequivocally: “Just looking at it right now, it is indeed the Profound Leader’s past, but the way of we is in the long run.

Profound Leader Zhu was silent for a moment, and said, “You are fair.” He looked up towards the great azure banyan above the zenith. “Although I do my best, I can’t do it like him.”

Zhang Yu looked at him for a long time without saying anything, and knew that he should go. He stood up from the futon, raised his hand as a gift, and flew down from here.

Daoist Ming Shan had been standing at the bottom waiting for him. When he saw him come down, he greeted him and said: “Have you ever seen Profound Corrector?”

Zhang Yu looked towards him: “fellow daoist Ming Shan, although I am a Profound Corrector, but I have never been against Profound Leader.”

Daoist Ming Shan seemed to relax when he heard this. He thought for a while and said, “Profound Corrector knows, why did Profound Leader let go of the found pillar at first, let anyone wait and see?”

Zhang Yu said: “But is it prosperous because of the little seal?”

Daoist Ming Shan shook his head and said: “That was later.”

He paused and sighed: “In order to fight against foreign enemies, the people in the continent wore divine robe profound armor to fight the enemy, but since only divin robe profound armor can get flying in the heaven and escaping through the earth, Longevity can extend life, so why bother to work hard to cultivate?

If Profound Leader did n鈥檛 do that, then I would n鈥檛 be paying respects to join Profound Mansion anymore.

Profound Corrector may not understand why the Profound Leader is letting go of those dao factions. But when I look at it, after each independent dao faction, they have to find ways to expand their power and accept the disciples, but instead continue the proven cultivator lineage, and With the current prosperity, Profound Leader’s move is to do nothing, neither do nor do, it is really improperly blame. “

Zhang Yu understands why he said these words to himself, because Profound Corrector has the right to monitor, even if there is no way to report the Profound Leader, but he can report the Profound Leader to Profound Court in a word and deed.

Ming Shan is afraid that what he said will have any adverse effect on Profound Leader Zhu.

Profound Leader Zhu let go of the found pillar and let anyone observe the matter. He also recognized the move, but if it involves those dao factions, he feels that things are not as simple as Daoist Ming Shan said.

Through contact, he felt that Profound Leader had always been watching something with cold eyes, especially the sentence untrustworthy of his peers, which made him magnify this point of view.

He privately inferred that this may be related to the traffic of these found cultivator and foreign continent cultivator, and what is going on, he needs to come down and verify it slowly.

After saying goodbye to Daoist Ming Shan, he rose into the air, left Profound Mansion, and returned to Wei County. But he could not escape for more than ten breaths. Suddenly, there was a burning fire glow in front of him flashing towards him!



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