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After Zhang Yu asked Guan Fu in detail, he asked Li Qinghe to arrange a suitable place for him, and then asked Qing Xi to make a cup of hot tea and sat there thinking.

According to Guan Fu, for a long time, the upper layer of Six Comparisons Dao Faction has always had a worry. They think that although they have been blessed by the Profound Leader, they do not have to accept the inspection of the Correctness Examining Division, but they can continue to fight so. Sooner or later, something will happen.

So over the past several decades, Six Comparisons Dao Faction has been preparing to retreat, following the outer territory dao faction to open up a small station outside Azure Sun Superior Continent.

This was originally a very secret matter, but dao faction itself is not a place where strict rules and orders are emphasized. Even the connection between master and disciple is more than dao faction itself. Over time, this news naturally leaked out .

According to Guan Fu, this is not the only thing the Six Comparisons Dao Faction family is doing. Many dao factions are also secretly planning and planning a retreat. They all chose the retreat in the outer territory, so in the end, this It has become a secret that is not public.

At this time, Guan Fu noticed that Six Comparisons Dao Faction had vague signs of evacuation, but he did not want to go to those desolate areas, and he felt that dao faction was over, so he decided to take the risk to inform Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu thought in his mind that if Six Comparisons Dao Faction really took the initiative to retreat to the outer territory, on the surface it seems to have reduced a lot of trouble, but in fact things are not so calculated.

Every dao faction and every discovered cultivator in Azure Sun Superior Continent are nominally under the control of Profound Mansion. If they encounter foreign enemies, they need to stand up at any time. Where can they say that they can walk?

The move is a bit more serious, that is, betray Azure Sun, betray Celestial Xia!

If it is left unattended, or attracts various factions to follow suit, then he, Profound Corrector, is also responsible for weak supervision.

Guan Fu just swears and confessed that he was telling the truth.

For such a person, he does not feel strange, and the people’s hearts are changeable. There are also various people in the dao faction. Since there are people who choose to fight against him, then naturally they are willing to come close to him.

But there is a problem here.

What they say is true or false?

Could it be Six Comparisons Dao Faction or simply a trap trapped by other dao factions?

This is very worth considering.

It is basically impossible to find this answer from Guan Fu himself, because if this matter is really designed in advance, then those people can let Guan Fu get a false news.

If this is the case, the method used by the other party is also very clever, is to force him to come to the door.

He lifts the head at this time and came in to Qing Xi, saying, “I’ll go out once.”

Qing Xi said: “When will Mr. come back?”

Zhang Yu said: “Soon.”

After he walked out of the golden stage, he glanced at the sky, turned into azure glow directly, rose up, and the light flashed, heading towards the south-east direction.

No matter what Guan Fu said is true or false, he is going to go directly to Six Comparisons Dao Faction and take this generation first!

This is the right granted to him by Profound Court. If Profound Corrector suspects which of the found cultivator has a problem, or may cause harm to the continent, as long as the Profound Leader does not object, he can first arrest and then review.

And now the Profound Leader is preparing to dispatch a disciplinary to investigate various factions with him. Even if it is taken down, it will be transferred to the disciplinary for inspection. Naturally, he will not have any opinions on him.

If this is a trap, then these people will never think that he will be killed without any consideration at the first moment of receiving the message, he has a great chance to beat this generation a completely unprepared!

Among the inner territory various factions, the most threatening to him is undoubtedly Hong Mountain and Overflowing Light, the two dao factions who read to Chapter 2.

However, the actions of these 2 people are particularly striking, and they will not leave their dao faction if they are okay, and they will remain impossible for a long time.

What’s more, the higher the status, the more things you have to consider. Even if the two of them have the intention to deal with him, at most they will be a behind-the-scenes pusher. At this time, they will not come out in person.

Even if the opponent’s strength is wrong, he is not afraid, because of the purple gold dust sand and Heart Reflecting Daoist Robe body protection given by Profound Court, he is enough to retreat with the irresistible power.

In addition to the above, there is another important reason for him to do so. Only when he begins to perform the duties of Profound Corrector will the seal hidden in the seal be read by him.

He believes that the seal given by Profound Court will never be simple. If he can learn it earlier, it will definitely benefit his next move.

Under his full-flying, the earth and mountains were rapidly retreats behind him.

Six Comparisons Dao Faction is located in the Shooting Mountain mountain range northwest of Li State. This place is separated from the Gao State where Mizar Academy is located by a Jing State.

Jing State is a relatively narrow state county, which is located between the two mountain ranges of Rampart Mountain and Shooting Mountain.

At his current speed, it takes only a moment at most to cross the land of 2 states, to the mountainous area, and find the place accurately through the register book. At this time, Six Comparisons Dao Faction may not know Guan Fu has reached the news of Mizar Academy.

At this moment, in the Six Comparisons Dao Faction station in Shooting Mountain, Faction Lord Jiang Chang is talking with only his peer He Guan in the faction about Zhang Yu.

Jiang Chang said: “Guan Fu should be at Mizar Academy now?”

He Guan said: “Yes, it should have arrived by this time. If he can successfully see that Profound Corrector Zhang, then our plan has been half successful.”

Jiang Chang said: “It seems that we can start to arrange and arrange for the withdrawal of the discipline.”

He Guan startled, said: “Is it too early?”

Jiang Chang shook his head and said: “Soon, this person has to be granted the position of Profound Corrector. He must be eager to make achievements. Maybe the person he sent to investigate is already on the road, only to make a pair of us hastily retreat It ’s possible for this one to come. “

He Guan thought for a while and agreed: “It is also good to be cautious, otherwise he may not see any weak spot, maybe he will not come.”

Jiang Chang sighed and said, “Actually, I hope he won’t come and plan a Profound Corrector. That’s not a trivial matter. Even if we succeeded this time and successfully withdrew, would Profound Court let it go in the future? After us? I’m afraid Profound Leader will be very angry when he knows it? “

“How about not doing it?”

He Guan’s voice was extremely depressive. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: “Our bodies are contaminated with Nightmare Demon. We were caught as the dead end. In the past, we could use the name of Profound Leader to fight the Correctness Examining Division. There is one more Profound Corrector, and there is no place for us now! “

Jiang Chang takes a deep breath, saying: “Although we are contaminated with Nightmare Demon, we have never done anything contrary to morality.”

He Guan saw it clearly and said, “This is a matter of time. Now we are only confined and try our best to restrain the change of mind, so we are not deeply contaminated, but what I will do in the future, not even myself Say, brother Jiang, do you think that Profound Corrector and Correctness Examining Division will believe us? “

Jiang Chang sat there, his expression somewhat decayed, and said, “Are you saying that we are doing such things now, will Nightmare Demon affect the state of mind?”

He Guan heart startled, but he thought about it carefully, whether this matter came from his own heart, or was influenced by Nightmare Demon, he really has not been able to distinguish it now.

He persuaded: “Since we were contaminated with Nightmare Demon, there has been no way out, and things are not so bad, as long as we do our best, even if we ca n’t kill this Profound Corrector, it will be counted as an explanation there, pending withdrawal After getting there, with that person’s asylum, even Profound Leader can’t help us, why should we be terrified and over-cautious? “

Six Comparisons Dao Faction has no more than 100 people, and the middle position cultivator is just two of them. They naturally do n’t feel that Zhang Yu can be won by their own strength, but this time is not just something they are planning. A lot of powerful magical items sent by some people are also their greatest confidence.

In fact, even if this matter is unsuccessful, they have completely cut off their own path, which is enough to win the trust of those people, so as to successfully surrender to the past.

Jiang Chang sighed: “I just can’t get through that’s all in my heart.”

There was a flash of red light in He Guan’s eyes, but it quickly disappeared. He said, “It’s important to live or not! Life is the most important thing!”

Jiang Chang sat there for a while before he lifts the head and said, “Fellow daoist, you can arrange for the withdrawal of the disciples in the school.”

He Guan stood up and said: “Okay, I will go here.” He thought for a while and said: “Faction Lord should not be too laborious, but everything is going well, at least tomorrow will have no news.”

Jiang Chang had a slight glow of red glow in the depths of his eyes at this time. He said: “I am understood, the fellow daoist can be assured, since I have decided, I will not go back.”

As the two people spoke, an azure rainbow came from the northwest, crossed Rampart Mountain across the sky, and then passed over Jing State, flying directly to the Six Comparisons Dao Faction station at Shooting Mountain.

After staying close, the azure glow burst out, and then spread out. Zhang Yu appeared from inside. He looked in front of him, but there was nothing but a barren mountain in his eyes. According to the record, there is Six Comparisons Dao Faction Station.

When he was pondered, he released the Song of Cicadas Sword and attached the Heart Light to it for a look. With subtle induction, he immediately found that there were many magical items in front of him.

These magical items basically play the role of enemy detection, confusion, etc. As for the ability to attack the enemy and defend, they basically do not exist.

This is also normal. If there is a magical item cultivator that is used by myself, where will it be placed outside? After all, the magical item is completely controlled by someone and unmanned.

True cultivator used to have array protection in the past, but that thing requires an array plate, and under the influence of Chaos Tide, might is not as good as before. Now it is rarely used by anyone.

In the past, in the face of these magical items arranged outside, he could only manage to avoid it by the induction of Song of Cicadas Sword, but now he has a better way.

He took out the Upright Essence Precious Ruler given by Profound Court, reached for a flick, and waited for a while when the spiritual light flashed over, so he offered this thing to the Six Comparisons Dao Faction’s station!



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