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Bai Qingqing hurried back to his house, looked around, flashed into the door, bolted the door tightly, washed it, wiped it with a soft cloth, and sat down after the case.

He took out the bottle of Invigoration Pill, and then removed the stopper. Cautiously poured out the pill and saw a moment, inexplicable rays of light in his eyes.

“Is it really the same?”

He stood up and walked around the room, his expression changing constantly.

After a long time, he packed up the pill bottle, put it in his sleeve, and lay down on the couch. He forced himself to sleep, but he couldn’t settle down, so he stood up and meditated again.

This sit was a night, but he still couldn’t really settle in, so he stayed till the early morning.

After all, it’s a cultivator. It’s not 20 years old now. It’s full of energy and vitality. Even though he hasn’t slept overnight, he is still full of energy and can’t see the half tiredness.

I moved my hands and feet a little, took off the Profound Mansion robe on my body, put on a robes that I wore before entering the academy, and then took things out and went out.

After leaving Profound Mansion, he kept walking at the foot, directly out of Peaceful Sun Academy, called a carriage at the intersection, walked down the inner city platform from the Xuanshan ramp, walking along the main road, and came directly to the vicinity of Dawn Harbor dock The shop’s gathering place stopped in front of a medical material firm called “Futong”.

He came down from the carriage, settled the car money, and stepped into the gate. When someone saw him, he was shocked happily said: “young man is back?”

The fellows laid down their hands one after another and saluted him.

Bai Qingqing waved his hand and said, “Everyone is busy, don’t worry about me.” He walked straight into the backyard courtyard. He had a red light on his face. An old man in his 50s heard the movement and came out of the inner house. After seeing him, he smiled and said: “young man, have you been in the Academy for half a month?”

Treating this old man, Bai Qingqing’s attitude immediately improved a lot, and he was right to cups the hands and says: “second uncle, little nephew is very good. It seems that business has improved a lot recently?”

old man said with a smile: “It’s not the blessing of young man.”

Bai Qingqing asked for a while and realized that because he joined Peaceful Sun Academy, the business borrowed his name and sold some medicine materials to the Academy, and few people from the government office were embarrassed to come again.

However, he knew that it would be useless to just name a student. Perhaps he had entered Profound Mansion here.

After a few more conversations with the old man, after summarizing the recent situation of the business, he said: “I have something to come back and I will go back later. If not, please ask second uncle to take care of me.”

old man said with a laugh: “Our Bai family’s own business, young man does not say, I will also be optimistic, young man can rest assured to study.”

When Bai Qingqing was separated from the old man, he walked into the inner courtyard. When he was about to return to his study, he saw a beautiful and beautiful woman with an intriguing figure who came over, even if she did not apply any powder on her face. I couldn’t conceal that radiant color, but her eyes were slightly yellow, and it was serenese.

She lowered her head to Bai Qingqing curtsies and shouted timidly: “Husband.”

Bai Qingqing un’ed, didn’t pay much attention to her, and went straight into the house, leaving only the woman standing in sorrow.

Bai Qingqing’s study is huge, with dozens of rows of bookcases full of books, and each one is on top, almost flush with the second floor. After entering here, he went directly to the second floor, moved the bamboo ladder, and went to the height of the bookcase to find a box.

He went back to the table below, opened it, took out a bottle from it, and at the same time took out the Pill bottle from the previous Invigoration Pill and put it on the table, it can be seen at the moment that the two pill bottles are exactly the same , But the one he took out looked slightly older that’s all.

He suppressed his excitement and poured a pill out of the pill bottle, and even the pill was exactly the same.

He was very excited and said: “It really is like this!” He sat down and muttered to himself: “So, Grandpa’s formula may be really useful.”

His grandfather once paid respects to join Profound Mansion, and because of the faster progress of cultivation in the early years, it was considered a talent, but unfortunately later died in the battle of Hong River Pass.

Perhaps it is because the new techniques cultivator relies on the read Grand Dao Chapter to cultivate, so his grandfather did not mention any method or cultivation method to future generations, but only left the pill bottle and a secret formula.

Bai Qingqing remembered that Fan Lan said that this Invigoration Pill can only be taken less, it will burn the internal organs, and drain the blood marrow, but he does the medicine material business in his family, and also understands some medical principles. The reason here is nothing more than tenacious and strong that’s all If your foundation is thick enough, as long as it is not used too much at a time, there will be no problem.

And this secret formula, just looking at the medication, knows that it is used to protect the internal organs and adjust the vitality, and these two things are put together, there will not be no reason.

The burning rays of light appeared in his eyes. If his conjecture is correct, then this medicine recipe and Invigoration Pill are used in conjunction with each other!

If this is the case, it means that under the reconciliation of this secret technique, he can take more of the Navigation Pill, thus bringing out more spirit essence, then when reading the Grand Dao Chapter, the progress can be far better than others.

He secretly thought: “Perhaps his grandfather His-Senior used this secret technique to show his talents later. Other people’s hometowns are worthy of medical experts, and even such a recipe can be figured out.”

But when his eyes fell on that prescription again, he couldn’t help frowning. Although the medical material involved above was not particularly large, there was no shortage of rare and precious materials.

If it is one or two times, it is okay to say that if the number is more than one, he cannot afford it.

What method should be used?

While thinking, there was a voice outside: “Is the young man there?”

Bai Qingqing was interrupted and was displeased. But when the person came to hear the voice, he knew that he was the manager of a foreign affairs firm. He was in Profound Mansion cultivation and he needed the other party to take care of the business here. Ah, come in and talk. “

The door was pushed open and came in a good-looking, about 20-year-old youngster. He was wearing a clean and decent look. He looked very kind. He rushed to Bai Qingqing cupped the hands and piled said with a smile: “young man is reading a book. “

Bai Qingqing asked: “What’s the matter?

The young manager walked downstairs and raised his head: “Yesterday, Peaceful Sun Academy someone came to buy from our shop, and he has a lot of demand for a kind of medicine material. The young man said that if there is any abnormality, I will let you know. , So let me ask. “

Bai Qingqing showed his attention and said, “What medicine material?”

“It’s a bone fragment of strange monster. It’s the one in the few holes in my hometown,” the young manager put on his gloves, took out a brown paper bag, and after opening, took out a small bone fragment and shook it.

Bai Qingqing was standing on the 2-Layer at this moment, a distance away from where he was standing, but when his eyes fell, there was a sudden change in his eyes, like a pull the distant objects closer, Every detail above is clearly visible.

Just looking down, it is no different from the ordinary strange monster bone fragment, at least for a long time, but such a thing, there are more continent, how much is required, but the cost of excavation is only different.

He asked, “Is the purchaser saying anything useful?”

The young manager shook his head and said, “I didn’t say that, and I didn’t dare to ask more. The one who came to buy said that as long as the things are roughly the same, the price is willing to be higher, and they are willing to continue to buy. If you take the initiative to lower the price, you can also have a long stream. “

Bai Qingqing thought about it and said, “How much do we still have this thing?”

young housekeeper said with a smile: “There are many, even if the home is not enough, there are also some nearby islands, the surrounding water and soil changes are not big, if the academy can buy it, then I can only make a lot of money by relying on this business. A stroke. “

When Bai Qingqing heard this, he stopped thinking about it and said, “Then you look at and do it. You don’t have to ask me about this again. By the way, is there any money in the account? I.”

young manager startled, awkwardly said: “The business has been good recently, but there is a sum of money in the account. I was going to level the account owed to the Ning family first …”

Bai Qingqing frowned and said, “Ning family can be slowed down first, the money comes first, I am useful.”

The young manager asked carefully: “Lady Ke’s side …”

Bai Qingqing impatiently said: “My wife has me to speak there.”

The young manager hesitated a moment and said, “Okay, I will arrange for the young man later.”

“Come on there, I’ll wait for it.” Bai Qingqing waved his hand, the young manager bowed, and went down. Before he went out, he stopped talking, hook the head, and closed the door carefully.

Bai Qingqing walked back and forth on the corridor when he left, and he was very excited. When he matched the medicine material on the secret formula, he thought he would be the same as his grandfather. At that time, Profound Mansion would I will know which one is really worth cultivating between him and Zhang Yu!



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