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After Zhang Yu came out of the temple, he looked in the distance. Sure enough, he saw a row of small shrubs with red fruits. He rose into the air and flew northward along this way.

I learned from Fang Cai ’s little girl named “Nuya” that there are 2 forces in this World Crack, one is a cave person living in a deep mountain cave, and the other is Yijia Gods living on the rich water and soil.

Originally, because the two people lived in different environments and there were no conflicts of interest, they did not interfere with each other, but now the two are caught in war.

The cause was that a dive item saved in the cave person suddenly had a change, which made this long hidden territory exposed.

Yijia Gods felt uneasy about this. They did n’t want the peace and joy for a long time to be broken, so they asked the cave person to immediately cover this divine item. However, the cave person thought it was the divine item ’s own will and choice. Interfering.

Yijia Gods chose negotiation at first, but cave person is not a good communication object, they are extremely stubborn, and as the power of the divine item continues to turbulence, the whole World Crack has become unstable.

Fearing that his kingdom would be destroyed, Yijia Gods had to start a war.

According to Nuya, Yijia Gods still maintains the power before the era changes. Under Lord God Mota and Saisha, Youa 2 follower gods, there are 17 powerful gods, and the weak gods and god’s progeny are countless.

The cave person is the servant of the antiquity god and can get the protection of the divine item. Their strength depends only on the strength of the divine item carried by them.

And when the pitmen from 1000 to 10000 appear, it is also a terrible force, so this is not an enemy that is easy to deal with.

Nowadays, most of the power of Yijia Gods is involved in the mountain plateau, and some weak gods and god’s progeny are left behind. It is also because of this that the cultivators have been so smooth along the way and have not encountered any decent resistance .

It’s just a place here that caught Zhang Yu’s attention. The name of the divine item Nuya is expressed in spirituality language, but if it is expressed in Celestial Xia, it is “world creating divine ring”.

This is a name he has heard of.

Earlier when he was searching for source energy outside the guard garrison on wasteland, he met the Extended Stage Academy old Lu entire group who came to search for antiquities and had some exchanges with them. They mentioned this divine item .

In the legend, this thing is precisely saved by the cave person, and there is also a cave person here, which is definitely not a coincidence.

As he flew forward, the red fruit shrubs on the ground became sparse, and an isolated mountain appeared in front of it. It was the beacon of the way. Even during the day, it was still lit with bright fire.

Just above the mountain peak is a tall idol, a sturdy old man in gorgeous armor, carrying a sledgehammer in one hand and a scepter in the other, his fighting intent’s eruptive eyes looking at the front position.

Zhang Yu pauses in the sky then descends, he turned around and followed this person’s gaze, and soon saw a pit somewhere, about 30 feet long and wide, not deep at the bottom, and no one was around. .

Nuya told him that along the passage here, you can directly enter the land left by gods, which is both the place where the legendary “world creating divine ring” is stored and the source that maintains the existence of “World Crack”.

Through the Foresight Seal, he did indeed see a team of Yijia god’s progeny enter the pit under the leadership of different God, which is enough to prove that Nuya is telling the truth.

But he was not prepared to go from there.

He raised his eyes and looked into the distance. To the north is a auburn rolling hills, where the cave person lived, and where he is now fighting. Even if he stands here, he can feel the divine power there. Violent collision.

“Spirit Pass” is not a place where you can get it when you get there. You still need to have the power to occupy it, so there is no difference between getting there early and getting there late.

Yijia Gods is such a big move, this news is undoubtedly hidden. With the deepening of the Frost Continent and Wan Ming entire group, they are not difficult to find out the truth, and they will definitely go there in the end.

There is no possibility that the battle of the forces of all parties can be divided so easily. Since the location has been confirmed, there is no need for him to catch up so quickly.

He was pondered and decided to collect source energy first.

So he turned around and flew towards the distant sky.

Northwest, a large settlement in Yijia divine country.

Army Protector Gao is looking at various murals on temple stone wall, which depicts pictures of Yijia Gods fighting when he is standing here, he is not here to appreciate art, but to communicate with observers, try Through these pictures, you can understand the divine power of Yijia Gods.

Marshal Lan walked lightly, facing him with a cup of one fist in the other hand, and said, “Army Protector, check it out, most of the gods here went to compete in the northern mountains’ land left by gods’, only some weak god’s progeny are left. “

As she raised her hand, a crystal jade giant pushed over a godly male god’s progeny.

Although this god’s progeny has far more power than mortals, in his view, the surrounding crystal jade giants are all taller and stronger than him, and they can’t fight against them.

He knelt down at Army Protector Gao, then opened his hands and praised in his mouth: “The great alien god, She Cha, a descendant of Divine Youa, salutes you to Supreme.”

Marshal Lan said: “Army Protector, the news is what he told us. Apart from him, the rest of the settlement are all mortals.”

Army Protector Gao glanced at the god’s progeny, he stepped up, reached out, his huge palm pressed against his head.

This god’s progeny suddenly felt a strange power enter his mind. He couldn’t help but tremble up, but he didn’t dare to resist at all, and just tried to relax himself according to the care of a certain crystal jade giant.

After a while, Army Protector Gao withdrew his hand and let the god’s progeny softly collapses to the ground. His scarlet flashed in his eyes, as if he was digesting something. After a few breaths, he calmed down.

Marshal Lan asked for advice, and after getting permission, waved his hand and said, “He takes this yijian take along to withdraw, he is still useful.”

Army Protector Gao then moved towards a deputy and said: “The subordinates will not be allowed to slaughter the mortals here. After we occupy this place and transform them, they can be used to fill our population gaps.”

Then a cup of one fist in the other hand, just pass on the command.

After thinking for a while, Marshal Lan walked up and asked, “Army Protector, what are we going to do next?”

Army Protector Gao said solemnly: “Call together all the scattered people and set off with me after a moment.”

Marshal Lan cups the fist and says: “Yes.”

At this moment, a soldier came in and said to Marshal Lan: “Marshal, there are two more teams behind that have lost contact. We deduced that I am afraid that they were the cultivators that they encountered earlier.”

Marshal Lan said: “It’s really troublesome.” She turned to look towards the surnamed Ding cultivator who had been standing on the side and didn’t speak. Those cultivators. “

surnamed Ding cultivator nodded and said: “Leave it to me.” He turned around, and the black mist surged over him, and he flew out.

The Soldier said: “Marshal Lan, can he solve our troubles?”

Marshal Lan said indifferently: “Even if it can’t be solved, it’s good to block it. Isn’t his use this?”

The Soldier said: “He is also a cultivator, and if they collude with those cultivators …”

Marshal Lan waved his hand gently and said: “You don’t need to worry about this, we still have what they badly need, and he can’t go back after he has surrendered to us, he can’t go anywhere except to follow us.”

After Zhang Yu left the mountain, then went to search the source energy among the temples broken by the cultivator and Frost Continent, and the harvest was not small.

Half a day later, he found a secluded place to drop his body, summoned Chaotic Chapter to check it out, and found that the spirit essence needed for the visualization picture was only slightly different. According to the previous situation, I found it again. One or two idols should be enough.

So he flew into the air again. After half a hour, a temple appeared within the realm, and he saw that he had experienced a battle outside, but the building itself remained relatively intact.

As soon as he dropped the escaping light, an azure rainbow fell to the ground.

Outside the temple, there are several crystal jade giants lying there, some chests of this generation are crushed, and some have lost their heads.

It ’s just different from the last time he saw the crystal jade giant on wasteland. After stripping the outer armor, the person looks nothing like the Celestial Xia person. But in front of these people, under the broken crystal jade What is exposed is not the human body.

These things have ash-gray skin, no hair at all, nodular protrusions behind the back, eyes are deep blue, sunken cheeks, and the blood flowing out is a green juice.

The rays of light in his eyes moved slightly, and the Foresight Seal was operated. After seeing 3 appearance indistinct cultivators passing by, they met 5 crystal jade giants unexpectedly, and the two sides immediately launched a fierce battle.

In the squad battle, the cultivator should have the upper hand, but the battle situation is not the case.

This group of crystal jade giant has a wide range of weapons, and they cooperate with each other quite well. There are also plenty of spirituality rays of light as protection. The three cultivators can’t take them for a while, and they were even forced to go downwind until later. Two cultivators joined in to break this balance and defeat these crystal jade giants.

He paid more attention to the weapons held by the crystal jade giant, so he tried to observe carefully, and at this time, suddenly a black mist was flying from the distant sky, and it seemed to see the scene and standing here Here Zhang Yu is coming down.



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