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In World Crack, there is only the change of daylight and night, but there is no star sun and moon. However, at this moment, there is an additional azure sun between heaven and earth.

It’s so close to everyone that the endless light and heat are scattered, making it unbearable to everyone in the field.

Especially terrifying, the azure light that shines on the four sides is extremely domineering. It seems that any gap that can be hidden does not want the world to stay. The shadows in every corner and corner of this World Crack are arrogant. Squeezed out.

Under the pressure of this kind of force, all the souls of the presence of the soul gave birth to an uncontrollable tremor. The two creation flood dragons were creeping on the ground, shiver coldly.

great sun Huanghuang, majestic heaven and earth.

Frost Continent people feel like they are suffering at the moment, the strong cyan ray mango actually shines directly into their inner organs through the crystal jade outer armor, they are scorched hard, and each and everyone is in great pain Kneel down on the ground, making a painful howling.

Not only that, there was a trace of black gas coming out of them, but they were quickly burned in the rays of light again.

But the cultivators in the field, besides feeling a bit hot, not at all too much pain, but at the moment their faces are inevitably exposed at the moment, after all, they can clearly feel that this round of azure’s sun contains A terrifying force, it seems to be able to easily destroy everything here.

After a short period of silence, everyone present suddenly heard waves of misty fairy music coming, and the sound was getting closer and clearer.

Everyone could n’t bear to follow the sound, seeing azure ’s rays of light, a silhouette of a young daoist emerged, with multiple cloud lights and rosy hues fluttering outside him, and there were waves of fairy music Body, and as he walked, the azure sun on the top also followed together.

Everyone could not see his face at all, nor could he clearly distinguish his breath, but it was not difficult to see that the azure Sun Wheel was under his control.

This daoist not at all ignored them, but walked slowly in one direction.

Everyone can see that his goal is the land left by gods, but at this moment no one dared to step forward to stop drinking, but looked at him step by step through the field with awe.

Army Protector Gao’s suspicious looks at the silhouette, under the cyan ray, although he also felt burnt within 5 years, his endurance far exceeded those of the other Frost Continent people. But he was also standing motionless there, daring not to attract the other’s attention.

Zhang Yu is walking on the ruins of the ruins. He is walking towards the pit that is constantly exuding the power of mystical. If someone dares to attack, then he will use the Azureest Wheel without the slightest hesitation. power.

Although Azure Sun Wheel might be too big, it might accidentally destroy it, but as long as people are still there, you can try to find it even if World Crack is really gone.

But facts prove that in the case of knowing that it was courting death, no one really came to die, and he walked safely to the entrance of land left by gods.

At this time he looked up and the Azure Sun Wheel stayed there. He stood for a moment and walked down a steep slope.

At this time, it seems that it can’t stand the rays of light. The crystal jade that trapped Daoist Wan Ming is slowly melting, but after a few breaths, as a golden light emerges, Daoist Wan Ming Just walks from inside, when he went outside, he couldn’t help but looks above the azure sun, and at the moment, only he could look directly at this thing.

“Azure Sun Wheel …”

He murmured a sentence, then turned to look at the silhouette walking down the pit, revealing a deep thought.

After a while, he turned to look towards Army Protector Gao, his eyes turned sharp.

Army Protector Gao suddenly felt bad, and now the two creation flood dragons are languishing, and the remaining Frost Continent people seem to have lost battle strength. On his own, this is definitely not Daoist Wan Ming’s opponent.

He was also very decisive, as soon as he noticed that the situation was not good, the spirituality rays of light immediately rose up, turned into a red awn, and flew out.

He didn’t want to run away. If he wanted to leave here, he couldn’t do it without certain preparation. He just had to leave here first, away from the azure sun’s shining. Such battle strength might still be able to recover a little.

Daoist Wan Ming glanced coldly at him, instead of ignoring him first, but the golden rays of light flashed on his body, and the golden giant Insect appeared again in the sky, and then went to a flood dragon creeping there. When it fell, the golden phantom wrapped it directly.

The flood dragon is now irresistible under the raging sun. After a while, his whole flesh and blood are gone, leaving only a metallic bone. The Golden Giant Insect immediately kills it Turning to the other creation flood dragon, it is also resolved quickly.

Daoist Wan Ming only turned escaping light and chased in the direction of Army Protector Gao leaving.

Zhang Yu walked down the pothole, although Azure Sun Wheel did not follow, but the cyan ray mang followed him all the way, dispersing the haze and darkness that had originally shrouded here.

And the further he goes in at this moment, the more he can feel that the mystical power is becoming more and more rich, which shows that he is gradually approaching the “Spirit Pass”.

After walking for a while, he steps pause and then walks out of the rays of light of Azure Sun Wheel. In front of him, there appeared a quiet and beautiful territory.

It is only 30 feet square, and it is the only bright place in the surrounding darkness. There is a silver white tree growing in the middle, and the branches and leaves are falling down one by one, dancing with a little star dust around, and then slowly dissipate.

This place is called “Spirit Pass” and is the heart of the whole World Crack.

This is not a description, but a fact. In fact, it is not an exaggeration to regard the entire World Crack as a life, and only life can really exist in Chaos Tide.

Even so, it is only a life without self-consciousness, but the life that survival itself supports.

Every World Crack has no ego before it grows to a certain level.

Now, as long as he resonates with the mystical power transmitted in this World Crack, and pin his heart light on it, then he can grasp this place, and he can operate it to a certain extent.

Although he not at all saw Nuya ’s “world creating divine ring” at the moment, it is not difficult to infer that it should be the outbreak of the unknown cause of the power of the world creating divine ring, which led to the World Crack mystical power. It was vented to the outside that triggered the war between Yijia Gods and cave person.

Because World Crack ’s mystical power is also limited, such reckless diversion, once exhausted, is bound to be invaded by Chaos Tide, causing the collapse of this extraterrestrial world.

But speaking from a certain perspective, is this not World Crack’s self-help process?

When the dissipated power attracts the person who intends to control the “Spirit Pass”, then the person will guide World Crack, soothe the leaked power, and then save it.

He looked forward for a moment, with a sleeve of sleeves, a group of purple light was released to cover himself, and then he walked over, sat cross-legged down under the tree, and then released his Heart Light Go out and try to resonate with the mystical power radiating there.

This is not a short-lived process, and as of now, it will take at least a few days.

At this moment, he also discovered that World Crack’s mystical power is extremely open. Anyone here can control it, even if the spirituality strength is small, it can have a certain impact on it.

This is also the reason why people who come here try to expel their opponents. In the process, if an outsider’s breath penetrates, then all previous efforts will be lost, causing resonance failure.

But if you think about it in depth, this is probably also the person that World Crack is “screening”, because these circumstances will inevitably cause a battle for the coming people, and generally speaking, the last remaining winner, even if it is not the most powerful The strongest one is also the luckiest one. Only such a person can control it.

There is an Azure Sun Wheel looking outside now. He is not afraid of someone coming in and can disturb him. He can do it alone, but he knows that even if Wan Ming and Frost Continent no longer compete with him, he may have to face an opponent , Can’t carelessly come down.

After a while, his Heart Light and the mystical power gradually joined together, which seems to be a very easy thing, but at this time, there is a very unusual power emerge.

Suddenly, the tree showed the golden lines that appeared when each and everyone appeared. It was like a ring clasped one by one on the trunk and branches.

But in this brief moment, he suddenly felt like he was roasting in the stove, which is clearly the power of source energy, but this hot feeling has never been felt before.

And when he tried to look up, those golden ring shadows disappeared, and even the heat dissipated. Although he felt the heat, in fact this thing did not all really enter into his within the body, it seemed to be separated from him by a World.

He thought again, although he didn’t see anything, but it was not difficult to guess, that should be the rumored world creating divine ring, or a part of the world creating divine ring.

If this thing has been interfering at a critical moment, then he does not want to successfully blend in here.

He must find a way to deal with it.

He thought about it for a moment, and thought there might be a way to try it.

He probed his hand and removed the gold bestowal ring from the purple star bag. He raised his hands to separate the snake head and the snake tail from each other, and then lifted the heart force to send it to the branch of the tree.

After doing this, he settled in again and re-communicated those mystical forces.



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