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Grand Profound Calendar 5-Jun, Zhang Yu, after all the matters within the academy have been arranged securely, he drove the flying boat in the direction of Qian State.

Since Daoist Wan Ming has n’t heard back from him yet, he decided to go to Fan Lan, Qi Wu and the others first, and try to get them to move to World Crack with the disciples, so that he can start the foreign continent as soon as possible. Visit search.

Sitting in the flying boat, he is also thinking about cultivation.

With the current progress, he can get enough spirit essence from the gold bestowal ring to read the second layer of the visualization picture from the gold bestowal ring by the end of this month. Inside managed to learn to find.

After entering the second layer, he will get 2 divine ability, which will greatly improve his battle strength.

After 2 days, the flying boat reached Wang State Gaoping Prefecture, because the Extended Stage Academy is located here, so he decided to stop here for a while and visit Liu Guang and old Lu.

Because Wang State is located right in the heart of Azure Sun Superior Continent, it can be said to be the hub of the various states, so although the Extended Stage Academy has nothing to do with military, it also has a boat mooring heavenly station, which saves him a lot. In fact, you do n’t have to go to another place to park, just land inside the academy.

After disembarking, he was going to go to Liu Guang’s house first, but when he found the boundary, he was told that Liu Guang and 2 teachers went to foreign continent to study, so he could only leave a letter and turn to go Visit old Lu.

Old Lu has a great reputation among academy, but just a little inquiries, then there is a person Enthusiastic young female student took him to a lakeside terrace, and hunted someone up to make a noise.

After a while, Ye Silan greeted herself, and she curtsies, happy to say: “Mr. Zhang, don’t think you are here, please come in quickly.”

Zhang Yu thanked the female student who brought him here, followed Ye Silan into the platform, passed the front hall and entered the Guest Hall, and saw old Lu sitting on a push chair, where Say ritual to him: “Mr. Zhang, little old man is in good health, please forgive the inadequate etiquette.”

Zhang Yu had another gift, and his eyes fell on his legs covered with soft blankets, saying, “What’s wrong with old Lu?”

old Lu smiled bitterly and patted his legs, sighing, “I don’t know what happened. I suddenly couldn’t walk a few days ago. I asked the doctor to see it. I used a lot of medicine and moxibustion, but There is no improvement. “

Zhang Yu glanced for a few moments. Heart Light immediately sensed that there was a mystical force wandering in Old Lu ’s body, which blocked Bloodline in his lower limbs. He thought a little and said, “old Lu has been in touch with some antiquities recently. ? “

old Lu said with a smile: “I have been dealing with antiquities all day, and one day I can leave my hand, but to say something special, uh …” He thought for a while, “I recently found a slate with unknown text Unfortunately, this slate was sent to an old friend for tasting. If it is here, it is impossible for Mr. Zhang to see it. “

Ye Silan said at this time: “old Lu, you can let Mr. Zhang live here for a few days, old Li can’t see it for long, I feel that he should return after several days.”

old Lu thought about it, nodded, and looked up to Zhang Yu: “If Mr. Zhang does not dislike it, how about staying here for a while? I am also very interested in the ancient country of Eastern Court that Mr. Zhang said last time. . “

Zhang Yu said: “Thanks old Lu, now I have something to pass by here. Unable to stay long, I can only find opportunities next time.”

old Lu regretted: “That’s a pity.”

Seeing that he was inconvenienced, Zhang Yu didn’t stay here much. After a few words, he got up and said goodbye. Before leaving, he left a bottle of pill medicine, and took a pen to write a set of breathing technique, saying: “old Lu is actually not a big problem, but is infected by evil qi, use this pill You can breathe in as fast as 3 days, or as slow as ten days, when you can stand up again. “

old Lu is a man who can’t help himself. These days he has been holding back on the push chair. It is really a kind of suffering. Now that he can resume walking, he can’t help but feel a little excited. He immediately called the attendant behind him to solemnly put it away, and then said: “Silan , Send me Mr. Zhang for me. “

Zhang Yu walked out of the old Lu residence and stopped by Ye Silan in front of the door. He returned all the way to the heavenly boat mooring station, boarded the flying boat, and drove the boat to continue northeast.

After another day, the flying boat entered the territory of Qian State, which is the northernmost land of Azure Sun Superior Continent. The entire state and county are high. The watchtower generally guards the northeast sea gate of Azure Sun Superior Continent.

Calm Righteousness Academy is located in the Taichang Prefecture of Qian State. After stopping the flying boat on his mooring station, it took less than half of Xia hour to find the academy door.

Academy covers a vast area, along the central axis are lined with great halls with heavy eaves on the top of Xieshan Mountain. They all live above the secondary stairway. 2 The side walls of the corridor are tall. It is surrounded by a pine and cypress wood with lush and green branches.

There was an old man cleaning the fallen leaves in front of the door. When he came over, he was busy letting go of his things and bowing. He said, “This gentleman is polite. Is the gentleman coming here to practice or seeking the dao?”

Zhang Yu raised his hand in return and said, “I’m visiting several fellows.”

The old man asked a few words, listening to him looking for Fan Lan and Qi Wu 2 people, suddenly said: “It turns out that Mr. Fan and Mr. Qi, yes, they are all there,” he turned sideways, back One finger, “The two gentlemen are all in the third entering the great hall.”

Zhang Yu thanks old man came in, and there was obviously not much people here. You can see that except for some recruited attendants, most places are still empty.

He walked outside the great hall, but saw Fan Lan preaching inside, Qi Wu was sitting on the other side, and there were more than 60 recipes underneath, most of them were Profound Mansion disciple from Eastern Court, there were also some people I don’t know.

After such a long time, Fan Lan and Qi Wu have entered the third chapter, which is regarded as a middle position cultivator. However, if they are not restricted to the past, they have already entered this situation. .

Because he did not disturb the two, he stood outside and waited.

After about half a Xia hour, a chime bell sounded, Fan Lan and Qi Wu dispersed all students, then Shi Shiran walks from inside, but only 2 people crossed the threshold in front of the temple, looked up, but saw Zhang Yu Negative sleeves stood there, can’t help but reveal the color of surprise, “junior brother Zhang?”

They straightened their shirts and cups the hands politely, saying, “Profound Corrector is polite.”

Zhang Yu replied with a gift, saying: “senior brother Fan, senior brother Qi, don’t have to be so polite in private.”

Fan Lan was very familiar with him, and hearing this smiled and said, “Then we will not be polite with the junior brother.”

He invited Zhang Yu to come in and ordered someone to make tea, and then invited Zhang Yu to sit down and said, “I and the junior brother Qi heard the junior brother get the Profound Court’s evangelism, and ordered Profound Corrector, also for the junior brother. Happy, I should have congratulated you, thinking that the junior brother is busy, it will disturb the future. “

Zhang Yu talked with the two for a while, and said, “We just saw that many of the disciplines are raw faces, but are the disciplines newly received by the two senior brothers?”

Fan Lan said: “Many of them are descendants of the attendant here. They also worked for the academy 60 years ago, so I want them to listen to them together, and there are some children of nearby fishermen. There is a shortage of folk schools, and these children have difficulty in entering school, so they are sent to us, and some of them are quite spiritual. “

Zhang Yu pondered, said: “When I came here, I saw a lot of people outside were evacuating. Is this arranged by the two governments?”

Fan Lan nodded and said: “Qian State is adjacent to the North Eastern Sea Area. It is now said that the North is about to go to war. Fearing that Gods and monsters may come from the sea after the war, people in the state are evacuating inland one after another.”

Zhang Yu slightly nodded, it ’s no wonder that the grand academic at Qian State is so easy to get back. It seems that the people behind him also know that the war is approaching. 10000 Once there was a war here, there will be nothing left.

He said: “Since that is the case, if I ask two senior brothers and all disciples to change places to live, are the two senior brothers willing?”

Fan Lan and Qi Wu glanced at each other, Fan Lan cups the hands and says: “If the junior brother Zhang has any instructions, despite the care, we will do our best.”

Qi Wu is also nodded.

Zhang Yu outlined the World Crack and said, “This World Crack relates to Profound Mansion’s connection with the outside. Only now the inner continent situation is a bit complicated, although the manpower I have at hand is not few, but there is a lack of reliability. People, so I would like to invite 2 senior brothers to settle in World Crack and go to the other end to see if I can find another Superior Continent. I will also describe these things according to the merits and list them in the Profound Mansion workbook. . “

To be honest, now that the war is approaching, if Eastern Court all disciples stay here, it will inevitably be involved in the war.

But in fact, there is no shortage of them here. Instead, go elsewhere to continue preaching, or find another continent in World Crack in another section, which can play a greater role than here.

Fan Lan expression said positively, “It turned out to be such a thing. Since the junior brother can trust us, then we should go as we please.”

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “Okay, then this matter is settled like this.”

Between them talking, the sky suddenly dimmed, and it looked like it was going to rain. The old man outside the door looked up and whispered: “Qian State, where there are so many sea foods, it ’s this day, Always say change, change. “

Zhang Yu heard a rumbling sound suddenly in the distance. His pupil light moved, turned his head outward, and then moved his sleeves, stood up, and walked outside the hall. Fan Lan and Qi Wu looked at each other. , Also stood up and came out together.

At this time another rumbling just happened.

Fan Lan frowns saying: “This sound is a bit wrong.”

Qi Wu said with some uncertainty: “Is it thunder?”

Zhang Yu looked towards one direction and said: “No, it is the sound of discovered weapon strikes.”

Just as his voice fell, he heard the roar sound, Fan Lan and Qi Wu 2 looked up and saw above the clouds above, flying boats one after another were flying north, after a batch passed It was another batch, and the rumbling of distant sky was accompanied by the sound of real thunder one after another, and it became more and more dense.

Zhang Yu stared at the flashes of light appearing in the northern sky and the thick clouds and said, “The war has begun.”



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