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After Zhang Yu arranged Fan Lan, Qi Wu and the others in World Crack, he went out here and returned to Mizar Academy.

Although there are still many yijians in World Crack, he does not feel that these people can pose any threat to Fan, Qi, and others.

All Yijia Gods and cave person were bombed by the found weapon in the melee that day, and the rest was just some god’s progeny.

The ability of god’s progeny actually has its limits. At most, it can only compete with the cultivator of read to chapter 2, and the strength of Fan Lan and Qi Wu is enough to easily deal with it.

After successfully returning to Mizar Academy, he walked into the study, took the pen and paper to the front, slightly pondered, and then dropped the pen.

For the past few days, he has been thinking about how to solve the unknown seal on the picture second layer.

This is said to be seal. In fact, he needs to master a lack of his own ability. Once completed, he can communicate with the rest of the seal and complete the second layer of the visualization picture.

This ability is quite special, and he needs to be able to perceive “interlayer”.

The so-called “interlayer”, which is the crack of this World, is said to be produced after the world and outer layer are merged. It can be described as is everywhere. Some interlayers exist for a long time, and some are erratic.

The long-standing interlayer has a fixed entrance, such as “World Crack” and “divine country”, but these two are not the interlayer itself, just use the interlayer and integrate with it.

This kind of land is also easier for people with certain mystical strength to find.

The erratic interlayer is more difficult to find. They are like bubbles in boiling water. They pop out and die in a hurry, and then continue to have new births.

Now the ability required by the visualization picture is that he can find those erratic interlayer anytime, anywhere.

In fact, if this matter was placed 60 years ago, it is very easy to solve.

After reaching the third chapter, the cultivator will have the ability to self-created seal, but with such a person’s wisdom, such seal often has many defects, it is difficult to go further.

But it does not matter, when faced with these difficulties, some cultivators will choose to actively show this self-created seal to others.

After seeing this seal, cultivators will try to improve it on this basis.

In this process, it can inspire more colleagues to find more useful ideas, and it may lead to more seals.

Many seals on the Profound Chapter of the Grand Dao actually appear in this way, and the wisdom of everyone can be fully exerted and communicated.

The existence of Profound Mansion, in addition to confronting mystical outside, is to promote this development as much as possible internally.

However, the situation of Azure Sun Profound Mansion is a little special, and it has only recently returned to the right track, and the appearance of the little seal has made the evolution of the great seal slowed down a bit, so Zhang Yu obviously has no way to use this to complete This matter, you can only rely on yourself to find a way.

Among the inner continent various factions, only Hong Mountain and Overflowing Light have not turned in seals. Previously, he had tried to find out whether there are seals in this area of ​​these 2 factions. It is just from the results of previous hearings that these 2 faction cultivators have not shown similar abilities in the past.

Since this road does not work, he felt that he could go to the true cultivator and try to inquire.

True cultivator inheritance has a long history, with various divine ability dao art, there may be a method that can perceive “interlayer”.

The cultivation technique and divine ability of true cultivator has its own number of ways, and it is not something that the found cultivator can practice, even if it is placed in front of him, it is impossible.

But he did not plan to copy it. He had the “Seeing and Knowing Seal” given by Profound Court. As long as he used this seal to try to understand and understand the truth, then he could create another one seal by himself.

For example, the key here is to need a door to go there. With this door, he can push open and walk in.

Now true cultivator lives in Wonderful Profound Boundary. If you want to deal with these people, I am afraid you still need to please senior brother Tao Dingfu.

Just thinking about it, he had finished writing the letter in his hand. After sealing it with a seal, he summoned Li Qinghe and said, “Qinghe, you sent this letter to the Dangyue Prefecture Stone Channel Monastery.”

Li Qinghe took it and said, “Sir, I’ll set off immediately.”

Zhang Yu sent letters, but instead of just waiting for a reply, Qing Shu seconded a large number of files from Mizar Academy to see if he could start thinking about something else.

One day after looking through it, I finally found another way.

Azure Sun Superior Continent used to have a spiritual creature named “Houjiu”, which is a monkey-like creature with wings. This thing is good at ambushes and often appears suddenly in front of prey. This creature is considered to have escaped into the interlayer Ability.

Placed more than 100 years ago, this is also a very popular spiritual creature, because this thing is very high in spiritual wisdom, with a little training, you can become a qualified and hidden guard.

It’s just that divine robe profound armor is even easier to use, so you don’t have to spend money and energy to train this thing.

But since such creatures have the ability to go in and out of interlayer, can he also buy a few, and try to observe and understand how they operate spirituality, then maybe they can master such a method.

As soon as this line of thought opened, he was suddenly bright. Not only the second layer of the visualization picture, but also the third layer, he may also be able to use the same method to get more supplements from spiritual creatures.

He immediately called Qing Shu and Qing Xi 2 to take care of them to manage to acquire this spiritual creature.

After arranging everything, he returned to the quiet room to meditate.

In a flash, another ten days passed, and the time was up to the end of June.

Zhang Yu has not waited for the news of Tao Dingfu and “Houjiu”. He came from Profound Mansion and said that he was asking him to discuss it. He expected that there must be something more important. So let me put it down for a while. Profound Mansion is here.

He was flying fast, and just half a day later, he was in Profound Mansion.

Yun Chen had been waiting for him after he sent the letter. When he learned that he was here, he immediately came out to meet him. After paid respect, he invited him into the inner room and said: “The labor Profound Corrector Zhang has come here because of something. Discuss with Profound Corrector, um, it must be known that Profound Corrector has been involved in the war in the North? “

Zhang Yu slightly nodded, said: “I have seen the report, but I still don’t know the current situation.”

Yun Chen took 2 scarlet reports from the case and handed them over: “This was sent a few days ago by the 2 houses. Profound Corrector can have a look.”

Zhang Yu took it over and wrote that the day of the beginning of June 6th, that is, the day he was in Qian State, Taibo Gods and Monsters first launched an attack on an external army town.

But Azure Sun Superior Continent has also been prepared on this side. Reinforcement arrived immediately in the 3 states in the rear. After a night of fighting, the two sides ended up retreating with Taibo Gods and Monsters.

Judging from the post-war inventory, the Taibo Gods and Monsters on the offensive side obviously lost more, which can be regarded as a victory of either too big nor too small.

Although this is a small-scale battle for two huge opponents, the war at first has a victory and it is very encouraging.

After reading the scarlet report, he picked up another letter, which mentioned the Frost Continent. According to the clues provided by the captive Marshal Lan, the 2 houses were roughly inferred Frost Continent people may exist.

The two houses were originally prepared to first clean up Frost Continent, but then turned their heads to deal with Taibo Gods and Monsters, but the sudden outbreak of war in the north made the two houses have to turn their main attention to the north.

However, if Frost Continent is on the side, it is always a threat, so the 2 governments hope Profound Mansion can help prevent Frost Continent from flanking.

After watching it, he looked up and said, “How is the Fellow daoist Yun going to do?”

Yun Chen sighed: “This matter Profound Mansion can not be evaded, and furthermore, these Frost Continent people should also deal with us.”

Zhang Yu is also nodded. Judging from the current situation, although Frost Continent wears divine robe profound armor like a mortal and masters the technique of found weapon, it is essentially a monster distorted by parasitic insects and Nightmare Demon. Against mystical, this is what Profound Mansion is responsible for.

He said: “So how much do the two governments need us to do?”

Yun Chen said: “The two governments believe that the Frost Continent people will not commit large-scale incursions until the war begins, but it is likely to send personnel to carry the discovered weapon into the Azure Sun Superior Continent for destruction, so it is recommended that we strengthen this area. Be prepared. “

Zhang Yu changed his mind and said, “If so, there is no doubt that a lot of manpower is needed here. What about the batch of cultivators we used to assist the war in the North?”

Yun Chen shook his head and said: “The 2 houses still need this manpower, and I have already sent the people up, impossible to withdraw again, but the 2 houses are willing to compensate with various military creations, what do we need, and the transfer agency also Will fully cooperate. “

Zhang Yu thought for a while and said, “If only Frost Continent people can barely cope with it, but what attitude are the outer territory dao faction? If they lean on those Frost Continent people, then things are very bad for us.”

Yun Chen sighed: “This is also my worry. These dao factions have been in the outer territory for so long. It is difficult to say that they are not involved with Frost Continent, but now, we really lack the power of the upper layer. This time is Azure Sun Superior Continent. In the battle with foreign enemies, they are also impossible to escape. “

Zhang Yu said: “I heard that the previous two governments had asked Wonderful Profound Boundary’s true cultivator to go to the outer territory to investigate. Fellow daoist Yun Chen was also in Wonderful Profound Boundary cultivation in the past. Can you please move them out to help?”

Yun Chen thought for a while and said seriously: “I can try it as much as possible, but Profound Corrector also knows that these same things have always been do as one pleases, and they are loose in nature. Please ask them to do it, but they may not cooperate with us.”

Zhang Yu said: “This is not a hindrance, and I don’t ask them what they can do. As long as they can help me to contain some of the outer territory’s strength, then we can get a little less pressure.”



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