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Within the sealed storehouse, the middle-aged literary minor official led the young men and women to walk in.

The two different Gods looked at the four sides, and there were tall and heavy metal walls all around the channel 2. At a glance, there was a majestic portal fitted on every 4 zhang, and the gaps on the four sides were straight. Like a knife cut, there is a number on the door with fluorescent lights flashing.

Ai Ruo asked with interest: “What are the things inside?”

The young man said: “The divine item of each destroyed divine country previously confiscated by the Azure Sun people, and the antiquities before the epoch.”

Ai Ruo was startled and said, “So much?” A ray of hot rays of light appeared in her eyes, looking at 4, “Are there any of them?”

The young man said: “It should be, before Chaos Tide, Azure Sun people are still very strong.”

Ai Ruo asked back, “What now?”

The young man thought about it seriously and said, “My feeling is that they are stronger, but they seem to be weaker again.”

Ai Ruo was puzzled and said, “Why do you say that?”

The young man shook his head and said: “I don’t know, maybe because the things created by the mortal of Azure Sun have the same power as the gods, making their gods unsatisfied.

Ai Ruo realized something: “I seem to understand something.”

The two of them used spirituality to communicate in the mind during the two conversations, so the middle-aged literary minor official not at all who walked in the front heard any movement, but he felt that the two different Gods understood the rules quite well.

After a long walk, 3 people came to a metal door with the number “Profound, Tenth and Sixth”.

The middle-aged literary minor official stopped and reached for a press on the door. A burst of fluorescent light reflected on the door. The metal door slowly melted and finally disappeared. However, after that, another one appeared. The door has a vertical hole the size of a thumb.

He took out a copper key from his sleeve again, inserted it and spun it, and then heard a sound of a sound from the machine, and in the intermittent roar, the thick 2-foot gate moved back flat Open, and finally stopped outside two zhang.

The middle-aged literary minor official looked slightly suspicious and walked in. The two different Gods also came out from behind the door. Their eyes were unobstructed. They soon found themselves in an empty hall, There is nothing around, and the light coming from some place illuminates it very brightly.

And about a hundred feet away from them, there is a hard stone platform that rises slightly above the ground, on which is a broken square stone tablet under 3 zhang high. The obelisk first flashes a little light, then slowly Dimming down, repeating the action after a while, as if breathing there.

Just in front of the stone tablet, there are also two about one zhang high bronze statues. They are dressed in ancient armor, embracing their waists, and elbows with sleeves.

The young man looks at the stone tablet in that side, and there is a frenzy in his eyes, and there is an unstoppable excitement in his voice, saying: “That is awakening stone.”

At the first glance of this thing, Ai Ruo felt that there was a force there that deeply attracted herself. She wanted to rush forward immediately, but fortunately still remembering this place and the young man The man said something to her before coming out, so he still restrained himself.

The middle-aged literary minor official said: “Is this what you want?”

The young man smiled and said, “Yes, thank Chief Shui.”

The middle-aged literary minor official said: “I said no need to thank me, this is a gift from Mansion Lord Ming to you, but you must remember that if you take this thing, you must work hard for Azure Sun.”

The sarcasm in the young man’s eyes flashed away, but still very respectful on the surface, saying: “Yes, we remember.”

“That’s good.” His middle-aged literary minor official was very satisfied with his attitude. He pointed at the stone tablet casually and said, “Then this will be given to you, and it will be yours to deal with it. “

The young man still had a bright future, and a voice suddenly came from behind them: “No one can take this thing!”

3 people looked back, Zhang Yu was standing there at the moment, he was dressed in a jade-colored dao faction, his waist hanging Song of Cicadas Sword, the jade mist fluttering around the outside, there was a fine star light moving, clear dust, ethereal Ruoxian.

The middle-aged literary minor official was shocked and said, “Profound Corrector Zhang … you? How did you come in?”

Ai Ruo’s eyes lit up, but she felt that the coming person’s appearance was almost perfect, but then she frowned again.

There is aura in Zhang Yu who ca n’t tell the truth, it ’s unpredictable, and he seems to be high above the nine heavens. Not only does he feel intimate, he feels a sense of awe for no reason. Compared with them, he is more like a god, She does not like this feeling very much.

The young man was extremely alert at looks at Zhang Yu, and he felt that there might be some twists and turns in this matter today.

Zhang Yu looked towards the middle-aged literary minor official, saying: “Chief Shui, this thing is a mystical object. According to the Celestial Xia rules, without Profound Mansion’s approval, you may not teach others privately, but you give it to external god, which Who allowed it? “

The middle-aged literary minor official frowned, and said with a tough attitude: “I am acting on the orders of the 2 houses. Profound Corrector seems to be unable to manage it here?”

Zhang Yu looked towards him, raising his sleeves and reaching out, saying: “Here it is.”

The middle-aged literary minor official startled, said: “What is it?”

Zhang Yu said quietly: “We just said that, Profound Mansion is going to approve. If you have this thing, I will leave immediately, no more questions.”

The middle-aged literary minor official looked sluggish, and he said with a slight annoyance: “When are these rules? Since these things have been collected, they have always been kept by the two governments. It ’s up to 2 houses! “

Zhang Yu lightly said: “I don’t ask many of them, I only know Celestial Xia rules.”

The middle-aged literary minor official took a deep breath, looked at him, and said, “Profound Corrector, shall we talk about it alone?”

Zhang Yu glanced at him and said, “Yes.” He also wanted to hear what he thought, and for what purpose.

The middle-aged literary minor official let the two different Gods wait for the side first, then he came up and came to Zhang Yu to stand nearby. At this time, his mind had calmed down. First, Zhang Yu raised his cups the hands politely, said: “Profound Corrector, it is just that I am guilty of gaining words, and I hope Profound Corrector will not blame.”

After he put down his sleeves, he explained the origin. “Profound Corrector knew that the war in the north had started recently, and the forces of the two governments were all north. Now we should try to eliminate the hidden dangers of the rest of the land.

These different God forces are not small. If you can take the useless things in the library and placate them, why not do it? I do n’t ask them to help me. As long as I do n’t do anything, it ’s a big thing. This is also for the sake of overall consideration, and I hope Profound Corrector will be considerate. “

Zhang Yu said: “Wrong.”


The middle-aged literary minor official couldn’t help but stunned, and then he frowns saying: “How wrong?”

Zhang Yu said: “These different Gods are not people of my Celestial Xia, how can we use the wisdom of Celestial Xia to measure each other? This generation is awe-inspiring but not virtuous, these things are given to them, that would only think me Celestial Xia Without him, he would become more unsatisfied, rather than obedient and obedient as the driver said. “

He is not ignorant of the different Gods around Azure Sun Superior Continent. After all, Azure Sun Superior Continent except Taibo Gods and Monsters, the most important thing is to deal with them.

These different Gods, as he said, worship weak are prey to the strong, and never talk about moral etiquette. This is almost the same as the Eastern Court ’s different Gods. As long as you are strong enough, you can get their admiration. You show a little weakness, then they will rush to bite you.

The middle-aged literary minor official disagreed with him and retorted: “Different in this generation, these external gods admire Celestial Xia rites and music, which are different from those brutal beasts who have never enjoyed the grace …”

Zhang Yu didn’t believe it at all. The source of the power of these gods depended on the sacrificial offerings of believers. If the believers all worship Celestial Xia, where does the different God get its power?

As long as these different Gods exist in the world for a day, it is a lie to say that admiring Celestial Xia’s rites and music.

This is their essence and there is no way to change it.

Although Azure Sun Superior Continent is also cooperating with some different Gods now, it is just a strategy that’s all to disperse each other’s power.

The people who ordered Chief Shui to do this just judged things based on their own assumptions, thinking that these Different Gods would be grateful for the benefits. This is a joke.

He lightly said: “If Chief Shui only has these words, then he doesn’t have to say.”

The middle-aged literary minor official’s attitude was also cold at this time, saying: “Okay, Profound Corrector Zhang, since you told me rules, then I have to ask you a crime of trespassing into a sealed storehouse!”

Zhang Yu stopped talking to him anymore, looked towards the two different Gods, and said, “This is the spoils of war seized by Celestial Xia from outside. You are not allowed to transfer away. You can leave.”

The young man has been waiting for the result. At the moment, when he heard this sentence, his eyes turned red, and there was a vicious and violent color in it. The things he wanted to think of were right in front of him at this moment. But he was asked to give up, which made him unacceptable, and there was a desperate impulse in his chest.

The middle-aged literary minor official stepped back at several steps at this time, raised his hands and clapped his hands. As the applause passed out, the bronze statue in front of the two square stone tablets suddenly showed light, and then moved like a living person. The roaring step came towards where Zhang Yu was. Their movements were extremely rapid, almost between a few breaths, and crossed the distance of several ten zhang.

When the young man saw it, he turned his head and said, “Ai Ruo, please go quickly.”

Hearing this sentence, Ai Ruo pointed a little, and hurled away at the stone tablet who was calling himself.

Zhang Yu glanced at the two bronze statues that rushed to the front. This thing is a relatively old magical item, called the golden armor general guard. It was placed a few hundred years ago and was used exclusively for guarding. He stood there motionlessly, said lightly in his mouth: “Cherish!”


An invisible force enveloped it. The bronze statue was suddenly stopped, and then it was simultaneously paused, then banged and knelt down in front of him.

Ai Ruo only ran halfway at the moment, and felt his body was crushed by a huge force, cry out in surprise, involuntarily kneeling on the ground, not only them, the middle-aged literary minor official and the young man were also peng peng 2 On the ground.

Zhang Yu stood on the field with his sleeves down, looking at the flashing square stone tablet of the rays of light, and said: “Listen clearly, on the earth of Celestial Xia, we allow you to do what you can do.”



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