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For the whole of February, Zhang Yu spent all of his cultivation and absorbing source energy. It was only at the beginning of October that he was able to clean up the source energy in the sealed storehouse.

However, there are still a lot of source energy taken by the gold bestowal ring, and it will take time to absorb it back.

After feeling the spirit essence full, he immediately put it into the 6 upright seal and pushed it all the way to the full level of Chapter 3.

At this time, he was a little distracted.

Now the northern war is going on as usual, but the conflict has always been maintained to a limit. This is because the Azure Sun Superior Continent is very slow and stable. For the long desolate territory, this point is still insignificant, and the support can be very fast. Keeping up from behind, Taibo Gods and Monsters is also likely to wait for the Azure Sun Superior Continent front to pull out long enough before taking the shot.

He understands that it is best to complete his plan before the real fierce struggle between the two sides, the more difficult it is to delay.

A few days ago, a message was sent from Qing Shu, and he found the clues of the whereabouts of a spiritual creature he needed. Now, he is completely printed, so he can go out and see the creatures at close range.

After careful preparation, he riding the light escaped Mizar Academy and went straight to the outer territory.

He did n’t take the flying boat at this time, because the flying boat was an academy after all, and his whereabouts would inevitably be recorded, and he was going to stop by World Crack at this time to visit Fan Lan, Qi Wu and the others, See if they have made any progress in exploring these days.

However, the flying boat is very easy to use, and can save time to do more things, so he usually rides on a flying boat when traveling through the inner continent.

He received a letter from Tao Dingfu a few days ago, saying that he was refining a flying boat. Maybe he could ask him to build a boat after he knew it.

After all, most flying boats are now for ordinary people, and military flying flying boats are not outflowing, and are not suitable for cultivator. Only the flying boat made by cultivator is suitable for you.

Just thinking about it, he was out of Gao State all the way, and then escaping light was another illness, and he went southwest.

But he didn’t know that, shortly after he left the Academy, his outgoing news was sent out by the glow of light message transmission technique.

At the same time, somewhere in the outer territory, Jia Luo and Hou Gangzheng 2 were sitting in a cave on a dry mountain wall, and at the gate of the cave, a half the height of a person prismatic glaze was placed.

These days they have been waiting for news here, of course, they are not waiting, but asking for various things from the inner continent under various pretexts, and “over there” has also met their requirements.

In the outer territory, although there is no one to control it, there are powerful spiritual creatures and wandering gods and monsters everywhere. The days are not so good, but now they want to ask for everything in a timely manner. In a moment, they have some hope Zhang Yu can appear again later.

As they stabilized their susceptibility to agitation, suddenly, at a very far distance, a dazzling light flashed, almost at the same time, a burst of rays flashed on the glass in front of the hole. of light.

Glow of light message transmission technique is to set up a crystal jade at a distance above the ground, to transmit messages through a series of complex changes of light irradiation, and to be able to transmit some important information in a short time.

Only because the changes of rays of light are complex, this requires the recipient to have excellent observation and recognition skills. Jia and Hou as cultivator, these things are no difficulty for them.

Hou Gangzheng was most concerned about the matter. He got up and recognized it, and said excitedly: “senior brother, the man came out. Looking at the direction shown above, it is probably the outer territory. It seems that I can do it. . “

Jia Luo said at this moment: “Junior brother, do you need me to raid you for this time?”

Hou Gangzheng hesitated for a while, and it was reasonable to say that it was the most reliable way to do it, but once that happened, the Profound Leader might have the means to see the trace of Jia Luo’s appearance, which would be contrary to his original intention, so he said: “Forget it, I am fully prepared this time, when there is no problem, it is wrong, and I can withdraw in time without entanglement with him.”

Jia Luo nodded said: “This is good, but junior brother, I am also thinking about this these days, I think this is something that is not suitable for pushing on Frost Continent people, and” the other side “gives us something this time It ’s so cool, I suspect they have some other scheme. After I succeed, I might as well go to Chengchang Dao Faction and find a way to foreign continent. “

Among the outer territory dao faction, Chengchang Dao Faction is the most powerful, and it has a communication channel to foreign continent in its hands, but this road is not easy to go, but in the case of threats to life, then do n’t care about it too much.

In fact, if they hadn’t made an oath with “over there”, after taking those benefits before, they would have gone long ago, where would they stay here?

Hou Gangzheng actually had these concerns in his heart. He agreed without thinking, “Okay! Senior brother, when I finish this, I will go to foreign continent with you!”

Zhang Yu deliberately increased the speed this time. Flying only crossed the 2 states and the land of desolate ruins in the outer territory. Then he went to the place where the spiritual creature appeared.

The creature I ’m looking for this time is called “Abyssal Ape”, and it ’s also called “Earth Ape”. This thing is huge and generally lives in a crypt cave. If there are no foreign enemies, then it will only reach the ground at dawn. Last activity for a while.

“Abyssal Ape” not only has its own strength and tenacious tendons, but also has a mystical power, the body can shift between real and unreal, also has the ability to wear it between the underground and the mountain walls.

When facing a powerful enemy, directly enter inside its opponent’s body with its unreal body, then burst it by changing to its real body.

Therefore, when “Abyssal Ape” fights with his opponent, it is often very cruel and bloody.

What he needs to understand this time is that the spirituality is mysterious.

It is just the same reason as observing “Houjiu”, “Abyssal Ape” can do this, it is the result of the joint use of his body structure and his own mystical organs. As a human cultivator, naturally impossible learns such power through observation .

What he is asking for this time is only a kind of illusory change on Heart Light.

In fact, no matter whether the found cultivator and the true cultivator have this divine ability, but the method of the true cultivator is even more difficult to learn, and it is also impossible to learn in front of him. The visualization picture is needed, so this requires his self-created seal to be perfected, and Abyssal Ape is undoubtedly the best object to observe.

He searched all the way according to the different changes of the terrain, and about 2 days later, he came to the place pointed by the clue.

Although he hadn’t seen Abyssal Ape at this time, he had heard a huge roar from afar.

He can judge that the spirituality creature is more than 20 miles away, making such a sound that it is deterring powerful enemies and proclaiming that he is the master of this area.

As soon as he escaping light, without taking much time came to the sky above the sound.

Abyssal Ape was extremely combative. He immediately felt the foreign enemies, immediately jumped out of the underground cracks, fell heavily on the surface, and roared into the sky.

Zhang Yu’s eyes fell, and it was not much different from the image above. It was roughly like a giant ape. The chest and back were thick, the muscles of the arms were swelled, and the golden eyes had a smooth, soft and dense silver white fur, just in the forehead. There is a long string of fiery-red hair on the hairline and spine, which is very powerful when dancing in the wind.

It was roaring at the moment, while slamming its fists and hitting the ground violently, all around the grit beating with a dull sound like a drum.

Seems like it can’t scare off the opponent, it is a leaping, rushes to the sky.

This jump was very sudden, without any momentum at all, and the speed was very fast, which was completely inconsistent with its huge size.

Zhang Yu had already been guarded. He only retreated a little and turned away. At the same time, his pupil light flickered slightly, just at the moment, this ape conducted a spiritual nature change between real and unreal.

However, he can also see that even though this murderous thing can not reach the fourth chapter profound cultivator level in the application of spiritality, it is not weak at all in terms of speed and strength, and it also has a certain threat to him, so You must be very careful when you come down.

While he was observing Abyssal Ape, a group of small bugs hovered there more than ten miles away from him. After staring at him for a long time, one of them flew away again, about 100 miles away. A drop in a hole.

Hou Gangzheng is sit cross-legged here at the moment, he spread his palms and let the insect fall into the palm of his hand. As the insect mouthpiece pierces in and closes his eyes, Zhang Yu ’s actions outside are all in his hands It appeared in my mind.

After watching it, the palm was sent away, and the drinking one’s own blood insect was released again, and then his eyes narrowed.

He guessed that Zhang Yu was looking for Abyssal Ape. Mostly in order to hunt this spiritual creature, he should be observing the weaknesses and fighting methods of this thing.

He has lived in the outer territory for a long time, knowing that Abyssal Ape’s strength is not weak, and it is not so good to deal with. In this case, it is better to wait for the second one to wait for the two to fight up and pick up a cheap one.

After turning his thoughts, he decided to wait patiently.

After 2nd day, only one Flying Insect returned. He reflected the scene from his consciousness in the same way. Seeing Zhang Yu is still watching there, seeing not at all his intentions,

He thought about it for a long time and thought that Zhang Yu would not take too long to observe. It would take about 3 or 4 days before he started, and he said: “Patiently wait for a few days, then there will be an opportunity.”

But this wait is a big half a month.

On this day, he paced back and forth anxiously in the cave, “Why has he still not made a move?”

These days, Zhang Yu, just like when he arrived before, just observed there, but he just didn’t do it.

If it were n’t for Flying Insect ’s invisibility, Hou Gangzheng almost thought the other party had already found himself.

His eyes flickered, and there was a rush of excitement in his chest.

The evil method of cultivation, pay attention to do as one pleases, never repress the mood’s various changes, sometimes overly suppressing it can instead be harmful to the cultivation base. !

With this thought together, he could no longer be suppressed. He was in a vertical shape, and there was a violent wind in the cave, rising to the ground, and then flying towards Zhang Yu location!



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