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Two days later, when the sky slightly showed dawn’s light, Mo Ruohua said goodbye to his roommates, left the Mizar Academy on a flying boat, and rushed to the northern front.

Not very long after she left, there was a drizzle of rain under the sky, and then the rain was getting bigger and bigger. Soon after, the entire academy was shrouded in a majestic rain curtain.

At this moment, a daoist holding whisk, divine poise and sagelike features is walking in the Mizar Academy. When he came over, the rainwater naturally separated from the side of the body 2 without any contamination.

He always came to the golden stage where Zhang Yu lived, turned his head and glanced to himself, saying, “Is there only one created person?”

At this moment, within the golden stage, Qing Shu is practicing his sword from the martial training stage.

Because of his hard work, his strength has improved rapidly these days, but he ca n’t use the breathing technique that ordinary people can use. He can only stimulate the spirituality by slowly grinding the body.

At this time, he felt a little strange and turned his head to look, but he saw a silhouette above the jade jade beside him, a daoist with outstanding style standing in front of the golden stage door, he couldn’t help but stop, guess This may be to visit Mr.

Qing Xi went out to buy various ingredients early in the morning, and Li Qinghe also happened to go out. Now he was the only person in the golden stage, so he wiped his sweat, cleaned up, and came downstairs.

But he walked away without several steps, the whole golden stage shocked, and then rumbling down to sink.

At the moment in the quiet room, the spirit true spirit’s spirit room that had been placed on it suddenly rolled down, but when it rolled again, it hid under the table.

The daoist looks at the golden stage in front of the entire golden stage. A flashing streamer appeared before sinking. His eyes flickered a few times, but he stood still.

After a while, he slowly turned around and saw that there were three cultivators standing there not far behind, and on the outer periphery, one after another, a metal giant stood in the air, looking like an enemy.

Cao Liang took a step forward at this time, looking at the daoist with dignified expression, and asked, “Who is the driver? What happened here?”

He can see that this is not a person, but an Essence Soul Shining Shadow, this person’s main body’s cultivation base, and the Hong Mountain Dao Faction behind him, and only the Faction Lord can comment on equal terms with it.

The daoist said casually: “I just came to find a person that’s all, since he is not there, then I should go.”

Cao Liang said solemnly: “This is not a place where Zunjia wants to come and go. If you want to leave, Zunjia needs to make it clear, or please leave a message or leave a roster of letters.”

The daoist was not annoyed. He smiled slightly and said, “If I don’t want to, how do you want to be?”

Cao Liang stared at him and said, “We are not opponents of Zunjia, but Zunya needs to remember that this is Mizar Academy.”

The daoist laughed at him again, and then lifted whisk slightly.

But at this moment, above the golden stage of the academy that is connected to the great azure banyan hanging branch, there is a dive symbol rays of light flashing, and at once there is a stream of light shooting straight down from the height!

The daoist’s warning sign appeared when he was neutral, but when he was about to dodge, he found that the streamer was approaching to the extreme. Before he responded, he had penetrated through himself. He couldn’t help but reveal an astonished color, next moment, The silhouette will be scattered and scattered into the atmosphere, no longer seeing anything.

Cao Liang and other cultivators silently look at this scene, but the mood is a bit complicated, although this time successfully expelled this unknown cultivator, but they are not slightly happy.

Although they knew that there was a great arrangement in the academy, this was also the first time they saw it.

Because the stream of light can repel each other, it also means that they can threaten them and even kill them anytime and anywhere.

After a long silence, a cultivator opened the mouth and said: “Dean Cao, what should I do if I come down?”

Cao Liang took a look at the sinking golden stage, opened the mouth and said: “This person is probably in trouble for Profound Corrector Zhang, please report this to Profound Mansion. The matter that comes down has nothing to do with us. . “

More than 3000 miles away from Mizar Academy, Jia Luo stood in the desolate ruins, and at the moment he opened his eyes. Recall that scene where Essence Soul’s consciousness came back.

Just lost an Essence Soul Shining Shadow and lost at most a portion of the magical power. It was nothing to him. He could be cultivated back in a few days, but Mizar Academy had such a counterattack power, which surprised him. He was even apprehensive.

After Hou Gangzheng’s death, he rushed there immediately, but Zhang Yu left the area where Abyssal Ape was, and his whereabouts were unknown, so he released the shining shadow this time to go to Mizar Academy, just to see See if the person has returned to the Academy, and if it is met, it will be resolved.

But from the results, even if Zhang Yu is there, he can easily succeed.

“If this person is not in the academy, it is probably still on wasteland, so where will he go?”

Jia Luo couldn’t help thinking.

Wasteland is so big, how hard it is to find someone, and his cultivation base does not have this skill, but … he can wait.

Mizar Academy is Ying State to the north, Ping State to the west, and narrow mountain range to the south, where densely packed military barriers are located.

And Ying State is now the large rear of the northern front. He judged that Zhang Yu would probably not walk from there, and was unlikely to choose to pass through the heavily guarded military sites from the south. Returning from the west was the most reasonable choice.

If this is the case, it must go through Ping State, so as long as he pays attention to enter the airspace of Ping State, then he is likely to wait until Zhang Yu.

After thinking, his body shook, and several phantoms like him were separated from the body, and then flew in different directions.

From cultivation to the boundary of Essence Soul Shining Shadow, the shining shadow can already carry a part of its magical power, thus jumping to the distant sky to kill the enemy, but the more differentiation of the shining shadow, the weaker the magical power that can be carried.

Now he is just to find Zhang Yu, it is not necessary to ask for battle strength, so there is more differentiation, as long as the target is found, the main body can immediately catch up, with Zhang Yu ’s current cultivation base, once he is staring at it, then In any case, he cannot escape his recourse.

On the other side, Zhang Yu has been watching beside the gods and monsters after the parasitic demon fish appeared. He made all the necessary preparations before, but after actually looking at it, he found that contacting the demon fish is more than contacting Abyssal Ape. Be easy.

Because Life Abandoning Demon Fish doesn’t care about him at all, this gods and monsters except for predation is rest all day, as long as it does not interfere with it, then it will not care about you.

Zhang Yu didn’t go to much things, so it was safe and stable in the past half a month.

On this day, Life Abandoning Demon Fish returned to rest in the land abandoned by gods as usual. It stands to reason that this gods and monsters will come out to prey when it is near noon on the second day, but this time, there have been no days Found Life Abandoning Demon Fish and came out again,

Zhang Yu pondered, according to his observations over the past few days, Life Abandoning Demon Fish will never hunt for more than 2 days.

So he immediately escaped to the land abandoned by gods, and as soon as he approached this land, he felt the fiendish qi is everywhere, very similar to what he saw on desolate ruins, obviously demon fish obviously liked it Such an environment.

After getting closer, he was able to see what the demon fish looked like. At this time, he found that the gods and monsters were lying there silently, and the tentacles underneath were covered with the whole ruins, protecting themselves like tree roots The site ’s spiritual light is surging regularly, like a tide, slowly and firmly.

From a state point of view, this thing has entered a deep sleep.

Judging from the dossier filed before, Life Abandoning Demon Fish will sometimes choose to enter a long hibernation. This period is as short as tens of days and as long as March.

It now appears that he happened to run into it.

Fortunately, there are other Life Abandoning Demon Fish on wasteland. He does n’t have to stare at this one. Of course, he also has an option to try to wake up the demon fish, but that will anger this gods and monsters, He obviously didn’t need to do this.

Unless there is another situation, all the demon fish on wasteland fall into a deep sleep.

He thought about it for a while. Although not at all recorded such a situation on the dossier, it may not have appeared before, and it does not mean that there must be no, but from this he also thought of another very important issue.

Turning to this point, he immediately escaped from here, and went to other places at a very fast escape speed. Between about 5 days, he found 4 demon fish in succession, but without exception, these gods and monsters all entered deep sleep .

As far as far away, he didn’t go to see, nor did he have time to see.

He looked to the distant sky to the west, and the presence of demon fish actually became a part of the west defense screen. Azure Sun Superior Continent didn’t have to worry about Taibo Gods and Monsters coming in from this direction without warning.

But assuming that all the demon fish are in deep sleep, will Taibo Gods and Monsters do anything?

After all, demon fish is also a type of Taibo Gods and Monsters, and it must be very familiar with their habits Taibo Gods and Monsters.

Coupled with the ongoing battle, this probability has been further enhanced. If you think deeper, maybe the deep sleep of these demon fish might be promoted by Taibo Gods and Monsters behind.

Now he has 2 choices, take a little risk, that is to wake up the demon fish, but no one can tell whether it will fall asleep again after waking up, he may also be targeted by him as an enemy.

The easiest way is to immediately report the news to the inner continent without having to say anything more. The staff in the two governments naturally understand the key point here and will make corresponding arrangements.

As long as you are prepared in advance, all this will not be a problem.

But this also brings a problem. Those who are hiding behind can surely guess that the goal of his trip is demon fish. Perhaps the evil cultivator such as that last time will be found.

But he has Supreme Treasure in his hands, but he is not afraid of enemies.

As for this observation, although it has not been completed yet, demon fish ca n’t run here either. He can go back first, solve the remaining seals first, and then come back to complete this final one seal.

He looked towards the other direction, this time originally planned to go to the World Crack line, it seems that it can only be stopped halfway, once his thoughts were collected, he immediately escaped from the sky and returned to the light.

This time he deliberately speeded up, just one day later, he came to the edge of desolate ruins.

At the same time, Jia Luo, who was sit cross-legged among the desolate ruins, suddenly opened his eyes.




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