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Zhang Yu came out of Profound Mansion and returned directly to Mizar Academy this time.

After turning around, he also learned that Mo Ruohua was recruited to the northern front, but because of the strict military compound’s rules, no news has been sent back.

Actually on the battlefield, sometimes there is no news but a good thing.

However, as far as he knows, students who are recruited for the first time like this will normally not immediately enter the battlefield unless the battlefield situation reaches the critical point of 10000 points, but it is clearly not yet the time.

So after thinking about it, Li Qinghe went to a letter to ask about the current situation.

After dealing with some of the chores left after going out, he came alone to the top floor, hand-fed Wondrous Pills Lord some pill powder, and then came to the edge of the platform, negative sleeves look at the scenery outside.

After achieving the 4th chapter, he thought about whether he would resign from his current position, but if he thought about it carefully, he felt that it was necessary to keep the post of dean, because this is a channel to communicate the upper layer and even the two governments.

And there are news and changes that he can get immediately.

In the past, Profound Mansion was because it was too far away from the two governments to cause various problems later.

There are also those students. After his guidance, each can be regarded as his student. In the future, this generation will go to the high position in the army. This connection can also keep the influence of Profound Mansion in the military.

In fact, the Academy also has a similar understanding, especially after he became Profound Corrector, the Academy upper layer does not restrict him by Academy rules,

Therefore, he often walked for two weeks, and nobody in the Academy came to ask about it.

However, he also considered that he still needed to set up another residence outside the academy, not only to facilitate travel, but also to prevent people from knowing his whereabouts to stay.

The flying boat where Wu Ze lived gave him an inspiration.

He may be able to borrow a flying boat as his dwelling, preferably flying flying boat, so that not only can he travel 4 places, he can also carry various kinds of mighty weapons.

After considering it, he came down from the top floor, stepped into the study, spreads the paper on the table, held the pen and dips it in ink, and wrote the next letter.

This is to ask Tao Dingfu whether the flying boat can now be built within Wonderful Profound Boundary. Another thing is to ask Tao Dingfu if you have heard of that superior cultivator’s disciple in Wonderful Profound Boundary.

Although that superior cultivator’s name is unknown to him, this person’s disciple was once taught by Profound Leader Zhu for a while, and later made mistakes before entering Wonderful Profound Boundary. Such a special person will not be unknown.

Although the missing things of Golden Bridge Cauldron must be related to this person, this is the only clue that he can trace.

After writing the letter, he sealed it in an envelope, summoned Li Qinghe, and told him to deliver the letter to the previous Stone Channel Monastery.

After he was instructed, he began to think about how to integrate Profound Mansion.

Now within the continent, there are only two dao factions, Hong Mountain and Overflowing Light, these two factions rely on their faction lords each being a cultivator who has read to the fourth chapter, until now are still maintaining the previous dao faction situation.

According to the normal number of roads, these 2 factions should be taken down first, but then the outside territory dao faction will be packed up outside.

But he feels that the inner continent situation is not right now, and he just can’t do things with ordinary ways.

Once the Hong Mountain and Overflowing Light 2 factions are reunited with Profound Mansion, it means that the power of Profound Mansion on the surface has been reunited. That may stimulate some people ’s sensitive nerves, and may also cause this generation to speed up. Certain actions.

So he thought about it and thought that he should first open up the situation from the outer territory dao faction.

These dao factions can survive in the outer territory, and the cultivator cultivation is high enough. If it can be returned to Profound Mansion, then the strength of Profound Mansion will undoubtedly be greatly strengthened, which is conducive to his next move.

Once the outer territory dao faction drops, Hong Mountain and Overflowing Light 2 will not need him to go any further, and they can naturally suppress it.

After these dao factions, it’s Frost Continent’s turn.

Frost Continent is now a founder of Profound Mansion’s main, and the news from Wu Ze shows that Frost Continent’s Heavenly Secrets Division and inner continent have some kind of connection and are likely to be involved in the created person.

Regarding the created person, since the inner continent is in wartime, there are still various restrictions, so it is very difficult to check, so he has to find a way to open the gap from the Frost Continent.

After his mind was settled, he not at all hurried to start, but still stayed in the academy, reconciling the breath every day, wiping the blade.

As he stepped into the fourth chapter, Heart Light’s power has also been greatly improved, so Song of Cicadas Sword will need to be adapted again.

When he was hostile to Jia Luo, he felt that he was slightly awkward when using flying sword, so before set off, he should try to make his mind and Song of Cicadas Sword fit perfectly, without any flaws.

Above wasteland in the west, somewhere in an underground cave, Daoist Wan Ming walked into the residence of Cao Fangding and sat down in front of the stone case opposite him, saying, “Fellow daoist Cao, I have followed your discipline Your requirements have been arranged properly. In the future, they can cultivate on wasteland or go back to inner continent to join Profound Mansion. “

Cao Fangding asked: “What are those Frost Continent people doing now?”

Daoist Wan Ming said: “If the fellow daoist asked about the Frost Continent last time, they haven’t moved much since they returned. Now I should be recuperating, but I have heard some news recently. It is said that Square Stage Dao Faction has It’s Frost Continent. “

Cao Fangding frowned, said: “Where did the fellow daoist hear about it?”

Daoist Wan Ming replied: “Science of Square Stage Dao Faction is not all willing to surrender to Frost Continent.”

Cao Fangding said solemnly: “Faction Lord He is not that kind of person.”

Daoist Wan Ming looked at him and said seriously: “The situation in the outer territory is complicated, and people’s hearts are even more easily distorted. The current one is not necessarily the one the fellow daoist knew before.”

Cao Fangding was silent for a while, and looked up: “fellow daoist Wan Ming, I want to go to Square Stage Dao Faction.”

Daoist Wan Ming looks at him: “Why is the fellow daoist Cao, if the news is true, even if you go, you can’t save anything, but you will get stuck in it.”

Cao Fangding said solemnly: “I know that the result may not be satisfactory, but I have a friendship with Faction Lord He that ishundred or so years. I can’t turn a blind eye to this matter.”

Daoist Wan Ming saw him with a firm attitude and considered for a moment, nodded and said: “Since the fellow daoist wants to go, then I will follow the fellow daoist.”

Ying State, within a military camp near the northern front, Mo Ruohua is training hard with many female soldiers.

These female soldiers are all elite selected from the academy of Azure Sun Superior Continent states. Everyone relies on divine robe before entering the military camp to inspire the spirituality force.

A military commander-in-chief arranged for them to train against each other after they had completed the necessary training.

The opponent that Mo Ruohua was assigned to was a woman as strong as a man. His shoulders and arms were extremely wide, and he stood there like a giant bear.

Maybe someone will be afraid when she stands in front of this person, but she can be indifferent. As early as in the Divine Army, the size of her divine robe was no less than that of the opposite.

She also knows how to face such opponents.

Her calmness seemed to make her opponent feel underestimated, roared, and raised a burst of rays of light all over her body, stepped hard on her feet, and moved towards her with a loud noise.

This movement immediately caught the attention of the military commander and other female soldiers in the field.

Mo Ruohua distinguished calmly, the opponent was very strong, but the skills were slightly rough, but she not at all therefore underestimated the enemy, the people who can appear here have their own unique points, can not easily draw conclusions from the surface .

She did not retreat at this time, nor did she choose to dodge. Instead, she made a surprise forward in the eyes of everyone. She pressed an incoherent palm on the abdomen of the other side, and then gently exerted force to hold the other side ’s double. Feet up off the ground.

The other party was surprised, and immediately tried to reach out to grab her, but at this time she moved forward quickly at several steps, her hands protruded, hugged one of the other’s legs, and gave a light sip, her waist and abdomen, Suddenly a spin, with a bang, even slammed his opponent fiercely on the side steel column!

The collision of Heart Light and steel makes this hall make a huge noise, which makes people feel bored.

The commander-in-chief of the army loudly said: “Stop!”

Mo Ruohua let go in time and moved to the side.

But her opponent looked upset when she climbed from the ground, with the protection of Heart Light, she was not at all hurt, but she also understood that if Mo Ruohua just kept on handing, it was not difficult to beat her back and forth Until Heart Light collapsed, so she lost the match.

Just across the wall, two people in silver robes were observing everyone through the glazed wall. Mo Ruohua this time cleaned up his opponent neatly and attracted their attention.

One of the taller middle-aged man looked at the jade plate in his hand and said, “From the perspective of a few days, this Mo Ruohua’s psychological condition is the best. After entering the camp, whether it is to observe the battlefield or I didn’t see much fluctuation when I practiced with my opponent. I’m very optimistic about her. “

The person beside said: “She should have been on the battlefield before.”

Middle-aged man shook his head and said: “We don’t need to understand her previous experience, we only want her to be useful to us now.”

The person next to him reminded him: “But she is not a pure blood Celestial Xia.”

The middle-aged man lowered his head and thought for a while, and said, “This is a problem, but it can be overcome, maybe it is better …” Between the words, he seemed to be lost in thought.

The people beside didn’t speak.

After a while, the middle-aged man finally came back to his senses, instructed: “After another few days to conduct a test, if she passes, put her in the backup candidate.”

The person next to him took a pen and wrote a few times on the jade board, saying, “I will arrange it.”

“Right,” the middle-aged man left after he explained it, but he seemed to think of something, and then asked again, “Does this female soldier have a powerful background? I do n’t want when the time comes What a big trouble. “

But without waiting for the companion to speak, he took the head again and waved his hand, “Forget it, what background does a mixed-race Celestial Xia have? Well, remember to arrange this properly.”

The man next to him opened his mouth a bit, only to see that the middle-aged man had walked away quickly, but in the end he could not say anything.



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