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The handsome boy sat on the large seat in the main cabin with a solemn expression. He repeatedly thought about it and felt that this failure was a mistake. He overestimated his strength and underestimated the other party.

He thought that without that Supreme Treasure, those cultivator impossible could resist the power of Frost Continent flying boat and discovered weapon, but didn’t expect, even without that Supreme Treasure, the cultivators on the opposite side still have such powerful battle strength, that hiding As for the sky and covering the earth’s rainy star light, it still makes him deeply palpitated.

If there is a next time, he should be more cautious, or prepared more securely.

But the problem is next time …

He could not help clenching his fists.

After the failure of this time, Right Country Protector will definitely seize the opportunity to attack him, and those who Mi State originally supported him are likely to be shaken.

Thinking of this, he became more and more irritable in his heart.

Looking away, I saw the old man sitting under the head silently.

His voice coldly said: “old Yuan, this defeat, how do you think?”

old Yuan looked at the seat and said, “Left Country Protector, this time is just not as good as people that’s all. Left Country Protector has nothing wrong with the whole thing. If I guess it is good, it is tyrannical. The divine ability should be done by the Profound Corrector Zhang. His ability is truly beyond our expectations. After I go back, I will try to report this news and find a way to restrain this person as soon as possible. “

Speaking of which, he turned sideways, looking towards Junmei said: “Left Country Protector, before this battle, fighting flying boat and creation never fought head-to-head with the cultivator, but they lost, there is nothing at worst, at worst in the future It will be back again, and the gains from this time are more important to Frost Continent.

The handsome boy coldly said: “But I may not have this opportunity.”

old Yuan shook his head and said, “Country Protector despises itself too much.”

The handsome boy heard what he said and asked, “Oh? What do you say?”

old Yuan’s voice at a moderate pace said: “Country Protector is just worried about accountability and was abandoned by Country Head, but Country Head is just in his prime, giving up Left Country Protector, so who will balance Right Country Protector? Maybe Country Head will be punished Left Country Protector, but it will never let Left Country Protector go, so Left Country Protector need not worry about its status. “

The handsome boy feels that he has several points of reason, but he still has some untrustworthy.

old Yuan continued: “In this defeat, the leader of this battle is Leader Fang. The blame is not on Left Country Protector. However, after Left Country Protector returns, he must first publicize this battle specifically, and then When I saw the Country Head, I took the initiative to take the blame on my body. I must not blame it on Leader Fang, so that I can win the hearts of the people below. As long as there is this heart, then any difficulties can pass. “

When the handsome young man heard this, his eyes shone brightly. This step really pointed out a clear way for him.

As long as he can get the support of Mi State, he is still valuable to Country Head. If this matter is really done, then this time is still very likely to get out.

He said sincerely: “old Yuan, would you like to be a staff member beside me?”

old Yuan shook his head and said: “old man is still suitable for playing tricks in Heavenly Secrets Institution.”

The handsome young man was a little disappointed, knowing that he ca n’t get the other party ’s effectiveness now, but it ’s still a long time to wait until he gets over this level …

Just when he thought so, he heard a loud noise, the whole giant boat vibrated, even if he was sitting on the big chair, the whole person rocked with it, he felt wrong, and immediately waved his hand and stood aside On Jade Bi, the scene other than the flying boat at the moment appeared immediately.

But on the top of the flying boat, a cloud light surrounds all over the body, with a big sleeve holding a sword, and a young daoist like Deity stands above.

The old man suddenly said: “That’s Profound Mansion Profound Corrector Zhang Yu! Left Country Protector. Hurry up and send someone to drive him away! 10000 Don’t let this person come in, otherwise I won’t have any luck!”

He also didn’t mention killing the coming people, facts prove, only so many fighting flying boats can’t take the other side, and now it is impossible to do it.

The handsome teenager extends the hand to press the front crystal jade, and ordered in his mind to let his personal guard captain take people out to stop Zhang Yu.

On this flying boat, there are 60 armored soldiers and 200 armored auxiliary soldiers, all of whom are his elite personal guards, especially those soldiers. Although there is no divine ability magic, they can reach the middle in strength and speed. position cultivator level.

At this moment, he ordered to go down, the door under the belly of the cabin unscrewed, these soldiers immediately went out, and then walked up along the towering bulkhead, but the few people who rushed to the front came to the sky, only In front of me, it seemed that a star light flashed, and then it fell into a piece of stump.

These people deserve to be elite, aware of the differences, and immediately spread out, each going back and forth, ready to make raids from different directions.

Zhang Yu stood above the roof of the giant boat, and the thin sky clouds in the distant sky were showing a slight golden light, so that his half body was bathed in a radiance. He glanced at the crystal jade giant all directions flying, lightly said in his mouth : “Prohibited!”

This in an instant, the power of all crystal jade giant spirituality seemed suddenly disappeared, and then one around another star light flickering continuously and leaping, waiting for the streamers to converge, chopped into many pieces crystal jade giant like rain falling, toward The distant earth fell below.

The handsome boy looks at that scene in Jade Bi, and his face looks ugly. At the same time, his observer reminds him that from the strength of the enemy, if no one is going to stop it, then only rely on the spirituality of the flying boat The strength can only hold ten to 20 breaths at most, asking him to armored as soon as possible, and also to send out the creation guards as soon as possible.

He realized the danger and moved his thoughts. The pale crystal jade spread from his limbs and body, and quickly covered him. Then quickly walked to the side table, reached out and pressed the crystal jade there, the inner cabin door opened, and two creation precious dragons were released from the inner cabin.

Along with one of them, there are 2 created persons with silver metal strips embedded on the sides of their cheeks and 2 faces. They are a man and a woman, and they all look cold. After coming out, they kneel down on him.

The handsome boy coldly said: “armored, ready to respond.”

Almost instantaneously, the outer armor was covered by two people and turned into two gray giants. Their outer armor is not as bright as the crystal jade outer armor, but it has a chilling atmosphere.

old Yuan is too up at the moment.

The handsome young man glanced at him and said, “old Yuan can avoid the lower cabin. If something is wrong, he can escape from the minor cabin. After I got rid of the crisis, I managed to send someone to find you.”

Old Yuan nodded, walked to the side of a metal plate engraved with Frost Continent patterns, and suddenly fell at the foot, and then the place where the whole person stood was descending, and soon disappeared.

When the handsome boy waited for him to leave, he pulled the pole on the wall and closed all the doors. Later, before reaching his seat, he reached over and pressed the spar above it, and the whole heavy seat rumbled back and then A statue of half the height of a person Heavenly Fiend General was raised from inside, and he put his hand on the statue’s head.

At this time, the eyes of the statue seemed to emit red light, and the roar of faintly discernable echoed in the main cabin. The handsome young remained unmoved and still maintained the original posture.

After a few breaths, the red light in the eyes of the statue dimmed, and a black gas surged out of it, and he floated up to his body, wrapped all the pale outer armor, rolled it for a moment, and then again Invisible, the outer armor of the handsome young man looks the same as before, but his crystal jade eyes are slightly black.


The whole flying boat was shaken again, and it shook left and right, even if the light inside the giant boat flickered.

At this moment, at the front of the Middle Section of the giant boat, a huge gap was burst above the cabin roof, and a stream of light turned out of thin air, turned into a long sword, and returned to Zhang Yu.

He glanced at the seemingly empty cabin underneath, and took a single step, falling down from above, but standing under his feet, there were multiple crystal lights shooting from all directions.

Heart Light rises outside him instantly, under the flash of Yingying jade light, all crystal light is resisted outside, seeing this is useless, half of the crystal jade giant inside the flying boat continues to maintain the offensive, and the other half is released from behind Huge weapons such as swords and spears came out of the hiding place, without the slightest hesitation rushing towards him.

Zhang Yu didn’t seem to care about these people at all. He looked up and glanced forward, and then walked toward the main cabin with his sleeves, and his Heart Light was only around a half-foot outside, but this time it was Suddenly leaping outward!

With a bang, all crystal jade giants in this cabin were pushed onto the bulkhead by that huge force, everyone was squeezed and squashed, and everything that Heart Light passed was shattered, After the rays of light converge, all that remains is a steady footstep towards the depths of the cabin passage.

The handsome young man also saw the changes in the middle cabin through the jade in the main cabin. Seeing that the guards could not stop Zhang Yu ’s footsteps for a moment, he involuntarily took a deep breath, and then raised his hand and moved forward. Signal.

2 created person immediately solved the long sword behind them, took the initiative to step forward, came to the side facing the cabinet passage, stood around the door, and made a guard posture.

The handsome young man ’s eyes were fixed on Jade Bi, looks at Zhang Yu holding a long sword, his robe swinging, slowly coming from the cabin passage, and all the way, those remaining armored auxiliary soldiers could not stop him at all The footsteps finally settled in front of the metal gate only one wall away from the main cabin and raised his head slightly, glancing upward.

The handsome young man felt that the other party ’s eyes seemed to be staring at himself at the moment, not knowing that his breath was tight, but in the next moment, there seemed to be a bright star light flashing in the jade bi, and the cabin passage had become empty.

He was startled.

What about people?

Following the crazy reminder from the observer, he turned around suddenly, and saw a daoist standing in front of the landing glass wall at the front of the flying boat. Behind it, there was a splendid star dust and infinite expanse. Sky.



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