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As a Left Country Protector, the handsome young man wears the outer armor which is the best among Frost Continent except the Country Head. It has the power of defense that ordinary people can’t reach, even if the spirituality power has not been inspired, it can block most of the outside attack.

But at the moment 2 ray of rays of light were cut, but it was directly into the depths of the mind, his consciousness and sapience were wiped out in an instant, and boundless darkness surged up, leaving only a body like an empty shell Fall from the clouds above.

Liao He looks at turned into a small dot and disappeared from the field of vision. Then he looked up and saw that the star light had disappeared, and he breathed out.

When the Frost Continent was staring at him, he gave birth to an extremely dangerous warning sign. He was good at refining pill medicine, but he was not good at battle strength. It really was n’t necessarily an opponent. made a move.

A disciple flew forward at this time, looked at the place where the streamer disappeared, and asked, “teacher, what is that?”

Liao He takes a deep breath, only said: “It should be a visualization picture, the same fellow should be still a thousand li on the count at this time, only then is a visualization picture leap through the sky and kill the enemy.”

That discipline couldn’t help but stunned.

“That’s a visualization picture?”

He didn’t believe it.

He has also seen Liao He’s visualization picture, like a dough, looks at the ugly, it is not the same as the beautiful things of Fang Cai, right? Thinking of this, he could not help but glanced at his teacher.

Liao He said ill-humoredly: “What do you see?”

The disciple immediately lowered his head, obediently and honestly.

Liao He looked at him, glared at him, and stroking his beard for a moment, “I do n’t know if he will come over later, you are waiting here, I will go down and take a look at the Frost Continent. . “

After the account, he went down.

Before they came here, they ran into the Frost Continent People ’s Fleet on the road. They were afraid to meet again, so they did n’t dare to walk too fast until they saw distant sky rays of light flashing and the rumbling noise. It has been handed in, and this has accelerated the speed.

He had planned to use this opportunity to raid Frost Continent, but now it seems that the battle is coming to an end.

In a second thought, he was already on the ground, and the Frost Continent was lying in a pit that was smashed out, the pale white outer armor looks at about one zhang high, the proportion was not overly bloated, Even if motionless is lying there at the moment, it looks like a carefully crafted piece of art.

He stood in the distance and sensed for a while to confirm that the other party was no longer alive, but in the heart actually felt a danger yet to be removed, and stepped forward carefully, suddenly, pale giant that crystal jade flashed rays of light in his eyes After a while, he left the ground with a bang, flew towards the sky.

Behind Liao He ’s white light, a mass of white mud, things without eyes and hands rushed up, and wrapped up the pale giant ’s foot, although the latter was still rising upwards, and the white mud The stream is getting longer and longer like a torn face, but it can’t be shaken off all the time, and the mud flow creeps up along the legs, and spreads all the way up, wrapping it in.

To do this step, Liao He set his heart. Once his visualization picture is wrapped, he can only let him knead and rub it, but he feels a little sorry that his discipline is not beside him, and he ca n’t see this scene where he shows his talents. .

At the moment, above the giant boat of beyond a thousand li, Zhang Yu opened his eyes, only when visualizing picture 1000 in the leap through the sky, he also saw Liao He, before he also made a variety of factions Faction Lord Fan understood that his identity was recognized at that time. Since there is this one on the side, there will be unexpected changes, which is enough to cope with it, and he does not have to rush over.

He turned around and walked to the seat in the middle of the main cabin, reaching for the last shot. The seat slowly moved away, and a statue of Heavenly Fiend General rose up underneath. The heat suddenly became stronger.

He observed for a moment, and put his hand on the head of demon idol. There was a slight electric flash in his eyes. In the past, the statue appeared cracks and became denser and denser. .

He stood and looked up at the same place. This giant boat should be very valuable. He was ready to take it back to Tao Dingfu. He wanted this thing to be more valuable in his hands.

Slightly sideways, his gaze fell on the square stage in front of the main seat. After a little thought, he pressed his hand on the spar there, Heart Light poured in, as expected, and there was a consciousness in it trying to resist him.

This is the consciousness of the giant boat itself, or the consciousness condense from a huge aggregate of life, but the strength of the two sides is not determined by the size, but depends on the life level, so this resistance is of no use at all. .

The Heart Light of Zhang Yu is like a flood rushing, grandiose, with no difficulty to destroy it.

This flying boat, which is 6 ten zhang long, has lost its consciousness and can no longer hover in midair. The heavy boat tipped over to the side, but in a flash, a bright light from Zhang Yu The body spread out, covering the entire boat, and then slowly fell from the sky, and it landed on the ground incomparably.

A moment later, Zhang Yu walked out, his Heart Light flashed, and he was empty, but he didn’t go in the direction of the handsome young boy escape, but flew in the other direction.

It was just when Zhang Yu and the handsome young man played against each other that a minor cabin detached from the giant boat and moved towards the hard ground.

After landing, the minor cabin bounced a few times, then rolled over the ground, and finally stopped steadily against a reasonably distributed center of gravity. After a while, the side door was removed from the inside.

Old Yuan crawled out of the inner cabin. He took a few breaths and looked all around. What he saw was the dazzling rays of light and the wasteland full of weeds.

He was older, even though he was wearing divine robe early, but because of his concentration on various ingenuity, he didn’t spend too much energy on it, and he naturally couldn’t cultivate the spirit of spirituality.

Even though he is a little stronger now, he has no ability to travel on wasteland. He can only hope that the Left Country Protector can escape successfully, and then send someone to help himself.

The problem he needs to face right now is not water and food. These things are in the minor cabin. Saving a little food is enough for him to stick to half a month. If he enters low-consumption deep sleep, it can last longer.

The most troublesome thing now is the spirituality who hides in the ground during the day and comes out for food at night. The seemingly thick bulkhead of the minor cabin can’t stop these things.

After resting for a while, he regained his breath and returned to the cabin. He took out a bag of things and opened the outer paper seal, revealing a pack of oily meat. There was a feeling of fullness.

He took another thin-skin metal wine can and took a sip.

At this time, he suddenly stiffened slightly because he saw a silhouette appearing above the ground. He turned around and saw a person floating in the air, behind which was the harsh rays of light, making him unable to see clearly. The other party, but he knows who the newcomer is.

Zhang Yu’s body slowly descended from the air, although the other party was covered with a gown, but he could see clearly. Underneath, there was a pale face, the eye pupil showed pale-yellow, and the cheeks were thin.

This is a typical Frost Continent appearance.

This person does not have any military force, but he can escape in the minor cabin. Obviously, he has a certain status on the Frost Continent side.

old Yuan said solemnly: “No matter what you want to ask, you can’t get an answer from me.” He looked up slightly, looked towards Zhang Yu, and said: “You don’t want to use the divine ability of the cultivator to ask me, my The brain has been transformed, and any means of confusing my mind is useless to me. “

Zhang Yu looked at this person indifferently without speaking.

He just found out that this person died suddenly when he appeared. Now he is talking to him, but that’s all controlled by a residual consciousness.

old Yuan looks at him, with a deep smile on his face, and said, “You won this time.” After saying this, his lips moved a few more times, and then collapsed back.

Zhang Yu pupil light flickered slightly, and he could see that the other few times his lips moved, saying “We will yet meet again”.

He pondered a little, flipped the sleeve, and put the entire minor cabin into the star bag.

Although this person is dead, but his body is still valuable, you can take it back to Wu Ze to study to see if you can get any clues from it.

He lifted his head upwards, and took off again, speeds towards the south, and soon arrived at the place where the handsome young man was killed. From afar, he saw a dough-like thing floating there, and the daoist of Fang Cai was standing below. Go down.

The daoist glanced a few times, and came up to cups the hands and bows, saying hello: “But is Profound Corrector Zhang?”

Zhang Yu also raised a sleeve and said, “It’s me, respect the driver, but Faction Lord Liao?”

Liao He quickly waved his hand and said, “Dare not, don’t dare. At the moment of self-reply, there will be no Pill Hut Faction in the world.” He asked with concern: “Profound Corrector, I don’t know what happened to this battle?”

Zhang Yu said: “This battle is over.”

Liao He sighed in relief, and then his face was ashamed, saying: “Ashamed, when I arrived, I just met Frost Continent on the road, so I took a slow journey and failed to help Profound Corrector and fellow daoists.”

Zhang Yu said: “Fellow daoist can come with the discipline, which is enough to prove his own heart.” He looked towards the “dough” and said: “Is the Frost Continent in it?”

Liao He immediately said: “Yes, this person was killed by the fellow daoist, and obviously no longer alive, but he can still escape, so he is trapped here and is waiting for Profound Corrector to deal with it.”

Zhang Yu said: “And let it out.”

Liao He immediately acted according to his words and closed his visualization picture, revealing the pale giant inside, but he only let go of the bondage, and the crystal eyes flashed violently, and the body suddenly stood up, flees to the sky once again!



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