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After 2 days, 28-Feb.

Zhang Yu wore an azure deep suit, sitting behind a wooden case, and kept writing pens in his hand. After a while, the blank paper below was filled with lines of decent writing. On the side, more than ten sheets of similar paper are stacked.

He put aside the pen and waited for a while, then put all the paper into a lacquer box that had been prepared, affixed a seal, and waxed it.


He called out, and Li Qinghe walked in from outside the study and bowed: “Sir, what is it?”

Zhang Yu took out a name card from his sleeve and pushed it with him in front of the lacquer box, saying: “You take this name card and this box, and go to Serenity Residence for me, please ask the shopkeeper there to help I sent them to the appropriate newspaper, and by the way, I brought a few more newspapers from these days.

Now he was already preparing for the plan in his heart. Although for safety reasons, he is still unable to leave the Academy, but Li Qinghe is okay.

There are so many people visiting Peaceful Sun Academy every day, and no one is interested in an assistant.

Li Qinghe complied, took things, before he went out, he thought about it and asked, “Sir, is there anything I need to pay special attention to?”

Zhang Yu said: “Just be careful. Don’t make any claims when you encounter anything. Come back and talk.”

Li Qinghe said seriously: “Yes, sir.”

Zhang Yu waited for Li Qinghe to go out, then came to the backyard and picked up a long-cut bamboo sword from the stone bench.

In the battle with Su Kuang, he once fell into a state of extreme physical and mental tranquility, and the heart lake reflected many breaths of the outside world.

This is actually what Xia Sword brings to the word.

It’s just that he has been trying afterwards. If he doesn’t rely on this sword, can he enter such a state, and in the past 2 days, he already has some clues.

If you can figure out the trick and use it well, you might be able to cast it into the Chaotic Chapter of the Grand Dao.

But this may be a long time later. It’s the peace cultivation of the past few days. He feels that his Sword Art has improved slightly.

This is not an illusion. The brightness on the sword seal has increased a little. The biggest advantage of the Chaotic Chapter of the Grand Dao is that if you have a little improvement on the skill, it can be visualized.

Thinking of this, his thoughts could not help but spread. According to Profound Mansion, as long as the found principles are found in the Profound Chapter, then the First Dao Chapter can be broken, and the body will undergo First Transformation.

So is Chaotic Chapter the same?

So far, all the capabilities on the Chaotic Chapter are pre-existing, and they are all obtained from the outside world through cultivation. Isn’t the procedural principles of Chaotic Chapter also found outside?

In fact, looking for found principles, he feels that it is similar to the way in old techniques to break the limit of the body with breathing and spitting. Only after breaking through this layer of restraint can we cultivate more advanced cultivation techniques.

In this way, although old techniques and new techniques have different cultivation methods, some truths are similar.

He shook the head, since it is already on the road of new techniques, don’t think about the old techniques for the time being.

Packing his wandering thoughts, he held his breath for a moment, then started the sword style and practiced it seriously.

Li Qinghe worked very neatly, and at noon, he turned back.

“Sir, the thing has been handed over to the head of a surname Lu there. He said that please rest assured that he will send the thing to Hanmo Newspaper, saying that it is also the property of Serenity Survey Corps and will not delay the matter of the husband.”

Zhang Yu said: “Very good, you did well.”

Li Qinghe was praised and was very happy, saying: “This is what Qinghe should do. By the way, sir, those brought back newspapers are already on the shelves of the study.”

As soon as Zhang Yu was nodded, he let him go down first. He breathing for a while in the quiet room. Then he came to the study and picked up the newspaper to read it. After reading it in succession, he found that the news of the different God ’s chaos recently More and more come, there are plague locusts that appear frequently in various places.

Compared with these, Auspicious Light City is still peaceful.

In the afternoon, Ren Yi happily came to the door and said that he had purchased all the medicine materials he needed.

Zhang Yu felt that it was the right time for him to come. The Origin Essence Pill beside him was not much left, so now he only takes 1-2 pills every day.

As for the Academy Pill given by the Academy, when he wanted to swallow it before, the smell made him feel a little uncomfortable. This was due to his body’s instinct, so he decided not to take it anymore.

He changed his clothes, called Li Qinghe, and came to the miscellaneous storehouse with Ren Yi.

Like the last time, all medicine materials are placed there in different categories. He checked it. From the quality of medicine material, it is obviously more attentive than the last time, that is, the bone fragment that found source energy was not in it. .

When he asked, Ren Yi said with a smile: “This is the medical material valued by the auxiliary teacher. I’m afraid that there will be any accidents, so I purposely let people put them in separately, so I brought it.” He commanded a little, Someone took a large package of medicine material, opened it on the open platform, and poured out a lot of bone fragments from the inside.

Zhang Yu felt that there was source energy in it when he took it from east to west. He reached out and grabbed a bone fragment, and in this one, he felt that at least 3 of the 4 bone fragments contained a weak heat flow.

However, what is different from last time is that there are still many in this pile. What really makes him happy is that since the source energy exists in the previous batch and this batch, it means that you can also find more through this channel. many.

He said: “Is this still bought from the original drug store?”

Ren Yi replied: “Yes, I specifically talked to the medicine firm, just like the last one, are the auxiliary teachers satisfied?”

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “Very good, you continue to look for this medicine line, this medicine material should be collected as much as possible, but …” He picked out the bone fragment with source energy, and said: “Look at it , These bone fragments can be seen from the same place, and these are not, so if possible, “he nodded the source energy of the pile,” you have to pick me as much as possible. “

Ren Yi is not specializing in medicine material business, so I can’t see anything. Immediately, he called for a middle-aged man with a beard and a steady beard.

“Old Chen, this pile of medicine material, can you tell the difference?”

The middle-aged man came to look at it and pointed to the bone fragment in front of Zhang Yu and said, “Boss Ren, all the bone fragments here are from the same range beast.”

With that, he pointed to another stall, “And this is another kind. But the two head beasts should also come from the same place, and the surrounding water and soil are not much different, so from the appearance alone, the average person is very Hard to tell. “

Ren Yi raised his thumb and said, “old Chen, you really have good eyesight. The next time you buy these medicine materials, you will go with me. How?”

The middle-aged man didn’t immediately agree, but looked at Zhang Yu and Zhengrong cups the hands and says: “Is this the Auxiliary Teacher Zhang who saved many brothers’ lives in Curry last time?”

Ren Yi said: “Yes, this is Auxiliary Teacher Zhang. The purchase of this medicine material is also what Auxiliary Teacher Zhang ordered.”

The middle-aged man’s face was grateful and said, “Thanks to the auxiliary teacher that day, my brother was the only way to escape. Since it was an auxiliary teacher’s business, I didn’t have to say, Chen Guang, I must be careful.”

Zhang Yu nodded and said: “Then please please, this time the medicine material is good, I will take it back, Qinghe, you and Assistant Ren go to checkout.”

Ren Yi hurriedly said: “The auxiliary teacher saved most of our lives, and the money still needs the auxiliary teacher!”

Zhang Yu lightly said: “This is two things. If Assistant Ren feels owed, please pay more attention to the things that come down.”

When Ren Yi saw him insist, he could only stop. He went to check out with Li Qinghe, and then ordered several corvee to help deliver these medicine materials to the Academy.

After returning to the residence, Zhang Yu rinsed a little, and then the first thing was to inhale all the source energy on all bone fragments into the body, and suddenly added a lot of spirit essence.

At this moment, he will check again. It is more than enough to read 3 seals, but the words of 4 seals are slightly reluctant.

He thought about it, as long as the number of bone fragments to be shipped next time is not much worse than this time, it should be almost enough. Since so, then might as well wait a little longer.



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