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Colonel Ming defeated 2 Frost Continent armored soldiers in a row, which gave him great confidence, and here is just Zhang Yu and him here, so he proposed to Zhang Yu by his own imposing manner. .

Zhang Yu just glanced at him indifferently and then looked away.

Colonel Ming turned around as if he were aware, and saw an outer armor with a broken and broken Frost Continent armored soldier flying out of the thin sand storm dust, and moved towards where the 2 people were.

He was snorted, only to notice the movement and hurriedly came, he did not make up a few punches, but let the Frost Continent armored soldier get a chance to recover.

He was about to rush forward. Suddenly, a drama of great rays of light burst out of the creation armored soldier!

This light is too dazzling and bright, so that the sky falling from the top is suddenly dimmed. Even with the outer armor, Colonel Ming is also unable to bear and raised his hands in front of him.

After the rays of light subsided, he let go.

I looked at it now, but I saw that Frost Continent armored soldier had fallen from the sky, but it fell into a cloud of dust as it fell.

When the person completely fell to the ground, his head and the last part of the remaining body were finally broken there into a pile of raised dirt.

Colonel Ming was shocked. He looked up and saw Zhang Yu standing there with his sleeves down. Under the gleaming sky, his face could not be seen for a while, only the robe sleeves fluttered there.

Then he felt that the other party was looking at himself, but he was inexplicably panicked in his heart. He heard a sky-splitting sound in his ear and saw that he was already a jade mist azure rainbow escaped into the sky.

He looks at the direction of the escaping light leaving, clenching his fists without realizing it.

In his view, Zhang Yu did not respond to his own words, which was obviously not at all treated him as an equal opponent.

But he could not express any doubt about this.

He has been entangled with two Frost Continent armored soldiers for a long time, knowing how difficult these two people are to deal with, but even such a powerful opponent, Zhang Yu casually disappeared in an instant.

He couldn’t help feeling a frustration.

Then I heard a sound coming from the horizon. I turned around and saw several escaping lights coming from the east, heading in the direction of Zhang Yu’s departure. He thought about it, and also followed along.

In the sky, more than 30 warships flashing spirituality rays of light are escaping backwards. Only under that round of attack, most of the flying boats were destroyed there.

Lin Chenghou sat down in the main cabin in dismay. This raid even retreated without a decent attack. Even if he could successfully escape, he must bear the responsibility for this defeat.

As he retracted into the seat, there was a bang, and a flying boat on the rear left actually burst into the air.

He was suddenly shocked and jumped up, looking panicly at the back, saying, “What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”

Deputy Hong cups the fist and says: “Chenghou, that person is catching up.”

Lin Chenghou’s complexion turned pale, he brow beaded with sweat, and grabbed Deputy Hong, said, “Then what should we do now?”

Deputy Hong immediately gave a reasonable opinion: “Scattered withdrawal, leaving some people behind.”

“Who will break it?

Deputy Hong without the slightest hesitation said: “I’m coming!”


Lin Chenghou hesitated. Although he did n’t like the character of Deputy Hong, he knew that this person was really capable, even in Frost Continent. He did n’t want Deputy Hong to die here, but let him stay. After the break, he did not have the courage and tried to ask, “Can’t anyone else?”

Deputy Hong said solemnly: “Only me is the most suitable.” He cup one fist in the other hand, “Time is pressing, please also Chenghou do not hesitate, please order as soon as possible, the sooner we respond the less we lose.”

Lin Chenghou sighed, and then also tried to make himself serious, said: “I command, the fleet is fully delegated to the command of deputy Hong Yue.”

Zhang Yu saw the flying boats in front of him suddenly flew apart and flew in different directions.

Unlike the last time, the entire Frost Continent fleet was already spread apart, and the spirituality on the flying boat was more strengthened than the last time. Now it is scattered and fleeing, even if there is a cultivator behind him, there is no guarantee. to catch everything in one net, so now only the most valuable goal is solved first, such as the main warship of the fleet.

With a quick glance, he focused on the flying boat with the largest body in front.

Lin Chenghou had fallen to the aid of a flying boat with the help of the minor cabin at the moment. He glanced sadly at the top and urged: “Hurry up and go away.”

After some adjustments, Deputy Hong arranged a total of 6 combat flying boats and left them to stay off. These flying boats turned at the same time and faced to the rear. He looked at the escaping light that he chased, calmly saying: “Enable Heaven Travelling profound weapon, 2 consecutive shots. “

After passing on the command, the muzzle of the six flying boats flashed under the abdomen, followed by a flash, and the rotating sharp spindles flew out of it, and then burst directly in the air. Come on!

There seemed to be more than ten huge suns in the sky, first spreading the rays of light that were so hot as to melt everything, and then released all the raging waves in the sound of the sky.

Colonel Ming has rushed to the front at this time. He does not have a visualization picture of the cultivator, and he cannot know what happened ahead of time before he can see the Frost Continent flying boat silhouette.

He suddenly saw a flash, and then in the rumbling sound resounding heaven and earth, he was lifted out of the dozens of li ground by the rushing shock wave.

After stopping, he shook his head and rushed forward again.

Although Fang Cai’s impact not at all had too much impact on him, he also became more careful.

He has been to the northern battlefield, and he can recognize that there are no less than ten discovered weapons that burst together to ignite. If only one or two discovered weapons fall on him, then nothing will happen, but if there are more than one, he It also needs to be treated with caution.

On the other side, after 6 flying boats sent the found weapon, they were also driven back by the impact of the waves, Deputy Hong felt the tremor from the boat body, and his eyes looked at the front for a moment.

He knew that by this impossible kill the terrifying enemy, at most temporarily retreating it, but his duty is to delay here, the longer the delay, the greater the success of the remaining flying boat withdrawal.

As the discovered weapon rays of light and dust dissipated, he really saw the silhouette standing in the sky again, and it seemed that the attack of the genius not at all had any effect on it.

At this time, a sharp ray like thunder and lightning, flew out from the side of the silhouette, and pierced directly from the leftmost a flying boat!

At first, nothing seemed to happen, but even when I saw a straight cut appearing on the boat body, then this flying boat split into two halves uniformly, slowly splitting and falling down.

When Deputy Hong saw this scene, there was no change in his expression, but he kept a calm voice and said: “Send armored soldier creation to protect all around.”

He ordered that all the hatches next to flying boat 2 be open, and then the creation and crystal jade giant, which counted 100, flew out of it.

According to Frost Continent’s tactics, creation and armored soldiers assume the responsibility of covering the flying boat during fighting. When they are good at the cultivator of the large-scale strikes divine ability, it has no effect.

In fact, at this time, any tactics are useless, and it is only correct to send a strong armored soldier to fight up.

The armored soldiers carried on the remaining flying boats are the strongest group of people except for the two creation armored soldiers. In the consideration of Deputy Hong, they could not be stopped The one on the opposite side, even if it can only be entangled for a moment, is also good.

Zhang Yu stands above the zenith and looks below. Without using the divine ability, it takes some time to deal with these flying boats and armed soldiers and creations. He does n’t want to stay here, so he flips his wrists and a buzzing white The ball of light flew out.

This is one of the few discovered weapons that have not been exhausted since the last raid on Mi State. Because Frost Continent brought a lot of flying boats this time, so he brought it out this time.

A distance of 2000 miles did not cause these unstable things to burst, but it was not good to be further away, so he decided to use it here.

He flicked his finger at the object gently, and the ball of light moved towards the front and flew out.

When Deputy Hong saw the white light rushing towards himself, he suddenly realized what it was. Golden’s pupils shrank unconsciously, but it was too late to give orders at this time.

Before the last moment came, he didn’t sigh, but just stood there firmly, looking at the front calmly.

Then he looks at endless white light blooming in front of himself, next moment, he loses his consciousness.

Zhang Yu eyes reflected the bright rays of light, and the Heart Light outside flickered with the external air waves. After a while, the raging light slowly converged.

There are 3 scattered ashes and dispersed smoke on the spot within the center of the found weapon strikes. There is nothing left. The flying boats farther away were directly destroyed into countless pieces under the impact of close-range shock waves. As for the exposure and the crystal jade giant, none of them were left in the strikes.

At this time, the escaping light flashed, and Tian Jiang appeared beside him, tentatively asking: “Profound Corrector?”

Zhang Yu said: “I’m fine here, you continue to pursue, don’t let go.”

Tian Jiang gave him a cup of one fist in the other hand and escaping light away again.

In addition to Tian Jiang, many cultivators in the rear also joined the pursuit.

Zhang Yu returned to Square Stage station at the dawn of the second day. After falling onto the great stage, he asked Daoist Wan Ming, who was stationed here, “Is there any abnormality after I leave?”

Daoist Wan Ming said: “Reporting back to Profound Corrector, there is no movement.”

Zhang Yu was nodded. He looked back at the sky. Yesterday’s sand storm no longer exists.

Although it is common to have gales and dust on wasteland, once it appeared in the past, it usually lasted for two weeks. Like yesterday, it happened when the Frost Continent arrived, and it faded after this generation retired. This is a bit unusual.

He felt in his heart that this was a bit like a cultivator. But if someone can manipulate such a large-scale natural phenomenon, it is by no means a normal cultivator.

He glanced at Frost Continent again, pondered, and walked towards the pavilion.



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