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After Zhang Yu ordered to continue, not at all immediately set off, but took out the Song of Cicadas Sword, wiping it carefully, and went to the inner room to sit cross-legged.

After a night of breathing, he stood up and held the sword and leaves the great stage.

He looked up and saw the rising sun hanging over the sky, shining heaven and earth, precisely midday.

His body floated slowly, and after reaching the sky dome, he glanced at distant sky, and then a jade mist azure rainbow went deep into wasteland.

After going ten thousand li or so to Northwest, he saw a raised mound, which is the highest place in the square dozen dozen li, so he went down.

After this was settled, he put a blade on the blade and sit cross-legged.

Half a day later, great sun hung down to the long horizon to the west.

In his long breath, the cold night suddenly passed, and soon the sun rose again from behind him, casting the warm rays of light to the endless wasteland.

However, after this day passed again, the opponent did not appear.

But he is not the slightest bit impatient, the whole person looks calm and natural, the breath becomes deeper and longer, as if integrated into heaven and earth.

On the 3rd day, a series of strong winds came without warning, dust and gravel flew up, and the sky became dark and deep.

Zhang Yu sat there immobile, he is just like a reef in the sea, and there was a lot of dust coming in front of him, all blocked by Heart Light on him, and diverted from him.

After a long time, if he felt, he looked up and saw a young man with red eyes and white skin emerged silently from the sand storm.

The person is like an illusory silhouette, in such a violent wind, even the corners of his robe do not sway at all. The peony embroidered robe on the body is bright and eye-catching, and the bright colors are out of tune with this gray and black heaven and earth.

Zhang Yu stood up, holding a sword in hand, looks at the arrival and says: “Old Ancestor Yuan Tong?”

Old Ancestor Yuan Tong said: “It is me, but I am not him.”

Zhang Yu was nodded, not much to say, pulled out the blade, pointed the sword tip to one side, the sleeves fluctuated with Heart Light, the other hand held the sword ceremony, said: “Please enlighten me.”

Old Ancestor Yuan Tong stared at Zhang Yu.

He wanted to deal with Zhang Yu but it was not so simple for Bai Xiu to ask for support. If it was only for this, he did not need to be so serious at all. He wanted to find a suitable carrier body to walk outside.

In his view, Zhang Yu is undoubtedly the most talented person in the Proven Mansion for several decades. If he successfully cultivates the sacrifice, he may rely on this to cultivate again and return to the original boundary.

By that time, he could even recover and get out of the cave.

He bowed at this moment and said, “Please.”

Zhang Yu stood there still, the Song of Cicadas Sword flashed slightly in his hand, and it turned into a streamer. He flew directly to the Old Ancestor Yuan Tong location, and easily drawn a slender trace in the wild sand storm.

Old Ancestor Yuan Tong stood there and never dodged. He let the word light pass through his body, then the whole body popped like a punctured bubble.

Zhang Yu stood for a moment and turned around. Old Ancestor Yuan Tong appeared there again. His body was intact and his expression did not change.

His pupil light is slightly moving, there is a record in that register book, Old Ancestor Yuan Tong has a divine ability called “Uncreated Heart Dust”, this technique can print one’s form into a person’s mind.

So long as you have seen that person, and still remember his appearance, then if you attack with ordinary means, then you will always touch only the phantom you see in your own heart, not itself.

and if the location of the main body cannot be found, that would always be impossible to kill.

It is also this method that makes Old Ancestor Yuan Tong difficult to entangle, even if the cultivation is similar to him, it is difficult to take him in a positive fight.

Judging from the notes at the back of the register book, it took a lot of effort to kill this person’s superior cultivator, and he deliberately cultivated a Heart’s Image Cutting Technique, cracked this divine ability, and finally solved it.

After the defeat, Colonel Ming said that he could not injure his opponent by half a point, probably because he was confused by this divine ability.

This kind of divine ability is not to say that you can crack it by closing your eyes or watching the other party. As long as the magical power Heart Light of the cultivator comes into contact with its magical power, it will naturally be printed into it.

But on that record, not at all wrote how to practice Heart’s Image Cutting Technique, but just mentioned that’s all, but even if it is loaded, he will not practice.

He does not have such a divine ability, but he has the easiest way to use Song of Cicadas Sword to kill his opponent while cutting his sword!

The requirements here are very high, requires a person with heart and sword interlinked, so he communicated the sword again when he came out, in order to achieve that heart and sword as one, seamlessly.

At this moment he flicked his sword blade and lifted it up, like a sword sacrifice, the streamer flew away from his hand again, and at the same time, a dazzling bright sword light rose above the spirit and fell into the heart. under!

Just when the sword light fell on Old Ancestor Yuan Tong again, the Shadow Transformation in his heart suddenly broke.

At this moment, if he felt something, suddenly turned around and looked away. This person was not near, but in the far away place, beyond a thousand li!

He condensed that direction, and there was a brilliant star light shaking behind him, and a huge phantom flashed away.

At this time, the phantom silhouette of Old Ancestor Yuan Tong appeared in the sky again, but the soaring Song of Cicadas Sword in the air was just a flash, and it was killed again in a flash.

And then, every time it seemed to emerge, it was cut by sword light.

This kind of method is equivalent to a sword for a divine ability.

But flying sword is not his only means, and if the opponent’s divine ability is not cracked, there is no possibility of killing, so it is worthwhile to exchange in this way.

At the moment, south-east direction beyond a thousand li, Old Ancestor Yuan Tong’s main body stands here, a little surprise appeared in his red eyes.

In the past, fighting with people, as long as the opponent can’t see the change of his “Uncreated Heart Dust” divine ability, then he has no choice but to play with his opponent.

For example, Colonel Ming was like this when he played against him. Even if his people were exhausted, he would not be able to reach him half a point.

But now it is changed to Zhang Yu, which is actually broken with a sword. It seems that this divine ability can’t confuse others.

But thinking of the flying sword in Zhang Yu’s hand has been dragged down because of this, he is also acceptable. After all, among the opponents he has dealt with in the past, the sword cultivator is the most difficult.

Judging from his past experience, when a cultivator who usually relies on the word to compete with people suddenly disappears, he can take advantage of the magical item, then the fighting ability will consequently weaken.

He is confident that with his magical power divine ability, even if he does not use Uncreated Heart Dust Technique, it is enough to win this younger generation.

As he turned his mind, he suddenly realized that he looked up, but he saw a bright light appear above his head. The rays of light were extremely bright and unobstructed. It was actually through the sand storm. Falling.

And in the light, there is a huge object, among which is a group of erratic gloomy qi, as if the solar eclipse is dark, and beside gloomy qi 2, it is a radiant and bright pair of wings.

“Visualization picture?”

In the past, his main opponent was true cultivator, not at all profound cultivator fighting, but the visualization picture was heard, knowing that this thing can escape to a thousand li to fight the enemy.

And at this moment, the huge object suddenly expanded the heaven covering wings, which expanded by 100 miles in an instant. At this moment, it seemed like 2 brilliant Star Rivers spread across the void, toward the end of the sky, and then there were countless subtleties The stars each and everyone blinked one after another.

Just a dazzling, 10000 1000 star light moved towards the ground pouring down!

Old Ancestor Yuan Tong stared up at the light, and he rolled fiendish qi out of his body, and also slammed 100 miles in a flash. There were waves of ripples in it, and while fiendish qi was scattered, it was also melted away by the layers of fiendish qi that seemed to be endless.

It’s just that the 10000 1000 howling sounds can’t be dissipated. Even by his ability, I felt a little irritable and frowned.

The countless star strikes lasted for a long time before they closed slowly, and the fiendish qi tide below also slowly subsided. The sand storm on wasteland should have flowed through everything, but it was due to both sides. A huge hole left by the divine ability of the collision.

Although this hole is slowly disappearing under the filling of sand storm, it can undoubtedly show the cultivator’s divine ability means of fighting against the mighty power of nature.

Old Ancestor Yuan Tong flashed his eyes and turned away. A young daoist stood with negative sleeves 100 miles away, and the jade-colored robes on his body were fluttering out of the misty jade mist, rolling those fiendish qi blocked.

Zhang Yu looked towards the front, between the robe sleeves fluttering, stepping forward, the fiendish qi surging forward separated to the side 2, and whenever he walked, the sand storm dust slowly closed together.

Old Ancestor Yuan Tong slowly rose to a height, and the bright peony on his robe suddenly bloomed, and then a bright light flashed there.

Zhang Yu pupil light flashes slightly, and he can recognize that this is another divine ability of Old Ancestor Yuan Tong, called “No Heaven, No Light”, which can melt opponents in an instant in an instant.

And the great thing about this divine ability is that as long as it is within the scope of what it knows and feels, impossible is completely avoided.

So he did not at all to dodge. At this time, he also raised his hand and pointed at Old Ancestor Yuan Tong.

Sun and Moon Shine Again!

In this instant, two bright lights that were difficult to see directly appeared in the place where the two people stood. The heaven and earth, which were originally covered by sand storm, completely lost their sense of existence.

But the results produced by these two lights are different. Yuan Tong was disappeared in the moment in the rays of light.

Zhang Yu showed a phantom resembling oneself on his body, then this phantom changed to ash in an instant, he himself continued to move forward.

In the next moment, with a light flashing in the distant sky, the silhouette of Old Ancestor Yuan Tong emerged from the inside, still floating in mid-air and staring at him.

Zhang Yu looked at him in the same way. He just used Profound Principles Shedding Exuviae to avoid the tribulation, and the other party also blocked his killing move with a divine ability called “Revolving Light Reversing Form”.

At this time, they exchanged 2 divine abilities in a flash.

From the battle at first, he has been trying to approach the opponent, and now, he is only several li from his opponent, the chance to win is just within this short distance.



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