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Mo Ruohua rests a hand on the sword, standing in his own flying boat.

She had just received the news that the Frost Continent Fleet was about to be encountered ahead. At this moment, her looks at her fleet gradually accelerated and realized that she was about to enter a real battle.

She participated in the Northern War and knew that once the fleet and the fleet were in contact, the two sides would inevitably invest in the found weapon from a distance, whoever attacked the other first, who attacked more accurately, who would have more advantages.

From the perspective of the attack distance of the discovered weapon, Azure Sun and Frost Continent are almost the same, so the side with the larger number is obviously more likely to win.

But in addition to these, there is also a very important key here, that is, the early striker, which is used to disrupt and destroy the enemy formation and deployment. If the striker moves smoothly, it will be very conducive to the attack of the fleet.

In the northern battlefield, the forwards are mainly served by these armored soldiers and some creations, and in front of them, the cultivators are undoubtedly the forwards.

Deputy came over at this time and paid a military salute to her, saying: “colonel, General Cao let us attack.”

Mo Ruohua said: “understood.”

She flicked away the field officer’s big cloak, her eyebrows flashed, and her body was immediately covered by a dark blue outer armor, which was slender and beautiful in appearance.

At this time, the door on the top of the cabin was also unscrewed, and the rays of light side of her body had suddenly flew out of the sky, and then a loud noise came from the atmosphere, and it was far away.

Almost at the same time, in the opposite direction of the other side, there is also a fiery-red rays of light that also flew forward!

On the main boat side, Cao Du made another deployment after the fleet entered a distance.

He divided a squadron composed of 300 fighting flying boats and made them go around the flanks of the Frost Continent fleet. If the other party swallowed the bait and turned around to bite, then he would welcome him with no trace of politeness for a round Beat this generation.

If the opponent remains unmoved, then a surprise attack will be carried out from both sides of the front flank, and if the opponent divides the troops, it will further divide the strength of this generation in the front.

In short, he occupies an advantage in strength, and it is beneficial for him to fight.

However, the confrontation between the cultivators in the front is also very important. If the cultivator on the Azure Sun Profound Mansion can win, then the offense will be very smooth. If it fails, then the fleet will suffer more casualties.

And at the moment in front of the Frost Continent fleet, as Divine E Hong’s body exploded, a pair of brilliantly flashing wings spread out in the sky, and the gray colored fog that had been exploded wanted to be forcibly united, but As the pair of wings spread, they were dispersed.

Zhang Yu looked up and saw a very bleak monster god phantom growled silently at him, then slowly dissipated into the atmosphere.

If such a monster god is placed in the past, then it can be regarded as a strong enemy, because it has almost no flaws all over the body, where it is destroyed and where it will condense.

But once it was broken up by the whole, its spirituality had no sustenance, and it would disappear without a trace.

Of course, as long as the enshrinement remains, this thing can still be summoned out again, but in a short period of time, he can’t interfere with him.

General Huan saw Divine E Hong disappear, but a young daoist appeared in the original position. He immediately knew that it was not good. He raised his hand and said to the others: “Let Chen Shao do n’t care about others. Yes, try to hold this person first! “

Chen Shao also saw the scene of Zhang Yu eliminating Divine E Hong, and I was shocked.

He knew that the problem was big, and his dependence on him was suddenly killed. How can this be beaten?

Not waiting for General Huan’s order to come, he immediately passed on the command in his mind, causing all the cultivators under his control to attack Zhang Yu, and he turned around, turning into a light color that was almost indistinguishable. escaping light escaped directly from here.

He knows that as long as he goes back alive, Frost Continent, who lacks battle strength, will still rely on him. He does not believe that Frost Continent upper layer has not planned for himself. When the time comes, maybe he will also go with him.

And in the end, the battle is really dead.

Those Frost Continent cultivator did not fear to say that they obeyed Chen Shao who controlled them. After getting the order, without the slightest hesitation turned the attack to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu realized this, he shook his head under his heart, the star light flickered behind him, and suddenly a bright ray flashed up, chopping into those cultivator minds.

These cultivators are already damaged by the mind, and it is even more difficult to parry such a directly killed mind attack, but 7 people still instinctively run various divine ability methods to resist such damage.

But just after such a delay, there was a slight gap. Profound Masion’s cultivators have seen the opportunity, and wherever they will let go, have shown the divine ability on the visualization picture.

These cultivators can’t dodge at this time, and can only run their own Heart Light to repel everything.

Zhang Yu stretched out his hand, holding the sword handle of Song of Cicadas Sword, and his back shape disappeared from the original place in an instant, and appeared in front of a cultivator in an instant.

Then his figure disappeared again, and appeared in front of another person. The sword light passed by his body.

In a short moment, he flashed seven times in the air, each time with a sword. These Frost Continent cultivator froze at first, but after a blink of an eye, Heart Light shone in his body. The body was also broken into two pieces and fell from the sky.

General Huan witnessed this scene with his own eyes. At this time, he did not know how to fight down. The best choice now is to retreat and how much he can withdraw.

But he can’t retreat.

He is a man in danger. This army does not belong to him. As long as he dares to give this order, he will be killed first if the subordinates are not allowed, so he can only stick his teeth and stick to it.

He gritted his teeth and said: “Send all creation and armored soldiers, try to hold this person.”

Zhang Yu was gathering those cultivators and glanced around. He saw that the fleet of this time Frost Continent was scattered, 500 fighting flying boats, but they had a front that was wider and longer than the Azure Sun fleet. Stretching several hundred li, it looks unusually sparse, which is obviously to guard against his Heavens’ Collision, Firmament’s Cry.

But thinking that this can be avoided, it is to make things simple.

He glanced at the armored soldiers and those creations surging towards him. The star light flashed behind him, and they were again disappeared from the original place. When they appeared again, they were already high above the sky.

He raised his sleeves, the sword was in front, and with the light above the sword light, and then his consciousness turned, Song of Cicadas Sword had already flew away!

This sword light is like a thunderbolt, and in a moment a flying boat not far away penetrates from beginning to end. The powerful impact wrapped around the sword immediately tears the flying boat into countless exploding fragments. Army soldier and creation are also crushed together by this strength.

At this time the armored soldiers and creation saw his location and pursued it again, but as a burst of brilliant star dust floated over, he appeared again in another direction.

But that lightning-like sword light flew back and forth in the field, every time the word light collided, it was bound to blow up a flying boat.

General Huan sees that eye socket is about to break, and if he let it go on like this, Zhang Yu alone, might destroy the entire fleet.

He squeezed the sword in his hand and shouted: “Boom him with a discovered weapon!”

As the rumors crystal jade passed his order, nearly 100 fighting flying boats nearby turned around, and almost all the muzzles were aimed at Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu immediately felt a hint of warning sign. If there were hundreds of discovered weapons concentrated on his side, he might not be able to bear it.

So in a critical moment, his mind changed, and the wings of the Mysterious Chaos Cicada over the zenith spread out, and the stars inside shone one after another, next moment, within 100 miles, countless star lights spilled down!

At the same time, a flickering flash of light broke out within the Frost Continent fleet, and a rotating crystal jade flew at him.

It’s just that these discovered weapons were immediately triggered to explode as soon as they fell within the scope of his star light. In an instant, countless flashes and rumbling sounds rang in succession within 100 miles of him. Smoke and dust are filling heaven and covering earth.

The big fleet of Azure Sun is moving forward at the moment, but it sees a blur of rays of light flashing in the front.

On the main boat, deputy said a little nervously: “The general is a discovered weapon. At this distance, we can see that it is at least a momentum of more than 100.”

Cao Du nodded, said solemnly: “Keep the formation moving forward.”

Frost Continent used the discovered weapon before their fleet reached it, which was obviously forced to a certain extent, which is good news.

But …

He was slightly worried.

At least more than 100 discovered weapon bombs, can anyone really survive in such strikes?

Within the main boat on the Frost Continent side, the waves of shock caused by the discovered weapon brought strong shaking and shaking. General Huan grabbed the armrest and stood there staring at the dust flying outside the cabin.

He wants to see the result immediately.

It seems that after a long time in the past, a rainbow light suddenly flew out of the smoke and fell straight on top of a flying boat on the side of the main boat. This flying boat burst without suspense.

Then an azure rainbow surrounded by cloud and mist smashed smoke and drew a splendid arc in the midair, flying all the way up to the sky dome, and then saw the light bloom, and there appeared an appearance like a true immortal young daoist, he A cloud of jade mist fluttered over him, and there was something relaxing star light wings behind him.

General Huan’s hands shook uncontrollably, and there was also a look of despair in his eyes.

At this time, there was a surge of dust cloud ahead, and suddenly multiple escaping lights emerged from it, and then a silhouette of multiple cultivators appeared there.

As these people appeared, the flying boats in the Frost Continent fleet burst apart one after another.

General Huan looks at the flying boat that exploded like gorgeous fireworks outside the cabin. He turned around and strode into the top cabin, then he couldn’t help but halt.

Chen Gu collapsed on the seat, his head tilted to the side, a dagger was inserted in his heart, and the right hand was held on the handle.

The Left Country Protector, which has only been in office for half a year, has been self-made.

General Huan was silent for a moment. Instead of turning his back to the battlefield, he turned to look towards the front.

At this time his eyes reflected a streamer flying towards him, and was becoming bigger and bigger, brighter and brighter, and finally enveloped him as a whole.

He opened his arms, and with the breaking of the rays of light, the entire main boat broke from the front to the tail section, and finally burst into countless ash fragments flying in a bang.



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