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When Daoist Zuo heard it, his expression calmed down and said, “Shangchen Heaven cultivator, many thanks fellow daoist Pei told me that after I have arranged it here, I will help the fellow daoist.”

Pei Yue bowed, the erratic silhouette suddenly dissipated.

Daoist Zuo immediately turned around and said to Fu Cuo: “young man Fu, you also heard that there is a Shangchen Heaven cultivator here, we are both military delegates, so we can never shrink back.”

Fu Cuo is actually reluctant. The Fu family army is an enlisted hired army. In fact, it is also the Fu family ’s private army. Any losses should be borne by himself. When encountering the Shangchen Heaven cultivator, he will be seriously injured.

But Daoist Zuo well said, if he backed down at this time, then Fu family army don’t want to exist on Legs Constellation earth star.

He clenched the teeth and cared for the people around him: “Stop, keep the intersections everywhere!” He grabbed a cronie, “Tell A-Father about this situation and make him ready.”

The cronies nodded, and immediately turned around and ran out.

And at the moment when the yellow dragon vital soul dissipated in front of Daoist Zuo and the others, this thing appeared in the giant boat hall, and as soon as it appeared, it moved towards Zhang Yu and swooped down .

Zhang Yu raised his head slightly, he was standing still, but when he rushed to the front, he raised his hand and slammed it on the vital soul’s head. The momentum of the vital soul’s forward thrust was actually restrained by him. Live, no matter how hard you try, you can’t move forward half an inch.

Pei Yue sees this, heart startled, he points his finger upwards, and the figure of each and everyone dao talisman suddenly appears on the jade wall around the hall all around, with golden-yellow rays of light circulating in it, he loudly shouted: “Stop!”

In an instant, dao talisman flew out of the jade bi, and then connected to one place, turned into a golden light net is everywhere, and closed in the middle.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yu only flicked his sleeves, a bright as snow sword light flashed, and swept past the yellow dragon vital soul, and he had cut this vital soul into 2 segments.

And just before the golden light snare was about to be closed, there seemed to be a brilliant star light flashing in the hall. The next moment, Zhang Yu silhouette was outside the snare, and the flying sword outside him Flash, cut into the sky!

Pei Yue at this moment realises that Zhang Yu is outstanding, the profound cultivators he has seen before are absolutely unable to compare, he did n’t dare to take a step back, took a sword tactic, and the flying sword came flying back behind him, turning into Twisting flying dragon, fighting with the Song of Cicadas Sword, and at the same time reaching out and pushing, the silver flakes scattered in front of him, dispersed to Zhang Yu’s place.

Taking advantage of this moment’s obstruction, there was a flash of crimson rays of light in his eyes, extended the hand, extended 5 fingers, and took a emptiness towards the empty space ahead.


The entire giant boat seemed to sway, and there was a dazzling fire glow in his palm, but the temperature in the hall dropped sharply, and a piece of water vapor condensed on the surrounding jade.

This is when he captured the earth fire essence qi accumulated in the giant boat and blended it with magical power. Once launched by him, it can also affect earth fire, its might is sufficient to destroy all people and things within ten li of the giant boat, but he has his own evasion technique, so he can save himself from it.

But just when he was about to emit fire essence, he saw an incomparably clear and bright ray shining out, and shone into his mind, a jade pendant at his waist released a ray of breath, and held his divine soul, But even so, he was involuntarily in a trance for a moment. When he came back, Zhang Yu had already deceived him, and a glistening sword light had been cut off.

Pei Yue dodges quickly, relying on the exquisite movement technique, and avoids the word light killed repeatedly, but under such persecution, he was temporarily suppressed to only the ability to avoid, and the spirit of fire essence gathered in his hand has never been able to shoot But it has to be maintained all the time, which has become his drag.

At this time, the yellow dragon vital soul that was cut into two segments condensed again, the vital soul was attached to the spirit, and reflected out, so long as the treasure where the spirit’s essence is stored is not broken, it would not really perish, After the aggregation, the dragon roar rushed towards Zhang Yu again.

Zhang Yu’s eyes flashed slightly, and the Song of Cicadas Sword suddenly burst into a divine light, and then the speed was suddenly abrupt, and there was infinite power to overflow from the blade!

Pei Yue’s flying sword suddenly couldn’t withstand. After a sound of clash of metals was flicked out. After rotating for more than 100 laps, clang was nailed to the jade in the hall, and the rays of light above the sword flickered. A few times, I heard a few ping-pongs. There were more than a dozen rice-sized gaps above the blade, and then it was completely dimmed. It seemed to become a common iron.

After the Song of Cicadas repelled the flying sword, it was another illness, and it caught up with the yellow dragon vital soul that was about to rush forward, pierced from the dragon neck, and nailed it firmly on the ground.

Pei Yue hopes that the yellow dragon vital soul can stop Zhang Yu for a moment, so that he has the opportunity to release the fire essence. Seeing this scene, knowing that the time has been lost, I only have 5 fingers to disperse the fire essence.

If his move divine ability was released, it might be extraordinary, but Zhang Yu was forced to fail to show it from start to finish, waiting for a useless move.

However, to relieve this technique, he also went to the pin, and a little extra effort.

In order to get rid of the unfavorable situation, when Zhang Yu’s sword light nears again, he uses a shining shadow exchange technique, behind the jade jade, the rays of light flashed, and the shining shadow in the inside was instantly interchanged with himself, the sword light was over, Just split a phantom.

Successfully escaped from under the blade of the sword, Pei Yue silhouette floated in the jade bi, and came out from the other direction,

However, although he temporarily got rid of Zhang Yu sword momentum, he didn’t look good, because he realized that he was not Zhang Yu’s opponent at all, and his identity was inevitably exposed.

At this moment, when I heard footsteps, I saw a black hair, grassing a whisk daoist came in from the outside.

Pei Yue sees him, his eyes moved, pointed at Zhang Yu, loudly said: “Fellow daoist Zuo came just right, this person is tricky, please help me, take it down!”

Daoist Zuo took a look at Zhang Yu and said, “Okay, fellow daoist, treat me to help you!”

He swiped the whisk, and suddenly a large wave of water rushed out, but the direction of the water wave was not at all coming to Zhang Yu, but to Pei Yue instead.

Pei Yue responded very quickly, or was also watching out for Daoist Zuo, and flew like a shadow between him, he said icily: “fellow daoist Zuo, what do you mean?”

Daoist Zuo put whisk on his arms, and said unperturbed: “This fellow daoist Zhang is a found cultivator, and where is Shangchen Heaven’s found cultivator? The so-called Shangchen Heaven cultivator, should I respect myself?”

Pei Yue’s eyes flickered, snorted.

Zhang Yu stood with his sword at the moment, raisings the head and looks to Pei Yue. He waved his big sleeves, Heart Reflecting Jade Robe suddenly came out of the cloud, and suddenly spread to the entire hall.

Pei Yue does not know what this is, he can only be alert to avoid it, he is one against two at this moment, consciously has no chance of winning, already thinking about how to get out, just glanced at him, swearing.

Daoist Zuo is very cunning, just standing in front of the gateway in the hall without moving his footsteps. This not only guarantees his retreat, but also prevents him from going out.

But at this time he suddenly felt bad, because as the surrounding jade mist diffused, all around Yubi was completely covered, which meant that he could n’t start the shining shadow exchange technique.

After Zhang Yu broke Pei Yue’s back road with jade mist, he stepped out one step, star light fluttered, and suddenly moved to the front, it was another sword!

Pei Yue this time has no way to retreat, he can only dodge in embarrassment under the sword light, but after avoiding the dozens of swords, he feels unsupported. Daoist Zuo’s eyes flickered at the moment, and he wiggled a water wave. Although only a little splash of water fell on Pei Yue’s body, it also slightly slowed his body.

Will Zhang Yu miss this opportunity, his pupil light flashes slightly, a sharp sword light flashes in the hall, and then he steps back two steps and throws the Firming Startling Sword clang back into the sheath.

Pei Yue stood there and did not move. After a while, his appearance as a stranger faded away, and the whole person became a clay figure.

In a few moments, I heard the sound of cracking and bursting. He first split a crack on the neck, then spread to the head and body, and pieces of mud fell down, and finally collapsed to the ground.

And at this moment, the sit cross-legged where the daoist repeatedly smoked, first the skin fleshed down, turned into a burnt black skull, and then completely decayed, collapsed on the ground, only a jade box in hand Still there.

Daoist Zuo was a little surprised and asked, “What is this?”

Zhang Yu glanced and said, “If there are no mistakes, this should be a brilliant external incarnation technique called” Yin Statue Clay Idol “. I have only seen it before in the classics, and the cultivator divides his consciousness. Soul and even magical power vital essence are pinned within this, so that it can become another person walking outside.

Only after doing this, the real body can not be moved, need to protect the real body with spiritual treasure jade, and need to come back from time to time, hanging with a bit of internal qi, so as not to rot. “

He looked up and said, “Just before many thanks fellow daoist Zuo helped.”

Daoist Zuo hurriedly said: “Fellow daoist is welcome, Shangchen Heaven cultivator is the enemy of we. Can Zuo stand by and watch? With the power of fellow daoist, it is possible to cut the enemy without any chance. Zuo would not dare to take advantage of this.”

He stroked his beard, saying: “It’s just worth noting that Pei Yue is not a fool. Shangchen Heaven used to have no found cultivator in the past, but he slandered the fellow daoist as a Shangchen Heaven cultivator. Does he really reveal such a big weak spot? “

Zhang Yu knew what he meant and said: “The meaning of the fellow daoist is that he inadvertently exposed the secrets inside Shangchen Heaven?”

Daoist Zuo nodded and said: “I think about it, either Shangchen Heaven may have a found cultivator now, or the people here have turned to the past, so he sees it as should should be by rights.

But where is the ordinary found cultivator Shangchen Heaven cultivator? Impossible really regards himself as a person, and what can be valued by this generation, only those who are really cultivation, even if it is my cultivation base, Xu is still a layer behind, maybe only … “Speaking of this, his speech pauses and he no longer continues.



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