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The rays of light fell on the jade platform, and a soft light mist suddenly fluttered, and at the same time there was a faint ethereal dao sound. The petals in the surrounding sea of ​​flowers also fluttered slowly with the light mist.

Zhang Yu looked into the rays of light, but there was a daoist silhouette sitting there, but besides the silhouette of the whole body, his face could not be seen as real.

This should be intentionally covered by the other party, because if the cultivation is not enough, or there is no seal protection granted by Profound Court, then look directly at Profound Venerable, even if it is only Profound Venerable incarnation, may cause a person’s divine soul and consciousness to be damaged.

The outer layer is different from the inner layer. It is difficult for Profound Venerable to cast all of its strength here for a long time, so it can only be stationed in the Celestial City in a differentiated incarnation.

Not only is Celestial Xia Profound Venerable, but even those powerful evil gods, the real body is also hiding in the depths of the void, and it will not appear easily, only some strength will be leaked from time to time.

This is also the case with the Shangchen Heaven cultivator. At the level of Profound Venerable this time, most of the time it is hidden in Shangchen Heaven.

So now most of them are active outside the country and responsible for the battle, most are middle and low position cultivators, and evil god’s god progeny and various different kind of the same level.

The daoist looked at the crowd at this moment, but stayed a few moments on a few people, including Zhang Yu. After a while, he sat down in the radiance.

At this time, a chime sounded again, and a dao child voice came from above: “Various daoists take a seat”.

The cultivators standing on the stone platform in the lake heard these words, they were all obedient to the stage, and then each and everyone sat down.

Those cultivators that do not have a stand can sit directly in their own boat.

In the outer periphery, those weak cultivation disciplines are not qualified to go forward, so most of them can only stand on the lakeside and look at the great stage.

However, anyone who can see Overcast Light Altar can see the daoist silhouette shrouded in rays of light. Even if they fail to understand the lecture later, they cannot be considered to have come in vain.

Zhang Yu is also sitting on the futon at this time, a few points, a great pure sound seems to come from far away, but it seems to sound again in the vicinity.

He found that the sound was rushing into the river, and he was pouring into his own mind and mind, making it impossible to distinguish what it was.

The next time he thought about it, he understood that it was because Profound Venerable’s words conveyed too much, and he could not fully understand it, so he heard these magnificent sounds.

There must be some trade-offs for him. Obviously he is not understandable for things that are too high, and he does not need to squander this opportunity by listening to things he already understands, what he wants to hear at this moment is how to supplement his cultivation and a method for seeking a higher boundary.

And when this though appears, that turbulent vast sound weakens and retreats layer by layer, the sound floating by the ears gradually becomes clearer and more distinct.

As he listened deeply, the surrounding foreign objects seemed to fade away, as if he was sitting alone on the stone platform, and the void above was infinitely magnified.

At this moment, it seems that only the shrouded in rays of light daoist and himself fell in this heaven and earth.

He knew that it was internal qi sympathy, so that his mind was exposed, so he just kept his mind and did not ignore these changes, but focused on listening to the dao technique that this Profound Venerable said.

Because of the trade-offs, all he heard at the moment was what he could understand.

He soon discovered that what the Profound Venerable said was not a divine ability magic mantra, but all instructed the cultivator how to cultivate dao technique.

This is only useful to a cultivator whose cultivation has already reached a certain point, and is trying to seek for a way to breakthrough.

These dao techniques are also very advanced, and he read dao writing in the past, which is a gift from Profound Leader Zhu, which can be compared with it slightly.

However, the dao writing that Profound Leader Zhu handed to him has only text and requires him to read it by himself, so everything in it requires him to slowly understand and understand.

But this time listening to the Tao is different, he can feel that his own breathing and aura are slightly turbulent in the wake of those spoken dao techniques, he can realize the subtlety of it while hearing the dao technique.

This is the advantage of coming here to hear the dao, which is equal to the teacher of a brilliant who teaches him anytime, anywhere, without having to try to figure it out by himself.

With the passing of a sentence of Taoism, he was gradually immersed in it.

It seems that the past is extremely long, but it seems to be a short moment, then dao sound does not know when it has retreated, he still sit cross-legged on the stone platform, seems to be feeling something.

Not only him, but many cultivators present.

After a long time, he lifts the head, the bright light flashes in the eyes are gone, and the internal qi on his body swells faintly, but it is immediately released, and soon he covers up with Jade Gift Clothes.

This time listening to the dao he gained enormously, his own cultivation is another step forward, and with his cultivation base at this moment, every step forward is a huge improvement.

But the biggest gain is no longer here.

The Profound Venerable Yu is obviously a proven techniques Profound Venerable, but it is the purest dao technique cultivation.

This is actually, whether intentionally or not, revealing a key point, indicating that regardless of true cultivator profound cultivator, dao technique cultivation is extremely useful, even common in some respects.

This also makes sense, after all, the found techniques lineage was originally separated from the true technique, but only promoted by Profound Court.

And he is also thinking about how these discovered cultivator Seniors that have no previous path rely on to break through the situation. Obviously, they have already pointed out the key for the younger generation.

This reminded him of the method of “Three Essences Return and Fusion” in true cultivator cultivation.

Before thinking about the breakthrough situation, he had taken this into consideration. But speaking at this time, it was even more firm in his mind.

According to the saying, if a cultivator’s Three Essences are complete, then he can seek higher techniques.

According to these statements, this is the cultivation of the cultivator itself to the extreme, so as to induce the transformation of the spirit, and then climb the higher boundary.

However, the reality is not as simple as that, and there must be some key in it.

While he was thinking, a great bell chime was heard on the great stage, and then the voice of the dao child came down: “technique discussion has finished, various daoists may return.”

Zhang Yu looked at it, and when he saw it, the daoist silhouette in the rays of light was gone, apparently he was gone, and once he shook his sleeves, he also stood up on his seat.

Yu Ruiqing approached him right now and said, “Listening to the Dao has finished. Can the fellow daoist turn with me?”

Zhang Yu thought for a moment and said, “Fellow daoist will turn around first. I still have some things here.”

Yu Ruiqing said: “Alright, then Fellow daoist Zhang, I will take a step first.” After raising his hand for a gift, he took Yue Luo into the boat and drove back.

At this time, on the Overcast Light Stage, Jia Antong and the others came back to his senses after listening to the sermon.

Near the water tower, the first month, they are on the side of the platform, and they are originally Profound Venerable disciple. Some dao technique normally have also heard of it. At this time, they must be guided by internal qi, so some of them have some benefits.

The surnamed Xu cultivator asked in a low voice: “senior brother, how much are you comphended?”

Jia Antong pondered for a while, and said, “I just understood it a little bit,” he is not foolish, and his internal qi is indeed a little better than before the lecture.

surnamed Xu cultivator sighed: “The younger brother listens for so long, but feels that he hasn’t grown much.”

Those Scriptures felt that he could understand them, but they just felt that they didn’t push themselves too much.

In fact, he still has something to gain. Most cultivators also feel that they have heard some Daoism, as if they understand it, but they can turn around and actually get nothing.

Jia Antong looked at all the same sects that were close to them, and felt that their internal qi improvement was limited, saying: “I said earlier, you should normally pay more attention to cultivation, don’t just spend your time on refining spirit essence, spirit After all, essence is numerous, but cultivation is endless. “

Everyone said yes.

surnamed Xu cultivator whispered at this time: “senior brother, the teacher’s teaching method was imminent, I don’t want to say, just now we went in person to invite those two, and they did not give us any face.

Jia Antong glanced at him and said, “I don’t have any idea. That’s because they missed the dao technique, but they lost.”

surnamed Xu cultivator said: “But they always refuted our faces …”

Jia Antong stared at him and warned him: “junior brother, you must not have any crooked thoughts, although the teacher is tolerant to us, he will never allow us to do anything that violates the law, you must not depend on your status as teacher’s disciple to do something excessive, if something goes wrong, don’t say the teacher level, I will never allow you. “

Surnamed Xu cultivator said: “senior brother rest assured that I will not go here to do this kind of thing, but you said that if other fellow apprentices also ask them?”

Jia Antong glanced at him and understood his thoughts, and he also had a moment of emotion, but the cultivation of Fang Cai was used after all, and his mind remained clear, and immediately suppressed this kind of thought, he said solemnly: “I Having said that, don’t be too much. “

Surnamed Xu cultivator saw that he insisted, and the expression looked extremely serious, he said with regret: “understood, senior brother.”

After Yu Ruiqing left, Zhang Yu took a boat to the Overcast Light Stage at the heart of the lake. He had one more thing to do at the moment, and the land boundary was right here.

When he stepped from the small boat to this great stage, he suddenly felt that someone was looking at himself, his eyes turned, and he didn’t care. After identifying the direction, he walked to the side along the road covered with petals.

Soon before he came to a tall stone gate, an elderly cultivator was there, watching him come, bowed, and said: “Fellow daoist can be related?”

Zhang Yu raised his hand and took out the jade talisman that Military Affairs Office Adviser Tang gave him, which was also the praise of his killed evil god true spirit.

After watching the old daoist, he lowered his head and gave way, and the stone door was also lifted up, revealing a slightly deep stairway.

Zhang Yu glanced at it, then swayed his sleeves and walked in.

At this time, on the great stage, the surnamed Xu cultivator was about to return to Celestial City, but a recipe came and said: “uncle master, the two people you let me pay attention to, we only saw one of them left, but one person did It ’s under the great stage. “

surnamed Xu cultivator expression changed, said: “Oh? Where did you go? It’s interesting.” He thoughts stirred, and said: “If there, then I can actually try to teach him a slight lesson, and senior brother can hardly say I ‘ m in the wrong. “



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