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Yiwei Celestial City.

Chen Qianding stood on the survey platform with negative sleeves, watching the magnificent colorful clouds of stars and fog outside, and the deep blue robe fluttering on his body seemed to blend into the void.

At this time a jade talisman floated from afar, his eyes turned sharply, and this thing fell in front of him. After a few glances, he rolled his sleeves and put them into his sleeves.

After a while, a short-eyed, small-eyed daoist walked behind him, bowed and bowed, and said, “senior brother, I have checked. It is Yeya State Wei family and Fu who killed Pei Yue There are 2 enlisted hired army in the family, but there is no abnormality in the report, but there is no guarantee that these 2 families have covered up. “

Chen Qianding did not look back, turning his back to him: “Who are the 2 cultivators of the enlisted hired army?”

The thin daoist said: “One is called Zuo Yungang, and the other is called Zhang Yu, but according to the news from the Military Affairs Office, Zhang Yu true status is a Profound Court Walker.”

Chen Qianding eyes flashed, said: “Zhang Yu? The previous found and true technique discussion, better than that person of Nie Yin?”

The thin daoist said: “It’s him.”

Chen Qianding said: “You make arrangements and try to transfer the Wei family army and Fu family army to the outside, and find a chance to solve it.”

Thin daoist nodded and said: “Okay, but since Zhang Yu has the identity of Profound Court Walker, will it do this …”

Chen Qianding indifferently says: “If he is Profound Court Walker, then we can’t let him know too much. Let the people of Shangchen Heaven do it. It doesn’t matter if we succeed or fail.”

The thin and small daoist said in a loud voice: “Yes, my brother will arrange it properly.”

In the Hong Two layer world, Zhang Yu, holding a long sword, followed Li Bailiang to the head of army rampart. He saw that several walls had collapsed here, forming a gentle slope. It was impossible to prevent the army from entering.

The aliens on the opposite side came like a tide, although most of the army soldiers behind were chaotic and disorderly, but they were rushing to the front but they were authentic, lined up in relatively neat queues, countless flying flags, and shaking calls It sounds very imposing.

Li Bailiang could not help raising a sense of suffocation at the moment, he felt that the entire army rampart was like an isolated island surrounded by turbulent seas at this moment, and it might fall at any time.

He settled down and said, “profound cultivator Zhang, I wonder if you are going to do this?”

To be honest, he really hopes to see Zhang Yu exhibit a divine ability to smooth out everyone below.

But he also knows that this is just a wish that’s all in the lower layer. As for Zhang Yu’s words about solving the army, he just used it as an inspirational slogan.

Zhang Yu looks below, although the number of these aliens is over 10000, it doesn’t take much effort to kill each and everyone, but he has a simpler way.

He looked at the tall silhouette riding on the weird bulbous monster.

Unlike these ordinary aliens who are just some evil god believers, this person is obviously a real god’s progeny with a weak spirituality of light on his body.

So long as it is eliminated, the remaining different kind will lose morale and no longer constitute a threat.

He said: “wait for me a moment.”

In the eyes of Li Bailiang, old Yang and the others, he walked slowly down the city wall along the gentle slope with his sword, and walked alone towards the surging army.

At first, his footsteps were slower, and then gradually began to speed up, and there was a burst of rays of light in his body.

He watched the tall silhouette riding on the top of the bulb, elbows slightly raised, put on the hilt, and then stepped a little, in a split second his body becomes flowing fire and clashes loudly into the front line!

As if a meteorite burst into the wheat field, where the bright fire passes the different kind soldiers are blown away.

That tall god’s progeny obviously noticed it too. It ripped off his white robe, revealing the strong body under the dark blue skin, and at the same time picked up a golden sledgehammer from the side of the seat. The fire glow followed by a roar, and a huge hammer head swept down at the bottom!

Zhang Yu breathed slowly, and everything around him seemed to be slowing down. He reached over and put on the hilt, and his hind body leaned forward slightly, slammed, and rushed in directly from the golden hammer before he came in, and then Draw your sword and cut down!

Li Bailiang and the others standing above the army rampart saw a bright sword light flashing over the battlefield, and a perfect arc was drawn in midair.

After the sword light subsided, the tall god’s progeny shook, seemingly trying to find his opponent, but when he tried to turn, the body was cut diagonally into two and a half, and then fell to the ground.

Not only it, even the bulbous monster underneath stood there for a moment, but it also crashed to the ground, and then the ‘pu’ sound burst from it, and the smelly liquid suddenly spread on the battlefield.

The alien army soldiers were stunned for a moment, and the battlefield became silent, and then there was a sudden outcry, as if the dam broke the embankment. When 10000 army soldiers suddenly collapsed.

Every alien is screaming in panic, throwing away the weapon banner in his hand, taking off his armor, and desperately fleeing into the distance.

The person standing above the army rampart froze looks at all this.

Li Bailiang’s body was trembling slightly. How difficult that god’s progeny was to deal with him. They knew that they had organized 20 people for a raid, but only half of them came back in the end.

He also saw that a robe was torn apart by the monster under the god’s progeny, and then he took a bite. He believed that if the memory of projection power could not be brought back, this might be the nightmare of that robe for a lifetime .

But now, such a powerful god’s progeny was killed by a sword. He grabbed old Yang and shook excitedly: “old Yang, did you see it, did you see it?”

old Yang said bitterly: “I saw it, I saw it, don’t shake it, my waist …”

Zhang Yu looked at the aliens who ran away, turned his wrist, and returned the sword to the sheath.

Although his power was suppressed, his consciousness was still the cultivator of Profound Fusion Boundary. This god’s progeny in his eyes can be justified in addition to power. Almost all of them are weak spots, and it is not difficult to kill.

He turned around, walked back from the front, and said to Li Bailiang: “Soldier Li, we are here, can you tell me about the situation at this level?”

Li Bailiang hurriedly said: “It’s my pleasure.” He immediately explained the situation here.

This lower layer world named Hong Two, in fact, except for a small piece of land behind them, almost everywhere outside has been occupied by nonhuman evil monsters and evil god followers, while Yue Dynasty is Legs Constellation Star nailed to a nail .

Originally, Yiwei Celestial City will send soldier projection support from time to time, plus Yue Dynasty has artillery and hand cannon, so it can barely support it.

However, in the past ten years, those believers of evil god have also mastered the technology of hand cannon artillery, so the battle has gradually turned to the disadvantage of Yue Dynasty.

old Yang interjected at this time: “I heard that Celestial City had mastered more than ten lower layer worlds, now we only hold four, and that’s including Hong Two layer world, the one we are in now, but I see If it goes on like this, it will be lost sooner or later. “

Zhang Yu pondered, said: “Two thought, after this time the alien retreat, how long will come again?”

Li Bailiang thought about it and said, “At least it can be stable for 2 to 3 months.” He tried to ask, “I wonder how long the proven cultivator Zhang will stay here?”

Zhang Yu said: “I’ve just arrived, and won’t leave for the time being.”

The rest period of the Wei family army is one month, because the time lapses differently, then in theory he can stay here for the most half a year. During this time, he is prepared to think about his own path.

At this moment, above the stone plate in the army rampart, another rays of light flashed.

Since most of the pawns were only at the top of the city, no one noticed the movement.

As the rays of light dissipated, the surnamed Xu cultivator silhouette appeared from the inside. He tried to sense it, and his eyes lit up, saying: “I found you!”

At this time, a phantom like a horse and an ox floated on his chest.

He reached out and said with a smile: “He can rest assured that he will satisfy you soon.”

That thing is his visualization picture called “Zhihui”.

Whenever he encounters something unsatisfactory, no matter what method he uses, he can only make himself comfortable afterwards, so that he can improve the cultivation, but if he stays in the chest, it will affect the cultivation.

This time he invited Yu Ruiqing and Zhang Yu with Jia Antong, and neither of them sold their affection, which made him very dissatisfied.

But he does not resist this feeling, because this is the only way for cultivation to improve.

There is no better solution to this problem than in the lower layer.

The visualization picture does not care whether the opposite party is the true body or a strength projection, so long as he kills them then his cultivation can be promoted.

The lower layer battle does not involve life and death. He is a Proven Venerable disciple, and the other party has no way to get him. Even if he comes to the door, he will accompany some pill medicine money that’s all.

When thinking so, he was already striding towards the head of army rampart.

At this time, a wounded soldier was turning back to check. After seeing him, a surprise appeared on his face, and he excitedly said to him: “envoy!”

Surnamed Xu cultivator saw his way out, frowned, and gently waved his hand, impatiently said: “Keep away.”

The wounded soldier flew out involuntarily, bumped his head against the door court, and then lay there motionless, not knowing whether it was dead or alive.

surnamed Xu cultivator glanced at it, and didn’t care too much. The person in the lower layer was not a person in his opinion.

He walked up to the top of the city, looking towards Zhang Yu standing there, said with a smile: “profound cultivator Zhang, didn’t expect, we are here again …”

He hadn’t finished his words, and suddenly revealed the colors of surprise and angry. I saw that a sword light bright as snow had been moved towards himself.

He wanted to hide, but the sword light was too fast. He also forgot that he was just a strength projection, and avoiding the divine ability was not enough to use it here.

With a snort, a head flies up, and then collapsed to the ground.

Li Bailiang and the others froze look at this scene.

After a while, old Yang swallowed and said, “Profound cultivator Zhang, well, that seems to be the dao cultivator from Celestial City.”

Zhang Yu shook his blade, then slowly returned to the sheath. lightly said: “Willing the same robe indiscriminately, this person is not worthy of us and should be criticized.”



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