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After Zhang Yu left the lobby, he returned to the luxurious residence prepared for him by Tang Xianzun.

He knew clearly that Tang Xianzun called them together, obviously to let them compete with each other and come up with the best skills to perfect the seal.

This person has perhaps used such a method more than once before, just looking at the situation, I am afraid that the results obtained have not made it as expected.

He actually understood this.

the common profound cultivator must prudently consider each use of spirit essence, because the choice now is likely to be related to the path in the future, if one aspires to climb to a higher boundary then such caution is not excessive what.

And this person did not persecute anyone, if they do not want to exchange, then they can leave.

After sitting down, he took out the jade slip again.

He has seen it before, and this jade slip is a flawed seal, and this seal is generally biased towards defend, which does not deviate from what his people have asked for.

Regarding defensive seals he actually knows quite a bit; after all, he memorised the majority of Azure Sun Profound Mansion’s great and little seals, I have also seen many visualization pictures from Zhe Yi, and I have my own opinions on this, otherwise Impossible was also recognized by Tang Xianzun in the previous argument.

It’s just that he looked at it now, most of those seals he has seen before are inferior to this one, even though it is only a deficient seal.

It takes some effort to complete.

But he has a more tricky way.

He checked the seal through the Seeing and Knowing Seal, and it took him half a day to quickly know the key point of the inside running, and quickly mastered this missing seal.

This step is not difficult. It can be done by changing over to any peer cultivator, but the length of time spent is different.

But his intention is not here.

At this moment, he called in his heart, Chaotic Chapter of the Grand Dao appeared from the side, he watched for a moment, then a seal appeared on it gradually.

He poured the spirit essence into it, and this seal suddenly released a bright light, with the words drifting shore 2 on it, and then a light fell on him.

After the rays of light receded, he used it a little bit, and he noticed that there was a circle of rays of light on his body, and a ray of magnificent light flew away around him.

The seal obtained by Chaotic Chapter is based on himself, in other words, it is a seal completely suited for him, and already somewhat different from the one given to him by Tang Xianzun.

But the fundamental not at all of seal has changed.

By observing its root, he deeply understands the intention of the person who first created this seal.

The purpose of Tang Xianzun create seal should be to resist a certain kind of magical item from flying, such as the leaf blade he encountered that day.

Knowing this, it is easy to come down, as long as you move towards this direction.

After thinking about it for a moment, he tried to improve the seal with what he had learned.

But even he himself had never thought of it, because he had accumulated enough before, and as his cultivation cultivation base continued to improve, if it was purely cultivation, it had already overwhelmed many peers. Now, from the perspective of Gao, this The process of fan deduction was exceptionally smooth. About a day later, a Profound Chapter seal was created.

This Profound Chapter seal is not the same as the Chaotic Chapter one, which has removed the side suitable for him, making it easier for others to use.

But at this point he didn’t stop at all, thought for a while, and spent another night’s effort to evolve this seal into ten little seals.

After doing this, he looked out and found that unconsciously, it was already dawn. He fed Wondrous Pills Lord some pill powder. After a little cultivation, he came to the main hall.

When the attendant saw him coming, he asked 2 sentences and learned that he had a result here. He didn’t dare to neglect and immediately notified him.

After Tang Xianzun got the report, he didn’t feel a little surprised. Previously Zhang Yu said that it only took 3 days. He thought it was just a strategy to put pressure on others, but didn’t expect that it hadn’t passed in 3 days, and it really took out the seal.

He also came to the lobby, and after Zhang Yu paid respect, took some jade slip cautiously, turned his mind inside, and couldn’t help his eyes. After he watched it carefully, he couldn’t help liftings the head, saying: “fellow daoist I have seen the seal that I have deduced, but why is there a little seal in it? “

Zhang Yu said: “I think the follow daoist seal is mostly used to define a flexible and variable magical item, but the great seal is heavy and heavy, and the little seal urges faster when it is rushed, so it was deduced smoothly. . “

Tang Xianzun is secretly nodded, and the seal given to him by Zhang Yu can be said to be completely suitable for him. At least some small details need to be adjusted. This is not a big problem.

What satisfied him most was that Zhang Yu provided two types of seals: great seal and little seal.

As Zhang Yu said, little seals start faster, change more, consume less spirit essence, great seals are easier to improve and improve, but in specific applications, they are slightly inferior to little seals, but Zhang Yu can The success of deducing create within days has undoubtedly proved that its dao technique is profoundly rooted.

Not to mention that seal himself feels very suitable for himself, this kind of person must also have a great future, and he also needs to fight well with him.

Although he has not seen the seal created by 2 other people, he has made a decision in his heart at the moment.

But he was shrewd, not at all revealed something on the face, put that jade slip aside, and said: “We still need the fellow daoist to wait for 2 days, and the 2 fellow daoist also said they would give me one within 5 days. Reply, I need to make another comparison when the time comes. “

Zhang Yu nodded said: “It should be so.”

After he left, he went back to meditate.

Two days passed quickly, and on the fifth day, Zhang Yu was again invited to the main hall, and the young female cultivator and the middle-aged cultivator had arrived.

Tang Xianzun looked towards that young female cultivator, saying: “fellow daoist Yao, I wonder what happened to you?”

The young female cultivator shook his head and said: “fellow daoist Tang, sorry, the time is too short, I can’t deduce it.”

Tang Xianzun smiled nodded and looked towards the middle-aged daoist, “What about fellow daoist Gong?”

The surnamed Gong cultivator immediately took out a jade slip and handed it to the attendant beside him.

After Tang Xianzun saw it, eyebrows slightly frowned.

This seal is too crude, that is, a slight modification of his residual print, there is not much change at all. But looking at the surnamed Gong cultivator, it doesn’t seem to have any sorry at all. I still sit there with the calm and composed.

He thought about it, and immediately understood that this person was not trying to figure out how to deduce the seal, but should contact some people, so he had some confidence and thought that he could be determined.


He secretly sneered, normal things can be tolerated, this time’s seal relates to him protecting the dao, impossible withdrawn.

Although his thoughts were constantly changing, he still kept a smile on his face and said, “I have already seen the two seals.”

He looked towards Zhang Yu, “I looked down, only the seal evolved by fellow daoist Zhang is what I need. This time my divine ability should be exchanged for fellow daoist Zhang.”

When the surnamed Gong cultivator heard this, he couldn’t help looking, but fixed it on Tang Xianzun’s face, but the latter smiled as usual, as if he hadn’t felt it at all. The choice has been made, and it is inconvenient to stay here for a long time, and leave. “

The young female cultivator was stood up and said, “Then I won’t stay here anymore.” She gave Tang Xianzun and Zhang Yu two salutes and went out.

Tang Xianzun snorted and said, “disciple, wait for me to send 2 free fellow daoist.”

A young disciple next to it said yes.

The surnamed Gong cultivator glanced at Tang Xianzun, then squinted at Zhang Yu, and went out without a word.

Zhang Yu was able to detect the maliciousness in the other party’s eyes, but it was so obvious that he was either extremely confident in his own strength or was used to this style.

Tang Xianzun smiled on the face at this moment, very polite to Zhang Yu: “fellow daoist Zhang, please follow me.”

Zhang Yu nodded.

Tang Xianzun invited Zhang Yu to his study. After sitting down, he took a jade box. After opening, two jade slips were exposed. He said: “fellow daoist, seal is ready, you can Check it out. “

Zhang Yu reached out and picked up one by one. After watching it, the pupil light moved slightly and said, “2 pieces?”

Tang Xianzun nodded and said: “I sect is good at restricting technique, but ‘one able to escape can then break out of a trap, and one able to trap must understand escaping’, these 2 are not separated, this 2 is printed For the escape technique and 2 for the sleepy method, mutual verification is required to achieve success.

Actually originally I only thought to exchange the trapping technique, but the fellow daoist treats me with sincerity, and I also treat others with sincerity, as long as the fellow daoist does not teach this seal. “

Zhang Yu looked towards him: “I can establish a dao contract with fellow daoist.”

Tang Xianzun waved his hand with a smile and said, “This is not necessary anymore. I believe in a fellow daoist, and I am not a slow fellow daoist. In fact, there are a lot of mails in these 2 seals. This way unspread secret Can’t entrust fellow daoist anymore. “

Zhang Yu said: “Fellow daoist said too much, I just exchanged a seal, how can I extravagance.”

Tang Xianzun laughed, and then he converged his laugh, said resolutely: “It’s just that the fellow daoist exchanged this seal this time, but he had to be careful of Gong Sui.”

Zhang Yu said: “Which fellow daoist Gong?”

Tang Xianzun said: “It’s exactly. This Gong Sui is the Gong family clansman. There is a person in their family. The ancestor is Profound Venerable. This Gong family is another person who does not know how to converge, although many people look at the Profound Venerable. Do not care about him, which makes them act more arrogant, even if it is hindered by the Celestial Xia law, there is no evil, but like this person, if you want to squeeze others, there are always more means, and the fellow daoist should also be careful to guard against Now. “

Zhang Yu thoughts stirred, nodded and said: “many thanks fellow daoist informed this matter.” He waved the sleeve and took 2 seals away.

After talking about the business, Tang Xianzun invited him to stay for a banquet, but he refused it. In July, the Wei family army will accept the delegation to set off, and there will be few days left. He needs to go back and do some more. ready.

After saying goodbye to Tang Xianzun, he walked out of the manor, only to the outside, but he saw the young female cultivator wearing a hemp daoist robe, and a long sword behind him, one person standing there alone, seemingly waiting for someone .

And after he came out, her pupil light turned, and the sword sounded slightly behind, but there was a strong sword intent pressed over.



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