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Zhang Yu could feel that the speed of the flying boat’s progress at this moment became slower, as Daoist Zuo said, because of the effect of the array strength, the more one advances the greater the resistance.

He has a feeling that the other party is ready to rob something before they arrive.

If this is the case, then he can never let the other party do what he wants.

On the occasion of thoughts stirring, a muzzle flashed on the belly of the white boat, and a discovered weapon was spun forward and flew away.

It was only halfway through the found weapon, but a ray of light came out from the side and hit it, directly detonating the found weapon in mid-air.

Zhang Yu turned his eyes and saw that there was a dao soldier floating in the sky, and his eyes were fierce. He not only had a sense of autonomy, but also retained a certain fighting ability.

Beside the Dao soldier, there is a pair of golden circles that dance around, and it is this thing that just burst the discovered weapon.

At this moment he pointed his finger, a sword light shot through the flying boat and went straight to the person. The latter flickered and disappeared from the place immediately, then appeared on the other side.

Zhang Yu pupil light flashed slightly, and he saw that the dao soldier was using array strength to move, which also meant that his people were not lacking in the magical power within the formation. He introduced it, and the word light attacked again.

Dao soldier apparently did not want to collide with the flying sword and wanted to avoid it again, but at this time, Zhang Yu reached out and took him out of thin air.

There was a gleam of gleaming light around the Dao soldier’s body, and his body could not help but pause. At this moment, he looked like an insect covered in amber.

And his idea is still there, driving 2 golden rings to fly up, overlap each other, and block the way of the flying sword, but the sword light is turned around, avoiding the golden ring defender incomparably light And came to his back, and then, like a flash of light, instantly shoots through their body.

Like being swept up by a gale, the dao soldier fluttered forward in his clothes for a while, and then the bright light in the pupil light dimmed. In the past moment, the whole person burst into the sky!

Zhang Yu killed his enemies with a sword, and looked forward again, with an idea, the rows of rays of light flashed under the white boat’s belly, and then the found weapons scattered scattered towards the front light curtain.

It’s just that most of the discovered weapons encountered some resistance in the middle of the way, and they exploded in advance, but this also caused a great shock of the great array.

But at this time, a sword light went through, and went straight into the inner circle from the gap of the great array, until it was killed before the white light curtain, and then slammed into it!


That light curtain suddenly turbulent!

Wei Lingying is now leading the team to the west of the array position, while the other team is entrusted to the Soldier Lin.

After they enter the array territory, they were also attacked by dao soldiers waiting here.

However, unlike Daoist Zuo, they are a complete whole. Even in the air, the spiritual rays of light of each other are combined to form a light curtain that protects the upper and lower sides.

Because the enemies are more flexible than their bloated overall, they not at all always choose to fight in the sky, but fall back to the ground and form an array to resist.

If it is pure defense, it will only be beaten blindly, so Wei Lingying took the soldier with Azure Sun profound armor on the dao soldiers, rushed directly to this generation with the speed and force of the outer armor and punched in front of this generation. .

Their impact was unexpectedly strong, forcing these dao soldiers to have to dodge and try to stay away from them.

As a result, the army soldiers on the ground became relaxed, and from time to time they picked up a flash of spirituality rays of light lance, forcing these dao soldiers to be unable to display dao art divine ability in the air.

This is also their experience for a long time against these cultivators.

In fact, it is best to have a cultivator in charge of the guard, but although there is no cultivator at the moment, the Azure Sun profound armor that Wei Lingying wears on them has made up for this deficiency.

At this time, they suddenly heard the sound of a discovered weapon bombing in the distance. Wei Lingying suddenly thought of something, and immediately shouted at the following Jin Xiaobai: “Xiaobai, throw all the discovered weapon we carried. Go out! “

Jin Xiaobai heard loudly and immediately said, “Come on, throw a discovered weapon!”

The soldiers immediately disarmed the found weapon, and then tried to throw it away inside the great array.

This move is not to destroy anything, but to contain part of the array strength, so as to create opportunities for Zhang Yu to break through the inner circle.

The might of these found weapons that I carry with me is not big, but the destructive power can’t be underestimated when they are gathered in everything. Under the bombardment, the great array is also trembling.

At almost the same moment, on the other end of the great array, the sound of a huge discovered weapon burst also sounded, which was obviously Soldier Lin cooperating with them.

Zhang Yu clearly felt that the array strength that was blocking his progress was being pulled out layer by layer. He never missed this opportunity. He stretched his hand and pressed the sword handle of the Firmament Startling Sword in his waist. It appears inside the boat.

He took a step forward, between the star light flashes, and suddenly appeared before the light curtain, Firmament Startling Sword slanted down with a half-curved arc, the light curtain was cut a huge gap, and Song of At this moment, Cicadas Sword flew into the sky and went straight to the daoist silhouette above the copper pillar!

Seeing the arrival of the flying sword, the daoist still stood still, but just lifted his sleeves, exuding an invisible soft force, causing Song of Cicadas Sword to shift to the side.

At the same time his fist opens – bang! – And it seems like lightning and thunder explode, a ray of miserable rays of light illuminates with it, aware of the dirty power wrapped in it, and the flying sword is also immediately outward dodge.

Zhang Yu stepped into the light curtain while taking advantage of the moment that the flying sword contained him.

He floated in the air and looked forward, without the obstruction of the situation, he finally saw the face of the daoist clearly, the opposite party is the Shangchen Heaven cultivator who appeared by a magical power shining shadow that day.

From the moment when Fang Cai played, the other party has a very rich experience in dealing with flying swords, which is not surprising. After all, Shangchen Heaven is a true cultivator and a lot of sword cultivator.

Daoist Ji saw him break in at the moment, his eyes became deeper, he held a palm, a hollow copper sphere floated above, and a beam of light was spread down, covering him and the entire copper pillar.

Zhang Yu’s eyes fell on the copper pillar, and from time to time he saw a burst of light, and he could feel that the earth artery internal qi was moving inwards, and was then pulled outwards.

Obviously that’s where the array pivot of the entire great array is located. He looked at Daoist Ji again, and at the moment, the other party obviously couldn’t leave here while transferring the array pivot.

After recognizing this, he was no longer polite, reaching forward, whole body’s Heart Light instantly gathers at one point.

Sun and Moon Shine Again!

Daoist Ji expression changed, although he was rushed here by Zhang Yu, and he could not move it at will to maintain the array pivot, but in the great array, his magical power is endless, any divine ability dao art, he can at any cost Shi Zhanlai came up, thought it should not be difficult to deal with any approaching enemy.

But at the moment when he saw Zhang Yu’s movements, he felt a great crisis in his heart. He was immediately shocked to urge magical power, and the light curtain outside expanded instantly in a circle.

In the next moment, a group of extremely dazzling rays of light blooms on the copper pillars, and the rays of light are covered up within the entire great array.

After the rays of light subsides, Daoist Ji is still standing there intact, but his expression no longer has its previous tranquillity, looking at Zhang Yu there is visible in his gaze a hint of dread.

It was only a short time before Zhang Yu broke his defend. If Zhang Yu was allowed to play there again, he might not be able to resist the next time.

Realizing this, he decided to attack immediately, with a thought, filthy thunder instantly erupts above, and the lightning of Cheng Baishang 1000 hitting Zhang Yu location.

At the same time, his hands stretched out and pressed forward, and the smoke of purple red rose from behind, first wrapped in himself, and then rolled over to all directions, and soon 4 shops full.

If he is stuck on the copper pillar because he wants to maintain the array pivot, then in his opinion, intruding into the array Zhang Yu is also limited to this small area. And Zhang Yu can’t get any help, so as long as he keeps trying to consume the latter Heart Light, after Heart Light is exhausted, then he can defeat it.

Faced with the offensive offensive, Zhang Yu let go of Heart Light outside, blocking countless lightning and these purple red aerosol metals from the outside.

He can feel that these aerosols have the power of corrosion and contamination, and now it seems that they can be easily blocked, but he also found that the longer this thing exists, the penetration power will become stronger, as long as the opponent ’s magical power is constant, then it can be gradually Raised to a point that he can’t even bear.

But he will not wait until then.

He raised his eyes and stared forward. Since the flying sword divine ability is difficult to hurt, then use the simplest method to solve it!

He reached out and grasped the grip of Firmament Startling Sword, and his back suddenly rushed forward, and he slashed towards Daoist Ji, which was surrounded by the rays of light!

Seeing this, Daoist Ji immediately borrowed the array strength, and excited that the hollow copper sphere on the top rolled continuously, and the scattered light beam spread out again.

Zhang Yu ignored these changes, and suddenly a divine light shook out above the blade end. When the blade was cut, it seemed that if the glaze was broken, the beam of light echoed broken, then, as Daoist Ji’s expression became one of fear, the sword blade cuts through his body!

However, when the sword went down, he flashed light, because he found that Daoist Ji’s vitality was not cut off, so he waved backhand again and crossed it again.

Under these 2 swords, Daoist Ji’s body is still unharmed, but his internal qi is inevitably declining. Obviously, he has a very high rank substitution and evasion technique.

However, the method of high rank also has its own limit, but it is only a few more swords that’s all, so he is another sword!

At this juncture of life and death, Daoist Ji is no longer persistently maintaining the array pivot, flashing light flashing above the body, but directly fllies through the sky.

Zhang Yu looked at his silhouette, but he reached forward and took it forward. Daoist Ji’s body is enclosed by a ball of white light, slightly paused in midair, Song of Cicadas Sword fell from the sky, like a bolt of lightning, from He pulled his chest straight out of his back, and his tremor violently shook his breath again.

The star light flashed outside of Zhang Yu, disappeared from the original place, and then appeared on the right front of Daoist Ji. He looked back at the latter, raised his blade, and swung it sideways!

After the sword glow flashes, the person’s head and body have already been separated!



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