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The rays of light came down, and it seemed that Zhang Yu couldn’t watch out, and was photographed in a flash.

dao cultivator Lin was overjoyed. He sat there continually urging magical power, and the rays of light kept gathering, trying to trap Zhang Yu completely.

Vice Marshal Chen sees things going so smoothly, and is also mind rouses.

As long as Miao Guangwu and Zhang Yu are killed before everyone arrives, and then Miao Guangwu’s death is planted on Zhang Yu’s head, then you can use this time to re-arrange.

If it fails, you can also grab the array token of the great array of the station from Miao Guangwu, so as to control the entire station in their hands.

However, in the next moment, his expression was stiff. I saw that Zhang Yu was not caught by the control and capture in the rays of light, but slowly stood up.

dao cultivator Lin’s expression changed at the moment, he was also a reminder of magical power, and the rays of light that had been irradiated suddenly became a little brighter. However, this does not prevent Zhang Yu from seeing it. .

Vice Marshal Chen saw that he was wrong, he clenched the teeth, and decided to resolve Miao Guangwu first, but at this time, Miao Guangwu was also aware of the situation change, and his spirituality rays of light suddenly became stronger. Guangwu maintained a balance of power and could no longer do anything else.

After Zhang Yu got up, he walked towards the dao cultivator Lin step by step, and the latter turned pale at the moment, and even a piece of aerosol appeared all over his body. This is actually a sign of excessive use of magic power and internal qi.

It ’s just that dao cultivator Lin could n’t stop at this moment, because he felt that an overwhelming heart force was also surging on Zhang Yu. In his induction, as long as he made a slight concession, he would be affected by that surging force Directly pressed into sludge.

After Zhang Yu several steps, it was already in front of him, and then he extended a finger, moved towards his forehead.

Daoist Lin looks on helplessly, but all his magical power internal qi is entangled in one place with Zhang Yu Heart Light. At this moment, he has no power to escape, finally the finger touches his forehead.

Suddenly, dao cultivator Lin shook all over, and his internal qi magical power collapsed, his head tilted upward, and then fell down softly, and there was no more sound.

Vice Marshal Chen was shocked to see this scene.

Originally, he also expected dao cultivator Lin to come to help Zhang Yu after controlling Zhang Yu, but now he is trapping himself.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, looked towards Miao Guangwu, and said hardly: “I would surrender.”

Between speaking, he took a step back and took the initiative to release the firmly controlled and captured hands of Marshal Miao.

But Miao Guangwu came forward at this time, throws a punch, and the spirit rays of light on his body suddenly expanded, hitting his chest with a bang, Vice Marshal Chen flew out at once, and his body hit the inner hall. On the wall, the mouth spurt blood came out suddenly, and the whole person hesitated and passed out.

At this time, there was a burst of footsteps from outside. Obviously, the guards outside noticed the movement inside. After a few moments, several guards rushed in and saw this scene, not help but be startled.

Miao Guangwu scolded: “Did I let you guys in? Go out! One penalty for each.”


The guard gave him a military salute and retreated from here.

Miao Guangwu looked towards Zhang Yu at this point and said, “Patrolling envoy has known for some time that someone has a problem?”

Zhang Yu said: “It’s only appropriate to be aware.”

Previously, when he threw out the hollow copper sphere, he wanted to observe the reactions of the three people present, and noticed a slight fluctuation between Lin and Chen’s mood.

Undoubtedly, 2 people knew this thing, so he was wary of it at that time.

Miao Guangwu looked outside and said, “Patrolling envoy only asked me to call any soldier in the army, but think there are still enemy responses in our army?”

Zhang Yu said: “This time I found a great array in the north of Frost Star that almost covers the entire northern end of the earth star. Marshal Miao understands what this means.”

Miao Guangwu was shocked.

Zhang Yu said: “Marshal Miao should be clear, it is not enough to cover this matter with Vice Marshal Chen and dao cultivator Lin 2? There must be others who cooperate with it.”

Miao Guangwu’s mood changed heavily, and there was such a thing. His Marshal obviously couldn’t get rid of his responsibility. He said: “The Patroling Protector can find out the possible internal responses in the army?”

Zhang Yu said: “You can give it a try.”

Miao Guangwu nodded, at this moment, she seemed to remember something, and suddenly showed a regretful look, saying: “Patrolling Envoy Zhang, I did something wrong.”

Zhang Yu looked up towards him.

Miao Guangwu sighed: “When the blizzard arrived a few days ago, a Shangchen Heaven dao soldier took advantage of this opportunity to attack the station, and a team of Fu family army army soldiers also launched an attack on the station at that time. In order to ensure that the station was not lost, They can only be regarded as enemies, and then some of the Fu family army fled, and some were detained.

Now think of it, Xu is also the plan of this generation. Vice Marshal Chen has urged me to execute these captives on several occasions, which has already caused the established things. I was not thinking about it until I was relieved. “

Zhang Yu said: “With regard to this matter Marshal Miao has indeed made a mistake, but things are not always irreparable. I have a person who is the same way, but the guard of the Fu family army. I believe he will stop this. “

Upon hearing this, Miao Guangwu’s eyes widened slightly and started and joyful. After a while, he relaxed and raised his hand to Zhang Yu for a solemn ceremony.

At the moment, the voice of deputy came in from the outside, saying: “Marshal, the squad leader, the above soldiers, and the dao cultivator Niu and the discovered cultivator Qi are all here.”

Miao Guangwu said: “Let them come in.”

In a few moments, a garrison soldier walked into the inner hall from outside. They saw Vice Marshal Chen’s misfortune and dao cultivator Lin’s appearance, and could not help revealing the look of shock. A few people’s faces changed slightly.

Everyone also noticed the existence of Zhang Yu and could not help guessing his identity.

Zhang Yu looked at it, there are a total of 30 squad leaders, 6 are vice army inspectors, and 2 other cultivators in charge of the guards are also coming.

And when he looked towards the two cultivators, the other party was also looking at him, but both of them were in a condensed look. Obviously, the majestic internal qi that he deliberately showed on his body gave the two people great pressure.

When Miao Guangwu saw that everyone was here, he said, “Walker Zhang, people are here.”

He obviously also knew that Zhang Yu ’s identity could not be revealed at will, so he only mentioned the latter ’s Walker status on the surface.

Zhang Yu nodded to him, saying: “Marshal Miao, you are the garrison Marshal, this matter is up to you.”

Miao Guangwu walked to the front and said, “This is Walker Zhang from Profound Court. This time he found a great array covering almost the entire north end area at the north end of Frost Star, but our garrison was close at hand, but he didn’t even notice it. ! “

Speaking of which, his voice changed sharply, “Vice Marshal Chen and dao cultivator Lin 2 were even suspected of collaborating with the enemy. Only in order to cover up the accident, they actually attacked Walker Zhang and me.

Everyone was shocked, and they absolutely didn’t expect the garrison to have such things.

Zhang Yu is paying attention to the change of everyone’s mind with Spirit’s Awareness Seal at this moment, but anyone who has a little abnormal wave in his heart can immediately notice it.

At this moment, he did find something. His eyes shifted, his hand raised, and he pointed at the crowd for a few points.

Miao Guangwu took a glance and looked sharply, saying: “Arrest Army Inspector Su, Army Inspector Wang, and the others indicated by Walker Zhang!”

Deputy got the order, without the slightest hesitation stepped forward to detain these people, one of them earned a bit, loudly said: “Marshal, why should you catch me and wait?”

Miao Guangwu looked directly at his eyes, and the latter involuntarily dodged for a moment, he coldly said: “I am just restraining you to wait, not to cure the crime of your generation, if the last thing is verified, I will let you out.” He With a wave of hand, “Come on.”

The army soldier should claim to have suppressed these people.

Miao Guangwu looks at the remaining people, saying: “Every soldier in our army, since today, everyone needs to stay in the station, without my order, no access, no news, no offense to pass the enemy Punishment! “

All soldiers are awe-inspiring.

Miao Guangwu turned to look towards the 2 cultivators again, saying: “dao cultivator Niu, discovered cultivator Qi, I ask you to comply with this order for this period of time.”

dao cultivator Niu bowed, said: “Being in the army, follow your orders.”

The profound cultivator Qi said nothing, and looked at Zhang Yu, then raised his hand and paid a courtesy.

After Miao Guangwu asked everyone to step back, he asked Zhang Yu, “Patrolling Envoy Zhang, can those 2 be trusted?”

Zhang Yu knew that he asked the cultivators Niu and Qi, saying: “As a cultivator, if you are prepared, you can have a way to cover up and suppress changes in your mind. In order to ensure 10000, I hope Marshal Miao can control the station The array token of the great array is handed over to me, so even if there are problems with these two, it is difficult to do anything. “

Miao Guangwu did not hesitate, he immediately took out the array token from his sleeve and handed it over.

Zhang Yu took the array token, first took a photo with patrolling envoy’s seal, the prohibition on the protecting sect was dispelled, and then he consciously turned around and already grasped the thing.

From this moment on, everyone here can’t escape his observations, and no one can get out of here without his permission.

Miao Guangwu said: “What more does Miao need to do with patrolling envoy?”

After receiving the token, Zhang Yu said, “The great array may also involve other earth stars, so this is not a Frost Star issue, and it must be reported to Yiwei Celestial City in time.”

Miao Guangwu said: “I immediately ordered someone to inform the Military Affairs Office of this matter by teleportation.”

Zhang Yu denied this, saying: “No, Marshal Miao can have someone he trusts in the Military Affairs Office?”

Miao Guangwu startled, and then he also realized something, and was shocked: “There are also in the Military Affairs Office …”

Zhang Yu not at all talked to him deeply about this matter, only saying: “In view of the current situation, we must be careful.”

Miao Guangwu was silent for a moment and said, “Miao understood, Miao will send someone to the Legs Constellation by flying boat and report this directly to Office Lord Hong.”



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