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In the middle level of Yiwei Celestial City, Hong Yuanqiu is reviewing the reports of each earth state. A close friend, the literary minor official, came in with a bunch of documents and placed on the table. When he saw that he was busy, he withdrew the several steps and waited aside.

After approving another report, Hong Yuanqiu raised his head and asked, “What is it?”

The literary minor official said: “The Office Lord had explained to the staff of Profound Venerable Yu and Patrolling Protector Zhang’s movements before the staff got the report. Patrolling Protector Zhang came to Celestial City again, but this time went directly to the upper layer. Now. “

Hong Yuanqiu’s expression was slightly suspicious, and said: “Have there been any movement in the upper layer?”

The literary minor official said: “It has never been so far. The subordinates asked me. This time was procured by the founder cultivator Bian personally, as if the two sides have lifted the previous suspicion.”

Hong Yuanqiu thought about it, nodded and said: “If that is the case, it is the best.”

The literary minor official was careful: “Is the Office Lord afraid of anything else?”

Hong Yuanqiu said solemnly: “I am worried about the 100000000 10000 livelihood in Celestial City and Legs Constellation stars, I hope this matter can pass like this.”

literary minor official said nothing.

Hong Yuanqiu was about to write again, and suddenly he said, “Where did the letter from Stomach Constellation last year go? Show it to me.”

The literary minor official immediately stepped aside, flipped it a little, and found a letter from the closet, then handed it over and said, “Office Lord, here.”

Hong Yuanqiu took the letter, went to the cover, opened the folded book and opened it again.

This letter was sent by Stomach Constellation Military Affairs Office Office Lord Mo. The person said that a Heavenly Secrets Institution of Jade Capital can now build a high rank outer armor. After the armored soldier puts it on, fighting ability can almost match a high position cultivator.

If the outer layer is needed, this Heavenly Secrets Institution can be built for the Military Affairs Office, but the military affairs office should also be responsible for all the consumption. The appropriate armed soldier must also be found by the Military Affairs Office.

In fact, he is unbelievable to compare the high position cultivator.

He doesn’t know the real might of the high position cultivator, but just compare those armored soldiers with the same level of cultivator, it is not difficult to know the difference between the two.

However, it is not as good as the high position cultivator, as long as it is slightly compared, it is very powerful.

He pondered, originally he did n’t care so much about it. The outer armor is only a consumable that’s all in the outer layer. Even if there is an outer armor, there is not necessarily someone with the right person to wear it, and Celestial City has Profound Venerable. And there is no need for this thing at all.

But he now found that at the critical moment, if he has enough power to protect himself, even if he can only maintain Celestial City, then he does not need to worry so much.

Thinking of this, he said to the literary minor official: “You send me a letter Jade Capital and ask for the specific situation of this outer armor.”

literary minor official respectfully said yes.

At this moment, above the magical stage at the top of Celestial City, after Zhang Yu took the ceremony, Profound Venerable Yu also had a ceremony on the seat, and then he reached forward and a lotus flower stone seat slowly floated from under the platform. , Said: “Patrolling Protector Zhang please sit down and speak.”

Zhang Yu said thank you, and walked on the several steps before sitting on the lotus stone platform.

Profound Venerable Yu not at all asked him for his intention, but said: “Patrolling Protector Zhang sitting here, what might you see?”

Zhang Yu looked up. Above the void was the star fog cloud clusters that could be seen in the past. When his eyes fell, it was the legs Constellation earth star with a clear silhouette of the land.

He said: “It’s just heaven, earth, human.”

Profound Venerable Yu nodded, said: “Patrolling Protector Zhang can still see heaven, earth, human, but in some people’s eyes, but only heaven and earth that’s all.”

Zhang Yu heard that he meant something, but he not at all took the call, and the person accused by Profound Venerable Yu must have been Profound Venerable, he has not yet reached this boundary.

Profound Venerable Yu said at this time: “I said before that Patrolling Protector Zhang is a talented person. If you are willing to cultivate, you are expected to achieve a high position, which is also what I want.”

Zhang Yu said: “Why is Yu’s success your excellency’s wish?”

Profound Venerable Yu said: “This is about the pattern of Profound Court. Profound Court’s various matters are managed by Court Managers, but most Court Managers are true cultivators, and so naturally partial to the True Dao.

And the people who have achieved high position with profound techniques have only a few figures so far. Today, only two fellow daoists stand in the Profound Court, and it is these two who support my profound techniques lineage. “

Zhang Yu thought for a while and said: “Yu once heard, there are also many people who have achieved with Chaotic Chapter?”

Profound Venerable Yu said: “That’s true, but this generation used to be true cultivators. They used profound techniques to become enlightened, and they are still a true cultivator. Many people still use true cultivator, Patrolling Protector. understand?”

Zhang Yu naturally understands that the difference between the found technique and the true technique is not only above the cultivation technique, but also the difference in past experience and cultivation method.

The profound cultivator cultivate techniques are all entered into the Academy after hard study, and then admitted to the Profound Mansion, and the Profound Mansion is rooted in the various state capitals, and the contact with the world is very close, the cultivation of the found cultivator, is actually a process, from entering the world to withdrawing from the world.

Even if it is right, still closely linked with the mortal world is not completely fragmented.

But true cultivator is not like this, true cultivator is mostly master and disciple legend, after the introduction of the whole heart cultivation, very rarely contacts the world before technique accomplishment, even if there is enter the world experience later, it is also inside and out of mind, many more because inheritance brilliant, can achieve high techniques without entering the world.

This has caused the two to appear to belong to the cultivator, but in fact, both in terms of experience and understanding of the path are completely different, and the philosophy is also different.

So even if those true cultivators renovate Chaotic Chapter, it is normal for them not to consider themselves as found cultivator.

Profound Venerable Yu said: “In the Profound Court, most of the authority is controlled by those true cultivators, although there are two other people who speak for me in the found cultivator, but in the end they are weak, unable to compare with the many true cultivators.

Patrolling Protector knows that in Profound Court, there is always the saying that profound and restore true, but it is now used by us, so it is not enough to do this seriously, but now discussion about replacing profound techniques with creations frequently occurs, no Knowing when Profound Court really will abandon the proven techniques and instead support the creation.

For this reason, I have been trying to support my juniors with several fellows, open an altar and explain techniques, accept numerous disciples, all to select from them a suitable talent, help them enter the dao, and strengthen my proven cultivator lineage. “

Zhang Yu said: “Profound Venerable Yu has a heart.”

Profound Venerable Yu said: “I will not conceal, this is helping that person and also helping myself, I have been sitting there for 70 years, in another thirty years it will be the full hundred years, at that time I can rely on My merit to become a Court Manager, with the two fellow daoist and Profound Court, can also add a point to my found cultivator lineage. “

Zhang Yu asked: “30 years?”

Profound Venerable Yu nodded said: “30 years.”

Zhang Yu looked up calmly and asked, “How many people will suffer in this 30 years, and how many cultivators will die because of this?”

Profound Venerable Yu said: “Why does Patrolling Protector say so?”

Zhang Yu said: “According to Profound Venerable Yu’s words, it should be a sincere heart, but why go to those Shangchen Heaven cultivator, what’s the explanation for this?”

Profound Venerable Yu said: “It seems that Patrolling Protector Zhang is here to ask the teacher for guilt.”

Zhang Yu looks at him: “Your excellency understood Yu’s purpose in coming from the beginning.”

Until now, he can get any internal qi from this person’s body

This is not Profound Venerable Yu’s tight guard, but as soon as he walks above this magical stage, the other party discovers his intentions, otherwise he won’t say that to him.

Profound Venerable Yu sighed and said, “Patrolling Protector Zhang, why did it come to this? Some things you can’t see before, my words just now were not deception, and I have my own reason for acting, for the prosperity of profound techniques, a few sacrifices are inevitable, why must Patrolling Protector care about these minor matters? “

Zhang Yu said: “Profound Venerable Yu just said that some people only see heaven and earth, but not people. So I will now ask Profound Venerable Yu, did you see it?”

Profound Venerable Yu was silent for a moment, regretting to say: “Patrolling Protector Zhang, since you insist on this, I can’t let you go back.” He raised his hand at this time, and pressed gently towards Zhang Yu.

Suddenly silver light appeared on Zhang Yu’s body, and he felt like something was brushing off his body, just like Chen Qianding’s method at the time, but this time, compared to the feeling of being like a breeze blowing, seems like incomparably heavy lead and mercury pressing down on his body, making him difficult to move for a while.

Profound Venerable Yu was not surprised by this, indifferently said: “Although Patrolling Protector has ‘Heavenly Oneness Heavy Water’ body protection, but this heavy water is only a drop of that’s all, how long can it protect Patrolling Protector Zhang?”

Zhang Yu said: “It doesn’t take long.”

He reached out and grabbed the hilt.

Since that ray of internal qi is scarce, he will take it himself!

This thought rises, and no longer cares about what heavenly omen, the whole Legs Constellation earth star sky above, suddenly set off a translucent thundercloud, and countless hurricane hurricanes are born, forming a white gas vortex above the land ocean, earth star The Yiwei Celestial City above is also shaking.

At this time, he seemed to be under an extremely heavy burden, slowly stood up from the seat, slowly pulled the Firming Startling Sword out of the scabbard, and at the same time, the green tea branch in his sleeve suddenly spread out like a The root vine is usually wrapped around the blade of the sword along his palm, and with this mysterious idea passed on, heaven and earth seemed to be fixed for a moment!

He both hands hold the sword, raised his blade, and faced the Profound Venerable Yu sitting there with a sword!

The entire magical stage disappeared for a moment, as if a thunderbolt flashed.

Profound Venerable Yu is still sitting there, the look of sitting remains unchanged.

Zhang Yu sword light turned back and stood with his sword in his heart. He understood that although this sword failed to cause damage, the internal qi on the sword had been obtained, the idea was restored, and it was known to Profound Court.

Just as when thinking about it, there was a flash of seven colored ray above the blade, and it flew out at once, shining into the void.

But after a breath, with a bang, I saw a gap cracked in the sky, ten thousand zhang ray of light was revealed from inside, and the sound of rumbling sound was heard, a few, and a spiritual light rushed out from there and went to Profound Venerable Yu location is coming!

Profound Venerable Yu looks at this scene, sorry to sigh, eyes fell on Zhang Yu, said: “Patrolling Protector Zhang, there will come a day when you understand my idea.” After the language, his silhouette was rushing there. Among the changes from real to unreal, the more and more faded, and finally turned into a misty cloud and dispersed.



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