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Zhang Yu was just sitting in the box seat. With the keen sense of Spirit’s Awareness Seal, it was not difficult for him to feel that someone was carrying some kind of maliciously looking towards himself.

Because he not at all kept his itinerary confidential today, he judged this high probability as the people of Gloom City that Ning Ying said. These people were watching him and trying to find out his weaknesses and loopholes.

It’s just that these people do have some skills, he can’t feel the specific place of the other party, it should be covered with some magical item.

According to the established plan, these people will be handed over to the Golden Pupil Office to deal with it, so he will not at all go to discuss more.

At this time, the entire theater suddenly dimmed.

He realized that the grand play had already started. He had planned to relax here, so he focused his attention on the front.

Although darkness in the usual sense has no effect on him, he can always adjust his senses to the ordinary level through Heart Light, the better to watch the acts of the play.

After a short silence, a little light appeared in the darkness ahead, and then a bright star light sprinkled, like a silver river flowing out.

At this time, a Goddess dressed in ancient clothes walked out from the distant sky, strolling from above the silver river, she began to sing softly, the singing sound is indistinct and beautiful, as if coming from the nine heavens.

At this time, more music sounded along with it. This music is Celestial Xia ancient music, and the instruments are combined with ancient and modern instruments. The majestic atmosphere is still more melodious.

When Goddess walks over the silver river and reveals a certain metaphor, the drama begins.

Zhang Yu sat in the seat and watched in a relaxed mood.

Grand play not only pays attention to artistic style and beauty, but also has a more fascinating story line.

In general, it is a Celestial Xia who has fallen into the lower layer because of some unpredictable accidents, and has become a ruined foreigner.

With his own wisdom, he began to be famous from giving food to being recruited by local officials. Finally he used his knowledge and ability to progressively gain the approval of the country’s monarch. It took 5 years to become a country Heavy minister.

The plot of this section is very compact, just half a Xia hour, vividly and thoroughly expressing the protagonist’s struggle experience in these 5 years.

And the grand play scene is illuminated by the glazed jade that envelopes all around, which extends from the stage to the audience seat, giving life a sense of immersion, from the desert to the ocean, from the forest When it comes to Snow Mountain, the vast territory of the entire country is truly in front of everyone.

And these expressions are especially appealing when showing the scene of surging forward with great momentum.

When showing the battlefield scenes once, the viewer can feel that he is in the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, and seems to be mixed with the scenes and characters in the play. This experience can undoubtedly bring some kind of spirituality resonance.

But just as the protagonist walked up to Peak, the story turned again, and the whole country encountered the covetousness of the evil god at this time.

The unstoppable evil god god’s progeny broke the national army with no difficulty like a sea tide with no difficulty. The protagonist can only take the celebrity and the team to escort the young country lord who was succeeded to the throne, looking away. The capital, vowed to one day be called back.

At this time, the jade pendant on his body glowed. It turned out that in the past 5 years, he had been trying to communicate with Celestial Xia, but it has been fruitless. However, the arrival of evil god seems to have awakened it.

At this point in the plot, everyone was eagerly anticipating the following story, only to realize that the rays of light in front of them lit up, and the whole theater regained its light again. It turned out that half of the curtain had fallen.

Zhang Yu also thought that this grand play is very interesting when seeing it. No matter the quality of the actors or the creation of the scene is not bad, and there is a certain degree of artistry. Putting it on the average person is enough to be a spiritual feast. No wonder the outer layer is so popular.

And he can see that the characters and story details in the repertoire are in place. It should not be made out of thin air. Many are from the adaptation of what actually happened in the lower layer.

It is worth noting that the whole grand play is from a fairly fair stand from the beginning to the half scene, not at all deliberately depreciating or raising something, but a complete narrative and reflection of the more real situation.

This is of course because Celestial Xia, despite the pressure from many forces, is still the most powerful civilization since this era and may even be the most powerful civilization in multiple eras, so it disdains to arrange anything for the enemy.

At this time, Qing Shu came and said, “Sir, can you eat?”

Grand play will last for a day, leaving enough time to rest and eat. There is a place for a banquet in the theater, and viewers can eat in the public hall.

This is not necessary for the guests in the box seat, as long as the selected food plate is thrown in the floating basket, the exquisite delicacies will naturally be brought up, and the guests will also visit each other and exchange ideas at this time One of the main purposes of people coming to watch drama.

As a cultivator, Zhang Yu does not need to eat daily, but he does not reject delicious food, so he also ordered a few light dishes.

Soon after, there was a voice outside the box seat, saying: “Can Patrolling Protector Zhang be there?”

Zhang Yu said: “Yu is here, your excellency may come in and speak.”

The person outside the door said thanks and walked in from the inner porch of the outer room. This is a middle-aged man in his early forties. He is wearing a round collared long robe with a short beard under his jaw. He cups the Hands politely, said: “Patrolling Protector Zhang is courteous, under surname Xi, given name Huang, it is this place’s Institution Lord, I heard that Patrolling Protector is here, and I come to see you.”

Zhang Yu was also present at the ceremony and said, “It turns out that Institution Lord Xi is out of respect.”

Xi Huang hurriedly fell back, and even dare not dare.

Zhang Yu talked with him for 2 sentences. After seeing this funny language, experienced and knowledgeable, he knew the situation of the outer layer’s constellations very well, so he invited him to sit down for lunch.

Xi Huang was so invited, can not help but feel pleasantly surprised, and hurried to respond. After all, he did not mention the identity of Profound Court Patrolling Protector. Zhang Yu is also a successful cultivator. He usually thinks he ca n’t stammer. .

After Zhang Yu asked a few more words, the dishes just ordered were brought in. At this time, he glanced down, but he noticed a handsome man with a distinctive atmosphere.

There was a row of female guards sitting next to this person. His face looked similar to the average Celestial Xia person, but he could still feel the obvious difference. His appearance should only be disguised, but this person can appear here in a magnificent manner, obviously with another background.

He said: “Who is that person?

Xi Huang glanced at it, laughed, and said, “Patrolling Protector, who can’t be called a” person “, is just a God of different God’s progeny that’s all, before that Different God had intentionally surrendered to me Celestial Xia, so it was sent This god’s progeny is here for envoy.

However, these different Gods wake up when they sleep. After sending this god’s progeny, they have been asleep for more than 50 years and have not yet woke up, so this god’s progeny won’t get a new divine decree and can only stay here.

Patrolling Protector rest assured that this person has always stayed here honestly, not at all in other 50 years.

It’s also interesting to say, this grand dance playmate who loves our Celestial Xia very much, will come to watch the show every half a month, he chose a Xia name – Shen Muxian, and even want to invite people who move us, tailored for them Arrange a creation myth grand play that belongs to them. “

And at this moment, ‘Shen Muxian’ also seems to feel that someone is watching him, he raises his head and looks upwards at a certain theatre box, thinking about it, to the side young translator: “Mr. Bo, sitting there Who is it? I remember it was the seat of the Office Lord Fang, and he did n’t seem to be here today. “

He has been in Legs Constellation for 50 years and understands the language and text of Celestial Xia. However, according to the regulations, he must take a translator for his 4 walks, and the foreign exchange must also be through the translator. communicate with.

And he must also pay a generous gratuity to the translator and attendant, but even so, few Celestial Xia students are willing to come to God’s progeny.

Also, this surnamed Bo student was ordered by the Military Affairs Office.

Although the Surnamed Bo student looked down on this Different God god’s progeny in his mind, but he paid for his help, he still made an all-out effort. He ordered people to get today’s guest list. After reading it, he looked at him Big, he depressed his emotions and whispered: “Mr. Shen, that is the Profound Court Patrolling Protector of my Celestial Xia in the seat.”

“Oh? ”

Shen Muxian also knew about the Celestial Xia etiquette. After hearing it, he was also awe-inspiring. He discussed with an old man on the side and eagerly asked, “Can I go and see this Patrolling Protector?”

The surnamed Bo student hesitated and said, “Yes, I’ll go and ask for Mr. Shen, but I cannot guarantee success.”

“Wait a minute.”

Shen Muxian also knows that it is not so easy to meet envoy from a Profound Court, he said to the people beside him: “Bring the thing I brought.”

He came here as envoy at this time and brought a lot of things as gifts, but in the face of Profound Court Patrolling Protector, he decided to come up with the best of them.

Soon a Celestial Xia-style jade box was sent to the high seat.

Zhang Yu and Shen Muxian had no communication, and originally did not intend to collect this thing, but out of vigilance, he glanced at it, but found that there was a broken stone slab with many fuzzy characters carved on it. He couldn’t help but pupil light One move changed the original idea.

He pondered a little and said, “Let him come, I just asked him something.”

He took the box and opened the sleeve, and the slate was also revealed.

He watched it, this thing he had seen several times before, the earliest piece left by his adoptive father, and someone gained strength from it.

His adoptive father also left clues, seemingly intending him to look for these things, and later saw several broken slate at Azure Sun Heavenly Secrets Institution Main Institution Lord Fang Yuzhong, but Fang Yuzhong lost some memories at that time , And I do n’t know the specific path of this thing.

didn’t expect, I saw something similar here again today.

After Shen Muxian got permission, he was pleasantly surprised. He sorted out his costumes and came all the way to Zhang Yu’s box seat. After entering the door, he respected Zhang Yu on the seat. The Celestial Xia etiquette was completely learned.

Zhang Yu ordered the first salute, and then he pointed at the broken stone slab and said, “Mr. Shen, I don’t know what this is? Where did Zunjia come from?”



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