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When those multiple golden glows are passing through the sky towards the Wei family army boats, the found cultivator Mu and another daoist who is traveling with them are also standing at the sky and looking far away.

Seeing the movement, the daoist felt excitedly and said: “You have started, you have started, fellow daoist look at it quickly.”

The profound cultivator Mu did not dare to delay. A flash of light flashed in his eyes. Looking forward, he tried to chase the silhouette of Zhang Yu, but in the end he only saw a flew to azure rainbow.

He said: “I need to take another look, we catch up.”

The daoist hesitated and said, “Will there be anything? That person is very difficult to deal with, if we come too close I cannot guarantee we won’t be discovered.”

The profound cultivator Mu refused to give up, extended a finger, and said, “I just need to look at it again.”

Although he has the viewing divine ability, it can develop into a problem for a long time. Every time he does not see the full result, it will make him feel uncomfortable.

The daoist thought about it. If he didn’t complete the mission, he wouldn’t be able to explain to High Master Yong, and he reluctantly said: “Well, I will accompany fellow daoist again.”

So the 2 people flew to find the light, but it was just not far away from the air, and the terrified look suddenly appeared on the face of the found cultivator Mu.

The daoist felt wrong and asked nervously, “What’s wrong?”

Immediately, he felt that he was contaminated by a layer of rays of light, and when he looked up, he saw a cloudy sky with a pair of brilliant wings like silver rivers spread out there, not help but gape.

At this time, I saw a flash of light above, an incomparably bright ray shone into the hearts of 2 people, 2 people didn’t feel the shock, almost lost consciousness at the same moment, and fell from the cloud head.

Seeing the two people about to die, escaping light flashed, Ning Ying appeared there, and Heart Light was released outside, holding both people. As soon as she raised her eyes, she saw the gorgeous Mysterious Chaos Cicada wings Wings spread. Convenience little star light escapes into the sky, not help but stare blankly for a while.

But at this time she didn’t notice that 2 internal qi that were difficult to discern flew away from the 2 people and soon disappeared.

On the other side of the moment, the 2 cultivators casting “Myriad Li Rainbow Chasing Arrow” were also forced down from atop the clouds by a spinning, circling sword light, and landed on the ground.

Standing in the air, Zhang Yu looks at 2 humanely: “Are you from Gloom City?”

One of them started, revealing a daze, puzzled: “Gloom City, what is Gloom City?”

The other person was also said with a bitter smile: “This fellow daoist, we were invited to control these magical items. These magical items were also handed over to me by others before. I do n鈥檛 know where this will fly. If you accidentally ran into a fellow daoist, do n鈥檛 blame it. After all, I do n鈥檛 know. 鈥?/p>

Zhang Yu lightly said: “2 people don’t have to lie to me, this homing item in front of you, if 2 people haven’t seen me and the Wei family army before, and use the magical item to enter your heart, how do you find it outside ten thousand li ? “

2 people looked down, they had wanted to deceive the past with the magical item on their body, didn’t expect was easily seen through, 2 people looked at each other, suddenly 2 escaping lights together, but they escaped separately.

Zhang Yu stood still, the hovering Song of Cicadas Sword flew around in the air, flashed, and then returned to his side, those two figure fly several li then fall down simultaneously.

Before falling to the ground, they were caught by Zhang Yu releasing a rays of light. It can be seen that a hole caused by a sword’s penetration is apparent on the bodies of both, but the cultivator life force is more tenacious, and Zhang Yu has never been on the sword. Inspire the heart force, 2 people did not die immediately.

But Zhang Yu also noticed that a strange internal qi appeared in these two people, but it was disappeared again in a flash, his pupil light cannot help but slightly flash.

At this time in another wasteland, a cultivator in the Golden Pupil Office was staring straight ahead that flying boat hidden in cloud and mist.

But he found that the other party seemed to have no purpose, and has been drifting away since he started moving.

For another moment, the cloud suddenly fell down.

The cultivator expression congeals, keeping up, saw that the cloud fell on a mountain peak, and then slowly spread out.

But after the mist had disappeared, I saw that there was nothing but a bare mountain, the flying boat that should be there has disappeared.

The cultivator didn’t feel surprised. He hurried forward and hurried forward, turning around a few times where the flying boat disappeared, and found that it was indeed gone, but he didn’t know when the other person left After the number changes, he can only flies across the sky full of unwillingness.

And at the place where the first flying boat stayed, there was a wave of mist at the moment, and a thick cloud of mist came out. The flying boat was also appears from inside.

High Master Yong is still sitting in the main cabin at this moment, and beside him, there is more a black robed daoist with a covered face, he holds a compass-like thing, it seems to be looking at something.

High Master Yong asked, “How is it going?”

The black robe daoist played with the jade compass, saying without raising the head: “Wait again.”

High Master Yong said solemnly: “I paid so many people this time and hope to gain something.”

In fact, today 鈥檚 attack is the same regardless of success or failure. This is because he used his life as a bait to let Zhang Yu kill. As long as Zhang Yu takes it, then the strength of his internal qi will appear intuitively in this jade compass on.

If possible, he does not want to oppose a Profound Court Patrolling Protector, but he is incapable of disobeying orders from Gloom City,

Fortunately, I also said above, that no matter the success of this failure, he can go to Gloom City after the end, barely a comfort.

After a long time, the jade compass suddenly shocked, as if it had absorbed something. The black robe daoist was energized and stared closely at it.

After a while, a light and shadow appeared on the surface. He looked a few times and could not help but exclaim: “This person has a deep heart force, the escape technique is extremely fast, and he suspects the capturing and trapping technique, and he has a sharp Sword Art. Tao: “This person has almost no weaknesses.”

High Master Yong caught the key, “Almost?”

black robe daoist said: “Yes, no one in the world has no weaknesses, we have not seen such opponents before, and the weaknesses are relatively speaking. From this point of view, this person’s mind defense is obviously weaker than the rest, which is It 鈥檚 his weakness. “

High Master Yong thought for a while and said: “But envoy also said that this person has a strong Heart Light. If there is Heart Light protection, usually the mind can protect it.”

Heart Light can almost repel everything, so Heart Light’s thick people fighting can be described as a big advantage.

The black robe daoist said: “So we need to ask the right people, fortunately, we have all kinds of people in Gloom City.”

High Master Yong said: “Envoy is just fine.”

Black robe daoist carefully put away the jade compass and said, “Okay, High Master Yong, your business is done. I will report your business to you too. Just wait patiently for the news.”

High Master Yong sighed and said: “In order to arrange this matter, I am afraid that few people will be able to come back alive under the Golden Pupil Office interception.”

Black robe daoist glanced at him and said, “Fellow daoist Yong, but don’t you get what you want? Goodbye.” After he finished speaking, he used a void to penetrate the flying boat and galloped away. .

High Master Yong looked outside and said to the discipline driving the flying boat: “Let’s go too.”

At this time, the place where the Wei family army was attacked, because of the early preparations, and the people from the Golden Pupil Office came out to defend, so the Wei family army was damaged except for the flying boat, and the army soldiers were a few injured, the rest No losses have been suffered.

However, several black clothed daoists soon rushed over with large armored soldiers. With the help of the Golden Pupil Office, the Wei family army defended the defense line.

After being unable to break through this generation, seeing that the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to him, he dropped a few corpses and withdrew, but the people of Golden Pupil Office did not want to let it go, and directly caught up.

Soldier Lin stepped aside at the moment, he looks at the body of a cultivator who died here, suddenly expression changed, fist clenches.

Wei Lingying noticed his situation and came over and asked with concern: “Uncle Lin, what’s wrong?”

Soldier Lin takes a deep breath, pointing to the body of the cultivator: “army lord, this person was originally involved in attacking our Wei family army. If I guess right, this generation was the one who attacked us and robbed Longevity Noble Dendrobium. those people!”

Wei Lingying elegant eyes widened and grabbed Soldier Lin’s arm, “Uncle Lin, are they really?”

Soldier Lin closed his eyes and opened it again, said solemnly: “For the past 2 years, I forced myself to dream the same every day. I was afraid to forget them. I remember every face of them clearly. I You can’t admit it! “

After the black robe daoist left, he released a hidden flying boat from the star bag, Gloom City never used creation, everything is a magical item, including this flying boat is also built by true cultivator.

After riding into the flying boat, he flew towards the sky, and soon passed through the atmosphere and came into the void.

After driving for about a day, the flying boat suddenly seemed to pass through a water curtain, and ripples rippled outside the boat, and then slowly disappeared from beginning to end.

This is Gloom City imitating the Celestial Xia Heavenly Gate set up in the void, but because this object is difficult to create and at the same time in order not to be discovered, it is usually only enough for two flying boats to cross at the same time, usually only once in a month.

After passing through the Heavenly Gate, a huge Celestial City with only a faint outline appeared in front of it.

This is the rumored Gloom City, but that day that mighty figure carried off more than a single Celestial City, so there is naturally more than one Gloom City, but now not at all get together that’s all.

At this time, a support ray was photographed on the flying boat. The black robe daoist followed the rays of light slowly towards the front, and finally fell on a heavenly station in the city.

After coming out of the boat, he just waved his hand and put away the flying boat. Then he said to a disciplinary who was waiting below: “Go and tell senior brother that I need what I need.”



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