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After Zhang Yu stood still, the Heavenly Oneness Heavy Water in his body also retreated back and fell into the star bag, then it seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

He can also feel that under the aggression of Fang Caina and other internal qi, this treasure has also suffered a little damage, fearing that it will not be available for a while.

He glanced around and did not see the silhouette of everyone.

But without that ray of strange entanglement, everyone should be passing through at this moment, and no one can see them. This is due to the different location of each person under the rotation of the array pivot.

No matter what, after all, we have to go to the top of the stage.

As soon as he looked up, he turned into azure rainbow and came up.

Flying is not far away, he sees the great stage all around the top of the stairs, standing a dao soldier with a pale face, holding an array flag in his hand.

This dao soldier also saw him at the moment, so he took the array flag and flicked it to summon the surrounding array strength, and turned it into wind, fire, thunder, and lightning. .

It was just at this moment that a sword light flashed, and at once he split into two segments, Zhang Yu did not look at this, escaping light up, the wind thunder-fire electricity fell, and was caught by him Suddenly knocked away and continued to run up.

But it ’s not far away, but there are more dao soldiers standing out. This generation has sacrificed array flags there, trying to allocate array strength to stop him.

Zhang Yu sacrificed his sword, a sword light galloped across, slashed horizontally, and the dao soldiers had their heads cut off by each and everyone and rolled down from the great stage.

It ’s just that the higher the rush, the greater the resistance. The dao soldier below is obviously made of a weak cultivation base, and when it reaches the top, it ’s different. Some dao soldiers are obviously Have great strength.

At the time of the rush, a sword light flew from the distant sky, but Song of Cicadas Sword turned around, clang, and put the sword light outside.

Zhang Yu looked at the sharp sword momentum and knew that he had encountered a sword cultivator, and the opponent was not a weak hand.

He glanced away, but the other party was a dao soldier who still kept a bit of skin.

The dao soldier is completely under the command of the master, so there is no use of his own consciousness, so he does n’t bother with it. The Firming Startling Sword in his hand is pulled out, and the edge of the blade is bright. A slight flash, and then a sword fell, slashing on the flying sword that the other party flew to again!

With the broken glass-like sound, one after another crack appeared on the flying sword, and then shattered into countless tiny gravel.

He used the technique of “All-Severing Cut” to cut this flying sword directly!

He clearly knows that even if these dao soldiers still maintain the previous skills and divine ability, the maintenance of magical items is not as good as before, and once the pure sword cultivator breaks the sword, the rest will be useless. By the end, he cut the dao soldier who wanted to turn the magical power into a sword again by controlling the sword.

If it is normally, he might stay for a while to check this person ’s identity, but now he does n’t have the time to work. After finishing this person, he rushed up again.

At this moment, Liang Yi and the others, who stepped in first, are also rushing up at this time, and they have also been blocked by many dao soldiers.

Fortunately, relying on the treasure of both Zhang Yu and Liang Yi, they successfully dragged down the internal qi left by Profound Venerable, which made everyone succeed in rushing in this time. Sharing some rivals with each other, so at first everyone is not under much pressure.

However, the closer to the top of the great stage, the less smooth the journey.

This is not only the strength of the encountered dao soldiers, but also the great array strength gathered by the great stage itself. The fire, water, wind, and thunder that can be created is far from comparable to their previous encounters.

They rushed several times and were forced to retreat, and in order to cover everyone, they also damaged a fellow practitioner.

Xian Anyan said: “Fellow daoists, if it ’s not bad, go to array pivot, all of us are impossible and rush up.

Ni Yi thinks for a moment, saying:” The array pivot is in full swing It’s hard to break within the wind and thunder, but many of us can manage to suppress the array pivot for a moment, and let the dao technique deep fellow daoist seize the opportunity to rush in.

At this moment, an Armored Colonel said in the back: “Leave us this matter.”

Everyone could not help but look at him.

Ni Yi thought for a while and said aloud to the colonel: “Wait for colonel, since that ’s the case, let this matter go to You guys, but you have to pay attention. Once the array pivot is suppressed, the array strength will be dumped on you. There may be fewer deaths and injuries, and even you all person will not be able to withdraw.

Hou Colonel told him a cup one fist in the other hand, said solemnly: “You do what you should do, and we do what we should do.”

Ni Yi was nodded, and he was bowed to him, and then he started telling his people where the array pivot is and how to suppress it.

Due to time constraints, he was right The internal understanding of the array pivot is only glanced in a hurry, and there is no way to say it in detail. When the time comes can only be adjusted by these army soldiers themselves, so after a rough explanation, everyone is ready to start. Now.

At the moment, within the magical stage, the two men Meng Shen and Su Ai are facing the vital essence of the vitality that is being sent down. They are whaling and sucking.

Originally I am also going to leave a little bit for the eldest senior brother above, lest this one completely turn their faces.

But as time goes by, the swallowed heavy medicines continue to dissipate, and their strength is not. During the ascension, this feeling of being strong all the time makes people want to stop, but they no longer care about the rest, and immediately scrape all the vital essence sent to the ferry.

But even so, there is still no response above.

They do n’t know that How do you think about it, I always feel something is wrong, but at this step, I want to stop and can’t stop.

“Meng junior brother, Junior Sister Su, you two really take it seriously The vital essence is completely taken away, don’t you leave nothing for your brother?

Meng and Su heart startled. When they looked up, they saw a young daoist wearing a begonia-colored robe and a string of golden bells standing on his wrist. This person ’s head was standing there. It was tied with jade beams, his brows were alive, his lips were smiling, and he was now playing at looks at them.

Meng Shen and Su Ai could n’t help but reveal a trace when they saw him appear of fear, after all, the eldest senior brother was too powerful in the past, but then they calmed down again.

Since the matter has reached this step, there is nothing to say, but the other party appears to make them feel stoned It fell to the ground.

And now with vital essence to fill in, their strength is also different from the past.

Su Ai coldly said: “eldest senior brother, you do n’t Blame me, Grand Dao is right in front of me, how many people can hold back? Why should you enjoy it alone?

Meng Shen also said: “eldest senior brother, this is no wonder younger brother, the teacher also said that the three of us will have their own abilities when they arrive, and now we rely on our own ability to get the essence wrong?

Lu Xuanhe heard what they said. Not only did he not feel annoyed, but he quite agreed: “Yes, you are right. “He smiled.” So my brother also came back to get what should belong to me.

Su Ai raised his head and said strongly: “Eldest senior brother, we are not afraid of you now, Meng senior brother, we have packed him first, and then come to climb the higher boundary.

Meng Shen did not speak, stood up silently, and expressed his attitude with action.

Lu Xuanhe smiled, he waved his sleeves at the two, and there was a strong wind Stirred down.

When Meng and Su saw him, they were about to start. They just mentioned magical power, but suddenly they were shocked. They could n’t work out the divine ability magic for a while, and their chests were still sullen for a while, and they were about to vomit blood. At this time, as soon as the wind fell above, they were firmly pressed to the ground.

In this view, the two were actually there’s no resistance.

Meng Shen was lying on the ground and suddenly lost his voice: “How could this be?”

Lu Xuanhe ’s voice came and said: “You thought you took these essences and resolved Heavy medicine, can magical power be used freely? The three treasures of heaven, earth, human, the treasure of celestial /heaven and man still need the array strength to be used in the middle, and the array pivot can be mastered from beginning to end. In the hands of my brother. “

Su Ai wiped off the corner of the mouth flow blood, hatefully said:” teacher is partial! “

Lu Xuan and laughingly says:” Actually, you guys If you can give me the vitality of vital essence, I will have array strength, and I will not be able to completely eliminate it at one time. Maybe it will be just like your eyes. Then you will be hard on me, and I really ca n’t resist it.

Actually, the teacher has told you this already, but you have so much desire, so that Spiritual Consciousness is blinded and the real machine is not discerned. Who is to blame? “

Meng Shen was frightened and terrified, he pleaded out: “eldest senior brother, the little brother was lost for a while , Please let eldest senior brother little brother …… “

Su Ai is bite the bullet and not say anything.

Lu Xuanhe shook his head and said: “This is not possible. You know, why did the teacher want you to come here? Because you are a man and a woman, they are in harmony with the meaning of” yin and yang walk together, and the heaven and the world together. ”

His eyes looked down, and his voice revealed infinite maliciousness, “Meng junior brother, Junior Sister Su, and supplies for me.”

He pointed down One thing, Meng and Su did n’t have time to say anything, their bodies exploded in an instant, and turned into a golden blood mist, and under the effect of array strength, but in a moment, they merged into one place and refined into a rays. of light Seared golden red pill.

Lu Xuanhe took a mouthful and swallowed it.

As soon as this pill fell, he swelled all over internal qi, his robe swelled like the wind, and the magical power also climbed up.

Only at this time, he frowned, because he had swallowed the vital essence of Su and Meng, so the heavy medicine that the two hadn’t melted should also be resolved by him.

This is both his help and his burden.

In fact, the timing of his shot selection is not very appropriate, because the longer the two people refining the vital essence, the more they can provide him with benefits.

However, he knows that today ’s scene is both argumentation and argumentation. If he ca n’t stop his greed and waits until the last moment, then he will be opposed by two people. Risk, so he would rather shoot early.

Even if you get some benefits, you ca n’t give them a chance to turn over.

At this moment, he felt a tremor coming from outside the temple, knowing that Legs Constellation was coming again, he laughed and said, “Can’t you guys break my good deeds.”

He turned his footsteps, and before reaching the is a six-armed Fiendgod statue, he reached out and pressed down on the skull.



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