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After Zhang Yu killed Wu Xianmo, he also stepped into the restriction array of the cave.

It’s just that the roads here and there are many twists and turns. He doesn’t understand array, and it is difficult to find the correct path at one time.

To say something aggressive, unless he Heart Light is powerful enough to destroy the entire array level in one fell swoop, then he can rush directly out, which is obviously impossible.

He said in his heart: “If you can get it this time, you should study an array.”

But at the moment, he is not that absolutely does not have a way Too.

When he waved his sleeves, he was light flashed, and he saw a small thing that only touched his waist. It looked like a rabbit, with short ears, and his body was composed of a dense fog of light. .

This is “old spirit” and he named it “Lord of Treasure”.

This thing is good at finding the treasures of hidden places. He is born to be able to walk through various complicated roads and terrains, and Xu Neng can help him right now.

Even if this method fails, it is always better than groping alone.

After the rumor passed, the “Lord of Treasure” ear moved a bit, then turned around and jumped away.

Zhang Yu is also followed along, but travels for a long time, and not at all can go out from here.

At this time, Lord of Treasure took two jade stones with two small paws and came to him with pleasing looks at him.

His eyes fell and recognized that this was what the cultivator had left. He reached out and took the jade stone up. After seeing both eyes, he turned his mind inside and could n’t help moving the light.

This thing was left by Ni Yi before. This person found the way to go through the calculation of array pivot, but he was afraid that the other fellows would be trapped and could not get it. In this regard, I hope that if there is a pass, you can take a look.

Zhang Yu said to Lord of Treasure: “well done.”

In fact, it ’s a big array, because everyone is separated by the restriction array, when looking for a way out Most people do not pay attention to such a small piece of jade stone, but Lord of Treasure is good at treasure hunting, so I found this thing.

After reading the content in jade stone once, unconsciously nods, even if he does n’t know the reason, he only has a great chance to walk as long as he walks along the number of roads that Ni Yi told Out.

After thinking for a while, he pointed his finger a little, and a ray of heart force rested on it, and this jade stone fled through the sky.

It may not be possible for many people to see this thing left in place, but if you fly away, you will most likely be hit by the same fellow, and then you can bring more people out.

He first received the Lord of Treasure and came back, standing silently for a while, and when he had completely cleared the way, he jumped up and walked.

At this moment, in the highest hall, the extremely powerful magical power frenzy is roaring back and forth, shaking the great stage.

When the cultivator magical power is strong enough, there is no need to play tricks, just press it up.

Lu Xuanhe is like this at the moment, he stands alone on the high platform, and the magical power is pressed down like a giant wave, and Yu Ruiqing and Liang Yi ca n’t attack at once. .

Liang Yi responded calmly, he calmly preached: “Two fellow daoist, we first guard ourselves and then look for opportunities.”

Yu Ruiqing and Ni Yi deducing array pivot at a distance are both nodded.

They would rather not have it now, not aiming to achieve the best possible result.

At first, they were extremely afraid of Lu Xuanhe ’s mantra, fearing that they would accidentally get what they calculated, and secondly, they also saw that Lu Xuanhe should be the one who intends to break the gate and seek higher boundary cultivator.

Now they only need to hold this person down, then this one will naturally not become Profound Venerable.

And there are many of them in the same way outside, as long as you delay, there will definitely be more people coming, this person divine ability magical power no matter how high, ca n’t stop these many people from besieging, so time Is on their side.

In fighting with the three, Lu Xuanhe constantly urged the golden bell in his hand. The ringing tone was still ringing all the time, but at this moment, he saw that the three had remained unmoved. It is also regrettable.

Obviously, after three previous crashes, the three have filled the holes in this area with Heart Light magical power, and now it is still possible to consume this generation of magical power through ringtones, but it is already easy to use Found the loopholes of three people.

After about half a minute, Ni Yi finally found the array pivot through repeated adjustments in the array plate.

He pointed his finger at the array plate and flashed countless talisman streamers above it, then flicked his sleeves, this thing flew up, and a ray of spiritual light shone down below, and Lu Xuan instantly And the control and capture part of the array strength is stripped out.

He took out a body protection pill medicine from his sleeve, swallowed it, and then joined the battle circle.

Lu Xuanhe smiled and didn’t care.

At this step now, a little compensation for array strength is not very useful to him. Even if there is no such thing, he will be able to gain the upper hand by joining in with another person.

He also saw that the three had the meaning of procrastination. In order to avoid dealing with too many enemies at the same time, he added a bit of magical power. Because of his anxiety and his afterlife, he was formed on the high platform. A vortex of magical power.

Liang Yi and the others feels like a small boat caught in a raging wave, and can only passively parry. Any divine ability magic ca n’t be displayed, and my heart is also shocked.

And the more fighting, the more difficult it is to stretch one ’s own fighting spirit. At the back, I only feel that the person on the opposite side is difficult to cope with, giving birth to a hint of retreat and avoidance.

Liang Yi was the first to find something wrong. He reminded the two of them to say: “Two of us, we must have gotten a spell. The two of you must hold your mind and not be shaken.”

Yu Ruiqing and Ni Yi both felt awkward. They looked inside themselves, and they found something wrong, they all tried to consolidate their minds, but the weakness in the scene continued, and they were not in the face of defeat. Stop sliding and fall, and I can’t see how to return.

In Lu Xuanhe ’s discipline, the more severe the spells are, the harsher the casting conditions are. They often need to be prepared in advance to work, so they are not really good at winning.

But in addition to those powerful spells, he also has some “constant spells”, which often replace the magical function of divine ability, which is also you can’t guard against it.

There are two kinds of “Changing Mantras” on his body. One of them is a “Cursing Mantra”. As long as he collides with his magical power internal qi, he will surely fall and will look at the other person ’s heart. Weakness causes different effects.

In the course of battle, as long as he has not been defeated or repelled, then this spell will become stronger and stronger. Liang Yi and the others are also affected by this spell, even if he is aware of it, It is still getting weaker and weaker.

The other curse is a “curse of reentry.” Every time after a while, Lu Xuanhe will lose his mind for a moment. The stronger the curse, the more likely it is to reveal a weak spot.

This curse seems to be used to hinder itself, but this is the case for him, pay attention to life and death easy machine, yin and yang are opposite, if the “curse of victory” works, then There must be a “curse of self-harm” accompanying him, so he dared not hold too many constant curses in his body, otherwise a bad use would trap him.

At the moment, with the deepening of fighting, he has also made new discoveries. Not only is the magical power running, the more the spell is used, the faster the magical power is eliminated, and here is not hurting himself. The curse is also the curse of victory.

Aware of this, he almost disabled to bear to cast a strong spell on himself.

He is also clear in his mind. This time peeping at the higher boundary, his teacher not only has a must for his magical power, but also has a certain degree of mastery of the spell.

This may not be for him alone, but for Meng Shen, Su Ai and the others, but these two people were swallowed by him, so all the requirements fell on him. .

He has no complaints about this. Since he has endured so many benefits, he will have to pay accordingly.

But when he changed his mind, suddenly internal qi was stagnation, and the magical power also paused for a moment, but this was the “curse of reentry” working.

Liang Yi is, after all, a Profound Venerable disciple with a solid foundation. Although he does not know what went wrong with the other party, he will not miss this rare opportunity.

His intentions, the Snake of Change floating above suddenly fell down, the body hovered up, entangled Lu Xuan and the body, and settled his life there.

Yu Ruiqing and Ni Yi saw each other, and immediately used divine ability to make a clear visualization picture. A clear light was shot in both eyes, Ni Yi reached out a little, and a ray of white air flew towards him go with.

Originally, they thought that this time they would not be able to defeat the enemy, and they could reverse the passive situation. However, when the divine ability fell, they found that Lu Xuanhe was standing unharmed.

Ni Yi was shocked and said in surprise: “Reflexive mantra?”

Lu Xuanhe smiled slightly before he captured those cultivators when he came in, it was also in this generation. A spell was planted on his body, and it is time to use these people.

After avoiding the divine ability with a spell, he was like a smoke and escaped from it. As a Profound Venerable eldest disciple, getting out of the escape technique is also a must.

The episode of “The Curse of Folding Back” caused him to dissipate a part of the medical power again. The magical power in his body was raised again, and the imposing manner was stronger.

Liang Yi feels that the stronger the enemy, the weaker he is, so I ’m afraid it wo n’t last long, and he said: “Two fellow daoist, if you do n’t want a way, we wo n’t have a chance, Ni Fellow daoist, you Go to the rear array restriction to introduce more fellow daoist here. Fellow daoist Yu and I are here to block this person! “

Ni Yizhi is hesitant at the moment and says:” Okay! “

Liang Yi drank, a piece of Snake of Change wings in the sky gave out a sharp scream, and the whole hall shook as a result. At the same time, a round of red light like a raging sun shone from this visualization picture, Suddenly spread all over the platform.

Yu Ruiqing also cooperated with him, re-emphasizing the visualization picture with a tail feather swinging and a radiant glow, coming to Lu Xuanhe.

Ni Yi took this opportunity to turn an escaping light out of the great hall.

Lu Xuanhe saw that their divine ability was so great that they had to concentrate on it, but his long voice came out from the rays of light: “You use the divine ability that consumes magical power like this , Just to cover this retreat, why is it stupid … um? “

In the sense, Ni Yi, who just went out, turned back now, but he did n’t come back alone. There is also a very powerful internal qi with it.

He looked over and saw a man dressed in a large cloak, holding a long sword, surrounded by Heart Light jade mist, and looking forward to the young daoist of Deity who came in from outside the hall.



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