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After leaving Yu Yu from the great stage, Zhang Yu took off and left the earth star. He and other cultivators such as Liang Yi and Yu Ruiqing left with him.

Densely packed escaping light comes into the void, but it looks a lot sparse compared to when it came to earth star earlier.

After they arrived in the void, naturally multiple flying boats came to meet.

Zhang Yu separates him from Liang Yi and the others, and goes to a flying boat. When he stepped into the cabin, he glanced back as if he was aware of it.

army soldier asked carefully, saying: “profound cultivator Zhang?”

Zhang Yu said “nothing”, and walked into the flying boat.

When logging into the main cabin of the flying boat, Liang Yi found that the old daoist was standing there. He did n’t startled and said, “How come the fellow daoist?”

That The old daoist said: “I have heard about this matter, and the fellow daoist has made a great contribution.”

Liang Yi shook the head, said: “It is also a fluke.”

The old daoist said: “Where is there any fluke? One step away from the battle will make Profound Venerable’s cultivator, a little wrong judgment will be the end of the body and mind, and the fellow daoist need not undervalue oneself.”

He said this sentence, and then slowed down a few words, saying: “fellow daoist Liang, after you go back this time, you will certainly have a great reputation, which is also good for pushing our deliberations.”

Liang Yi said solemnly: “But this time killed that Shangchen Heaven cultivator is Patrolling Protector Zhang, not me.”

old daoist said: “So what does it matter? We heard This person was won by the joint efforts of several of you, try Without your help, how could that Patrolling Protector Zhang kill this person? You do n’t have to be humble. “

Liang Yi said in silence for a moment,” I just want to tell the truth, untrue words ” I do n’t know at all. “

old daoist stroking his beard thought for a moment and said:” Okay, this can follow the follow daoist. “

At the moment on the fleet ’s main boat, Luan Bing received At the preliminary statistics of the report of the deaths sent below, he looks at the rows of names above, including many of the field officers he is optimistic about, and his heart is also very heavy. How many people have followed him for many years, but now it is sacrificed in Here.

deputy came over at this time, but he did n’t dare to come up to disturb him when he looked like him.

Luan Bing put down the report and said: “What is it?”

deputy said cup one fist in the other hand said: “General, we have to report it, the earth star also returns There are countless evil god god’s progeny and poison insects, Liang profound cultivator before they destroyed the array pivot located in the depth of earth star, they had to retreat first. If these things are not destroyed, they are also a scourge.

Also, according to Liang ’s found cultivator ’s judgment, this earth star has been refined from the inside out, which is probably the arm of the higher boundary mighty figure. How should we deal with it here? ”

Luan Bing thought for a while, and said: “We ca n’t handle this matter. After we go back, we ’ll first form the agency and decide. You will follow the previous arrangements of the advisers, so that each of the central army will be stationed here. Then replace in batches. “

deputy immediately took orders.

Because the most important goal is already completed, nearly one million troops have stayed here for a long time, so under the temporary military arrangement, the troops began to withdraw.

One day later, the first batch of fleets started to turn around.

On the other side, the Gloom City hiding in the void is hiding in the flying boat, Daoist Yue is looking at the Legs Constellation fleet light and shadow appearing on the table.

He focused his eyes on a flying boat silhouette that was not very eye-catching and said: “Is this the one?”

The disciple next to him said: “It is Our eyeliner looks at the person who logged into this boat without changing any boat. “

Daoist Yue un’ed, as long as he knows roughly where Zhang Yu is, he can come down It doesn’t take him to do it himself.

He waved his hand, and both the discipline and the attendants on both sides bowed down and retreated.

He was quickly left alone in the main cabin.

He took a step to the center of the main cabin and took out a shiny paper note from the star bag.

This is a Magic Talisman given to them by a higher boundary mighty figure when they were in Gloom City. You can use this to capture Zhang Yu and capture it back.

At the time of Legs Constellation, Yiwei Celestial City had Profound Venerable to sit in, and since he could n’t get started, he did n’t know where Zhang Yu was. Moreover, when the army went to the road of enquiry, it was the time when the guard was the most rigorous. Even if they succeeded in their actions, they have not been able to escape.

But now, the army is not returning together, and now knows the specific location of Zhang Yu, but it is just to display this symbol.

He lifted the paper note with his hands, and read a few words of magic mantra in his mouth, and sent the Magic Talisman upward. The Magic Talisman was instantly transformed into a spiritual light. There was no hindrance in the boat. Flew out.

In the void, there is a ray of spiritual light that overflows from the symbolic surface. In just a few breaths, a light dragon with a body of zhang and a body is formed. Shrug, drove a group of bright clouds under four claws, and flew away to the huge fleet in the distance.

At this time, the patrol flying boat in charge of the fleet immediately discovered the abnormality in the distance, and there was an army soldier saying: “What is that?”

boat captain started after a glance , “Dragon?” But his next moment reacted, eagerly saying: “Enemy attack! Quicker communication!”

As the glow of light message transmission is sent out, the flanking guard flying boat quickly The ship assembled, and one after another of the rays of light on the side of the flying boat lighted up, one after another, the discovered weapon of mystical power burst like a rain towards the light dragon.

The light dragon body flicked, and the discovered weapon fell on the light woven scale, and it bounced off one after another, but it was as if it had lost its effect, but there was no burst. Here.

This light dragon is suddenly at a speed, and it forcibly penetrated into the fleet. Wherever it passed, the flying boat shattered, and it ignored the rest, but it was Come straight to Zhang Yu location.

It was only when the patrol flying boat discovered that the light dragon appeared, a daoist also arrived on the flying boat that Zhang Yu was riding.

After seeing the ceremony with Zhang Yu, this person came from the newspaper ’s door: “I am entrusted by the Military Office and I need to ask the Patrolling Protector about the rough course of the battle on the magical stage. , And is responsible for writing this down, Patrolling Protector Zhang, I ’m not questioning, I ’m just doing things according to the rules, and I ’m asking Patrolling Protector not to mind. ”

Zhang Yu expressed his understanding:“ As it should be. ” /p>

outer layer battle, after each battle, a certain record must be made and stored in the dossier file.

Like Liang Yi, they are actually asked the same, which is actually beneficial to them. After having this as a certificate, many things can be explained clearly without being hindered by some people. use.

Zhang Yu will give a general account of the extermination process, but because the specific method involves personal privacy of the cultivator, whether he himself or about Liang Yi and the others, he did not mention it.

After listening to it, the daoist did n’t feel admiration, and exclaimed: “Patrolling Protector Zhang is really serious. If there is no Patrolling Protector Zhang this time, then maybe it will be really for the person to give It succeeded. “

Zhang Yu thought of the scene that he saw and saw, but shook his head and said:” The achievement of Proven Venerable is so difficult. ”


This daoist is also emotional.

Zhang Yu thought a little, took out the jade box from the sleeve, took the piece of fine jade out of it, and handed it over: “This was found from that person, I suspect it is Behind the Profound Venerable, the Profound Court will dispose of it after preparation. The fellow daoist might as well write it down together. “

The daoist expression was correct, I took a look and saw the red light One piece, carefully said: “This thing really can not be left.”

He wrote down the characteristics of this fine jade, when he was about to return it, suddenly came out after one outside another, two When people looked out, they saw a light dragon rushing towards them, and the surrounding flying boat was lightly rubbed by them, and they burst open one after another.

Zhang Yu saw at this time that the light dragon suddenly flashed a spiritual light on top of a long horn, and suddenly a ray of light was moving straight towards them. When the Heart Light was released, the daoist was pushed away, and he flew out of the flying boat.

He was thinking about it at this time. A sword light flew away like electricity, but after landing on the dragon body, it was impenetrable and was shocked by the dragon scales of light fog.

The daoist saw the light dragon hovering halfway, turned around and went straight to Zhang Yu, his expression changed, he was about to step forward to help, but suddenly he moved, he glanced at the fine jade in his hand , Once the magical power was sent in, he shot the object at the light dragon.

In the blink of an eye, the rays of light sprinkled thinly on top of the fine jade. The light dragon was already fierce and could be illuminated by this light. It was actually born there, unable to move.

The Guanglong struggled several times, but was unable to get rid of it, and then there were new changes. I saw its light mist slowly disappearing, and a paper note actually got rid of it. This sign In a flash, he came directly over Zhang Yu, and there was no fire spontaneously ignited. At the same time, a ray of light shone.

Zhang Yu wanted to evade when he noticed it, but the light fell on him, and at the same time a strong suction came from him, and he was to be involved.

He looked up and saw that there was a hole hidden behind the talisman paper. Behind this, it seemed to be another place. He had a feeling that he could n’t go there.

It ’s just that this suction feels unstoppable, which is obviously suppressed by the power of the upper layer.

So his thoughts changed, Heart Light was sent to the dragon pendant given by the Profound Court, and as a melodious chime bell sounded, Yu Shangdun released a soft light, Cover him all.

The above rays of light involved him several times, but he could n’t get him in. After a while, the talisman paper finally burned completely, the supporting power was lost, and the empty self Slowly closing, the rays of light also disappeared.

The soft rays of light on Zhang Yu’s body is also slowly converging at the moment. He settled down and looked away, seeing that the entire fleet was cut by the light dragon transformed by the talisman paper After a passage, the trace is very obvious.

Obviously, the thing came from that direction. After seeing it for a moment, his eyes flashed light, and his figure went away, so he disappeared with an escaping light.



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