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Zhang Yu’s imposing manner has accumulated to the extreme after finishing his language, so it is no longer nonsense. With a sword in his face, he cuts at Daoist Yue!

Daoist Yue said that, there are true and false, but he also knows that Zhang Yu, as a Profound Court Patrolling Protector, is not shaken by words alone, so he is also preparing for fighting .

He saw the sword light cut, his body swayed slightly, a blinking phantom stayed in place, and the other silhouette was flying backwards directly from the main cabin at the bow of the boat Go out.

Zhang Yu did n’t even care about the Daoist Yue of flies through the sky. After dispersing the phantom left in place with a sword, he slashed at a sword where there was no one. A silhouette emerged there.

Daoist Yue holds a group of cyan ray mansions covering the entire front body, blocking the flying sword, you can see that there are countless twisted silk threads circling there.

He was inwardly shouted. It ’s a pity that he used a divine ability that differentiated phantom. He wanted to guide Zhang Yu to chase away from the flying boat, and then he could escape the boat again. Unfortunately, Zhang Yu not at all fooled .

Zhang Yu saw that the momentum of the word was blocked, and his heart was destroyed. There was a flash of rays of light above the blade, and an extremely sharp light came out from above.

Daoist Yue only felt a tingling sensation in his induction. He was shocked, and he dared not fight head on again, his body swayed, and he left a phantom in the same place, his real body was like a cub Hidden from sight.

Zhang Yu’s eyes are light flashed, with a horizontal sword in the front, a Heart Light, a bang, and suddenly flood the entire flying boat, and the Daoist Yue ’s disciples and attendants in the flying boat are each and everyone Was shocked to lose consciousness.

Under the pressure of this kind of Heart Light, any divine ability changes are impossible and leave no trace.

He soon became aware that he turned around and swung his sword at an unmanned corner, the sword light fell, and Daoist Yue was forced to show it, his face appeared Frustrated, divine ability turned around, and after getting out with a phantom, it penetrated the bulkhead again and escaped out of the boat.

Only before going out, the Song of Cicadas Sword waiting outside whirls, flashing through his chest, and his silhouette becomes faint, and then becomes like a light smoke Usually disappears, this is not his real body.

Zhang Yu ignored the outside, but with the Heart Light and Spirit’s Awareness Seal flooded here, the sword in his hand followed the lingering spirit, and once again gave this silhouette to the boat. Forced it out, but with a sword cut, the silhouette is still a ray of smoke floating away.

This makes one feel a sense, as if fighting now, he is facing each and everyone phantom, not a real person.

Daoist Yue is capable of changing and defending, and can move back and forth between Essence Soul Shining Shadow and the real body.

In addition to these changes, the various magical items carried on him are also used to strengthen and cooperate with the divine ability in this respect. It can be said that she is already above this one Do it to the extreme.

From the beginning of the battle to now, he has stopped moving for almost a moment, so every phantom incarnation can be said to be his real body, but neither is his real body.

If this cultivation technique is used to the extreme, it is that Myriad Transformations belongs to me, and neither to me.

It’s just that his cultivation hasn’t reached Great Accomplishment after all, so under the pressure of Zhang Yu Heart Light, the changes will inevitably appear much harder.

After evading several times of sword chopping again, there finally appeared a stagnation, and the real body stayed for a while, but this time it was impossible to evade the sword chopping.

But at this time, he transferred another protection divine ability, the whole person is like ice sculpture, with a bang, all cracked under the word light split, changed into a change Rolling stones broke into pieces, and these things instantly disintegrated into a plume of invisible gray air and flew out of the cabin and reunited.

Song of Cicadas Sword outside the boat cabin has been waiting to be intercepted by him here, and seeing him escape, he came with a no trace of politeness, and the silhouette suddenly shattered, that ’s true But he didn’t know where he moved.

Zhang Yu through this encounter, almost at this moment has already figured out the way of this person.

For ordinary cultivators, people like Daoist Yue are actually very annoying, because they are fake and real, and there are many ways to save their lives, which will make people feel powerful and difficult to make, even if It is a person who is more powerful than this, and it is difficult to kill him.

But there is nothing missing in it. Daoist Yue is now using divine ability changes to counter his sword slashing. This kind of non-stop divine ability transfer can’t support the magical power any longer.

It ’s just that Daoist Yue is so good at saving life, so he judges that maybe he has a pill supplementing the magical power in his body. In this way, although he wins more, there may be some variables. , So he also prepared another countermeasure here.

At this time a bright light appeared in his eyes, and the entire flying boat suddenly rumbling and shaking.

Daoist Yue silhouette appeared in a corner of the main cabin. When he looked up, he saw one after another crack appeared on the bulkhead, and he looked towards Zhang Yu ’s gaze terrified look, “You …”

Zhang Yu thinks that the reason why the other party can fight with him, the divine ability changes is only one aspect, and the other is that there is this flying boat as a cover, flying inside and out Shadow Transformation to avoid his sword slash.

So the best way is to destroy this flying boat.

It ’s just that the flying boat is a magical item. It took a lot of effort for him to break in. It ’s not easy to destroy, and it ’s just that Heart Light is open, not just to confirm Daoist. Yue is also here to facilitate the destruction of this place from the inside out.

Under his continuous efforts, at this moment, the flying boat finally could not support it and began to crack.

Daoist Yue clearly knows his strengths and weaknesses, without the flying boat, if he loses his way back, so seeing this scene, he did n’t try to fight Zhang Yu at the same place, but said nothing, Longitudinal light escapes into the depths of the void.

Zhang Yu did n’t let him go this time, there was a brilliant star light flashing behind him, and the longitudinal light was chased up, Song of Cicadas Sword also followed the same streamer.

And shortly after the two left, a flying boat wrecked slightly, and a phantom of Daoist Yue floated up from inside, but he fled in the opposite direction.

But the other side did not go far, but saw the white boat stopped at the same place suddenly turned, the muzzle at the head of the boat flickered, and every discovered weapon flew out of it, following the fierce rays of light exploded, and the silhouette was instantly submerged in it.

On the other side, Zhang Yu only took ten breaths to catch up with Daoist Yue ’s escape silhouette, without the flying boat to block him. After the Firmament Startling Sword continued to hack, Daoist Yue divine ability finally shifted a few times and finally appeared a short stagnation.

Zhang Yu did n’t miss this opportunity, Jianruo swiftly came, this sword was approaching the extreme, Daoist Yue ’s dive ability was not enough, but in desperation, the whole person became that ice sculpture again The same thing, and cracked under the blade, and then turned into a cloud of smoke.

At this time, these smokes have directly changed into dozens of identical Daoist Yue, each of which splits toward all directions.

There is no way to tell which one is real, or maybe none is real.

Zhang Yu saw this scene, he extended the hand and took it to the outside world. These dozens of Daoist Yue were fixed there by him.

At this time, his eyes were light flashed, and he flew away as fast, because the speed was too fast. In this instant, it seemed that there were more than ten of him appearing in the void, and everyone is Daoist Yue slashed in front of him!

After the sword was swung, he maintained his sword-wielding momentum, and the silhouette converged into one, and around him, those Daoist Yue silhouettes were each and everyone disappeared one after another, and finally The other one exists, and the person falls backward, unable to float in the void, and after a while, the head and body slowly separate.

Zhang Yu backhanded his sword, turned around, and pointed his finger, Daoist Yue ’s body suddenly disintegrated into countless fly ash, and in front of him, a star bag floated over, he took the photo In his hand, he did not rashly unravel it. It seems that these strange characters might be arranged in the star bag. He intends to go back and deal with it.

His gaze swept away, and when he saw that there was nothing left, he turned back and forth, and after a short time, he returned to the white boat and sat down in the main cabin. In the white boat, a weak consciousness informed him of the changes after his departure.

It seems that he has finally started to play the role of Linglu before, and the white boat had a birth of his own consciousness not long ago. With this consciousness, he can help him better control the entire flying boat in the future.

Of course, this ray of consciousness is still very weak, and it can’t play a big role in fighting. It can only execute some simple commands.

Just like just before he left, he directly issued an order to this consciousness. Once any movements were found in the surroundings, he immediately bombed with a discovered weapon.

Now, it seems that Daoist Yue still has a hand, if he does n’t make arrangements, it may really get rid of him.

After thinking for a while, he simply fired some discovered weapons at the wreckage of the flying boat, turning them into nothingness, and then driving the white boat back and forth.

About a moment later, he returned to the fleet and reported the matter.

After the daoist who visited him was heard, he found it again, and handed over the gem, saying, “Patrolling Protector Zhang, this gem was only used in an audacious way. , I hope Patrolling Protector will not blame, and now give it back to Zunjia. “

Zhang Yu reached out and took it over, saying:” Fellow daoist said too much, but also thanks to fellow thanks daoist. ”

The daoist laughed and said: “Patrolling Protector is good enough.” He bowed, “This is the poor way …”

He had n’t finished speaking, and suddenly a trace of consternation appeared, Along with looked towards Zhang Yu, he seemed to want to express something, but there was nothing that could not be delivered. Even when he saw a trace of jade and white appear on his face, it quickly spread to the whole body, just a breath or two In between, the whole person turned into a jade stone statue!



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