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In the cabin of The Thornheart, Zhang Yu found that his luggage that had fallen on The Great Fortune was placed here, and a cloth cover was put on the outside, which was kept properly.

He checked, and there was nothing missing and no signs of being flipped. In fact, there is nothing particularly valuable except for a few of the strange monster pictures he described before.

After repacking, he couldn’t help thinking of Zhao Xiangcheng’s solicitation at the banquet.

In all fairness, entering Serenity Survey Corps also has many benefits, but it is not a good thing to pre-label one side.

His purpose of going to the capital was mainly to learn new techniques, and at the same time to find more replenishing spirit essence items, and he did not want to be involved in the power struggle between the Rising Sea islands and the capital.

Of course, he also knew that some things could not be avoided, but only by having enough strength can he be assured that he would not be easily manipulated by others.

When he came to the case and sat down, he pulled Xia Sword out of the scabbard, looked at the glowing sword body, turned out a piece of fine fleece from the saluted, and wiped it carefully.

This sword is a magical item. After killing the enemy, it is not stained with blood or dust. Normally, there is no need to clean it up. His action is actually a way of communicating with sword.

After fighting with young salamander, he felt that his spirit had sublimated, and there was also a subtle connection between man and sword. Trying to breathe a few times at this moment, I feel that the sword is like life, and along with his breath, it maintains a wonderful rhythm. It seems to be pushed by his mind and will fly away.

He does n’t know where this feeling comes from, but according to his teacher, when people and swords are fully matched, there will be a variety of magical appearances, such as the sword name appearing on the body of the sword, and the blade becomes sharper , Even soaring into the sky and so on.

It’s just that he doesn’t think there will be such a day, because this sword is not refining by himself, after all, there is such a little gap in the mind, but at this stage, there is no need to consider these.

But at the moment outside, until after Japan and China, the people who came back to help deal with the body of young salamander, and they were ready to go back. Only then, Ming Yi came to Zhang Yu in the cabin and said, “young man Zhang, Divine Army, someone came here and said that he wanted to see you, but was blocked by Chief Zhao. Chief gave Zhang to young man Zhang. Say it, don’t blame him for making his own claims. “

Zhang Yu could see that Chief Zhao had a good intention and said, “Thank you Chief Zhao for me.”

Ming Yi smiled and said, “I will bring the words to you next time.”

The voyage was all the way down. At night, an attendant came and knocked on Zhang Yu’s cabin door, saying that Zhao Xiangcheng invited him to dinner, but he refused, and still replaced it with a pill he carried with him. Instead of sleeping with breathing, peace of mind rested here for one night.

When the day was about to dawn, Zhang Yu suddenly felt that the surrounding temperature became very comfortable. Knowing that the ship was going to the capital of Auspicious Light, he got up to wash and used the exquisite breakfast in the cabin. He came to the platform deck and looked into the distance.

Standing on the bow, he could clearly see the outline of the land and the Mountain of Serenity mountain range that stretched out towards the north and south ends of the horizon. Eastern Court Protectorate Capital Auspicious Light is located west of the Mountain of Serenity, in the middle of Dawn River.

It is said that Celestial Xia established more than 800 Protectorate, Eastern Court Protectorate is just one of them.

Eastern Court also has its own special features. This is the farthest end of the Celestial Xia territory. It is the only Celestial Xia Protectorate stationed on this unknown continent.

As The Thornheart approached the land, Auspicious Light City shrouded in the morning light gradually became clearer in his eyes.

This is a massive city, facing the Rising Sea and built on the back of the Mountain of Initiation. The most conspicuous inner city is located on a high platform, such as Xia Gazing Stage, Protectorate Government, Peaceful Sun Academy, Temple of Sages, etc. The buildings with higher regulations are all there.

The buildings under the platform are spread along the high and low terrain. The outermost edge is the Dawn Harbor. Since the entire city is sandwiched between the Mountain of Initiation and the coast, it generally shows a north-south trend. Relatively narrow and long distribution.

Eastern Court Protectorate has a population of more than 300 and 10000, and Auspicious Light City occupies one third.

There are more than 20 10000 Celestial Xia people here. Most of the rest are serenese, serenese and Celestial Xia people, and some are naturalized barbarian from native Zhou State.

Behind the Mountain of Initiation, on the Mountain of Serenity mountain range in the distance, there is a high cold snow peak standing under the sky dome, resembling a silhouette embedded in heaven and earth. Hold your breath.

In the local native language, this snow peak is called “Krigris”, which means “Lonely Celestial Goddess”.

When Protectorate’s army had not yet set foot on this land, Vice-Protector Yang Gong who saw from afar at sea this solitary peak standing upright within mountain region, he said “The number one peak who is friends with the Heaven and has the same longevity, pushed across thousands of miles “.

This is the only mountain that has not been renamed since the arrival of the Celestial Xia people. It is still called Goddess Peak. A Celestial Xia beacon tower was built there, and it is rumored that after the beacon was lit there, even the local Celestial Xia can be seen.

When Zhang Yu was watching, the footsteps behind him started, and Zhao Xiangcheng came over and stood side by side with him, looking at the scene in front of him, he said with emotion: “The Guanzheng Protector once said that he had come here” The sun and the moon pass through the sky and the auspicious light came forth “, the Auspicious Light Capital takes its name from this.”

Zhang Yu said: “Protectorate people in remote areas say that City of Good Fortune is here. Those who live here, the poor can get enough food and clothing, and the rich can enjoy a good end.”

Zhao Xiangcheng sighed and said, “I hope so, right, young man Zhang, can you stay somewhere after you arrive in the capital?”

Zhang Yu said: “I’ve never been to the capital before, not at all familiar places.”

Zhao Xiangcheng took out a name card from the cuff and handed it to him, saying: “There is a Serenity Residence in the south of the city, it’s my Serenity Survey Corps’s property, and nothing else, safety is no problem. You hold my name card When you get there, someone will entertain you. “

Zhang Yu took it and said, “Then I’m disrespectful.”

Zhao Xiangcheng said with a smile: “Little things.”

The three warships were sailing down the wind and sailing very fast. Soon after they saw Auspicious Light City, they entered the waters of Dawn Harbor outside the city.

At the moment at the port, there are 100 dozen large and small ships moored, with white sails forming a forest, and the sounds of vocals and gulls coming and going from end to end.

Before the opening of the inland waterway, the earliest was Protectorate’s military port. It had 7 docks and could accommodate 40 warships at the same time. Now, most of the goods shipped from the Rising Sea islands and inland rivers are now gathered here.

After waving the flag, The Thornheart was directed to one of the docks.

The crew threw down the hook ropes, and the boat took them ashore. Someone hung it on the winch, and then slowly dragged the warship into the berth under the rotation.

Zhang Yu noticed at this time that most of the people responsible for turning the winch were old men, all with white temples, bare arms, and strong bodies that did not match their ages. Everyone’s beard was shaved very cleanly, and their eyes There is also a special god.

Zhao Xiangcheng noticed his gaze and explained: “These Seniors were all old soldiers who participated in the Battle of the Hong River Pass 60 years ago. Now there are 150 3 people left. For some reason, they volunteered to work in the port. Do n’t look at the fact that they are old, but if they go to the battlefield and fight in battle, the young army soldiers may not be able to beat them. “

Zhang Yu slowly nodded. The Battle of the Hong River Pass 60 years ago was extremely tragic. It can be said that the trend after the Protectorate was completely changed. These old soldiers are at least 70 years old, but the average lifespan of Celestial Xia people is about 100 years old. If the foundation laid in young is good, and food intake can keep up, it is not difficult to maintain strong muscles at this age.

There was a lot of noise from the dock, but the huge young salamander dragged into the harbor caused a sensation here.

Zhao Xiangcheng glanced at the warship that followed The Thornheart into the port, thought about it, and reminded: “young man Zhang, you have to be careful about Divine Army, they do n’t dare to do anything at sea, but in the capital, they are Their jurisdiction area. If something happens, find Serenity Residence’s Mr. Yue and he will help you. “

Zhang Yu made it clear that the benefits of a young salamander are very clear, which is why he was at first defending people in the Divine Army.

Under the traction of the hook, The Thornheart landed firmly. After he thanked Zhao Xiangcheng again, he didn’t pass it.

He put on the cloak’s hat, held Xia Sword, carried the suitcase, and stepped off the boat along the span of the handrail beam.

It was just that he had just dropped his foot on the dock, and before he could go out in the future, he felt a slight vibration on the ground, and he felt a sudden sigh, this is … an earthquake?

But when he looked towards elsewhere, he found that the people around him were not different, and seemed to be unaware of it.

He suppressed the doubt in his heart and observed all around again. Seeing the direction of the road, there was an old jade door standing tall, and immediately recognized this as the famous “Gate of Triumph”. At the beginning, Protectorate was a big barracks. The door was also erected together with it, and it has not been dismantled since then, and it has been preserved to the present.

It’s just that the jade cornice, which was originally called symmetrical and exquisite and gorgeous, lacked an obvious corner, ruining the original beauty, which made him with obsessive-compulsive disorder look particularly uncomfortable.

He tried to look away, and just saw several newspaper vendors nearby. He stepped forward and gave a few copper plates. He bought all kinds of newspapers in three days, and he did not return to the layman.

On the other side, the body of young salamander dragged ashore caused the people on the port to come and watch, but there was one person in the crowd, but the people passing by would unconsciously stay away from him and empty around his body. Out of a circle, but no one has found something strange.

This man has a handsome face, a tall posture, no crown on his head, but a rare daoist topknot. He looks at the body of young salamander on the yard, his eyes turn around the sword wound, his fingers I tapped twice on the sword hanging around my waist and gave a smile, saying, “Junior brother, I found you.”



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